
Saturday 22 April 2017

It's Saturday, no crafts today but lots of lovely things!

Maria's Amazing Challenge card (last weeks)

A Gorgeous Chandelier Card by Janet

Val's shopping

 My shopping

Front image of die

My Fernli Stampin'Up! Ink storage

Good Morning ladies,

Lots to share with you today, first up is :

Maria's stunning Challenge card from last weeks 'Scored card' Challenge, I absolutely love what you have done Maria, it is neat and perfectly scored, your decorative elements are exactly the right size too, a real 'Clean and Simple' card, that really looks amazing, Fantastic card Maria, thank you so much xxx

Next up we have a beautiful 'Chandelier' themed card, it looks so opulent with that gorgeous chandelier die cut and the regal peacocks on the patterned card, it shouts 'expensive country house' to me Janet, I love it, especially the colours, thank you XXX

Val's been shopping!, Some lovely new goodies to play with, I'm not sure what the tool is, a pokey tool maybe, I love the 'Stuffed Animals' Dies from Sue Wilson's New Arrival Collection, The 'Rope Chain' Embossing Folder looks fantastic Val, I can't wait to see what it looks like on card! Some pretty pink card finishes Val's little haul, mind you she does have a fun parcel on its way! Eeekkk are you excited Val ?? Thanks for sharing your shopping XXX

My shopping came from Honey Doo crafts, after buying two colours of their Mica Powders at Ally Pally, coming home and loving them I decided I needed the whole set, so I ordered it plus the matching Die for the 'Roses are Red' stamp that I used in the vellum wrapped card last week, I can't wait to have a play xxx

I also bought the Stampin'Up​! ink pad Storage from Fernli Designs, it comes flat packed but to prove how amazing their units are to put together, I video'd myself assembling it, it took 17 mins in total, most of which was adding the glue.
After construction I Gesso'd and painted it white and then added a Mod Podge sealer over it so that I could wipe off any ink. 
It's such a strong , sturdy unit once constructed, I 100% recommend it ! 

That's all for today, Paul is working, so hoping to get some crafting done today.

I hope you have a lovely weekend, 

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Everyone
    First of all - LILIAN- good for you!! I know you'll more than enjoy your Gemini machine and you really do deserve one. They are so easy to you and you get instant satisfaction.

    MARIA- Love you CC - At first I thought it was a 'cake' you made your scoring so professionally.

    SHOPPING -- all look exciting and I'm waiting to see beautiful

    Well it's short for the moment as we have decided that as I have had all the curtains down and washed that we might as well get a deep spring clean done so that's the agenda for today.

    Have a good day and I hope to see you all later.xxxx

    1. Oh Janet, I don't envy you your spring cleaning. It sounds far too energetic. Don't do too much and hope you can have a relax later. Love Valxxx

    2. Spring cleaning sounds much to energetic for me as well. I assume that the sun isn't strong enough to just sit in the garden.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria & Janet-two gorgeous card from you, both really beautiful.

    Great to see the crafty shopping-I just live seeing what everyone buys.

    We have glorious sunshine here today-I need to pop to the shops in the village then will return home to my craft room as the joiner is calling (hopefully) this morning then we are having an upgraded Sky Box fitted this afternoon. I also have to fit in visiting my Dad at some point plus making some cards.


    1. Hi Michele, good to read your dad is on the mend.. Enjoy your busy day especially the card making bit!!!
      Love Valxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I must say that I love the card you shared yesterday Sandra 😊 it's good to see you have the die for the gorgeous rose stamp. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make with the mica powders in those fabulous colours. Your Fernli designs ink pad storage unit looks great and having seen your other items of theirs I know it will be super strong. I had a giggle thinking of Paul trying to put a nappy on the lamb. What do Milk and Bella think of it? I hope you have a lovely peaceful day crafting away my lovely. Is your craft room still tidy? 😊 Xx
    Maria, I hope you had a good result re your knee x
    Michele, sending healing hugs to your Dad. I'm glad his hip op went well. You have a busy day today don't you. I hope you manage to relax at some point x
    Brenda, I'm so pleased that John is feeling up to going out after his latest attack, poor man. It must be miserable for both of you. I hope you have a good day today x
    Lilian, it's a good job you were able to catch that falling Gemini with your trolley isn't it. I think you should give it a really thorough test just to make sure it didn't get damaged at all😁 Your painful hands will really benefit from not having to turn a handle or struggle with heavy plates so enjoy yourself😊 x

  4. !!! Guess who's got finger trouble!!!
    Sandra, I forgot to ask how you are feeling now? I hope the dizziness etc.has gone my lovely x
    Pat, I hope you can get some time to yourself to relax over the weekend so that you are ready for next weeks appointments etc. Hugs on their way x
    Lynda, hugs to you both, I bet Terry wasn't happy when the milk carton spilt it can be a real pain to clear up can't it but it sounds like you won't have too much trouble as you have a carpet cleaner, thank goodness x
    My BIL is now consious but is still rambling and very confused which is to be expected but he recognises​ wife and 3 children and he also mentioned Tilly, his dog, so more positive steps forward. Thank you again for all of your support, I really do appreciate each and every one of you xx
    We are still waiting for "the" call from Tim so what with one thing and another we are just waiting, waiting, waiting at the moment. I'm not too sure what I'm doing today yet but I really need to get those cards finished that I started earlier in the week so will be crafting at some point. I hope you all have a good day and have the same beautiful sunny day as me.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. So glad to read your BIL is slowly recovering. Such a relief for all your family. Hoping that you don't have to wait too long for that call. Have a good weekend.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Sue, glad to hear there are some improvements for your BIL. hugs to you all xx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Loved reading about 'Pascal,Scamp going to the funeral and Blink' I'm still smiling :-)
    Janet- lovely card, a luxurious feel about it.
    Val- nice shopping. The animals are so cute.
    Sandra- I "need" that set of stamp and die, the rose is lovely. The Fernli ink storage looks great. Wonder if they make one to fit the Tim Holtz ink pads ?
    Funny to see you own card on show or is it a cake hihi Thank you for your kind words, I do need a scoring board tho because I had to use the ruler to measure up the lines and they were fiddly so if anyone have a scoring board you like, could you please tell me if the 12x12 is a good one or a mini one would be enough for me ?
    Michele- hope your dad is fine after his op and will soon get the other one done too. Say Hi from us.
    Brenda- glad to see that John is better. Have a nice Saturday.
    Lilian- good your blood tests came back clear but hopefully they can soon find out what happened and maybe you can get your driving licence back.Take it easy and I hope your hip is not too painful.
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday, the butterfly card is lovely and made only with one colour ,it's lush !
    Thursday seeing the surgeon he told me I have a tear and need some key hole surgery to have that fixed. The pain though in my calf ,he didn't understand at all why I got it and that's the worst bit so I will have some Acupuncture to see if that will help. The op on the knee I think I wait with as I have the Shoulder to sort out as well, get the MRI results on Tuesday for that.
    Lynda- I hope you are okay, sending you and Terry some big hugs.
    Pat- you do have a lot of appointments. Hope all goes alright and Pete can get some help. Thinking of you both, many hugs to you both.
    Sending hugs to you all and also to ladies who are looking in. Pop in and join this friendly blog and leave a comment when you have a minute.
    Must go, have a visitor for breakfast. You believe it ,we spent nearly 5 hours in Ikea yesterday and 2 hours in Wayvale so pretty tired last night after cooking dinner too Lol
    Speak to you soon. Love and many hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, glad the surgeon is able to help with your knee pain and hopefully the acupuncture will cure the pain in your calf. Oh my goodness, everything seems to come together doesn't it? Hope Tuesdays MRI results are good.
      Enjoy your breakfast. Have a good weekend.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm glad the surgeon will be able to sort out your knee with keyhole surgery. Hope the acupuncture sorts out your calf. Hope your MRI results are good on Tuesday. I'll be glad when I can get some crafting done. So much rushing around I don't feel like it at the moment.

  6. HI Sandra and everyone.

    OO OO OO Sandra. I'm intrigued and excited at the thought of a parcel on its way over to me. What can it be? Can't wait for it to arrive. I'll be hanging around the past box!!!

    What a lovely mix of gee dies for us today Sandra.
    Maria just love your card and amazing that you've used a ruler to score the lines.
    Janet very pretty chandelier card. Just love the papers you've used.
    Sandra lovely rose die and stamp and beautiful colours in your mica powders. Great ink pad storage. It looks really sturdy.
    The tool I bought is a pokey tool from Joanna Sheen. Quite small but very sharp and pointy.

    Lilian, I bet you're trying out your GEMINI as I write. Please let us know how you get on with it. Everyone says the plates are very light. I find that since my shoulder op, cranking the handle on the manual machine is not only painful but darn hard work. So glad your tests had good results but hopefully the can explain why it happened.

    Brenda. So glad that John is feeling better. Enjoy your weekend.

    Not much on today. A bit of housework, a visit to the food shops and then an afternoon in the craft room Yeh.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val, thank you for your kind words reg. my card.
      Hope your day is good and your Mojo is back for the arrival of the Gemini Lol xx

  7. WOW MARIA! Your card is beautiful AND done without a scoreboard I have two boards a Hougie and a small TL one I do like the look of SANDRA's StampinUp one though...
    Good to hear you're getting better news/results from the surgeon
    I love your opulent card JANET
    Good to hear that your BIL is improving and hope you'll be announcing more good news soon SUE
    Well done to you LILIAN Of course you need a treat AND it's a tool that will last and last Not like a fancy something that'll disappear
    Hugs are available for all If I haven't mentioned you you're still with me
    Off to do challenge card and to photograph it too
    Have a good day
    PS the shopping looks amazing especially that ink storage May have to go shopping later...

    1. Hi Karen, thank you for liking my card. I have thought about the SU one, will have a look around.
      Have a lovely weekend xx

  8. Hello Sandra and all,

    SANDRA you get the shopper of the week award, I love your Ink pad storage and I am so jealous of your Honey Doo mica set. I cannot tell you how many
    times I have looked at the web site - thinking shall I? I was tempted when we
    were at AP but held back on getting the whole range. The colours are fantastic.

    MARIA, your card is really lovely, what an amazing design you have achieved and without a score board, you should feel really proud of yourself. xx Hopefully the keyhole surgery will sort out your knee and the MRI will give you some more answers, it seems that you have been struggling for such a long time, no one should have to be in so much pain and not get any answers. Take care xx

    JANET, what beautiful opulent card you have created, the chandelier certainly gives it a touch of class. xx

    VAL, I love your new dies and the Embossing Folder will be great for many different occasions. xx

    LILLIAN, Isn't it strange when items just fall into our shopping basket!!! Anyway you deserve a treat and the Gemini will be a great benefit to you hand...... Think of it as a prescription, well a self medicate one!!!! ENJOY xx

    MICHELE, Hope Dad is doing well. xx

    Have a good day everyone. Love Brenda xxx

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry about that I just couldn't get my message to publish, when it did It did it twice!

    2. Brenda, these machines have a will of there own sometimes hihi. thank you for your kind words reg. my card. I have a scoring board I got from Sandra but the lines kept going wonky and it is one for folding the card to a5, gatefold etc so have been looking a longer time for a score pal or similar but not sure what size would be best so will continue my hunt and you will see many cards with lines when I found one tihi .hugs xx

  10. Hello All, a bit chilly here today.

    Lovely cards , Maria and Janet.

    Great shopping, Sandra love your in storage, I wonder if they make paper storage.

    I've spent the whole morning trying out my Gemini, I was surprised how weighty it is, feels very sturdy, and doesn't move at all when working. Plates are really light, although have prefered a composite plate like GC instead of the clear plate. The only thing I noticed that a bit of a draw back is, I normally cut from a whole sheet of A4, so as not to waste, ( I use hot press water colour card usually which can be priced) what I find is it stretches the spare paper and the sides come out wavy, but small point, will have to remember to cut to size first.

    Well I'd better go and see if I can make a card from my cut bits.

    Have a good rest of Sat, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, that Gemini sound really good. I hate it when cutting with GC and even if I have pushed the thingy down properly it dosen't take long before the whole machine is on the move again. Hope you got some cut outs for making your lovely cards.hugs xx

    2. The card might just need to "relax" Lilian Sometimes my Patinum seems to make the card go wavy but after a short time goes flat again

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Your storage unit for your inks looks great Sandra.
    Maria, I love your challenge card you've made.
    Janet love you chandelier card, I assume that's a crafters companion due.
    Great purchases Val. I wonder what the rope chain folder looks like when it's out through one of our machines. I see you've been buying as well Sandra apart from the storage unit.

  12. Hi Sandra& everyone
    Wow Maria what a beautiful card you have created & with a ruler very clever I have a score pal I find it ok. Glad the surgeon has given you some answers regarding your kneeHope MRI Results are good news for you to Hug's xx
    Sue thanks again for the Hug's. Pleased BIL is doing well hope he keeps improving Hug's for you And your family.
    Pat hope your haveing rest before the appointments start again take care my friend sending you both some Hug's xx
    Lillian enjoy your Gemini I wish one would jump in my basket HaHa.glad your blood results came back clear. Take care. Hug's xx
    Janet your card is gorgeous hope your still enjoying your sunshine Hug's for you bothxx Brenda I'm pleased John is better take care Big Hug's xx
    Val great shopping enjoy Hug's xx
    Sandra I love your shopping those mica powders are gorgeous glad you got the Die for your stunning rose. Wow your ink storage is brilliant I can see why you needed one for you lovely SU pads.
    Michele pleased your dad is ok & on the mend Hug's for you bothxx
    Well just got my cupper so will say good night
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Just popped in to say good night to you all and thank you for liking my cc. Hope you all had a nice day and that our missing friends will be back soon. Busy in the morning but will try to see you later in the day xxx
