
Friday 21 April 2017

Butterfly Basics card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today's card was made almost entirely with one Ink pad,
One of the new Stampin' Up! 'In' colours 'Fresh Fig'.
I used the ink pad combined with the Butterfly Basics stamp set to create the patterned paper on the bottom of the card, and the vellum layer on the butterfly, I die cut the butterfly with matching 'Fresh Fig' card stock and used it as a mat in the background too.  The Glitter card behind the butterfly is a piece of 'Sweet Sugarplum' glitter card which I inked over with fresh fig ink. Even the seam binding ribbon is coloured with the 'Fresh Fig' ink pad, it all seems to work tone on tone.
I hope you like it ladies.

Well we had a fun filled day yesterday, looking after another orphaned lamb, called 'Pascal', he is a purebred 'Suffolk' lamb, jet black, he is huge, Matt had to assist his delivery by using rope around his feet to help the Ewe get him out, when you see the size of him it's understandable that she struggled, it's also the struggle that made her reject him, luckily he is super healthy , Matt has Colustrum formula to feed them straight after they are born to give them a boost.  He was running around the garden quite happily today, while Paul was doing garden chores, it's so funny to see the puzzled looking the neighbours faces when they hear the "baaing"
Most of the day was spent making up bottles or washing /sterilising bottles ready to be made up, I had forgotten what that was like.  While he was indoors he was wearing an adapted nappy, made from a disposable baby happy with a hole for the tail, I was reliably informed by Paul that is easier putting a nappy on a baby than a lamb!

I think today will be quiet by comparison!

I hope you all have a lovely day, sending hugs to those of you that need them, I am hoping those of you with poorly family members have had better news today.

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful card Sandra and I love love that colour - think I'll have to have two pennyworth of that.

    MICHELE- I'm sure that today your Dad will be much better and out of bed. It's amazing what a difference taking away the horrible pain makes in such a short time.

    MARIA- hope all went well with the surgeon and you now know what's what.

    BRENDA- so pleased that John was feeling better yesterday. Steady goes it for another day.

    SANDRA- It's wonderful to hear about you looking after baby lambs which have been abandoned.
    Now I'll tell you a little story about a baby lamb.

    It was six years ago and lambing time.
    Christina was doing her usual helping out in the lambing shed when one Ewe lambed and unfortunately she died.
    This of course meant that the lamb either needed another mum or be hand reared. As there wasn't a Mum available Christina took the lamb to feed etc.

    Unfortunately a few days later Christina's FIL died suddenly and so everything was topsy turvy. The lamb of course was still on frequent feeding and needed looking after.

    It came to the day of the funeral and there wasn't anyone available to baby sit the lamb so 'Scamp' was put into the boot of Christina's car in an igloo cat basket along with his bottles etc and he attended the funeral.
    He also attended the after tea. Christina's MIL is very understanding and didn't mind one little bit as she said she also knew full well that Peter would not have minded and he probably expected something exceptional for his send off!!

    Scamp is now a huge ram, living with Christina and Robert and is thoroughly spoilt of course.
    As far as I know this is the only time a baby lamb has been taken to a funeral. Please let me know if you know different.

    Off to market and supermarket this morning. The sun is shining but it's cold and we have had another frost.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you do.
    CAFE is open and waiting for you all to pop in. HUGS should be arriving very shortly. xxxx

    1. Hello Janet, love the story of Christina taking the lamb to her father-in-law's funeral. It really made me smile. I'm sure it helped to lighten this very sad occasion.
      I remember John's mum when we went to her Brother in laws funeral, it was a cold January day and we had snow. Upon arriving at the cemetery MIL said "you would've thought they would have picked a better day for it" and refused to get out of the limousine. She was a law unto herself I have to add!
      Enjoy your shopping day and hope you get some gorgeous pastries XX

    2. Hi Janet
      What a lovely story and I bet Christina's FIL would have been tickled pink to think that a baby Lamb attended his funeral.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -what a beautiful card, clever use of just one ink pad.

    Wow-yesterday was a long, tiring day. Got Dad to the hospital for 7.30, got checked in then waited until the Orthopaedic Consultant & the Anaesthetist had been to see him. He was 3rd on the list for Theatre so I left him about 10am watching TV . I did my Tesco shopping then headed off to hit the craft shops!! I had a great time & got some bargains. Got home to find I'd won a competition (out of a craft magazine) so a lovely treat. Hospital phoned to say Dad was fine & a little while later I got a message from him telling me he was having soup & a sandwich. I'm going to visit him tonight straight after work.

    I wonder what treats are in store for me at work today??!!


    1. What a great day you had Michelle and congratulations on winning the competition. Hope dads continues to improve. XX

    2. Sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday Michele. Congratulations on your win. Hope your Dad continues to improve. He'll be up and about in no time.

  3. Ooh I know it's been a short week but I am soooo glad it's nearly the weekend
    Good to hear your dad is doing well MICHELE I hope you got on ok seeing the surgeon MARIA
    Your story about the lamb made me smile JANET
    I hope PASCAL continues to thrive
    SUE I hope your BIL continues to improve
    Everyone else I am thinking of you Lots of hugs are in the basket xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all.
    Very pretty card this morning Sandra. Love the color and oh what a beautiful butterfly.
    You did make me smile this morning writing about Pascal the lamb.Would love to see lamb photos. I bet he's one spoilt happy little boy as obviously Janets Scamp is. I'm sure you've set a record Janet.

    Off to Craft Class shortly Yeh. A couple will be missing this week but still enough of us to have a good laugh.

    MICHELE so glad your dad's op went well. He sounds quite perky eating his soup and sandwich.

    MARIA so hope your results were ok yesterday.

    PAT hope all the tests and visits go smoothly.

    BRENDA glad John seems to be on the mend.

    LYNDA hope you mouth is less sore. That's the worse part over I hope.

    SANDRA do hope you're feeling ok now and no more funny turns.

    SUE. Wishing your BIL a speedy recovery.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val he is more or less back to his normal self I'm pleased to say. Enjoy your day XX

    2. Thanks Val. Tests were at two different hospitals so a bit of a chore waiting around. Pete doesn't do waiting around very well. More tests Mon and Tuesday. Then bloods before he sees the Dr re his kidneys and his heart. The great thing is they pay mileage. Car parking etc. So that's a Brucie bonus.

  5. Hello All, another beautiful sunny day, isn't lovey to cast off winter at last.

    Sandra your card is wonderful, seen some pics of the new catalogue on Pinterest, several sets I have my eye on, when you get you new ones.( better keep working)

    Short post today on the way to the GP, for more investigation, hope they find something soon.

    Will hopefully pop in later, have a good day all, special hugs for those not so good. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hope any tests you have come back with a postitive outcome Lilian. It's awful nit knowing what caused you to black out.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card love the colour. I had a good giggle at the thought of Paul putting a nappy on Pascal please let us see a photo, he must have kept you amused & made you feel
    Michele pleased to hear Dad felt up to eating soup & sandwich. Well done on competition
    Lynda hope mouth feeling easier hugs on
    Maria hope your results are something easy to fix, hugs on
    Janet your story of Scamp had me giggling as well, never heard of lamb at funeral, our dog at the time Sandy is in Sue's wedding photo & if I remember rightly presented her with a horseshoe. Enjoy the
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone
    What a lovely card, great idea just using one colour. Hope you didn't lose too much sleep looking after your new addition, your family just keeps growing doesn't it! Hopefully today will be a peaceful day and don't stress yourself too much.
    Better get a wiggle on, John has suggested we go over to Sutton in Surrey, just the bus of the short train ride away, think he fancies to go out and just have a change of scenery.
    Will catch up with the rest of the messages later, hoping you are all having a good day.
    Love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad John feels well enough to go out and have a change of scenery.

  8. Afternoon everyone,

    Just returned home from Specsavers, thought I would be collecting all 3 pairs of glasses. No, I was incorrect, apparently the lab broke one pair putting in the lenses.
    That now means another journey back when they turn up as they don't stock them, the ones you choose in the shop are the ones they receive. Got totally frazzled which didn't do my agoraphobia any good today. The sales assistant I originally spoke to was very offish when I complained so I was handed to another one. Much more pleasanter and listened when I explained about the agoraphobia which might not let me out for a while. No.1 did say a message had been left on my answer phone but obviously I was already on my way. I checked when I got home and the message was left at 10.36am, my appointment was 11 o'clock and it takes over 20 minutes to drive to town due to hold ups along the way. As they came in the early morning post, you would have thought somebody with an ology in commonsense could have rung earlier than 10.36. If I had come in by our hourly bus at 10.15 then I still would have missed the phone call. Argh!
    To calm myself down before driving home, I popped along to the outdoor market where I found 2 gorgeous lacy long length jackets, just right for popping over anything worn with leggings. They were £15 each but she billed me £16 for the two. Bargain!

    The story about the lamb brought back many happy memories and was delightful to read. My aunt and uncle in Australia bought a lamb to fatten up for the freezer. His name was Blink and he never got anywhere near the freezer, he became the family pet and my cousins, sister and myself played in the garden with him. He was so soft, the little ones could even ride on his back.

    Hugs and healing thoughts to all & families who are poorly today.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like the first assistant needs to go back to charm school.
      Great bargain re the jackets. And a great story as well about Blink the lamb.

  9. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card you've made today. Sounds like you had a fun filled day yesterday with Pascal the lamb. I hope your feeling better today and getting used to wearing your stronger than normal glasses. Have spent the morning with Doreen at the bank and solicitors trying to get things sorted re Ellis's estate. Luckily they have a will but it's still complicated to sort out.
    Hopefully we'll have a quiet weekend before we start again with hospitals next week. No school for me Mon and Tues.

  10. Hi all, thought I'd pop back and update re Drs, bloods all came back ok in fact the Dr said they couldn't be better. So that still leaves a puzzle, he is going to write to a neurologist and a cardiologist to see what they have to say, he's determined to get me driving again. Apparently the pain in my hip is to do with the ligament, seems I've strained it !!!!
    So to cheer myself up have been to the Range, hubby was visiting a pal in hospital, and the shops are very near, guessed what fell into my basket? A GEMINI, not sure how that happened, so going to try it out after dinner which I'd better go and get ready. Hugs Lilian

    1. Brilliant buy Lilian. Hope you have fun. Valxx

    2. Lilian forgot to say glad bloods came back ok, sounds as if you have a good

    3. Hi Lilian
      A great results that your bloods came back ok. Great that he's going to write to see what a neurologist says re your turn. How awful that you went shopping and a Gemini just happened to fall into your basket. Have fun and enjoy.

  11. Margaret Palmer21 April 2017 at 19:33

    Good for you for catching the Gemini as it fell into your basket, you deserve it & will love it. Happy Crafting love Margaret xxx
