
Thursday 20 April 2017

My Sketch Challenge Card...Finally

Good Morning Ladies,

I have finally got my Sketch Challenge Card finished yesterday, it's just been one of those weeks.
I used Sue Wilson's 'Bora Bora' die from the Pacific Collection, Trellis Edger from the Configuration Collection and Striped Nasturtiums and Splendid Swirls from the Finishing touches collection!
I used crepe paper to make the flowers and I love how they turned out, it's amazing how using a different material. An makes something look totally different.
I hope you like it and it inspires you a little for your card.

I finally got my glasses yesterday, the normal glasses feel a little odd but the Sunglasses are fine. It was so nice being able to see again !
I had a bit of an odd 'turn' last night though, I was helping Paul with dinner and my heart started racing so fast I had to go and lie down, I was really nauseous too, I felt quite unwell and I was taking slow deep breaths to try and calm my heart down, I have no idea what brought it on, my heart was beating really fast for most of the evening, I felt exhausted, but whilst trying to relax all I could hear was my heart beating in my head, it's horrible, I will see how today goes and if so don't feel any better I will go to GP.  There's​ always something isn't there!!

Sue, I hope the news continues to improve for Chris's brother xxx

Pat, I hope all goes well at hospital today with Pete xxx

Brenda, give John a huge hug and I hope he feels better soon, I have suffered something very similar and it's the most terrible feeling, he couldn't be in better hands though xxx

Michele, I hope today goes smoothly, hopefully Dad will be first on the list, keep me posted will have my phone all day, hugs xxx

Val, I was so sad to read about poor Olive, you must be devastated, we have two cats (Milo and Bella), who we weren't over keen on the idea of having to start with (my eldest daughter bought them for the younger​ two), but over time they have well and truly carved their place in our hearts, so much so that Milo sleeps between Paul and I if he can get away with it, if not he's on Paul's legs!  We have kept them as indoor cats as it seems there is never a day goes by here that someone​'s cat isn't run over or goes missing, I couldn't bare it if that happened so we keep them in doors, they are a little spoilt too. So I understand how you must be feeling, could you keep her inside, wrap her in cotton wool, lol!? It probably wouldn't work in a cat that's used to being outside. Hugs xxx

Love and hugs to each and every one of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh what a beautiful card and I love the so relaxing and peaceful.

    MICHELE- hoping all goes well today with Dad and that he doesn't have to wait long before going to theatre. There's nothing worse than being the last on the day's list.

    MARIA- fingers crossed that your hospital appointment goes well and that you can get some positive news.

    PAT- I'll be thinking of you both today.

    SUE- so pleased to see that Chris's brother is improving.

    I managed to get my CC done yesterday and I'm quite pleased with the way it turned out.
    It was a sunny but quite chilly and very windy yesterday so the bedding didn't take any time at all to dry. As we have sunshine to start the day and the wind seems to have calmed it looks a perfect day to get the voile curtains out on the line to dry. After those have been put back in their place I think I can say that all the Spring Washing has been done lol. Just got to get Jim to paint the bathroom as it's that room this year to be decorated.

    SANDRA- pleased to hear you have your new specs. It always takes time for me to get used to new frames. Hoping you've had a good night and feel better this morning.

    Marigny Dobbie informs me that the CAFE is open and he's just waiting for his first customer of the day.
    HUGE HUGS to you all. xxxx

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra :-) Also love the look of your box tutorial from yesterday, will try and watch later.
    Hope you're feeling much better today xx
    Thinking of all who are having a tough time at the moment, sending extra hugs xx
    Have a good day whatever you may be doing. Love and hugs xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all.

    Beautiful card today Sandra in my favourite colour. Just love the flowers made of crepe paper. Never thought of using that!
    Sandra, hope you're feeling ok this morning but if not I hope you make an appointment with your GP ASAP.
    Lovely to read about your 2 cats and what cute names. Olive isn't and has never been much of an outside car. She's far too timid to venture out in the big wide world. Her exercise is going outside to use the ca t litter tray which is why her claws needed cutting. Otherwise she just lies on the back of the chair by the window in the sunshine.I'm taking the other two. Harvey and Kit Kat, to the vets next week. The blood tests are 50 euros each cat and I'm feeling guilty now that I ordered the Gemini, otherwise I could have taken them now!!!

    Michele hope your dad's ok today.

    Maria hope your news is positive.

    Pat so hope all goes well today.

    Lynda.hope all that nasty pain has disappeared.

    Hugs to everyone not feeling so good.

    I'm meeting a friend for a coffee late then staying on after as it's our urbanisations AGM today and I'm sticking around for the fireworks which always happen. Why people get so worked up about things I don't know but sadly they do.

    Sandra hope you're getting more used to your new glasses.
    Bye for now. Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      I just wanted to say that I don't want to hear you saying​ you feel guilty about buying the Gemini. Val i don't know anyone else that works so hard making so many cards, enough to fill a shop display, the proceeds of which go to an Animal Charity.
      Your work damn hard cranking that Grand Calibur handle, which is hard enough work when you are just making the odd card, you make 100's, which must be painful on your wrists arms back etc !
      You deserve that machine Val, hundreds of animals benefit from your card making, so please don't feel guilty, it won't make any real difference to Harvey and Kit-Kat to wait until next week, they aren't suffering at all,, in fact they'll probably be glad that they dodged the needle for another week!!
      So please enjoy your machine, when it arrives, hopefully your 'Mojo' will be hiding in the box too!
      Enjoy your AGM, sounds like fun, it's hilarious watching people get all, animated as they get more and more wound up! I love people watching !!
      Sending hugs

    2. Thanks Sandra. I never thought of it that way.I think I'm just a natural guilty person. Even when I walk through customs security at the airport I know I have a guilty look on my face even though I'd be terrified to take anything illegal through.ha ha.
      The AGM was the usual noisy, everyone shouting at once affair with nothing resolved at all. As you say it's great to people watch.
      Hope you're feeling a lot better this afternoon.
      Lots of love Valxxx

    3. Val I second everything Sandra has said you deserve the Gemini after all your work for the animals, just enjoy it. Hope it arrives soon, love

    4. Hi Val
      I hope Olive isn't in to much pain.
      Please enjoy your Gemini you deserve the pleasure it'll give you after all the hard work you do.
      Enjoy your meeting. Don't you just love people watching especially when they get wound up over nothing.
      Petes meetings and tests took all day but seemed to go well. More tests Mon and Tues then he'll hear if he meets the criteria for going on the trial. Thanks for the good wishes.

  4. Lovely card SANDRA Well I'm trying to get to grips with using an iPhone rather than my tiny iPod So far so good I love the bigger screen and the camera Just need to work out how to attach photos to emails etc
    I hope all of you that have appointments etc today get on ok and get good positive news
    Off to work now xx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a beautiful card. It's so pretty and in that gorgeous mint green and white that works so well together. I see you have used that great technique of yours on the Trellis edger which makes the green emboss even better 😊
    I am sending you big gentle hugs my lovely​, it sounds like you had an awful time last night you poor thing. I do hope you are feeling better today. Please please see the doc if you're not though and it may be worth mentioning that you have new glasses as it may be them that are making you feel so ill, especially as they are are stronger and you haven't been wearing any for a couple of weeks so your eyes have a lot to process. Chris's Mum had terrible trouble with one of her pairs for several days but then they were fine. Xx
    Mum,I hope you and Pop got on ok yesterday. I will ring you later for a catch up. Love you xxx
    Pat, big hugs are winging their way to you. I hope you are managing to keep up with where you are meant to be at which time! X
    Maria, I hope that you get some good news about your knee today,blending big hugs to you x
    Michele, I hope that your Dad gets on well today, it's always worst being the last to go to theatre isn't it! You will be glad when it's all over and he is back home safe and sound.Big hugs are on their way x
    Lynda, I'm sending big healing hugs and hoping it's not so painful today. Looking at the stamps that your friend gave you and sorting which to keep and which to sell will hopefully help to pass the time x
    Lilian, sending you big hugs and hope that your joints aren't quite so sore today. It makes you feel rotten doesnt it, especially when your hands are affected. Take care x
    Thank you again for your hugs and support. Charlie smiled at his wife again and gave her a kiss and managed to tell her he wanted to go home and complained that his chest and throat hurt a lot. Not surprising with what was done on Saturday though! He is still under some sedation and there is still some way until we will know if there has been any damage but it was another really good day so we are all feeling much happier that the worst is over, thank goodness 😊
    We are taking Phoebe and Paige shopping today as they both have money from Christmas and also Paige has birthday money to spend. They are really hard to buy for as they never ask for much but hopefully they will both find something.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hugs on the way to you both Sue. I'm pleased that Chris's brother seems to be coming round. Early days as you say.

  6. Morning everyone,

    So calm and pretty in green your challenge card Sandra.

    Yesterday went past in a flash. Glorious weather and we were inside a hall for the U3A gathering. Did a bit of shopping and then went for a wonderfully tasty lunch at the Wild Rocket, one of our favourite café and wine bars.
    I had put up a review on TripAdvisor following our last visit and mentioned in to Tahnee, our favourite waitress, who said she had seen it, thought it was me and mentioned a particular comment to the Owner/manager who took immediate steps to admonish the waiter who was chewing gum on that day. It amazed me that he hadn't noticed him doing it whilst he was at the bar chatting with this friends!.
    If ever any of you are down this way, I would urge you to pop in and taste the cuisine yourselves. I didn't fancy anything too heavy so asked if it was possible for me to have a larger Prawn cocktail as a main, that said they went over the top to accomplish it and my goodness me, what a portion and half it was. They topped off their excellent service with a dessert concocted just for me because all their desserts had eggs or egg glaze on which I am allergic to. my dessert was simply a bowl of strawberry ice cream with grapes, strawberries, raspberries and a grated apple to top it all. They must have added a fruit sauce to the mixture too and it was tasting heaven. How many other establishments would go to that much trouble for a customer?
    Reading yesterday's comment, I have every sympathy for your aches and pains. I woke about 4.30 with the most immense pains in my muscles and joints, apparently this is normal for osteopenia sufferers, did a few stretching exercises to ease the pain slightly then slept til 7.50. I've now taken pain relief to enable me to hobble about. Gardening is out of the question today, crafting is in it's place.
    Last night's Panto AGM saw me co-opted onto the Committee again and my new title and main role this year is Wardrobe Mistress. The show has been chosen, the auditions will get under way after our first meeting next week and then full steam ahead. I will be getting ahead start on the costumes all over summer so that we won't be rushing around again trying to do them at the last minute.

    Cuppa calling me, will pop in later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Must put that restaurant on my list if we come down your way. Where about is it please. We'll probably ve down your way as Pete won't be able to have any holidays longer than a few days.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Loving ur card today Sandra and those colours are so pretty.

    Val. Sorry to hear about ur wee moggie. That's so sad. I do mis mone terribly but I just can't go thru the heartache again. Xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra I love today's card, What a gorgeous shade of green you've used I think it's mint green but not absolutely sure. Pleased you got your new glasses, how frightening to have such a scary episode, please see or ring the doctor to talk about it, would it be silly to ask have you been getting stressed? I know you have so much going on in your life these days. Take deep breaths and be sure to rest.
    I i'm pleased to say John is much better today, on a light diet, but at least he's moving around carefully, going to take Ciara swimming after school, will leave him sitting in the car, he can read the paper or just rest his head.
    Will try and look in later, Big Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Glad to hear John is a bit better, make sure he's taking it easy for a few days. Hugs to you both xx

    2. Hi Brenda good to hear your nursing skills are not needed, hope he carries on feeling better, love

    3. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad to hear John is feeling much better. Must be quite scary when he has these attacks.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Oh your cc for this week is gorgeous, love the colours and I really like how you do the embossing through the trellis edger. It probably will take you some days before you get used to the new glasses, especially if you got a stronger prescription then before. Hope though that the dizziness stops soon, it's horrid to feel like that.
    Val- don't feel guilty. Your cats will be fine to wait a bit longer and as Sandra saying you make so many cards for the shop so you will love the Gemini. Have looked at it myself but not making so many cards so the GB will do for now. Sweet names on your cats.
    Sue- nice to hear some bettering for Chris's brother. He's not that old is he. Enjoy going shopping with the girls. Sending you some "blending" hugs back tihi
    Michele- hope everything goes well for your dad.
    Cheryl- love to hear you had a nice time out and the restaurang were so helpful, not everywhere they are.
    Tracy- did you find anything crafting at the garden centre ? You know you must save some for the babba to be :)
    Janet- have a nice day in Marigny, it's cold and wet here so feel like going under the duvet but have doctors and OH ex for dinner and the next three days so have to shake myself up and just get going Lol
    Karen- hope you are okay, many hugs to Oscar :)
    Sonia- have a good day either you are at home or working,hugs
    Pat- big hugs to you, take care of yourself too.
    This morning went ok, the nurse managed to get two vials after some prodding in both arms so we were both happy. Drove to Waitrose afterwards and had breakfast and reading the papers. Back home now before going to see the surgeon, I'm not worried at all but OH is fretting like anything ,so wish I was going on my own Lol
    Big squishy hugs to you all !
    Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria so pleased you should have an answer to your pain by now hope it can be sorted soon, hugs on

    2. Hi Maria
      I'm so pleased you should have an answer to your pain.

  10. Afternoon Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful card & such a lovely colour you have used. I'd like a "colour " challenge as I always go to the same (safe) colours!

    Dad was 3rd on the Theatre list -due to go down at 11.30. I had a phone call about 3.30 today his operation (hip replacement-first one, other one to be replaced asap) went fine and he was back in his room. I'll phone him later but I'm not going to visit as I expect him to be sleepy this evening. I'll phone him again tomorrow to see if he wants me to take anything when I visit tomorrow after work.

    I had a really good spend today-will send photos to Sandra! Plus postie handed me a huge parcel-I'd won something....!!!!


    1. PS thanks for all your well wishes re my Dad. It's very kind of you all to be so concerned-I've not had much support from my family so I really appreciate the comments.


    2. Hi Michele pleased to hear your Dad came through his op ok.Hope he has the 2nd done soon & he finds as much benefit as I find with my two. Take care Margaret xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I'm so glad your Dad has had his op. Doreen as you know had her second one done after 3 weeks. She's walking so much better now. It was well worth having them done quickly. At 86 it can't be bad can it. Best wishes to your Dad.

  11. Hello All, lovely day here, went to see my friends in Hayle today, have to say the hedge rows are looking lovely, all blues, gorse and blue bells.
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love that trellis edger.
    Michele glad your Dads op went ok.
    Hope all who are waiting for test reports and appointments are going well, and all who are unwell, will soon be better.
    I'll see you tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. Just love that colour green, even though I'm not a green person.
    Spent the day at two hospitals today. Tests tests and more tests. Plus Mon Tues next week as well. Plus Drs on a Thursday for bloods to see if Petes kidneys are ok.
    Michele I do hope your dads op well well. Give him our best wishes.
    Lynda I hope your not in too much pain today. Hugs to all who need one today.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely card, I love the colours. Hope you have felt better today & are getting used to your glasses, take care xxx
    Today has been rather busy I thought retirement meant you had lots of spare time!!! Oh well if I wasn't busy I would soon get bored.
    Lynda hope you are feeling easier & not in too much pain, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  14. Sandra, meant to say I hope your feeling better now. Could be the aftermath of not wearing glasses and having stronger lenses. Plus I know your stressed, so I hope your feeling better today. Easy to say try not to get stressed.
    A youngish girl and her family came into the hospital today where we were. They came all the way from Mansfield and is going to have weekly treatment. This means they'll have to leave Mansfield at 4.00am to arrive at the Churchill for 7.00am. That's once a week for 10-12 months.

  15. Hello Sandra & Everyone
    Well not sure where my day went. I had a blood 💉test this morning glad I had a appointment as the waiting room & all down the corridor was full. Only two nurses on duty. After we went onto Tesco & a couple of other shops by time we got home it was lunch time Terry was carrying the shopping in & a 4pint of milk fell out of the bag & burst all over the carpet so will have to get the carpet cleaner out.shampoo
    Sandra your card is stunning love the colour & your flowers are beautiful.
    Maria hope you have some answers & good news for you today
    Pat hope hospital went ok for Pete sending you both Hug's xx
    Sue hope Chris's brother continues to get better sending you all Hugs xx
    Brenda glad John is feeling better.
    Love Lynda xx
