
Monday 24 April 2017

Sketch Challenge

My Challenge card

The Sketch

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

How can it be the last week of April already? I wish this year would slow down a little!  Paul only has 3months left working in his current job, he then starts a period of re-settlement, where he goes on courses to retrain for a new career, so lots of changes ahead in our house.
Matt is coming to the end of lambing, thankfully, so he will return home sometime next week, depending on how long the last few Ewes take to deliver, I think he will be glad to get back to his own bed and he will be nearer to work, so won't spend so many hours driving between his work and the farm.  I think that it would make sense for him to have his sheep nearer to home, they are currently 60 miles away on a farm close to where he used to work and ride his motorcycle.
We are keeping an eye out for a farmer that has Solar panels in his fields, as they are usually glad to have sheep on their land to keep the grass down, because the panels are often too close together to mow between them.  

Now onto this weeks Challenge, I decided to go with a Sketch again this week, some of you are just getting back into the swing of card making again after losing your 'mojo', I will admit that even mine to a little 'mini-series' last week!  These sketches are the perfect cure I think, all you have to choose is your colours/ papers and what embellishments you are going to use, its also good to try and do a couple of variations of the same sketch, different colour or turn the sketch around. As always I can't wait to see what you all create ! 

I have started preparations for filming a 'mini-series' of different card folds, I want to do a once a week feature of making cards that we don't tend to use, just so that we can all expand our 'repertoire' a little.  What do you think?.

I hope that you are all well, sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    I cannot believe that we're starting our last week here in Marigny where has the last three weeks gone!

    Will put my thinking cap on for this week's CC.

    We have found our nearest Lidl (45km away) on the outskirts of Never so we're off there this morning. It will probably take all day -fingers crossed not-.

    The CAFE is open and waiting for you all. Dobbie has put a few extra treats (or so he tells me) behind the counter but I cannot find them!!!

    HUGE HUGS to you all. See you all later. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I need to apologise for not mentioning your gorgeous chandelier card on Saturday. It is so pretty, thank you for sharing it with us. The last three weeks have flown by havent they, it only seems like a few days ago that you were on the way! I hope you both have a good day and that you manage to get some bargains at Lidl. I haven't looked behind the counter yet but the rest of the Café looks so welcoming so Dobbie is doing a wonderful job, as always. Hugs are on their way x

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you enjoyed your trip to Lidl's. Doesn't seem 5mins ago you were packing up to go to France.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & an interesting sketch for us this week.

    Goodness-where did the weekend go? Yesterday was spent doing housework, gardening & hospital visiting. Dad had made a huge improvement using crutches so once the Physio has seen him conquer going up/down stairs today he will probably come home tonight. The re-enablement team will be out tonight (6.45 so I'm hoping to meet up with them) and they'll go in twice a day. I just hope it all works out as well as they suggest!


    1. Great news about your dad Michele. Not having much mobility can make any hospital stay seem longer. Sure hope Dad's recovery improves with each day. I chuckled at the expression 're-enablement', who on earth thought that name up? (Probably one of the folder holders you see marching around the hospital corridors)I always believed it was the Physio Dept who helped you get your mobility back. x

    2. Hi Michele. It's good to hear that your Dad is getting used to using crutches and can manage the stairs with them. Fingers will be crossed that the "re-enablement" team (I swear there is someone employed by the NHS just to think up new ridiculous names!) get everything sorted properly for your Dad. I hope work goes quickly and without any problem for you today x

    3. Great news that your Dad should be able to come home today or tomorrow. I hope everything gets sorted home wise for him.

  3. Morning All, chilly here this morning, 5.5c !!!!

    Sandra love the sketch, should be simple but I can make even the simplest sketch difficult.

    Quick report on my new Gemini, it's really good at die cutting, I have the Tim Holtz wild flower dies, 7 in total put them all on the mat side by side, just to see if it would cope, and to my amazement all cut in one pass. Little dies that have embossing lines on only need one pass also ( leaves ). I will need to practice with embossing folder as on thinner card in tends to crack high points, but looking at the book it tells you to add a sheet of copy paper. The only draw back that I can see is that it will NOT cut the big thick dies , still am very pleased with it.
    Hope everyone has a good day, apparently winter is due back today. Lilian

    1. I have similar problems with embossing on my Platinum The only way around it is to reduce the depth of the sandwich Ashame about them not coping with the big dies

    2. Hi Lilian. It's good to hear that you are enjoying your Gemini. I know me and Mum had the same problem with embossing folders but putting a couple of sheets of copier paper in it does the trick. It is a shame that it can't cut the thick dies though. Do you have lots of them?
      I agree that it's the deciding what card, papers etc. is the bit that takes the longest when making a card. I suppose it's a nice problem to have as it means we have lots of lovely stash to choose from 😊 Have a good day x

    3. Hi Lilian
      I'm not to sure what big dies you mean won't cut. Hope I don't have any.

  4. Morning one & all,

    Lovely time spent in the garden this weekend. Bought some herbs, tumbler tomatoes and sugar snaps at the garden centre on Saturday morning, Sainsbury's shop so I could get the 12p off Fuel coupon for Jamie, only to find out I couldn't use it til Sunday! Doh!
    Should have gone to Specsavers. Saying that the 2 pair of glasses that I brought home on Friday are not fit for purpose. The reading glasses are all blurry and the craft glasses do not seem to have the right lenses in. I have to read and craft so close to my face I got eyestrain. Not looking forward to that battle with them. Certainly hope I don't get served by Miss Discourteous.

    Overcast this morning so will be tidying up and crafting methinks.
    Gurt squashy hugs to all
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. My glasses from Specsavers r not great either They've tested my eyes three times now I've given up and am coping Hope you have better results than me

    2. Hi Cheryl. I hope you get lots of lovely Tom's and peasfrom your plant shopping. Sainsbury's vouchers can be a bit of a pain with their date restrictions. I hope Jamie can still use your voucher.
      Specsavers can be great or terrible, I think it depends on the branch. The one Mum used in Swindon is great but both Witney and Abingdon branches are terrible Chris and his Mum had a real problem getting glasses that were actually right for them. In fact several years ago we got our money back on Chris's Mums glasses as I told them we were taking legal action as they hadn't provided goods fit for purpose after a lot of them trying to fob her off with so many ridiculous reasons why she couldn't see with the new glasses!
      I hope you manage to get yours sorted quickly and simply. I'm sending you some big hugs to help you x

    3. Hi Sue,
      I might have to go down that route myself. For what I paid, I expected them to be better than the ones I've got now. I refuse to be fobbed off by anyone since Pete died.
      In fact I'm struggling with my old craft glasses to read anything and Miss Discourteous didn't even fit them only asked what line I could see on the chart the Optician gave me before she started the eye test. I could manage the last line but only by holding the chart 6 inches from my face.
      I think she was annoyed with me for complaining that the other was broken before I had even got them! And you now have to stand by a drinks kind of bartable while they do everything on a tablet.

    4. Hi Cheryl
      I haven't had any problems with Specsavers in Witney at all and I've been with them for years. I hope you get yours sorted soon.

  5. Lovely sketch SANDRA Thinking cap is already on! Had a lovely day with Oscar yesterday I can't get over he'll be one tomorrow But as we all know time is motoring along at such a terrific speed I will send SANDRA a photo when I've worked out how to attach a photo on this iPhone
    Off to work now which I dread every day now with the office politics that's happening at the mo

    1. Hi Karen. It doesn't seem like a year has gone by since you were waiting for"the" call. It will be lovely to see our gorgeous little Oscar celebrating his 1st birthday. Of course you will be thinking of those that can't be with you at these happy times. Good luck with your i pad and sending photos. I'm sorry work is not good for you. Are the problems liable to get sorted soon? I'm sending some big hugs to help you through the day x

    2. I'm glad you had a lovely time with Oscar yesterday. As Mrs B says you'll also be thinking of those that can't share in the enjoyment Oscar brings into your lives.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone,

    Lovely card and lovely sketch Sandra. Hope the rest of Matt lambing goes well.

    Just got an email to say my Gemini will be delivered today. So excited.

    We were taking the two cats for their blood tests today but just found out it is a "Blue" day in Algorfa today which is a local holiday and yet again all the shops, banks etc are closed so going tomorrow instead.

    Putting up the summer curtains in the living room today. Lynn'sclimbing the ladder though as I hate climbing up aa ladder. I have the easy job of passing up the curtains to her.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val I hope the summer curtains went up ok.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, had an early start as we had our Scouting St George's day parade.
    I have enjoyed looking at all of the beautiful CC's. They have brightened up my morning as it is a bit dull here at the moment!
    I love your beautiful Card card, the colours are so.pretyy and I love that gorgeous border, I will have to borrow that tomorrow hopefully. I hope Matt's ewes hurry up and finish lambing so he can catch up on some sleep. I will have a word with a local farmer who may know of a farm closer to home for Matt.
    Fingers crossed I will be able to see you tomorrow. There is still no sign of the baby arriving but Roz is seeing the midwife this afternoon for a sweep so we may get the call we have been waiting for. Chris's brother is continuing to make good progress, he still has more brain scans and other tests but managed to eat some custard and yoghurt yesterday fed to him by his wife so another step forward. Chris has gone down to see him for the day. Of course I would love to go too but am tied to home, or at least locally, as I am on call for Roz as Tim works about 25 mins away and she may well have another quick labour and funnily enough doesn't want to be on her own once it starts 😊
    Maria, I hope you get the knee op soon and your shoulder can be fixed too. If I were you I would get the Stampin' Up scoreboard as I have used Sandra's and it is great as it has the score lines going right up to the numbers so no guess work involved. I have both sizes of the Crafters Companion ones and they are good but the Stampin' Up one is better. You did a fantastic job using a ruler though after seeing the gorgeous card on Saturday, it is beautiful. Sending big hugs to you. I hope you get to craft today after your busy weekend x
    Brenda, the Works are getting better and better for craft supplies aren't they, your basket weave e f is gorgeous. Have you seen the wide range of paper pads they have and most are the daft price of £3 or under, and that's the everyday price! I hope John is fully recovered now and that you have a good day whatever you get up to x
    Lynda, I hope you manage to get your craft room tidy and then mess it all up again when you start to craft 😊 hugs are on the way to you both x
    Pat, you have another busy week don't you. I hope it all goes as it can for Pete. Big hugs to you x
    Tracy, I hope the sun is still shining when you get out of work x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. I hope the little one makes an appearance soon for you.

  8. Margaret Palmer24 April 2017 at 11:19

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely card today, those stamps do make some lovely cards,looking forward to having a go ar
    Val hope you enjoy playing when you have your
    Karen glad you enjoyed
    I have to take my friend to Dr's early afternoon & probably shopping so must get on.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Not too complicated challenge card this week Sandra, but hey Ho I've said that before, and I have changed simple into difficult !!!! Your card is lovely, did you design your own backing paper? it really is very pretty.

    VAL, have fun with your Gemini, I'm sure it will be a godsend, going by the amount of cards you make. You are like a one woman production line. I struggle most times to complete one card a day.

    KAREN, Hope work is not to stressful, office politics are a pain at the best of times, usually some jobsworth is the instigator. When a department is running well and everyone is pulling there weight, why tip the balance?

    MICHELE, Pleased Dad is managing with his crutches, I hope you will be okay if he is allowed home today.

    JANET where has the time gone I can't believe you'll be on your way back to UK by the end of the week. I better warn you we have a cold spell due this week.

    It's just started drizzling here, just when I was about to go out in the garden, hopefully it will ease up soon, in the meantime I'll just work in the greenhouse loads to do in there still.
    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. It's just started to drizzle here as well Brenda. Take care.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra and yes like Brenda wondering, have you made the background yourself ? it's beautiful.
    Hope Matt will be fine and the little lambs are soon all out and he can go home and have some rest. have you still got the little one at home in the garden ?
    Michele- glad your dad is doing alright and manage better with the crutches. Have a good day x
    Karen- looking forward to see photo of the little man. He is always such a happy boy, glad you has a nice time together. Hope work not too bad for you, hugs
    Janet- seem like you left to go over only last week, 'shaking my head in disbelief' hihi have a lovely day.
    Cheryl- come to MK and use our Specsavers, they have been wonderful over many years. Sometimes the line in mine has not been right for reading but took them back and it was no problems to have them fixed. Just remember if you coming my way at all, do pop in for a coffee ! ;)
    Val- have fun playing when your new machine arrive. Lilian- shame the thicker dies not going through, not even if you make a thinner plate ? Hope you find a way.
    Sue- hope you had a nice day with the parade and everything. Maybe they will have to give Roz something to start her off so the little one gets a move on :) Hope she is ok. Glad to hear Chris's brother trying to eat some and getting better slowly. Sending you all some special hugs.
    Pat- many hugs for you too. Hope this week will go alright and not too many delays.
    Lynda- thinking of you and hope your mouth is not too sore. How are your legs doing, any improvements ?
    Sending hugs to our missing friends Sonia, Lorraine, Tracy and to anyone following Sandras blog. Leave a comment when you have a minute spare. We love meeting new friends !
    Had a good walk this morning, got a bit wet as the rain decided to came down half way around but jumped in the shower to warm up as soon we were back home. Can't find my mini plates for GC anywhere, must have tiding them away some place safe so going to have a good clearout.
    Hope your day is good. Love Maria Xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    Great sketch today. I wonder if I'll have time to do any crafting this week. Doesn't look like it at the moment. Spent most of the day at the hospital today. Just over half a day tomorrow. Plus Catheter to be changed plus his monthly injections in the morning. Crikey no half day just all day. Drs Thursday for blood tests to see how Petes kidneys are holding up with his heart medication.
    Hopefully we'll have a quieter week next week. I do know Pete has two Drs appointments next week though.
