
Tuesday 25 April 2017

My GDP084 Case The Designer Card

My Global Design Team #GDP084 Card

Good morning Ladies,

My goodness me it has turned cold, I swear I could see my breath in bed last night!! I do like having the window open, for the fresh air but if I hadn't been so cold I might have ventured out from under the duvet to close the window, I think my nose was blue!

Today's card is my entry for the Stampin Up! Global Design Team Challenge, #GDP084.  This weeks Challenge is a "Case the Designer" Challenge, meaning you look at their project as an inspiration for your own, very similar to our Sketch Challenge.
'Michelle Last' Designed the card that for this weeks Challenge, her card is featured above, it's so pretty ! 

My card was made used the Butterfly Basics Stamp set and the Brand New Fresh Fig Ink pad, for the main image I brushed the ink onto the stamp and then used a little more of the same colour ink, watered down a little to colour in the image, this way you have no harsh black outline. The background​ was stamped with some more of the Butterfly Basics stamps and a couple of stamps from 'Timeless Textures', stamped with 'Sahara Sand',Fresh Fig and Old Olive' Ink pads.
The little butterflies were stamped on to Vellum and fussy cut! 
I hope you like it ladies xx

I am hoping to hear some happy news from Sue this morning, fingers crossed, depending on that is our meet up today, Pat has another full day of Drs appointments and scans, I hope all goes smoothly Pat, hugs to you and Pete, it amazes me that Pete looks and seems as fit as a man 10 years younger! Xx

Sending Love and hugs to all that pop in today,



  1. Morning Everyone
    Lovely card SANDRA. That flower stamp is so pretty and the little touch of butterflies is just the finishing touch.

    Our visit to Lidl yesterday was fruitful in food/juice shopping but there wasn't a single item to be seen which could be called 'crafty'.

    I came back shattered after the 90km round trip and so it was a feet up afternoon. Today I have to start on sorting the wardrobe out. This means completely emptying it; taking all the winter stuff across to the annexe; bringing all the summer stuff across ready for our next visit and then deciding what is going to the Red Cross shop in Corbigny. I know that part will be a case of me saying 'yes it's going this year' and Jim will be saying 'no they still fit and good for some time'. It's always the same lol.

    Hope everyone's plans go as they should whatever they are particularly that important phone call and a new baby.

    Dobbie tells me the CAFE is open and doing well so pop in and take a peek. HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I hope you had a fruitful day sorting out clothes. Lidl here also don't have much in the crafty bits. Sometimes they have card which is quite good, but nothing much else.

    2. Hi Janet. I'm sorry that you didn't manage to get any craft goodies at Lidl. I hope the clothing swap over went well and that you did manage to get some sorted for the charity shop 😊 x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra.

    I feel shattered this morning-probably because I finally got Ho e yesterday at 9pm. Dad was supposed to be getting home (by ambulance) between 1-3pm but it was actually almost 7pm. Hubby & I went round to fit a Key Safe so the carets can get in and my Dad doesn't have to rush to the door. The hospital gave my Dad a prescription for his painkillers that needed dispensing-quite how they thought he was going to get that sorted himself I don't know. Dashed off to Tesco to get that sorted & got him some more food. Finally got home to eat around 9pm, waited for Dad to text to say he'd got upstairs ok but no message. Some time after 11pm he sent a text to the landline which woke us both up!

    I hope today isn't going to be too busy as my head is quite "fuzzy ".


    1. Hi Michele
      My word didn't the hospital give your Dad painkillers to start him off. Never heard of ours giving you a prescription to have filled. Some people have no sense do they. Hope he's feeling a bit perky today.

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you managed to get through work yesterday with a fuzzy head, due to worrying about your Dad no doubt. Hopefully you will be able to relax a little now he is home. Hospitals handing out scripts don't stop and think do they! Have a good day today x

  3. Morning All, yes Sandra it's much colder, but no rain, and although I love these bright sunny days, the garden is very parched.

    Sandra I love your card, that stamp set was one of the first sets I bought from stamping up, still use it a lot, I use pens to colour the stamp, also looks great with flower head decoupaged .

    Sue hope you get your news of the little one soon, glad brother in law is improving.

    Pat hope all things go well for you this week.

    Well it's cleaner day today ,so I'd better get my skates on, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Thanks for the good wishes Lilian. Tests all finished so fingers crossed he can go on the trial.

  4. Lovely card SANDRA And fingers crossed SUE gets some good news today - on Oscar's birthday A great day to be born

    1. Hi Karen, HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY TO OSCAR Hasn't that year gone quickly?
      Have a good day. Xxx

    2. Hi Karen
      Happy Birthday on Oscars first birthday. How time flies.

  5. Morning,

    Certainly getting colder here though the warm bright sun streaming through the windows would have you think otherwise. Joints playing up again and that's when I know it is getting colder or wetter.

    Best wishes Pat & Pete with all your hospital appointments.
    Hope Dad is OK today for you Michele and the re-enablement team turn up on time.
    My good friend Brian is coming to visit on 4th May for a few days so today is just a clear away all my craft and panto fabric boxes and general housework this morning so I can finally get my challenge cards for the past few weeks up to date this afternoon.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thanks you for Petes good wishes. Just a matter of waiting now.
      I hope you have a lovely few days with Brian.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,

    Love your card Sandra. So pretty and so fresh. Michele has made a cute card as well. Love her colouring of the Robin.

    It rained here during the night. Very unexpected and as a result all the sun bed covers are wet. It is warm today so hopefully they'll dry.

    My Gemini arrived Yeh. Only unpacked it and read the instructions so far but having a play later.

    Harvey and Kit are off to the vets shortly for their blood tests so keeping my fingers crossed.

    Pat hope everyone goes well this week in yet another week of hospital rounds.

    Sue looking forward to hearing some baby news from you soon, if not have a good time crafting with Sandra.

    Michele, glad your dad is finally out of hospital and wish him well for a speedy recovery. You sound as though you're rushing round as usual. Roll on the weekend eh.

    Janet, try and have a rest today after your busy shopping day yesterday. Can't believe your time is almost over in France. Was that really a month since you left? This year is flying by.

    Well I'll just have another cup of coffee and round up the cats.

    Love to all.

    1. Hi Val
      Thanks for the good wishes. I hope Harvey and Kit are ok at the vets.
      Enjoy your Gemini.

  7. A beautiful interpretation of Michelle's card, Sandra. The colouring of your images are like you have hand drawn them. And you fussy cut your butterflies? Amazing. Thankyou for playing along with the Global Design Project this week. Make sure you add you project to the Global Design Project Pinterest board.

  8. Hi Sandra. And ladies.

    Love ur card it says spring into summer for me it's just lush. Well so far a wee bit of snow fluttering here in Ayrshire. Hopefully it'll not come to much.

    Love to all xx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thought I commented earlier, your card is beautiful I love
    Waiting to be picked up for Petanque skittles evening.
    Still waiting baby news.
    Hope all with appointments have got on well.
    Hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Crikey Sue said Roz had her other two quite quickly. This one must be making up for the other two.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lovely card Sandra, it really looks like a piece of Art Work and the Butterflies are a perfect finishing touch.
    Had a busy day, this morning I had to go to Croydon for an INR check (all is well I'm pleased to say) then trip to the post office and some shopping, was back home for lunch, afterwards went into the garden. Feels like someone stole my day. Because now it's time to make some dinner.
    SUE hope you have some news soon, pleased BIL is making some progress, Am praying it continues. xx
    Must finish, battery is very low. I don't want to go back to the beginning.
    Love to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I'm glad your INR check was ok. I hope John is still feeling tickty boo. Someone stole my day as well.

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card Sandra, and I assume you made the background as well.
    Last visit to hospital today, but Pete still has blood tests on Thursday to see how his kidneys are doing on his new medication. Then it's a waiting job to see if Pete meets the criteria for the trials. Fingers crossed for that anyway.
    My Dr rang me re my hoarse voice and cough. My chest is clear so it's a trip to ENT for me in the next two weeks. I'm going to check to see if Mrs B has been in re the baby.

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. I love your card Sandra,bI actually thought at first sight that you had used a real dried flower as it is so beautifully coloured in (gorgeous colours) and with the lovely background and those pretty butterflies you have made a wonderful card my lovely.
    Sorry I didn't get to you today, still no baby, last nights contractions stopped this morning but started again early evening so who knows? I will let you know when she finally decided to join us x
    I will have to read everyone's comments in a while but wanted to say hi and I hope everyone is ok. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Not sure why the cyber grabber's keep pinching my comments as I left one this morning but disappeared if I ever get hold of them well I'm not normally violent but they better watch out.!!!!😡
    Any way PAT pleased Pete's hospital Went ok👌 iwii 💉I also have another 💉Again on Thursday at 11am then in thei afternoon 3 am
    Then it's dentist in the afternoon hopefully
    I will get my brace fitted &no drilling
    & then I will be able to smile again.
    We have had a bad storm thunder & lighting
    so wasn't able to comment as power went off.
    Lucky my comment is still here.
    MICHELE hope your dad is good spirit.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx
