
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Sending you Sunshine!!

Good Morning Ladies,

I am sending you all sunshine today, oh If only I could!!!!!
We actually had two mini flurries of snow today,  it seems so odd, short sleeves last week, gloves and hot water bottle this week!

So to warm you all up I made this bright and cheery card, using the 'Sunshine Sayings' bundle from Stampin'Up!, 

A really fun and cheerful set that works for so many occasions, available to order anytime!
I made a channel style card and added the die cut Scribble Flowers and then added my sentiment.
I hope you like my card ladies xx

I have added a 'Contacts Page' to the blog, above this message, you can click onto it at anytime to find my YouTube Channel, SU Website, email address etc, I would love to hear from you x

Still no baby news from Sue, Roz was having good strong regular contractions early Evening, so hopefully today will be a happy news day!

Pat you'll be glad of a day without hospital today, YAY !! Hugs xxx

Hope everyone is ok,

Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra -brilliant card, love that die set.
    It's been very cold here and extremely windy but no snow. The hedgehogs had eaten all their food by 10pm last night.

    Dad seemed much brighter last night but his ankle was swollen (on the leg that he'd had surgery on) so I suggested he use the small foot stool to raise it up. At 6am this morning he phoned me to tell me his heel was sore! Clearly he blames me I suggested he get the carers to look at it today or get his GP to do a house visit.

    Hopefully work will be ok & not crazy busy today. We slowly feel like we're getting sorted in our new workspace.


    1. Hi Michele. Sorry to hear that you are being blamed for your Dad's sore heel! I hope work goes as well as possible x

    2. Hi Michele, Sorry but you did make me smile when you said your dad blames you for his sore heel. Having looked after my MIL for many years, (she could have tried the patience of a saint) I knew just where you're coming from. I hope the carers sort him out.................Smile and stay calm. xx

    3. Hi Michele
      How ironic that your Dad blamed you for his sore heel. I hope that the carers sorted him out, and that work wasn't to traumatic. As Brenda said smile and keep calm. I'll heed that advice as well Michele.

  2. Morning Everyone
    from a very wet and cold Marigny!!!!

    The rain started yesterday tea time and it is still coming down. Admittedly we needed it as everything was so dry and the farmers must have been getting worried but as usual Mother Nature knows best.

    I/we managed to get the wardrobe etc sorted yesterday and there are two big bags waiting to go the Red Cross shop in Corbigny on Friday. I also managed to get two washer loads done during the cheaper rate time in the middle of the day but the clothes horse is going to have to pay an inhouse visit to start getting them dry. I've fingers crossed that by tomorrow it will be dry again and the trousers plus heavier things can go out on the line.

    SANDRA- a lovely modern card and beautifully crafted. Thank you for the sentiment.

    SUE- I really do hope that today is the day your little one makes an appearance. Roz must be so tired and more than ready for the little one to arrive.

    PAT - Well done no HOSPITAL apptments today lol.

    CHERYL- I hope the weather picks up for you and your visitor. Have a really good time.

    Well as it's an indoor day today now what shall I do?
    Perhaps try my hand at CRAFTING hehehe
    I have yet to start thinking about this week's CC so thinking cap on and we'll see what happens.

    The lights are on in the CAFE so the doors must be open waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We also have had rain on and off today. I popped over to see Sandra to have a catch up as we had no hospital appointments today. Hope you manage to get your washing dry. I think mine is wetter now than when it went out.

  3. Hello everyone, bright but cold.

    Sandra great card, waiting for the new catalogue to come out, early June I think.

    Sue do hope the waiting for the little one will soon be over, best wishes to all.

    Work today, waiting for lilac hood material to arrive as they are changing the colour and I have to do the first order, love doing the colours, but bit of a drag changing all the threads on the flat bed as well as the over locker.
    Have a good day all , going to try the cc this evening if not too tired.Hugs Lilian

    1. Yes Lilian, new catalogue out 1st June, I will have one to you straight away, there are some amazing new stamp sets in the new catalogue! I am very excited!

    2. Lilac, Interesting choice of colour for your hoods Lillian, are the Bees attracted to them?
      I too am excited about the new catalogue coming out. My only problem is I start to make a list put the catalogue down and when I return my list has changed, I just want everything!!!! xx

    3. Hi Lilian
      How come Bee hoods come in different colours. I always though they were white.

  4. Thank you for the sunshine SANDRA It is so needed It is so windy here Beautiful card
    Still no news from SUE ....
    I had a surprise visit from the birthday boy himself yesterday which was lovely
    Work this morning and then a crafty friend is visiting So playing this afternoon! πŸ‘

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh Sandra, I so love your Stampin Up creations, and your card today is wonderful. I'm hoping that when time (and finances) allow, I shall be able to have a good look through your catalogues and place an order :-)
    Once again, I'm sorry I've not been commenting lately :-( Been busy with various things, but unfortunately not crafting - mojo gone again!!
    Anyways, I do hope you're all keeping well.
    Sue I hope you get some baby news soon - you and your family must be so excited :-)
    Love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I hope your mojo returns soon. I'm also not crafting at the moment to busy for one.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Time waster, not brave enough to leave your name, you aren't welcome anyway!

    2. Margaret Palmer26 April 2017 at 13:39

      Good for you

    3. Well done Sandra. Well said. Who ever said all crafting people are nice, obviously didn't know this person existed.

  7. Margaret Palmer26 April 2017 at 12:48

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Just a quick message Sue probably busy admiring new granddaughter who arrived 9.09am weighing 6lb 14oz, all well.
    Sandra your card as always lovely, xx
    I must get on & make a card now.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

    1. Wonderful news, Congratulations ! Many hugs to you all xxx

    2. What wonderful news So pleased all is well I bet you're itching to have a cuddle with your new great granddaughter

    3. Wonderful news Margaret, another girl to add to the family.

    4. Hi Margaret congratulations so pleased for you all. I bet you are longing for a cuddle from your new great granddaughter
      Love & Hug's for you all xx

    5. Fabulous news 😊 Congratulations to you all xx

  8. Hi everyone,

    Ok Sandra, intrigued by your response. Yet another non-player I take it? Good riddance to whoever they are.

    Congratulations Sue on the birth of your new granddaughter and also to your daughter, SIL & families. Gorgeous fuzzy cuddly days arriving for you all.

    The bad weather has missed us yet again, we had the most glorious sunshine until late afternoon yesterday when the temperature dropped alarmingly. By which time I had already hung out and dried my washing & hand washed (in my machine) the prom dress my sister's friend donated for the panto.
    Our first official Panto Committee meeting last night saw us all thrashing out the finer details of questions raised at the AGM last week.

    Still doing the challenge cards. When you first started these Sandra, I copied each weekly sketch into a little black book and I am astounded at how many I have missed, where does the time go these days?

    Cooking stir fry veg to go with some precooked lamb for lunch. 'See' you all later.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Are you ring fencing Somerset so the goodish weather stays in and the bad weather stays out?.

  9. Congratulations Sue on the birth of your new baby Granddaughter, glad everyone is well, hugs to all Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and all.

    Sandra very pretty card and lovely stamp set.

    SUE What lovely news.. Many Congratulations on the birth of your granddaughter. Happy everyone is well.

    Not such good news re the Vet visit. Harvey has Feline Aids and Kit has the virus but borderline at the moment. Just told to keep them warm and happy. I can see the 3 of them being spoilt more than normal.

    My Gemini cuts like a dream but although thinner card embosses beautifully, Crafters Companions Centura Pearl in their own embossing folder won't go through. Stops halfway and I have to eject it. Has anyone else had the same
    problem? If not I'll contact Crafters Companion.

    Take care everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I don't use Ventura pearl card. But as it's made by the same company I'd contact them anyway.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I'm having problems today don't know if I can blame the Internet or it's not my fault, probably the latter! I had a long message ready to publish and my screen froze. Anyway now I am back to the beginning again and I'll try to remember what I was saying.

    Sandra, I love today's card, it's so trendy and fresh, (that scribble flower is on my Wish List, it's just beautiful) thank you for your wonderful inspiration.

    I'm intrigued like Cheryl what I missed, A time waster or a Sad, Sick person who has nothing better to do with their time than to go around being juvenile and irritating. Well done for removing the comment.

    SUE, congratulations on the birth of your new granddaughter, also sending congratulations to Ros and Tim, I'm sure they are both exhausted after all the waiting, but have this beautiful bundle as a reward. Please give the little one a special hug from me. xx

    I need to go to my craft room, first to tidy up and hopefully make a card or two. I suspect the tidying up could take longer though, I seem to start on a new project (card ) then get distracted with another idea. So really must put some of these half done ideas to good use.

    Sending caring hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

  12. SUE- Many Many congratulations on the birth of your Granddaughter. The same to all the family. I can see one little girl being thoroughly spoilt just as she should be.

  13. Hi Sandra and all ladies.
    Beautiful card Sandra as always, love the flowers and yesterdays card was wonderful. Presume you made the background yourself.
    Congrats to your new granddaughter Sue and glad everything went well. Hugs to you all ! :)
    I hope you all have a good day as possible whatever you are doing. Sending love and warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  14. Congratulations to TIM and ROS Super news I expect you're so relieved that the wait is over SUE Sendinghuge hugs to everyone xxx

  15. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Cute card today. Love that scribble set might have to get that at some point

  16. Hi Sandra
    Lovely ca d today. Love the colours. I had a free day today so went over to Sandas and had a cup of tea and a catch up. Saw Pascal who us so so cute but is huge.
    Margaret thanks for letting us know that Penelope arrived this morning.

  17. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SUE & Chris a big congratulations on the birth of you new granddaughter.
    My best wishes for Tim & Roz congratulations too BIG HUG'S for you all
    Sue enjoy all the cuddles 😘

    1. Sorry pushed publish too soon
      Sandra your card is stunning love that set. Good for you deleted that comment earlier. Hope you had a lovely catchup with Pat today.
      I'm saving up my PayPal money for a Gemini you have all convinced me it's best πŸ‘may take me a while though. I did pop in the range today to just have a look at it but they sold out.
      Tomorrow I have a blood πŸ’‰Test still got a large bruise from last week.
      Then dentist 😟in the afternoon so hopefully have my new bridge fitted fingers crossed I will take a before & after picture HaHa
      Started cc this afternoon & hopefully finish it tomorrow &still tidying craft room got some good ideas on Pinterest this morning trouble with that I can loose all track of time with it. We had on & off rain today & another very cold day. Terry managed to get the back grass patched up in between the rain. Then it's the front garden to start on never ends. We got a bargain at the Range the turf was reduced to 99p from £4.99.
      Hug's for all of you.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lynda
      Big hugs for tomorrow that you get your bridge sorted. That's a bargain price for your turf.
