
Thursday 27 April 2017

Beautiful Card from Brenda x

Brenda's Beautiful Card

Welcome to the World
Penelope Faye 

Good Morning Ladies,

Firstly I would like to welcome Penelope Faye to the world, she made her entrance to the world at 9:09am yesterday morning, weighing in at 6lb 14.5 Oz.  Both Mum and baby are doing fine.
Sue you must be such a proud Grandma and Margaret a proud Great-Grandma, she is beautiful ❤.

I received this beautiful card in the post yesterday morning from Brenda, I was absolutely blown away, it is stunning, I love it so much I think I am going to buy the Stamp and Die combination​ before 30th April, after then you have to but them separately and it costs a little more, it is a beautiful die called Floral Phrases.
Detail Floral Phases Bundle

Thank you so much Brenda for such a stunning, inspirational​ card, I love it xxx

I had a lovely visit from Pat yesterday, we didn't craft together but it was good to catch up, it seems like ages since we have sat and chatted. X

I hope you are all well and that the weather hasn't been to crazy where you are, we had both beautiful sunshine and sleet/hail stone showers. We have had the heating back on too! 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We could very easily have thought that we were back in November yesterday. So much rain all day and we resorted to the log burner before 10.00 yesterday morning. We are starting the day with some sunshine but we have had a hard frost during the night. Some of the roses are drooping because of it and the table top outside is a sheet of ice. At least it's stopped raining so I'm hoping I can get all the trousers out on the line.

    BRENDA- What a stunning card. It's really beautiful and I too love the die you have used. I just might have to have a look at that set.

    SUE- Many congratulations to you all you have one very beautiful Granddaughter and I love her name.

    I booked the return ferry and hotel for Sunday night stop over yesterday evening which enforces the fact that we're at the end of our current stay. It has been a productive stay with one or two jobs completed but also others not done. The usual I suppose. At least we might be able to relax a little more in the Summer.

    I have some cutting out to do today as I foolishly decided yesterday that I would get my next card for K&N sorted here and the dies I decided on stay here dohhhhhhhhh and then pictures to take and send off so I'm going to be busy.

    Dobbie reports that all is well in the CAFE and so pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      try & have two relaxing days before your long journey home on Sunday. Sending warm hug's
      I put my heating on last night it turned bitterly cold.
      Love Lynda xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you have a relaxing couple of days before you start again packing to come home. Like you are weather has gone back to winter.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Congrats to Sue & Margaret, glad Mum & baby are well.

    Brenda-wow, your card is GORGEOUS!!!! You've really shown how lovely that die is on your card.

    Had a lovely, peaceful evening-spent most of it reading . My brother called round early to deliver my birthday present (he's staying the night with Dad) -the present is huge......the box is about 4 foot square & about 4 inches wide and they've wrapped it!! Now I have to look at it for 2 more weeks.

    Hoping for a relatively quiet day at work so I can start to catch up on some management stuff. Tesco shopping tonight so not much spare time.


    1. Hi Michele wow such a large present from your
      brother. Your very good not opening before your birthday. I don't think I could the temptation would be to great.
      Hope work is ok today. XX

    2. Congratulations I've just seen your name on Sue's blog 👍

    3. Michele, Congratulations on winning one of SW's new dies xx

    4. Hi Michele
      Great that you brother is staying the night with your Dad. You can have an easy evening. Congratulations on winning on Sues blog. How can you wait 2 weeks to open your present.

  3. Morning one & all,

    Welcome to the world Penelope Faye, what a wonderful name you parents chose for you.

    We seem to be in the throes of a mini heat wave during the day and bitter cold temperatures at night here in Somerset. What a paradox our weather is.
    Another brilliant sunshiny start to today, our herbs and plants may be going out to finish hardening off before they get planted in the garden and the wall mat that we will be attaching to the wall this weekend.
    Healing thoughts and gentle hugs to our poorly blog friends.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hello All, bright sunshine here but very cold (4.4c), we hardly get that cold in the depth of winter, still no rain.

    Brenda super card, I bought this set a while ago, must admit I have not used it much.

    Welcome to the world little Penelope Faye, you are very beautiful, congrats to gran and great gran.

    Started my cc last night almost finished, not sure it's good enough to show might have to do another one.

    Michele don't know how you manage not opening that pressie before your birthday, hope it's something lovely.

    Work today, some how I find I really not keen on doing it these bright sunny days, whereas in the winter I don't mind, still can't pick and choose so I'd better get on, see you later, hugs to all, Lynda hope your smile is great! Lilian

  5. Congratulations SUE and MARGARET She is stunningly gorgeous and what a beautiful name Much love being sent xx
    I was sorry to read about your cats VAL Give them a cuddle from me
    I'm intrigued by your parcel MICHELE Sounds like it's a flat screen television to me - perfect for your craft room
    Had a lovely messy time with my friend She wanted to have a go at "smooshy" backgrounds and masking fluid - which I've never used but was interesting

    1. Hi Karen, thank you for the car cuddles.
      It sounds as though you had a lot of fun making backgrounds with your friend yesterday. Really messy. Bet you had a good laugh.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Karen
      Glad you had a good day with your friend & getting very messy xx

  6. Good Morning Sandra and everyone.

    Lovely card made by Brenda. It looks like lace. Very beautiful.

    Oh what a little cutie Penelope Faye is. Many Congratulations Sue and Margaret on the safe arrival of your Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter. So glad mum and baby are doing well.

    Sandra, glad you and Pat had a good time chatting yesterday. What a lovely break from all the hospital visits Pat. So hope the rest of the week goes well.

    Lynda good luck today. Can't wait to see your brilliant smile.

    Michele Glad dad is coping ok. Your presents sounds intriguing. I wouldn't be able to resist having a feel and a shake.Have quite a few cards to make today but have to do the ironing first.

    Good luck to everyone who's entered Sue Wilsons draw for her lovely new dies.

    Have a good day. Love Valxxx

    1. HI VAL
      thank you for your good luck wishes. Do you really want a picture with teeth out & in haha
      love Lynda xx

    2. Val I meant to say how sorry I was about your two cats. lot's of spoiling & cuddles XX

    3. I think I've just seen your name on Sue's blog

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a beautiful photograph Sue and Margaret not forgetting the new Mum Dad and the rest of the family, Penelope Faye is just gorgeous, all that waiting has been truly rewarded. XX
    Sandra It was a surprise when I opened the blog to see the card I sent to you looking back at me. It's such a lovely die set, the papers are from StampinUp 'Falling in Love Designer Series Paper' Spring/Summer Catalogue, they are so lovely, I've ordered another pack.

    Sending special hugs to Lynda and Pat, and anyone else who needs one just now. xx

    Have a lovely day, will pop in later hopefully. It after school swimming today, so may not be home until after 8pm. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, a beautiful card from you, so delicate with the lacy 'doors' just a little ajar to see the gorgeous background. x

    2. Hello BRENDA
      WOW a beautiful card what a lovely set of dies & stamps in the set.
      Thank you for my HUG'S
      I'M SENDING SOME HUG'S BACK FOR YOU & JOHN hope he is better now
      love LYNDA XX

    3. I forgot to say earlier how pretty your card is It's beautiful

    4. Lovely card Brenda. Thanks for the hugs. I'm now trying to book an appointment for me at the Churchill re my cough and croaky voice. Must be seen within 2 weeks but no appointments are available.Hugs back to you and John.

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing the lovely photo of Penelope Faye & the warm welcome you have all given her & all the warm wishes to Sue & me, thank you all. I am sure Sue will be in to thank you all when no doubt she has caught up on her sleep. I am looking forward to my first
    Brenda what a lovely card it is so delicate, well
    Val sorry to hear about your cats, you feel so helpless when your pets are I'll, I am sure your cuddles will
    Lynda hope dentist is less painful today, hugs on
    Pat hope Pete gets on ok with whichever appointment he has
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  9. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SUE your new granddaughter is beautiful congratulations too you & Margaret & all the family I love the name she has been given it's gorgeous SUE Have lots of cuddles they grow so fast. My Harry is 3 in June it's frightening how fast this year is going.HUG'S FOR YOU ALL.
    sunshine today but very cold. Blood test over then 3pm Dentist hopefully no hiccups.
    B....y hoover packed up this morning I started to smell burning so Terry said looks like the motor has gone. I wish I could have some good luck for a change just fed up with all the bad luck.
    Just waiting for Terry to get home he said he would be home at 1pm & it's now 2pm he better get back by 2.30 to take me to the dentist or I wont be a happy bunny.
    I am off to get ready so will pop back to let you know how I got on.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope Terry arrived home in time to take you to the dentist. Hopefully your on the final leg now. Hugs to you both.

  10. Hi Everyone.

    Just checked Sue Wilson blog as the winners name have been released and Michele has won a beach die set. Well done Michele. My names there as well. I won the daffidil set.

    LYNDA what about a before and after photo! Hope everything went well today. Hugs xxx

    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val congratulations on your Die win on Sue's blog enjoy using it especially in your Gemini machine. Hope your pleased with it.
      Dentist wasn't so bad had bridge fitted looks ok gums are a bit tender
      As she really pushed it up then she was scrapping the cement off my
      Gums now they are throbbing so I bought some Orajel similar to bongella but stronger.but apart from that all good thank you.
      Lynda xx

  11. Hello again, can I ask is the die Brenda used the same one that Sandra shows in the photo, it looks different from mine, wonder if I have a wrong one, bought the bundle some time ago.

    1. Hi Lillian, well spotted, the die I used is called 'So in Love' and the backing paper is from the 'Falling in Love Design Pack' those papers are absolutely gorgeous. I have to say that I also love the 'Floral phrases die set ..... another addition to my wish list! xx

  12. Margaret Palmer27 April 2017 at 16:57

    Quick message from Sue, sorry she has not been in, she has been on school run with Paige, unfortunately Phoebe has tonsillitis so took her to Dr's now home to have quick sleep before Beavers. She will get in when she can but says thank you for all messages. Love Margaret xx

  13. VAL I think congratulations are in order. You are a winner on SW's blog. xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card from Brenda. She's such a sweetie. I saw this card in the flesh so to speak.
    Congratulations to Tim and Roz on the birth of Penelope Faye.
    Congratulations to Michele and Val winning a Die set on Sues Blog. Well we were supposed to have a visit from a company from Abingdon as we'd like an imprinted concrete drive also might go round to the back patio as well. But I'm afraid they were a no show. They have a good reputation as well and they're a family business.

  15. Congratulations to Val and Michele, both winners on Parti Craft

  16. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Welcome Penelope Faye to the family, sending you,your mum and dad, grandma and great-grandma many hugs. She is absolutely gorgeous !
    Lovely card Brenda, Love it.
    Congrats also to Val and Michele for winning a die on Sue's blog today.
    Lynda, hope you alright and now can smile once again.
    Sorry being so late again, no sleep at night but sleep half the day and the rest is spent in a cocoon. Only time I'm out is for the doctors and for the acupuncture this morning. So cold all the time, which the spring could get a hold and stay for a while. Have to stay indoors tomorrow for a phone call from doctors reg. something else that showed up from my resent blood test. Sooo fun :) Hope you all had a good day. Love Maria xxx

  17. Hi everyone congratulations Michele &Vai on their win on SW blog enjoy you Dies enjoy playing with them.
    As I said too Val dentist was ok I can now smile once again . Gums are quite tender & throbbing hope they Settle down soon.
    I'm off to bed now love Lynda xx
