
Friday 28 April 2017

Eastern Promise.......

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Phew, the end of another week and almost another month!
How is that even possible?!
We have a busy month of blog birthdays next month, starting with Sue's on Monday, then Michele (who shares a BIG birthday year with me this year) !! Then we have Sonia/Angela on same day and Maria towards the end of the month, it's crazy! We seem to be either all or nothing !!

My card today features some of the new 'Eastern Palace Suite' of products from Stamping up, it's all rich peacock colours, emerald greens, rich Burgundy reds, gold and dark blue, the dies are medallion style dies, it has a Morroccan feel to me, I wasn't sure at first but the colours are growing on me, there are some brighter colours coming that are more Spring and summer so I can't wait to use those with these dies.

Have you all got plans for the Bank Holiday weekend?  Paul is working so I think I will be spending it in my craft room !

Have a lovely day ladies,
Sending gentle hugs to those that need it, Lynda I hope your mouth isn't too sore, can we see a photo of your new crocodile smile?! XXX

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    We have sunshine and a frost this morning so nice to look at not so nice to go out into it. We will of course be going out as it's Friday which means our last Market Day for a while so fingers/toes and even eyes (oh no Eyes that's normal) that it will have warmed up a little by then.

    SANDRA- a beautiful card with gorgeous colours. I wonder what Eastern Promise consists of lol.S

    SUE - I hope you and all the family have come down to earth and are breathing a little easier now you have your delivery complete.
    MARGARET- hope you've had your first cuddles.

    LYNDA- I hope the dentist trip was OK and that you can now smile again.

    MICHELE- Hope your Dad is getting along OK and that all caring packages are in place and working. Have a good week-end relaxing I hope after your hectic week.

    Well our plans for the BH week-end is:-
    SATURDAY- clean the house; pack the car
    SUNDAY- travel up to Calais (should be OK as it's not a BH over here and there's no lorries on the road)
    MONDAY- sail to Dover and travel up to Sheffield (hoping that the M25 is not playing at being a car park and that the M11 A14 and A1 are behaving)

    Quite a normal week-end then!!

    The lights are on in the CAFE so it must be open and ready for you all.
    Hugs on their way with a few extras for those in need.

    1. Hi Janet
      After today then your going to be busy getting ready to come home. Let's hope all the motorways aren't to busy. Take care on your journey. Give Yvette a pat from me.

    2. Have a nice day and hope you get to the market for some last minute bargains perhaps and some yummy cakes. Hope Yvette being good on your way back to the uk xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Hope your not going to be cream crakered getting ready for your trip home. I hope Yvette takes care of you on your homewood bound journey xx
      My dentist was ok yesterday fitting the bridge so I can smile again sent Sandra a before & after picture sorry about the face but teeth are lovely.enjoy your last couple of days.
      Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, love the colour.

    Yesterday was "eventful "- I got a message at lunchtime from my brother saying Dads GP had been out to check his leg & was concerned that he might have a DVT so he needed to go to the clinic in A&E. I met them there with a wheelchair-after all the tests & scans ..he doesn't have a DVT. Thank goodness-it was about 3.15pm when I helped my brother get my Dad is his jeep. I went back to work then straight to Tesco to do the shopping-I was shattered last night but I haven't slept very well.
    I'm taking Fish & Chips to my Dad on my way home tonight-will make sure he's sorted for the next few days then head home. I'm hoping to get some time in my craft room this weekend as I have a list of cards I need to make.


    1. Oh Michele. Poor dad. Hope he's ok. I'm sure he'll be delighted with his fish and chips tonight. Hope today isn't too busy for you. At least you're you're off for the weekend. Yeh. Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      Crikey what a pallava for you. I'm glad that he doesn't have DVT though. I'm sure he'll enjoy the fish and chips tonight. Have a lovely weekend.

    3. Glad your dad not having DVT, hope he gets better soon. You take care and have a nice weekend xx

    4. Thank goodness it wasn't. Hope he perks up soon. See u won a sue die yesterday bet that cheered u up xx

    5. Michele pleased your dad didn't have DVT hope he enjoyed his fish & chips & you got him settled. Congratulations on wining a Sue Die. Hope today is going ok at work. Have a good weekend xx

  3. Hello All, dull, but no rain.

    Sandra beautiful card, wasn't sure about colour when I first looked, but I think it will be a good colour for male cards, it's not a colour I use often, in future going to try and use colours that I would not naturally go too.

    My last mammogram appt, was cancelled,so am off to have that done today, hope it's not too painful.
    Have a good day all, hugs till later ,Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope all that squashing isn't too painful. I told my doctor last week that I hadn't had an appointment through for my bi-annual mammogram and he said once you reach 70 they don't bother. I really feel over the hill!!! Is it the same in the UK?
      Hope it goes alright. Valxxx

    2. Hi Val,
      Here you get them until 73 after that you can have one if you ask, you are definitely not over the hill as I am almost 4 years older than you& I hope I have few years left!!! Enjoy craft

    3. Hi Lilian
      I to hope the squashing isn't to painful. Don't know where our Mamagram service will be now as it was outside the Deer Park Surgery previously. But that surgery has been closed leaving 4300 patients without a Dr.

    4. Hope you be alright Lilian and it want be too long in the squeeze machine. Take care xx

    5. Hi Lillian ooo Ouch the dreaded Jed Clampit machine HiHi
      Hope it goes well for you. Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I'm sorry that I haven't been in since early Wednesday when I had just started to comment until I got"The" call. Time since then has flashed by. I spent yesterday like a jack in a box popping in and out all day. I managed to eat my tea before falling asleep just before 9pm.
    Thank you all so very very much for all of the wonderful greetings for our third gorgeous granddaughter Penelope Faye. We have managed to get some cuddles but the girls hold her as much as they can even though poor Phoebe has a nasty bout of tonsillitis, bless her.
    Sandra, todays card is lovely, the dies and colours are gorgeous, so rich and deep. They do have a Morrocan feel don't they. I hope you get to spend lots of time while Paul is working in your craft room. Is it still tidy? 😊 I am looking forward to have having a proper catch up on Tuesday, missing two weeks is two too many for me my lovely xx
    Pat, I hope that you are not too exhausted after your busy week, bless you. I hope we will be able to meet up on Tuesday too x
    Brenda, I love your gorgeous card that Sandra showed yesterday, that die is fabulous, it's so delicate and works with that soft paper perfectly. Thank you for sharing it x
    Maria, sending you gentle hugs, I'm sorry you aren't feeling so good. How did your shoulder appointment go? X
    Congratulations to Michele and Val on both winning a new die set of Sue's.
    Val, I'm sorry to hear that you had bad news about your cats but I'm sure they will be thoroughly spoilt though. I will take some Ventura pearl card to Mums today to see how her Gemini embosses with it x
    Michele, I hope your Dad is doing well. Do you have any idea at all about your birthday present from your brother? I would have to lift it up and give it a little shake 😊 Would your brother play a little trick by put something small in lots of wrapping as most of us have done at one time or another? You are very good to wait though x
    Lynda, I hope your gums arent as sore today. Will we see a before and after shot? I hope Terry is ok too x
    I hope everyone has a good day. I must get on as I'm on the school run with Paige this morning g then off tpum and Pops 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Maria, Pat and Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, bet your delighted, and rightly so, having another little baby to cuddle. I love the name, so pretty.
      Have a lovely time today visiting mum and pop.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Sue I bet your delighted on your new arrival. Hospitals again on Tuesday so won't be at the meet up. I'll be glad when we get back to Wednesdays.

    3. Hi Sue, have a nice time seeing mum and Pop later.
      Sound like you have to queue for a baby cuddle Lol
      They are sending me for some needle work on my shoulder which hopefully shall make the calcium go away, sort of. Also will get a appointment for the pain clinic. Have been going for years and it's never been any much help but you try anything when it's real bad don't you. Big hugs xx

    4. Hi Sue. Congratulations on the birth of your Granddaughter :-) Enjoy the cuddles xxxx

    5. Hi Sue thank for asking about my gums they are not so bad today but still sore but bearable. Sent Sandra before &after smiley pictures shame about the face.haha
      Enjoy your cuddles they grow up so fast & the time goes nowhere I can't believe my Harry is three next month I did Send Sandra a picture of him a couple of weeks ago she couldn't believe how big he's got.
      Big Hug's Lynda xx

  5. Love the card SANDRA It certainly has a slight morroccan feel Imagine It in gold on black and tiled and red and .... mind buzzing!
    Congratulations to MICHELE and VAL Two very deserved winners
    I hope everyone's pains are easing
    Day off today We're looking after Oscar Yay!
    Dancing tonight
    OH working all w/end So it'll be crafting - what a chore
    Take care ladies xxx

    1. Hi Karen. Have a wonderful time today looking after Oscar. You must be full of energy going dancing as well tonight. Take care Valxxx

    2. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your day with Oscar.

    3. Have a gorgeous day with Oscar and enjoy the dancing tonight. xx

    4. Hi Karen
      Have a lovely day cuddling Oscar enjoy .Xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Beautiful card Sandra. Love the colours. Really rich.

    I've spent so long commenting on the way down that it's now time to leave for Craft Club so have to dash.

    Will call back later.

    Bye for now.

    1. What did you make at craft club today ? hope you had a fun morning xx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today but I'm not to sure about the colours nor the dies. I'll wait till I see it in the flesh so to speak, before making up my mind

    1. Hi Pat. Hope you are alright and will have a nice weekend. Try to have a rest before it's all starts again next week. OH has gone for a root canal this morning, not back yet. hugs xx

    2. Hi Pat hope you have a relaxing weekend before all your hospital appointments starts next week.take care My friend xx
      Maria hope OH is ok after his root canal brings back memory's of mine a couple weeks ago. Hope your not in so much pain today
      You Take care too my friend xx

  8. Hi Sandra.

    Beautiful card.
    No plans for me I have to work boo hoo 😭

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Hope you all have a nice Friday and looking forward to the longer weekend.
    Love the card Sandra ! I like a bit of the Moroccan style and the colours are talking to me Lol
    Hope our missing friends are alright and just busy with life, missing you.
    Sending many hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  10. Hello ladies, how are you all?
    I have been absent due to a really bad fibro/costochondritis flare. I tried to carry on through it but it has beaten me and I can hardly do anything.
    It's my Mum's birthday tomorrow and I don't think I will be able to see her. Family going out for lunch. Harrison will be there so I will miss him too. Can you believe he will be one on Tuesday?
    Feeling quite sorry for myself to be honest.
    Hoping you are all well.
    Happy crafting

    1. Hi Lorraine sorry to hear you are feeling so low, that's one of the worst side effects of being in constant pain, you end up exhausted on top of the actual pain itself, I am sending you the biggest hug and I'm sure that all of your friends here in the café do too xxxx

    2. Hello Lorraine, so sorry to you are so unwell, sending huge healing hugs, hope you will soon be on the up.

    3. Hi Lorraine. as a fellow fibro. sufferer I can understand and so hope you soon feel better. Happy birthday to your mum for tomorrow. Take care, gentle hugs xx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely card today - like the look of those papers :-)
    Congratulations Michele and Val on your win over on Sue's blog - enjoy :-)
    Hope everyone enjoys the bank holiday weekend whatever you're doing.
    Love and hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, so lovely having you back in each day, these papers are lovely, I wasn't sure at first as they seem quite autumnal or even wintery, I think they will make amazing Christmas cards. They remind me of peacock colours, really rich, some of the papers have gold in too which really lifts them.
      Have you got much planned for the weekend?

    2. Hi Sandra. Oh I agree about the papers - they definitely made me think 'Christmassy'. I guess it won't be long until we're all thinking about making our first few Christmas cards, lol ;-)
      I have got this weekend off work. Have some bits to catch up with at home (boring stuff), but have a friend round tomorrow evening for drinks and then popping to see the family on Sunday. Back to work Monday, but then 2 days off as working next weekend!
      Hope you have a lovely weekend. Hugs xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Lovely card and has a very Moroccan look about it. Not sure if these colours would work for me, but then I'm not great with colours. But as you say the colours are growing on you. Often when we look at things they don't always sing to us, but gradually grow on us, so much so we end up not being able to live without them!

    I've had a busy morning in the craft room, had some cards to put finishing touches to, all done now and in the post. Now I need to tidy up again. I pull so many bits out, saying to myself - what It I use this, always ending up with multiple what ifs - you get the picture!!!!

    We haven't any plans for the weekend, I have to be careful because when I say that Life takes over and we end up being busy busy busy. Will just take it as it comes.

    We are off to a funeral in a little while, a neighbour over the road died at Easter time, she was such a lovely person.
    Tomorrow morning I have a hospital appointment, they rang me on Tuesday offering me an appointment on Saturday at 10.45. As daughter said why don't they offer working people these appointments. I can see where she is coming from, but I would have been silly to refuse.

    Enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend everyone,. I hope the weather turns warmer soon, we still have the heating on as it's been so cold.

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    I have commented on the way down gosh it takes so long to get to the end .
    Brenda hope the funeral went as well as it could. Hope you get your cards finished.
    I have got a couple of cards to make &a my craft rooms is still messy or should say Moore messy.
    Lorraine sorry your in so much pain & you will miss your mum's birthday Sending her a happy birthday wishes. You take care Big Hug's xxx
    We aren't up to much for the weekend I'm dog sitting tomorrow. Not sure what the kid's are doing we might get a never know.
    Sandra your card is gorgeous I like the colour's you have used XX
    Love Lynda xx

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    So sorry you're not feeling so good Lorraine and you'll miss out on your mum's birthday. Sending lots of hugs and so hope you feel better

    Brenda hope your neighbours funeral went as well as these occasions can.

    Lynda, enjoy your dog sitting over the weekend. Looking forward to the before and after photos. Xxx

    Pat, hope you can enjoy your weekend before another week of hospitals.. xxx

    I think it was Maria asked what I did at craft Club today. Well last week Wendy asked me if I had a small hole punch so during this week I went into my punch drawer for the first time in months and months. I couldn't find one for Wendy but I saw all my lovely punches again. So this week I took them all to class and had a great couple of hours using them.Its such a shame when I think of all the stash I've got which was once popular and now never used. I'm sure we're all the same. I wonder how many of you have a drawer full of Glitter Girl boards still?

    It's.7.15 here and my tums rumbling so time for tea. Only salad sadly as still healthy eating.

    Have a good evening everyone.
    See you tomorrow. Love Valxxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I am late again, I wasn't​ justing going to comment when Sue & Chris arrived with young Chris so comment went out of the window.
    Sandra your card is lovely, as the others said the colours grow on you, makes a lovely
    Lynda pleased to hear you are finished with dentist hope to see photos
    Janet hope you have managed to get all jobs done & safe journey home. No I have not had a cuddle yet will do soon I
    Michele you are good waiting until your birthday before opening your present. Hope Dad continues with his progressed :& you get a
    Maria hope you get some relief from the injections. Hugs on way.xxd
    Karen I am sure you have enjoyed your day with
    I am falling asleep here so will send embroidery hugs to all who need them love

  16. Heartfelt creations joining Hochanda on the 1 of May, another one to watch. I like them.xx
