
Saturday 29 April 2017

It's know what that means?? We change things up a little!

Good Morning​ Ladies,

Welcome to our mixed up Saturday, where we like to change things up a little, 
Show different things, have a little peep into each others lives, well we are all virtually family!!

First up this week is a trio of fantastic cards from our Janet,

A beautiful Stepper card, such beautiful papers and gorgeous little butterflies
Create this beautiful work of art.
The second card features that adorable little girl ( I believe it's from a CD-ROM, if my memory serves me right)! Janet has matched the background perfectly with the 
Topper and a few pretty gems and some ribbon are 'icing on the cake'!
Last but not least another cute children's card, featuring some comical royal 
Characters, they look very 'panto'!! 
Three fantastic cards Janet, thank you so much for sharing.
Have a safe journey home xxx

Next up today I wanted to share a few photographs of Matt's flock with you,
He's been struggling a bit this year after some health issues etc, but he sent me these 
Photos last night with a message saying, this makes the all the struggling worth it.
I had a huge lump in my throat I can tell you, We are so proud of what he has achieved!

The lambs with the Mummy's in the field, they grow so fast!

The Dalmatian is Matt's friend Jodie's dog, she is giving 'Pascal'
the black lamb, he is huge, Matt had to intervene with his birth, using rope to
Assist his Mummy to deliver him, it was no wonder she struggled when you see the 
Size of him, we have him at home at the moment, Paul has just fed him and put him
A clean nappy on, yes I did say nappy, well you can't potty train a lamb!

This is 'Athena' our first abandoned lamb, in this photo she is stealing 
The horses food at the stables, she looks so tiny compared to Pascal

Harley with Athena, such an amazing bond between these two, totally bizarre,
They sleep together, play together, Harley cleans her regularly, especially her face when she has just had a bottle! I think he will miss her when she is running in the field with her cousins! 

Last up is an amazing transformation, the smile says it all....
From pain and frustration....

To smiles and perfection, Lynda you are so brave and strong, the pain
Was so worth it though, your smile warms my heart ❤
Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I know everyone of your
Friends here will be as happy as I am that you have your smile back

Val, I too have a draw full of Glitter Girl boards, I never really mastered them if I'm honest, plus you had to hand cut all the shapes, which is something I'm rubbish at, I always noticed when they were on CC they had everything pre-cut, making it look so easy, although when I look back they were a little tacky and 'OTT', I wonder what they are doing these days! Have a lovely weekend Val xxx

Lilian, I hope you have recovered from being put through the 'wringer' xxx

Maria, I hope you are feeling brighter sweetheart xxx

Brenda, will be thinking of you today, hope appointment goes well xxx

Janet, I hope packing and first leg of your Journey goes well xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,


PS: Did any of you notice that I upgraded the card yesterday? 
I thought it was a little bit bare, so I did this ....

To this, a few embellishments, I filled in the border strip and added some flowers and flourishes and a few pearls !!


  1. Morning Everyone
    First of all LYNDA- you are one very brave lady facing all that pain and going to the Dentist but I have to say that your smile says it all. I think you deserve the star of the week.

    SANDRA- lambs are always beautiful to watch when they're out in the fields and playing 'king of the castle' and I'm sure they are fitting with springs to their feet lol. They also say Spring has finally arrived and we can now look forward to longer daylight days and warmer too!! I have to give Matt a big pat on the back too as looking after farm animals is not an easy job and needs full attention. There's always worries particularly when lambing/calving is in full swing and sometimes things don't go to plan. CONGRATULATIONS MATT on a beautiful set of lambs.

    I was surprised to see some of my cards this morning. The stepper one I've done using Crafters Companion Edgeables cut from their 300g White card with a silver shine. It is also going to be my offering at K&N when it's my turn.
    The other two are from CDs - the little girl is from one of Sherri Baldy range called 'My Besties' and the last one is a Crafter's Companion CD 'Cinderella Collection' both are lovely for little girl cards.

    The market was very sparse yesterday but the café was really buzzing and full. Of course it's their time for National Voting so you can imagine arms everywhere and facial expressions of every sort when discussing such things.

    Our final pastries for this time were as usual wonderful.
    I have a fantastic rectangle made of Chocolate Biscuit base covered with milk chocolate fudge which in turn was covered with a thick layer of White Chocolate Mousse. The finishing touches were two small think squares of milk chocolate burnished with a burgundy colour and a white chocolate shell.
    Jim had a rectangle consisting of a praline base covered with a layer of dark chocolate mousse; on top of that a thick layer of milk chocolate mousse. The finishing touches were - a faux macaroon with a small chocolate button and some tiny gold pearls.

    It's that awful time of packing the car and cleaning today so I'm sure that at some time words will be said lol.

    The CAFE is open and waiting for customers. I've sent the usual week-end pastries so I hope they've arrived in one piece and Dobbie hasn't tasted a few.
    Have a good week-end everyone. HUGE HUGS to you all.

    1. Hi Janet
      Your pastries sound wonderful. Didn't fancy yours as I don't like white chocolate or mousse. But I quite fancied Jims.
      Hope the packing and cleaning isn't to traumatic.
      Love the cards by the way.

    2. Hi Janet, lovely cards, your pastries sound yummy, trying to loose weight so no cakes for mr. Hope you have a good journey home.

    3. Hi Janet
      Thank you for your lovely words on my new smile I'm very 😄 pleased. Your cards are all gorgeous love the stepper card & lovely images on the other two. Safe journey Tomorrow hope all goes smoothly. Love Lynda xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-beautiful cards, all really lovely.

    Sandra-great to see the lambs especially with the dogs.

    Lynda-WOW! What a transformation-I know you've been to the dentist quite a few times recently but I didn't realise why. Well done for persevering.

    Quick trip to the butchers & Co-op in the village then off to the hairdressers for 10am. No other plans after that so I just need to find some oomph so I can start making some cards-perhaps I'll find some oomph on the shelf in Co-op??!!


    1. I know the feeling Michele. I also need some oomph. I'll probably find it when I get a crafting meet up with Sandra to do some crafting. Just need the push to get on and do something.

    2. Thank you Michele for your lovely comments on my new smile xxHope you found some Oomph in the CO-OP 🙄Xx

  3. Happy Saturday everyone,

    Some gorgeous cards from Janet, 'mint sauces' from Matt and Lynda's radiant new smile has brought a smile to my lips this morning.
    The little lambikins with their mummies show what a thankful job Matt has done to get them all here safe and sound. A richly deserved WELL DONE Matt.

    Congratulations also to Michele and Val on Sue's latest collection draw.

    As you know I love the English language but playing catch-up yesterday with a lot of Facebook posts that I had missed, I was absolutely appalled at the misuse of the apostrophe, bad spelling and the laziness in not using the correct word. What on earth do the English teachers think they doing dumbing down our beautiful language by not teaching their pupils correctly? I dread to think how future generations will write something, possibly using text speak methinks. How on earth did these teachers ever get their degrees? Surely the Professors at Uni should be picking up on this?
    My three biggest bugbears are....
    using the word OF instead of HAVE...
    i.e. ... she could of thought....she could have thought
    using an apostrophe when describing a plural which should end with IES or an s unless it belongs to someone...
    i.e. ...Amys nail's....Amy's nails
    using BOUGHT instead of BROUGHT....
    i.e. ...He bought the news to everyone...he brought the news to everyone.
    I had many a battle with my children's English teachers not teaching them how to spell or correcting their written English grammar. So many people miss out on job interviews purely for the mistakes they make on their application forms. One of my friends is a support worker at a College and says so many pupils come to them with just a rudimentary knowledge of English that they have to give them extra tuition just so they can do the courses they have chosen.
    I can well remember my last teacher in Australia, every morning we would start lessons with spelling, times tables and mental Arithmatic tests. I have just spell checked Arithmatic and their interpretation is Arrythmic, I suppose that's because the Americans use the word Math.
    Rant over with a chuckle today.

    ((((HUGS)))) to all our poorly ladies, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    i.e. ...

    1. I so agree with you You should see some of the PA's grammar at work One of my biggest bugbears is "your" instead of "you're"!

    2. We so agree with you Cheryl. Petes's pet hate is. Buy one get one free, and they say Bogof. Which should be bogoff. Mind you it's a struggle getting some 4 and 5 year olds to say " the ". They pronounce it as ver.

    3. Oh Cheryl - how we so agree with you. Jim's biggest language hate ' buter' instead of 'butter' -not pronouncing the double t in any word spelt with 'tt'. I didn't attend a Grammar School and went to our local Secondary Modern but we were taught how to use English language in all ways. Jim is a 'Grammar Boy' and just cringes at the younger generation of today not only in the language department but many other ways. Thank you xxxx

    4. Hello Cheryl, you have made my husband very happy, he gets so cross with people who don't know how to use apostrophes properly, the favourite down here is signs saying pasty's.

    5. Apologies if I spell words wrong at times. I write like I speak so the words can sometimes be a bit muddled ( most of the time) I never really know when to use the apostrophe's. Sometimes though when reading the comments here and on other blogs I can't stop LOL hihi xx

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Another lovely Saturday of delights on our favourite blog.

    JANET three beautiful cards. Love the stepper card and I'm sure your ladies at K+N will too.
    Just love the sound of this week'spastries. Anything to do with fudge Iis a definite hit with me.
    Good luck with packing and cleaning today. Hope your journey starting tomorrow goes quickly and safely. Hugs xxx

    Sandra Matt lambs brought a big smile to my face. Sheep and lambs in fields is something I really miss over here. How wonderful that Harley is looking after A then a so well and my, isn't Pascal a big boy. The idea of a nappy on a lamb has really tickled me. MATT has done such a good job and you must be very proud of him.

    LYNDA last but not least. Your before and after photos brought a tear to my eye as I know how painful the whole process has been but wow was it worth it. You must be so happy with your lovely smile. You deserve a bit Pat on the back for being so brave. Xxx

    Just off upstairs to finish my cc Sandra and it will be on its way to you. I totally agree about the Glitter Girl boards. I never got to grips with them either.

    Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend everyone. Hugs to everyone and special ones for all not feeling too good today.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Awww lots of lovely wee lambs I love seeing them jumping around in the fields so cute xx

    Love all the cards as always.

    Lynda great to see u smiling again!!! Speak soon my lovely xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing us the photos of Matt's sheep, they look lovely, no wonder Matt had to help the dad with Pascal he is enormous, well done
    Janet your cards are all lovely,cafe journey
    Lynda what can I say, you look lovely, Terry must think he has a new woman in his life Hana. Well done for persevering with the discomfort it is well worth
    Maria hope you feel better, hugs on
    Out for coffee this morning so will send hugs to all wh9 need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Janet, love your beautiful cards. Especially love the butterflies. Hope the packing up goes well and safe journey home x
    Sandra, those little lambs are so cute. Well done to Matt for all his hard work x
    Wow Lynda, your teeth and lovely smile are amazing. Well done for persevering all those dental appointments, definitely worth the final result x
    Off to have my hair cut later. Managed to get a last minute appointment, and I thought it was about time after nearly a year! Lol.
    Hope you all have a lovely day. Love and hugs to all xxx

  8. Three very pretty cards JANET Good luck with the packing
    Seeing the lambs brought a smile To my face Big congrats to MATT at doing such a sterling job
    Oh LYNDA What a beautiful smile
    I had a brilliant day with Oscar yesterday He is such a character and smiles all of the time, chatting to his toys, bashing the hell out of one of his puzzles He loved the noise he was creating! And how excited he got watching his favourite tv programme Tipping Point! I think it's the lights and music
    More crafting today
    Take care all We must organise a Watford meet up soon

    1. Yes please Karen. A meet up is just what I need at the moment.
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with Oscar.

    2. Give me the date and I'll be there ! So need something fun to look forward too. Hate feeling this way.....xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies. Lovely cards today from Janet. I agree with you Sandra the last one does look like panto ladies. Cheryl would be the expert on those.
    Wow Lynda your smile is fantastic. Seems like all the pain was well worth it. Although I wouldn't wish pain on you Lynda.
    I at last have managed to make an appointment at the Thyroid clinic for 10.15 on Mon 8th May at the Churchill. It's quite scary the letter the Dr sent to me to do a Choose and Book for an urgent appointment. I'm not showing it to Pete as we have enough problems with him at the moment.
    Tomorrow morning we have an appointment with the imprinted people to look at our drive etc. Most apologetic this morning that they couldn't keep our appointment on Thursday. Citing personal problems and phone playing up. Not to sure what happened to house phones.

  10. Forgot to mention the lambs Sandra how cute are they. Worth all the work he's done throughout the year. My word Pascal does look big against the other lambs doesn't he.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sorry Sandra, I hadn't spotted yesterday's card had been edited, the first edition was lovely, it would have been suitable for many occasions, the edited version gives it a more feminine look. Both versions are lovely.
    Thank you for sharing the lovely photographs Matt sent, the lambs look gorgeous, he has done a remarkable job and must be feeling quite exhausted, I'm sure he is looking forward to sleeping in his own bed again - soon I hope.

    JANET, Your cards are really lovely, thank you for sharing. Hope the packing goes well and Evette is ready for the return journey. Can't promise that the M25 car park will have moving traffic. Older daughter has to use it every day, from A127 to A13 and back again at the end of the day. A journey of 10/15 minutes sometimes it can take three times as long. Good luck will de thinking of you.

    LYNDA, Its lovely to see your smile, You must be absolutely delighted with your new teeth. It has been a very painful journey to get to where you are now, I hope you are pain free at last. Take care. xx

    My hospital appointment went well, Next appointment will be an MRI scan and then possibly investigation under local anaesthetic. No it's just a matter of waiting for those appointments to come through.

    I started this message about two-ish, thought I had pressed publish. In the meantime I've been out pottering in the garden, only to come back in and look on the blog to see what's happening. Lo and behold my messages still in the box - oops!
    Hope everyone is well, love and hugs for all, Brenda XXX

    1. I'm glad your hospital appointment went well. Hope the investigations find nothing untoward.
      Not warm enough here to be out in the garden. The winds getting up as well. Hopefully the man re our front drive will turn up in the morning.

  12. Hi Sandra and all.
    Love your cards Janet, fun once for a little girl. Have a safe journey back home.
    Well done to Matt, a fantastic job with the sheep and their cutest of cute lambs. Pascal is stunning.
    Oh Lynda,look at you girl. After everything you do look amazing with your new teeth and a lovely smile again.
    Hope you all have had a nice day. love and hugs Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your feeling better this weekend.

  13. Hello All, sunny but a very cold wind.

    Love the pics of the lambs, so are so cute at that age, took me back to being a girl again.

    Wow Lynda great job with your smile, great look.

    We've been Penzance today, haven't been for more than twenty years, it's really changed, more coffee shops and knick knack shops, still a few nice shops left, we used to live there many years ago. We then took our picnic to Marazion to watch the kite surfers, it's amazing the speed they go. Then on to see my sister, so a lovely day out evening if I did nearly blown away.

    Have a lovely evening, hugs Lilian

  14. Hi Lilian
    Sounds like you had a lovely day out. I'm not to sure if we've been to Penzance. Must rectify that this summer if we can.

    1. Hi Lilian, your day sound lovely. Have never been to Penzance. warm hugs xx

  15. I forgot to mention your edited card SANDRA It was lovely before but now has a real impact
    So MARIA mentioned Heartfelt are moving yo Hochanda too It seems all the "big boys" are moving Who's going to be left on C&C...

  16. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sorry I'm late we have been to my Daughters & didn't get home till late. We took Bambie & the little dog we are looking after he goes home in the morning.
    I would like to THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS. REGARDING MY SMILE your all very kind.
    SANDRA your card is Beautiful i will confess I didn't notice you changed it. The original one was really lovely though.
    I did start commenting on the way down but takes so long.
    I'm off to bed so see you in morning good night love Lynda xx
