
Sunday 16 April 2017

Your Challenge cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
This weeks Challenge was to create a card background Detail using a score board or an Embossing Folder, it's so easy to forget the crafting potential we once saw in some of our older tools, so my thinking was this Challenge would get us to look at the score board as more that just a tool to create card bases.

My Challenge card

Amanda's Challenge Card has been scored to give a stunning lattice pattern in the background of her gorgeous floral card, Amanda has used 'Dragonfly Dreams and Awesomely Artistic stamp sets by Stampin' up!
Thank you Amanda for taking part in this weeks sketch Challenge

Michele's Challenge card has a fun 'Nautical' theme this week, using that Embossing Folder was a genius idea Michele admit works perfectly as the waves on the sea behind your Yachts, a fantastic 'Man' card idea and a good way to use an Embossing folder you haven't used in a while, thank you so much for taking part Michele 

Karen's Challenge card was made by using a score board for the lines at the bottom of the card, the top was a lovely paper from Karen's stash, die cut with a Spellbinders Border Die, the sentiment was a magazine Freebie! 
What an Amazing Christmas card Karen, I love it !!
Thank you for taking part 

Janet has used her amazing new vintage stamps to create her Challenge cards this week, they are amazing stamps Janet,  your scoring has drawn my eye straight into the stamped image, the little wash of blue on the Hot Air Balloon card is all that is needed as far as colour goes, those stamps are that detailed that nothing much else is required on the card, 2 amazing cards Janet, thank you so much for taking part.

Brenda's Challenge card Is another 'male' card, an amazing one at that!
I love the 'sun rays' effect you have ache Brenda, it works perfectly with the style and theme of your card, I'm sure Callum will love it too, thank you so much Brenda

Val's Challenge Card, so lovely Val, I just love that image so much,
Amazing the addition of those scored lines has increased the size of your card without any other expensive embellishments.  Making it more cost effective for the shop cards, I am so grateful you managed to get a card made after losing your Mojo, by the way have you tried looking in your suitcase he might think he's still in holiday!
Hahaha, thank you so much Val 

Phoebe's (Sue's Granddaughter) Challenge card, oh my goodness Phoebe, your stamping is just so amazing, I absolutely love the stamp you have used and you are so clever to be able to use a rainbow of colours too, (Ssshh don't tell Granny but you are a better stamper than me and her)!! 
The pretty garden at the bottom of your card is stamped beautifully too, thank you so much for making a card for my Challenge, please ask Granny if you can take part again soon. 

Margaret's Challenge card has been made using the decorative score section
On her Ultimate Pro Embossing Board, such a pretty swirl Margaret, 
The detail has been made by fussy cutting the Flourish Stamp from 'Flourishing Phrases' stamp set by Stampin'Up!, I have no idea how you had the patience to fussy cut that flourish Margaret !! Such a pretty Anniversary card,
Thank you so much my lovely,

Lynda's 2 cards have been made using her new stamps from Inkyliscious,

Diagonal lines on the first card, gives detail to the  background,
Works so well with the image stamped into a tag and popped on the card with a flurry of 'Kaleidoscope' of Butterflies to embellish the card.
The second card is again a Inkyliscious stamp, the detail in the stamp is amazing, again Lynda has stamped the face onto a tag and placed on top of that fantastic embossed background, using lines in both directions to create almost 'Plaid' or 'tartan' effect, thank you Lynda for taking time to create a card for the blog Challenge!

Well ladies, you have as always, blown me away with your ideas and perfectly executed cards, i think sometimes  you even surprise yourselves!
You are the most amazing friends a girl could ask for!! 
Thank you so much 

Love and hugs 



  1. Morning Everyone
    from a very dull and grey morning here.
    The weather turned yesterday so much so that we lit the log burner last night!!
    I suppose it's just typical bank holiday weather.

    I love this week's array of gorgeous cards. I see we had so many that Dobbie has had to put up the extra board this week.

    There are so many beautiful and different scenarios and not one background the same or even close.

    I have to admit that I loved using those new stamps I bought particularly the man as they are so easy to fussy cut but also have so much detail that you cannot see it until you actually stamp it. I may well look for more from this company.

    I have one or two finishes to put to cards as they need posting during the coming week which I'll do this morning and then who knows about this afternoon.

    I'm told the CAFE is open and just waiting for you all to pop in and have a cuppa and a look at this week's glorious Challenge Cards.

    Hugs are on their way to you all. Don't eat all your Easter Chocolate today lol save some for those moments when the mojo needs a boost. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Your CCs are fabulous. Your stamping is brilliant and the scored lines complete these lovely cards. I'm sending some of our sunshine over for you to enjoy x

    2. Hi Janet
      I loved both of your cards. Lovely stamping by the way. Are these stamps Inkilicious stamps?.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another wonderful collection of challenge cards, I think top marks has to go to Phoebe though....beautiful card.
    My cards were part of a pack I'm making for my crazy friend-they all have to have a "nautical " connection. She's hoping to use them as raffle prizes so I need to make a few more then put them in packs. My crazy friend is the social secretary for the local model Boat club.
    We have rain here this morning, looks like it could be off and on all day-perfect crafting weather!

    Happy Easter everyone.


    1. Hi Michele. I love your CCs. Such an easy card to make but so effective. I have the same or very similar die so now I will be looking at my embossing folders to see if I can make something similar, if you don't mind x

    2. Hi Michele
      What a great idea to do nautical themed cards for the model boat club. Must ask Sue if I can have a lend of hers.

    3. Feel free to copy this card. If anyone wants any of the boats cutting out just email me.


  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love today's selection of wonderful cards. Just goes to show that the most stunning cards can be made in the simplest way using just the basic tools :-) Special mention to Pheobe on the lovely stamping and pretty colours. Well done, it's beautiful :-)
    Happy Easter to all, have a lovely day. Sending love and hugs xxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Thank you for your kind words about Phoebes CC. She will see them tomorrow. Have a good day x

  4. Happy Easter Sunday to everyone.
    May many Blessings come your way on this Holy day.

    Joy of joys, my Easter eggs came early in the form of a robin nesting in a plant pot in my topsy-turvy greenhouse yesterday. She whizzed past me when I reached over the garden paraphernalia for my daisy grubber. I took a quick peek and found she had laid some eggs, I came back later and there she was just popping her head over the top to see what I was doing. I've left some robin's feed in there for her and put the greenhouse out of bounds until they are all hatched and bobbing up and down with Mum & Dad in the garden.

    Beautiful array of cards today ladies, so busy clearing pots and replanting yesterday I totally forgot that I had started my card but not finished it. Doh!

    Enjoy your day doing whatever is your wont.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl. What a wonderful Easter gift you have, I am rather envious that you have Robins nesting in your green house. They are one of my favourite birds. You will enjoy watching them wont you 😊 x

    2. Hi Cheryl
      What a lovely Easter present for you. Hope your weather is better than our rather dull day.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Happy Easter everyone. I hope you all have a lovely day with the same sunny weather that we have here, fingers crossed it stays that way at least until Tuesday anyway.
    Sandra, I hope you managed to find some new glasses that didn't cost the earth. I'm looking forward to seeing your new Fernli storage unit. Their MDF units are fabulous prices aren't they.
    Todays CCs are all wonderful, I love how just a few scored lines can add so much to a card and I will certainly be using this idea again. You have all made wonderful cards. Thank you all for sharing them. Phoebe made this card (it's only a card front at the moment)at the last minute before we went out on Thursday! Her free hand stamping is so good but she loves my faux misti for larger stamps. She also loves the idea of having a challenge each week so she will be joining in again I'm sure.
    My scrapbooks from Ally Pally are for each granddaughter, just need a boyish one for little Chris then I will attempt to fill them. I haven't done any scrapping so I would be very grateful if any of you have any tips and hints please.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday as I woke up very late then heard one of Chris's brother has been taken ill so Chris went off to Devon to be with him and the family. I have to stay here as will be having Paige when Roz goes into labour. It's a waiting game for us at the moment.
    Janet, thank you giving Marginy Dobbie your beautiful Easter tree for the Café, it is so pretty. As Mum said Pop always draws out a plan before starting any job just like his dad, my Granddad, did and I always make a rough sketch and try it out for any project that I haven't done before x
    Brenda, your Jim made a great job of the wine crates, what lovely ink storage x
    Michele. I hope your Sciatica isn't so bad today. Have you tried sitting on a cushion in hubby's car? I had to in one of our old cars when the seat adjuster broke and it really helped x
    I hope that all of you that aren't feeling so well can have an easy day relaxing. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Lots of Easter hugs on their way and the cafe looks so pretty
    Today's cards are sooooo good especially young PHOEBE I am in awe at all of the different ways to score lines
    Not much on for today Ironing this morning Dancing this afternoon Who knows Have a great day everyone We have glorious sunshine at the moment

    1. Hi Karen
      Lucky you having sun today. Ours is very dull and windy, plus a drop of rain. Enjoy your dancing.

  7. Happy Easter Sandra and everyone
    What a lovely selection of, cards, special mention for Phoebe who has done a fantastic job, looking forward to seeing more of her work.
    Sandra Hope you got your glasses sorted out and managed to pick up your storage box.looking forward to seeing it on the blog .
    We are up early as we are going to Essex in about five minutes. What ever you are doing I hope you have a lovely day, love to all Brenda ex ex ex

  8. Happy Easter everyone!!!

    I love seeing all of ur beautiful cards on a Sunday it really cheers me up.

    What an amazing collection of cards today ladies. All the different patterned lines are great and a wonderful idea for the fire. A special mention for Phoebe who has made a beautiful. Hope you take part again Phoebe.

    Just got back from the Sunday Market stocking up on fruit and veg for the week. Also tried to get a pair of lightweight, summer pj's but no success this week.

    Lynn has just put the Turkey crown in the oven and my mouth is watering already.

    CHERYL how wonderful that you have robins nesting in your greenhouse. What a lovely Easter gift. Please keep us cup to date on how they're doing.

    Hope everyone has a happy, peaceful and pain free Easter.

    Love to everyone. Enjoy your day.
    Love Valxxx

  10. Ha ha that should be future not fire. X

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely selection of cards once again. I love Phoebe's it is so fresh & spring like, she really has alot of talent, well done love from Great
    I am looking forward to this weeks CC, I wonder what you have in store for us this week. Hope you got your glasses sorted & you can enjoy an family day
    Cheryl how lovely to have robins nesting in greenhouse enjoy watching
    Sun shining so hope it stays, planning on a quiet day, we will see!
    Sending hugs to all under the weather & all who need them love

  12. Good Afternoon Sandra & everyone. I hope your all enjoying yourEaster Sunday.We have come back after a lovely walk it was sunny when we left but now it's turned quite chilly. We have roast beef for dinner it's smelling lovely.
    All the challenge cards are all wonderful & Phoebe your card is Gorgeous well done.looking forward to tomorrow's challenge.
    Sandra hope you got your glasses sorted out how long have you got to wait for them. Hope your having good family time today.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope you and Terry are feeling better today. I hope the dentist sorts you out sooner rather then later.

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well it's Sunday and a holiday so they weather isn't very nice.
    Unlike all your cards ladies which are gorgeous. Well done Phoebe on your first Challenge and.
    Three days now at the hospital next week and two the next Plus a visit to the Dr to see how Petes Heart medication is working. Oh nearly forgot blood tests as well. So that's next week sorted.
    Hope you managed to get your eyes tested Sandra and picked out some lovely glasses.

  14. Hello All,
    Lovely challenge cards, well done, you put me to shame.

    Another day not feeling great, terrible pain in my hip.

    See you all tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  15. Wow ladies what wonderful cards, brilliant work from you all :)
    I have had a lovely day , Mum didn't come out with us as she wasn't feeling so good. I had to make myself go out but I am glad I did.
    The jousting was good fun and the horses were so beautiful.
    We visited Mum afterwards. Saw her wound which is quite impressive and of course all the bruising has gone yellow so it's not how you like your 83 year old Mother to look. But she is well on the mend.
    Got lots to do tomorrow but will try and pop in.
    Take care all and happy crafting

  16. Lovely cards from everyone , thanks for the fun challenge Sandra x A

  17. Beautiful cards, especially love Janet vintage card and Sue Grandaughters card her stamping is better than mine even with my Misti some days, operator error.
    Can I ask what Stamps Janet used please.? Tia
    Elizabeth Bennett
