
Saturday 15 April 2017

Janet's Easter Tree, Brenda's stamp storage & More Shopping!

 Janet's Easter Tree

Brenda's Ink Pad Storage

Good morning Ladies

Now a bit of a change to the advertised blog post, mainly due to the video tutorial note uploading properly and my IT adviser and Blog Tutorial Editor had gone to bed early!! So as soon as I can Upload the video, you will be able to create the fantastic 'No Glue' Gift Box, sorry for the delay, it will either be in tomorrow's blog or Bank holiday​ Mondays blog.
Janet sent me a photo of her beautiful Easter tree, full of handmade decorations, those eggs are so pretty Janet, such a bright and cheerful decoration to have out in your Conservatory.  I have to ask Janet, are those drawings beside your Easter Tree Jim's Gate drawings??? They are so technical and precise, what a genius he is!  Thank you Janet for sending me a photo to brighten up our Easter Weekend blog post, have you made an Easter Tree for Cafe too? 😉 XXX

Brenda's another of our ladies with a genius Husband!! John managed to turn two old wooden ' Wine Boxes' into Perfect Ink pad storage, how blooming clever is that!!!?
It really looks amazing, all rustic and Vintage, i love them! Please pass our amazement onto John and tell him we think he's a genius oh and could he make about another 15 !!
Thank you for sharing this fantastic tip with us XXX

Now onto the rest of the Ally Pally shopping:

Margaret's​ Shopping

Margaret's​ shopping is divided into two lots really, the first two photos are of all the amazing Stampin Up! Products that Margaret received in her Starter Pack, such a bargain , 7 huge sets of stamps, matching Dies and some lovely Ink pads, all for £99 !! 

The rest of the Shopping is from Ally Pally, most of it Bargains too, the punches were a real bargai, I'm not sure if the exact price but the weren't much more than a £1 !
Your ribbon is double sided Satin ribbon, I was amazed at the price and kicking myself that I didn't visit that stand, mainly because it looked expensive! That'll teach me to assume! 
The Tractor die would be perfect for a card for my Son, the Sue Wilson Baby Collection die must mean you have most occasions covered now Margaret, a few essentials complete your shopping, what an amazing haul, I really am looking forward to seeing what you create.  Thank you so much for sharing XXX

Sue's Shopping

Sue, you got some fantastic bits too, the first photo is things that Sue bought to top up her stash, Bargain Punches, that stunning Sue Wilson Daffodil die, I know that will be a well used die!  pretty glitter card, some lovely Xcut dies, always a fantastic price, 
Your Inkyliscious 'masking sheet' will be really useful, it really enables you to do more with your stamps.  Paper Stumps, (I'm intrigued to find out what you are going to do with those)! The 'Magic Carpet's are amazing little felt/fibre covered boards that, once wet at one end, clean and dry your stamps quickly and easily, it's a genius product.

Your second haul is Albums that you have bought for your Grandchildren, 
Along with a paper pad, gemstones, ribbon and lace all in "Bella &Boo" theme, so very cute and girly, I am excited to see you put them together. 
Thank you so much for sharing your shopping with us XXX

I have some more shopping to share with all of you but I will save it for another day, otherwise this blog post will too long.

Thank you all for sending in photos, it's so lovely to see what you have been making and buying.
I have a busy day ahead, we must drop girls off at 11am then go to Opticians for an urgent check up, as my glasses snapped clean in to two pieces, I have tried just about every glue there is on them but no joy so far, so we are going to see about getting a new pair and get my eyes tested again as it has been a good two years since my
Last check up was a good 2 years ago!  After that we are going to Swindon to Fernli Designs, so that I can pick up my new Ink storage unit, I can't wait to get even more organised! We then have to dash back to pick the girl's from work!! Some days Its all! Go go go, other days, there's nothing on at all! 

Have a lovely Saturday Ladies, 

Love and hugs 


  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope you all have one Easter Egg that has been saved for tomorrow!!!!

    BRENDA- love the idea of using old wine boxes for stamp pad storage - dare I ask if they were full once upon a time hehehe

    Having seen all the gorgeous goodies bought at AP I think it's a good thing that I cannot get to that Crafty Space in London. I wouldn't know where to stop buying and certainly my Bank would be stopping my card lol.

    SANDRA- yes the drawing on the board is Jim's plan for that fence and back gate which is now complete. You can now see and understand what I have to go through to get something That will be coming off the board and I'm hoping that a clean piece of paper is going on for the start of a bed head I would like him to make.

    I see that Marigny Dobbie has placed he Easter Tree on the table in the corner and to my amazement everything has survived. The CAFE is looking very smart and ready for everyone known and unknown to pop in and have a look.

    Hugs to you all and have a good day whether you're going to be as busy as SANDRA or just relaxing. xxxx

    1. Yes Janet, once upon a time these boxes had wine bottles in but the contents has long since disappeared. The boxes were kept because they might be useful one day!! xx

    2. Hi Janet
      I just love your Easter egg tree, and thanks the cafe us looking very festive. I ate the Easter bunny that Craig bought me. Two days ago. Pete ate his last night. I just can't resist chocolate. I still have a cream egg Easter egg to eat, but ate the cream egg last night. Jim like John is a wissy at making things, even if you have to go through all the planning first. Have a lovely Easter.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet-your Easter egg tree is lovely, such a great idea.

    Brenda-love the storage idea.

    Margaret & Sue-fantastic crafty shopping, so many lovely items.

    Had a great time at my in-laws. Headache did go , only to be replaced by sciatica! Hubby's car seats really set it off so it was much worse coming home.
    Today we have sunshine & cloud plus it's quite breezy. It at least it's not raining. After I've been to the butchers I need to go into Southport for a few bits & bobs then it's straight up to the craft room.


    1. Hi Michele
      Crikey Michele you really are going through it this weekend. I assume that hubbys car seats aren't that comfortable to sit in. Fingers crossed we're up in Warrington at the end of July. If we make Keith's brothers party this time. He's celebrating 25 yrs of living in Warrington. I'd like to visit Southport and see the statues in the sand at Crosby. I had my bad hip last year so didn't make Stephens 50th Birthday Party.

    2. Let me know if you are planning to come to Southport-we could try & meet up.


  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Janet, I love your Easter tree and all of your decorated eggs :-) We have one at work and some of the staff and residents decorated the eggs to hang on it. I was going to bring an egg home myself to decorate, but was so busy I forgot and left it in the office!
    Brenda, what a fabulous storage idea for your ink pads, love it :-)
    Margaret and Sue, some lovely new crafting stash! Enjoy :-)
    I hope you get on ok at the opticians Sandra, and get some new glasses soon.
    Hope everyone has a lovely Easter weekend. Love and hugs to all xxx

  4. Morning everyone,

    Wow!, some lovely shopping hauls ladies.
    Brenda....your ink stand is brilliant, well done to John for making such a handy item. Is he taking orders yet? Count me in if so.

    Janet's tree is so delightful for Easter.

    No Maria, I still haven't found the original material, I have a suspicion that I must have put them in the charity bag I took to the shop before Christmas.
    Having a quiet crafting morning then pattern cutting this afternoon.
    However you plan to spend today, enjoy every minute of it.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    JANET just love your tree. What a lovely idea. Would never have thought of making that. Very clever. Sadly were having a chocolate free Easter this year as all of us are dieting and best not to put temptation in our way.

    MARGARET WOW what a haul. Lots of lovely stamps and the tree one has particularly caught my eye.

    SUE. Lovely lot of goodies. Dies and stamps and lovely ribbon and never heard of Paper Stumps. Bet you have lots of fun using it all.

    Sandra. Hope you get on ok at the opticians. Glasses certainly are an expensive item these days. Hope you get sorted out.
    I keep meaning to ask what you called your adorable snail.
    I did send in a photo yesterday (I think) of my purchases. Only 3 items and nothing like what you lucky ladies bought at Ally Pally.

    That dirty word "housework" is on for this morning and I'll do my best to make a cc today Sandra.

    Special hugs to Pat Lynda Maria and Lilian. Hope you and anyone else not feeling so good has woken up feeling tons better.

    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Val, Sorry you are not going to have an Easter egg, it's good you are all working together with your diets. Hope you got all of your housework out of the way and are able to relax now. xx

    2. Hi Val
      Shame your not having any eggs this year. Mind you wish I had the willpower to lose a few pounds. It's not that I eat a lot, just don't do enough walking. Hate exercising. Perhaps once my cough has gone and the weathers a bit better.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good luck with your glasses, it sounds like your day is going to be like mine have been all week!!
    Will really try & get CC done this
    Janet lovely tree great idea. J sounds like Alan draws it all out
    Brenda see those boxes did come in useful what a great idea, lucky
    My shopping mostly were bargains but I think the best bargains were the punches in blue packet that were 25p each!!! I have not had a play with any of it yet maybe this afternoon.
    Must go wishing all a lovely weekend, sending hugs to all under the weather & all that need them love Margaret xxx

  7. Lovely tree JANET May be frustrating that J draws everything out but there's that old saying "measure twice cut once"
    I need a JOHN Even putting up a shelf is carnage in my house
    Love the shopping SUE and MARGARET So looking forward to seeing you use it all
    Shame about the sciatica MICHELE I hope it has eased today
    OH is about to go off to work So I'll b crafting later I have a couple of cards for a friend to finish and I really must get my thinking cap on for Oscar's first birthday card

    1. Hi Karen
      My word Oscar coming up to 1 already. Where on earth does the time go to. Just like Cheryl's Millie-Mae the time just flies by.
      Our Karen also needs a John or Jim. Karen's Keith can do anything but never does anything.

  8. PS I hope you get along OK at opticians AND thank you for the beautiful card that accompanied my StampinUp purchase I forwarded the p&p yesterday

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Hope the visit to the optician goes fine and you get some new glasses. Have a nice day.
    Love your Easter branch Janet and the little decorated eggs. This is the first year that I haven't put something up but it is like something missing so the witches and bits will have to come out again next year. My mum went even worse tho by changing the kitchen curtains to yellow ones with chickens on them but not anymore hihi
    If John taking orders I love to have a stamp storage too. It looks great and plenty of room.
    More shopping, wow. Margaret, you got a lot of lovely stamps by joining StampinUp and yours and Sue's from Ally Pally, very nice. Many happy hours crafting will be had.
    Sending special hugs to all who need some and hope you feeling alright over the day.
    Have just dropped off step-son at station, we join them later this afternoon down at Watford and have dinner together. Don't want it to be too late , so tired after a sleepless night. OH watching football on Tv so will go in the kitchen to put together the cc and send it to Sandra. Have a good day everyone. Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Enjoy your meal later today. Hope you manage to sleep tonight.

  10. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Janet, what a lovely idea, so bright and colourful, it makes a beautiful Easter decoration. As you made your eggs I'm sure they are the calorie free variety, so no temptation there!!
    Margaret, you have some fantastic Die sets there, and so many other useful things. You really have caught the crafting bug, you do realise there isn't a cure for it don't you!!!! xxx
    Sue, I saw your albums at AP they are really lovely and great value. The girls are going to love them. I didn't see the Magic Carpets, in fact I've never heard of them, let us know what you think of them.The ribbon was also another bargain and very good quality. I know because we were looking at the same time. I also got some Guipure Lace from the same seller. He is setting up a web site, but it's not quite ready yet, but did say ring ask if you are looking for something. xx Sandra, I use the paper stumps for blending when I use colouring pencils, you can also get a blending solution, you just put a bit on the pointed end of the stump.
    This post has been ongoing since about 10.30 this morning. I've had so many interruptions. Doesn't the world realise how important this blog is.

    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    1. Sandra forgot to say hope all goes well (at this time of day - that should went well) at the opticians, and the cost doesn't break the bank.xx

  11. Good afternoon ladies.
    Enjoyed my visit to Mum yesterday, I took her an Easter egg in case she didn't want to join us on a day trip tomorrow but she is and has started on the chocolates already.
    Today has been a home day and although I had planned to craft it hasn't happened. Had to clean ot the fridge and do a few other jobs. Plus I tried to help Claire with a costume.
    Tomorrow we are going to Sudely Castle, they have jousting on so hope to see one of the displays.
    Take care all and happy crafting

    1. Hi Lorraine
      I hope you enjoy the jousting. We saw jousting tournaments at Blenheim Palace a couple of years ago.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Well ladies what a great haul you all bought from Ally Pally. Wish I'd asked where the glitter card was. Apparently it was tucked away on a stall.
    John really is clever Brenda, making a cabinet to keep your inks in.
    Margaret and Sue you really bought a great selection between you. You both must have been hiding out as I didn't see you before or after lunch.

  13. Hi Sandra
    Hope you manage to get your new glasses sorted. Hopefully yours are straightforward and you don't have to wait to look no for them and pay mega money for them.
    Meant to say we took Doreen for lunch today as Yarnton are shut tomorrow. Spent the afternoon down by the Canal at Kidlington watching all the boats, and all the people taking out the kayaks. A lovely afternoon when the sun was out. Pete went for a walk along the canal chatting to all the boat owners.

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Janet I love your Easter tree it's very pretty. Have a lovely day tomorrow
    Margaret wow love all your Stamping Up stamps & Dies & AP goodies xx
    Sue your AP goodies are all lovely enjoy playing with them xx
    Brenda your stamp storage is brilliant how clever is John.
    Sandra sorry you broke your glasses.How did options go hope you don't have to wait long for new glasses. Can you see without them. Your lucky you have Fernli Designs close too you pictures please of your ink storage unit.
    We didn't get any Easter eggs 😪 We took Harry's Alfie's & Janie's over earlier this afternoon lovely seeing them all Harry's so cute he said Nannie I'm playing with my brother Alfie.Nice for us too. Hopefully we will see Joseph Monday as they have gone up to Ian's sisters in Basingstoke.
    Hope you all have a good Easter Sunday saying good night
    Love Lynda xx
