
Friday 14 April 2017

Global Design project 082

Good, Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Have you all got plans for this Easter Weekend? not much happening here, as everyone seems to be working!  Never mind I guess that means more time to craft !!!

Today's card I made for the Global Design Project, I have used the very pretty Blooms and Bliss Designer Paper and the Botanical Builder Dies, the card I have used is Island Indigo, Mint Macaron and Tip Top Taupe. 
I hope you like it xx

How are your Challenge cards coming along ladies? 
I will share the rest of the Shopping tomorrow, do you have any crafts to share too? 

Have a lovely Backk Holiday Weekend,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra -lovely spring colours.

    We have rain here today & I have a horrendous headache. Taken some painkillers as we're off to visit my in-laws at lunchtime. We're calling for Fish & Chips on the way and I've bought a chocolate cake to take with us. If I'd had more time(or energy) I would normally have made the cake but not this week!

    Am hoping to start my challenge card this evening or tomorrow-fingers crossed!


    1. Hi Michele. So sorry you've woken up with a bad headache. Probably stress after all you're going through in work at the moment.
      Do hope it clears soon and you're able to enjoy a lovely weekend away from work.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hope your headache disappears soon Michele, it's probably a result of a stressful day yesterday!
      Fish and chips sounds lovely, as does the Chocolate cake! Try and relax my lovely you have 4 whole days off! Hugs xxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I hope your headache improves during the day. It's a good job you've a few days off to unwind.

    4. Hi Michele, hope your headache is better by now and you will have a lovely few days off. Take care x

    5. Hi Michele
      I hope your headache has gone by now. Have a nice time at in laws & hope you all enjoyed you fish & chips & cakes
      Have a good few days off. Xx

  2. Morning ladies,

    Returned quite refreshed from a few days away in Newquay with my dart team family.
    Playing catch up now on all posts I have missed. Took my Kindle with me for WIFI internet connections which were very hit and miss in the Hotel. I thought mine were slow here in Cannington but they were snail mail there.

    Love your card Sandra, I have used a similar design to a number of my cards over the years, yo can't go wrong with this one. Green not a colour I normally use yet I have a box full of exquisite patterns in green. I love the Capsule Collection in muted shades of green.
    Hope you have all been behaving whilst I was away? I shall soon find out.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xx

    1. Hi Cheryl.
      Glad you had a good few days away. Bet you did a lot of laughing.
      Have a good Easter weekend. Love Valxx

    2. Hi Cheryl
      We love Newquay but haven't been back for a few years. Once Petes sorted out and we know where we're at we might have a few days away. I'm glad you had a lovely time anyway.

    3. Hi Cheryl, bet you had a great time away with the others and lots of laughing. Nice to see you back tho. You bought some nice material at the craft show but wonder if you found the others yet ? x

    4. Hi Cheryl
      Nice to see you back & glad you enjoyed your time away with friends.
      Enjoy the rest of The holidays
      Big Hug's xx

  3. Hello All, dry but dull here, rather on the chilly side.

    Sandra love the card, I don't normally use green , don't really know why, I think it came from my father who was very superstitious.

    Going to try out idea for this weeks card, an idea I saw on Pinterest not original I'm afraid, have lost my mojo these days.

    Have a lovely good Friday everyone, will pop in later, hugs Lilian.

    PS, Lynda hope you had a better night , and legs and feet are feeling better sending hugs your way.

    1. Hi Lilian. Hope you're feeling a lot better now.
      My mojo has disappeared as well. So frustrating isn't it?
      Have a lovely Easter weekend.
      Love Valxxx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope your mojo returns soon.

    3. Hi Lilian, hope you feeling better. I think my Mojo have joined yours and Val's for a trip to Heklafjall for Easter but hopefully they will return soon or I have a problem, so many cards to make for May birthday's .Take care x

    4. Hi Lilian sorry your mojo has gone on holiday with Val's & Maria's hope they return soon. My mouth is better now but another appointment on Tuesday hope she isn't drilling again.
      Have a nice Easter it's quit chilly here today.
      Sending some Hug's xx

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. HI Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra. As other have said I also don't use green very often but I should as it looks so fresh. Love the sketch. Very simple but so effective.

    Off to Craft Class shortly. I'm taking some magazines with me hoping to jolt me into making cards.

    Must dash. Lynn's standing here ready to give me a lift.
    Will call in later.
    Have a good Good Friday.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Enjoy your card class.

    2. Hi val, have fun at craft class and have a good Friday ,x

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. Todays card is gorgeous. I do love these colours papers and dies, they all work so well together don't they. A beautiful entry for the Global design project. I hope you get lots of crafting done, the time will fly by if you do and the girls and Paul will be home before you know it x
    I'm sorry to see that several of you are suffering still. Lynda, Maria, Pat, Val and Lilian I'm sending special gentle healing hugs to you all x
    I missed yesterdays visit to the Café, we had the girls so hit the ground running with Paige chatting away to me as soon as I opened my eyes, not physically running of course as there's absolutely no chance of that but mentally having to wake my brain up! 😊 After a day fishing then another day visiting White Horse Hill we were all exhausted last night, so worth it though 😊 Off to Mum and Pops today with both Chris's so another good day for me. I hope you all have a good Easter weekend x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a lovely Friday with everyone. Hope your back is alright after all that running :) Big hug back xx

    2. Hi Sue RUNNING 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️that's worn me out just reading that. Hope you have had good day with mum & pops.
      Enjoy rest of the Easter holiday
      Sending Hug's xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love your challenge card Sandra. Aren't the colours great. All the colours seem to work well together don't they.
    Well not much happening here I'm afraid. Craig and family are in Egypt. They fly home a week Monday at 4.00am. All three are at school on that Monday, so I'm not sure what Craig and Jenny's thinking was there. Seems to me as if they didn't think.
    Karen and family drove to Warrington last night. They were supposed to leave at 6.30 but at 6.25 tea was still being cooked by Keith. Washing up afterwards and packing still to do. Disfunctional families or what.

    1. Many hugs for you and Pete. Families ey what can you do ? as long we are ..... hihi x

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope you have a lovely time with your Son in Law. Enjoy your lunch.

    3. Hi Pat What's your family like but you wouldn't change them would you. BIG HUG'S FOR YOU & PETE. XXXXX

  8. Lovely card SANDRA You and me both being on our own for most of the week end Crafting is definitely on the agenda Shame we don't live nearer each other
    I do hope that headache eases MICHELE Hopefully you'll be able to relax over the next few days
    I'm so glad you enjoyed your few days away CHERYL A change of scenery and pace makes all the difference doesn't it
    Enjoy your class VAL
    Sounds like you've got another busy day SUE Enjoy yourself
    Sorry to hear some of you are poorly or in pain Healing hugs are on their way Maybbe we'll get some beautiful pastries from JANET today Mind you I really enjoy a decent hot cross bun Found out yesterday that they have derived from the Alban bun StAlbans where I used to live

    1. Hi Karen, enjoy your special hot cross bun ('s) and happy crafting. Is OH working ? take care x

    2. Hi Karen enjoy yourself crafting over the weekend.
      Enjoy your hot cross bun.
      Hug's Lyndaxx

  9. Smashing card Sandra.

    Well I'm off for the weekend. Store is busy today and the last of the Easter eggs are flying off the shelves. My flower dept is full to the gunnels and more for the weekend thank goodness I'm off lol. Looking forward to a few days of crafting x

    1. Have some lovely days off work and enjoy the weekend x

    2. Have a lovely time off work for the weekend.

    3. Hi Tracy glad you have a few days off. I bet you don't want to be seeing any more flowers 🌹🌹for the next few days lol
      Hug's & enjoy your crafting.
      Love Lynda xxx

  10. Hello ladies,
    I love teal so today's card is right up my street :) I like how the greens go with it. I am another one who doesn't use green very often.
    I am going to visit Mum for a couple of hours this afternoon. Luckily we are both on the same bus route so it's nice and easy.
    Had a play with some of my new Leonie masks and stamps yesterday afternoon. I am hoping to put some stuff together to sell as I need an outlet for my creativity.
    I seem to be in buying mode again which seems silly when you see how much craft stuff I have.
    I am tempted by the Craft Box, does anyone here get it?
    Must get on and sort myself.
    Hope to pop in tomorrow.
    Take care all

    1. Hi Lorraine, sorry to hear about your mum. Hope she is okay and not in too much pain, bless her. Love to see you work with Leonie's masks. Have a nice weekend. Not heard about the Craft box,sorry . x

    2. Hi Lorraine
      Hope you have a nice afternoon with your Mum. Hope to see what you've done with Leonie's masks. I've not bought anything from Craft Box.

    3. Hi Lorraine hope you mum is ok & feeling better.
      Enjoy your weekend crafting sorry I haven't here'd of t Craft box either.
      Big Hug's xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' and a very Happy Easter to you all !
    Gorgeous card Sandra, the colours are beautiful together. I like green but have not used it much on cards.
    Lynda- I hope you are feeling some better and your Arthur can leave you alone for a looong time. Hope you can have a snooze this afternoon. I wish but having step-son and his partner coming over from Colchester until tomorrow so
    prepping for Easter lunch have taken up most of my morning, lunch not until 4 but have things to do before.
    I hope you all manage to have a nice day whatever you are doing. Love and hugs, Maria Xxxx

    1. Hi MARIA hope your Easter lunch went well ( what have you cooked )
      Enjoy your weekend. Did Ric enjoy his birthday.
      Arthur is still with me keep kicking him up the rear end but he comes back for more.
      Sending Hug's xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    We were out quite early this morning and I didn't have time to leave a message. By the time we came back it was lunchtime, and since then I've been trying to sort out my craft bags that I took over to our daughters house. I would have to be prepared, Ciara loves to test my craft stash. Mind you she has her own craft stash. But mine is always more interesting.

    Sandra, I love your card everything is so beautifully coordinated, I love greens as you know, you have got the balance on this card just perfect. .I'm sure it will be much admired would you enter it in the Global Design Project.

    Sorry to make a flying visit will try and look in later.
    Love and hugs for everyone and extra ones for those of you who are poorly or under the weather. ((((((Hugs ))))))

    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra ....... WHEN you enter it in the Global Design Project xx

    2. Hi Brenda Ciara has definitely got the crafting bug. Did she like the goodies you got her from AP would you bring her in September or would she want everything:0)))
      Hug's xx

    3. Spot on Lynda, she would want everything (but mum would give her a warning beforehand, not to ask) Also Saturday she has a gymnastic

  13. Afternoon/Evening everyone
    Sorry I'm so late but I did try and pop in this morning but things just weren't working.

    Anyway as it's Friday been to weekly market. Had our usual drinks in the café and listened to everyone talking like fury. Bought food shopping for the coming week and of course pastries for tonight.

    This afternoon not done much spoilt myself by sitting in the veranda in the sunshine reading. So peaceful in there unless of course I'm interrupted by someone saying 'J do you know where etch'.lol

    Have a good evening everyone. Extra special Easter hugs to all Dear Friends suffering.
    SANDRA - love your card. Simple but so striking.

    1. Hi Janet
      Glad you enjoyed market &I got some lovely pastries.
      Lucky you sitting in the sunshine mine seem to have gone AWOL it's very chilly & dull today. Enjoy the Easter holidays
      Hug's for you both xxxx

  14. Hi everyone,
    I had to dash off to Craft Club before so cut my comment short. Had a great time there. Our little group has definitely grown. There were 10 of us today. All the more people to chat too. So enjoy the social aspect of chatting all things crafty.

    Just indulged myself by watching the film King of Kings on the tele. Tab Hunter plays a wonderful Jesus and I always get emotional no matter how many times I watch it.

    Just about to have tea. Lynn and Paul are having fish and chips but as I don't eat fish I'm having a cheese salad. Not very exciting sadly.

    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone. Hope those that have not been feeling too good have had a better day today.
    Love Valxxx

  15. Hi Val
    Glad you enjoyed craft club did you find your mojo under one of the tables haha
    Enjoy the rest of the Easter holidays.
    Hug's xxx

  16. Hi Sandra& everyone
    Commented on way down. Your card is lovely Sandra you get better & better. Hope you had a good day crafting have you got the family home now.
    Enjoy the rest of the Easter holidays hope your not on your own.
    I haven't done enything exciting well made my CC but nothing else.
    Terry's not been in long he has done some painting for a mate. So now he wants his dinner
    So I bid you good night love & Hug's Lynda xx

  17. Hi Sandra & all kinds cafe,
    Sandra sorry to be soo late again but I have had a lovely day, Sue,Chris & little Chris arrived about midday & we have had a lovely day, he chatters non stop & remembers everything. I feel shattered now. Sandra your card is lovely love the colours. I really hope to get my challenge card tomorrow but the way this week has gone not making any
    I am falling asleep as I write so will close sending hugs to all who need them & wish you all a happy weekend, love

  18. A beautiful card Sandra. I love Blooms and Bliss DSP and sad it will retire at the end of May.
    Christine xx
