
Monday 17 April 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

This Weeks Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,
This double​ Bank Holiday has my mind all mixed up, I thought today was Sunday, so panicked that I had put the Challenge cards on the wrong day! But after I explained my panic to Paul he reassured me it was Monday today and that it 'must be my age' !!
So here is your Sketch for this weeks Challenge.

I thought I would do a normal sketch this week as some of you are having problems located your 'mojo' it's a pesky think that can dessert you when you most need it, mine does it often, it takes more holidays than I do that's for sure!  In fact I think mine is off playing hide and seek with the Easter Bunny!!! 

The rules are the same as usual, just use the sketch for a basic layout for your cards, feel free to embellish as you please.  I cannot wait to see your cards!!

Above is Tracy's Glitter storage Rack that she promised to share with you, such a fantastic idea Tracy, thank you for sharing xxx

If any of you have any other fantastic storage hints tips and ideas please share them with us, you can never have enough craft storage ! 

I am wishing this week away as I am desperate to my glasses, 
they  couldn't make me up an emergency pair as I have a stigmatism which complicates things, trouble is I got used to wearing them all the time now, so have been experiencing headaches a lot and while we were it in the car I felt really sick.
The other thing  hadn't realised is that when you buy frames in Specsavers you buy the ones off of the display, I was a little bit horrified at that as people were dropping them and testing the flexibility of the arms etc!  I only caught in when she tried the frames on me and then went off to 'shorten the arms', I thought why would she be chopping bits off of the demo glasses, so I said "eerrr, am I having those ones that everyone has been trying on?". She said yes that's how we keep costs down, but I was torn between the devil and the deep blue sea as I needed my glasses super fast, so had no choice as my usual Optician isn't open until Tuesday and then I'm not guaranteed an appointment! 
My eyes had really​ deteriorated too, my eyes have always been 
O.25 and 0.75 for as long as I can remember, but since my last appointment my eyes have deteriorated to 0.75 and 1.50 !!
It must be because I turn 50 this year I reckon, my body has had enough!! Lol 

I hope you have had a peaceful Easter Weekend​, it was very quiet here, Matt took Lucy and Sophie to Leamington Spa to play 'Frisbee Golf' which they all love, Paul and I stayed home Dog and Lamb sitting, I'm sure the neighbours think we're crazy, they could see the dog but hear the lamb baa'ing, how something so small can be so load is beyond me!  Poor Harley, the lamb has adopted him as his 'mum' and follows Harley everywhere, it has even learnt to jump up on Matt's bed like Harley does so that it can snuggle up with him! Poor dog is going to be so confused. 

Well I must go and make a Challenge card to give you all a little inspiration! 

Sue, thinking of you and Chris, you must be worried sick, sending hugs xxx

Have a lovely Bank Holiday Monday Ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone from yet another dull and grey morning here in Marigny

    This week's CC looks interesting and so thinking cap on and buckle down to CRAFTING YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    It's always quiet here in Marigny even at the height of summer as we're well off the Tourist Track so this bank holiday week-end hasn't been any different.

    We haven't any lambs bleeting Sandra but quiet a few cows with their new calves shouting to the other herd across the road in the water meadow. There are only two residents close on and one of those has been away since Thursday so peaceful it has been. It really is a shock to both of us when we return to the UK with all the noise and

    Jim has just returned from the bakery with breakfast so I'm off to have fresh baked bread and jam with a couple of cups of coffee.

    The CAFE door is open so it looks as though Marigny Dobbie has everything under control just waiting for you all to pop in.
    HUGS on their way to you with a few extras for Dear Friends feeling a little under the weather. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. No wonder you live spending time at Marigny. It sounds idilic, just what Chris and I would love (and Mum and Pop would too) a real get away from it all place. Enjoy your day crafting 😊 x

    2. Hi Janet
      Seems like your living an idilic lifestyle in France. Enjoy your time in Marigny.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch for us this week-I might even get started on my challenge card today. I have all the ironing to do this morning as I decided to give myself the day off yesterday.
    Tracey-great storage idea, hope you don't craft in the kitchen and get your glitters mixed up with your spices.

    We were treated to a visit by two hedgehogs last night around 9.30pm so I think I need to start putting more food out each evening.

    Well-it looks like it might brighten up here today so we're thinking of walking down to the beach after lunch.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you manage to get to the beach today, you are so lucky living close enough to be able to walk to it 😊 x

    2. Hi Michele have a nice walk to the beach. It is lovely having the beach on your doorstep isn't it. We managed a walk yesterday the sea was quite calm & plenty of people sitting on the sand.xx

    3. Hi Michele
      Lovely to be able to walk to the beach. Karen has been sending us photos of them on Crosby beach. Looks windy but sunny.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the CafΓ© today. I like this weeks sketch and as I have a couple of cards to make I will do one as my CC for this week.
    Sandra, I'm glad you have managed to get your new glasses ordered from Specsavers. I hope you don't have to wait long for them. Thank you for your hugs my lovely. We will know more by the end of today when they try to wake him up. I'm so glad I have little Chris here until this evening as he keeps me busy with his questions and chatter bless him 😊
    I hope you all had a good day yesterday and didn't eat too many Easter eggs 😊 It's a bit grey here at the moment, typical bank holiday weather! Have a good day whatever you are up to everyone. I like Janet's day the best, what could beat crafting all day long? 😊 If there is no rain forecast I might take little Chris bargain hunting at a car boot sale then I will be crafting too 😊
    Lilian, I'm so sorry that your hip is causing you so much pain. Are you waiting to have it replaced? Sending you big gentle hugs x
    Lynda, I hope your mouth isn't as sore now, I have heard that eating lots of Easter eggs is very good at easing the pain in mouths, feet and legs so both you and Terry should try it 😊 sending big gentle hugs for you both x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue my mouth is ok now but very sensitive & painful to cold drinks Tomorrow I have another appointment so might be another cringe day as not sure what the next stage is hopefully no drilling.
      Hope you get some bargains at boot sale I'm sure little Chris will find something he wants πŸ™„ Hope Chris's brother will be fine after they wake him up. Sending you all some Big Hug's xx

    2. Hi Sue, the medics tell me there is nothing physically wrong with my hip, and that seems to be the end of it, just take pain killers, trouble is they make me feel ill.

    3. Hi Sue
      I hope Chris's brother will be ok when they wake him up. Hugs on the way to you.

    4. Hi Sue, hope the news on Chris's brother is good, such an anxious time for you all, sending love and prayers xxx it's great you have had little Chris to keep you busy and entertained, he is at that lovely age when he wants to know about everything. Enjoy every moment xx

  4. Fab sketch but my minds gone blank I will print it off and have a think
    I hope you don't have to wait too long for your glasses SANDRA I hadn't realised that re Specsavers
    SUE am thinking of you and family What a huge worry for you all
    I love your storage idea TRACEY
    Have a lovely day and that your pain eases LYNDA LILLIAN MARIA and everyone else this brain has forgotten
    It' very grey here but the the is trying to come out Just debating whether or not to hang the washing out

  5. Replies
    1. Hi Karen thank you mouth is ok now but have another visit tomorrow not sure what this appointment will bring hope it's not more drilling.
      Hope you find your blank crafty mind SAP.😞Sendig you some Hug's

  6. Morning everyone,

    The sun is slowly breaking through the clouds, hopefully it will become a tad stronger. Jamie and I are planning a garden day, the grass needs it's second cut of the year, hedges need a hair cut and we have to pop into our local B&M for some new compost for me to finish planting the plant pots and troughs along the drive side of the house. Might even persuade Jamie to get the hanging pot system out of the shed and buy some herbs. He has expressed an interest in growing fresh herbs for our cooking. He also has plans for a small vegetable garden. He used to come to the college with me whilst I was doing my horticultural course and often helped out in their greenhouses on my day off planting his own seeds in the seed trays and watching them grow. His early learning is now paying off. He has even drawn up plans for a man cave and fire pit to replace the weed infested rockery at the bottom of the garden. All the rocks Pete and I bought many moons ago will be incorporated into new garden features. Waste not, want not is my motto when gardening.

    Sue, sorry to read your news yesterday, how is everyone? Gurt squashy hugs for you all.
    Poor Lilian, I hope your painful hip soon improves. Big hugs my dear heart.

    Healing prayers and gentle hugs for all who is in need of them.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Our lawns also need a second cut. Plenty of daisies and Dandilion to see in it though. Hedge needs a cut but I don't think I want to tackle that. Petes been on about replacing some of it with a wooden fence. But that means digging up the hedge, which is a big big job.

  7. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Bit dull today but sun is trying very hard to break through.
    Sandra hope your glasses are ready soon The sketch looks good for this week. Not much on today so hopefully get in craft room mainly tidying it up.
    We might get out for a walk but it's quite dark at the moment.
    Hope Harley is taking good care of his little calf arr would love to see a picture of them both Sandra.
    Well going to get my shower as OH is nagging will pop back later.
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      I hope your appointment isn't to painful tomorrow. Big hugs coming your way.

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I like today's challenge card, I'm thinking about possibilities,!!!! no crafting today as my sister is coming over and granddaughter coming to sleep for two nights, don't think she wants to be home alone as younger ones return to school tomorrow and Mum and Dad out to work. Her school is on Easter break for the rest of this week.
    Tracey lovely storage for your glitter pots.
    Sandra hope you get your glasses soon. What must your neighbours think hearing a lamb barrrrrr's coming from your house. Hope they don't think it the dinner!!!!!!!! SORRY Matt.
    Must crack on and prepare dinner, want to be able to sit down and chat to my sister when she does arrive.
    Love and hugs for everyone, hope you all have a good day and didn't eat too many Easter eggs yesterday.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the sketch this week will hopefully get it done earlier this week. I hope your glasses are ready soon, nothing worse than managing without them. Have a lovely
    Mixed sun & rain got wet taking Star out this morning, put washing in dryer now sun shining you just cannot win, at least I can put washing away nothing to be ironed, horray!!
    I hope you all have a lovely day, sending hugs to Lilian hope your hip is less painful, I find this time of year worse for my joints my knees have been terrible lately. Sending hugs to all who need them particularly Sue & family love Margaret xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Great sketch today Sandra. I feel some crafting coming on which I'm relieved about having lost my mojo or left it in UK when I was there.
    I've just ordered a Gemini. I've been humming and arring for a while but finally did it. Now in my craft room I have a Cuttlebug a Grand Calibre An Ebosser and a tiny 6 inch cutting machine so buying yet another machine is a bit OTT but not one of them cuts the intricate dies properly and after about 6 passes through the machine I still have to use a knife to cut out some tiny details. So after reading and listening to other people hopefully the Gemini will be the answer. I know a few of you ladies have them and sound happy you bought it.

    Sandra. Hope your glasses are ready soon. Please post a photo of Matt lamb.

    Sue. Thinking of you and your family. So hope you have good news today.

    Lynda. Hope the dentist goes ok tomorrow and there's no drilling involved.

    Pat another week of appointment for you and Pete. Hope all goes well. Thinking of you.

    Lilian. So sorry your hip is painful. Hope it improves soon.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you've planned today.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you enjoy your Gemini. I love it as it cuts my intricate Dies in 1 pass. How fantastic is that. I hope you find your mojo soon. If I find I'll post it on.

    2. Val like you I have a few die cutting machines, but not happy with any of them, if one didn't cut properly I would lift another machine off the shelf and try that one. I was impressed with the reviews on the Gemini, I have to say It's performance is brilliant, it's the only die cutting machine i use these days. ENJOY xx

  11. Sorry Tracey. Love you idea for keeping your glitters. Just might have to borrow your idea. Valx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    We got back this morning from Colchester so haven't read any comments yet,just quickly had a look at all the fabulous cards yesterday. They are all lovely and well done Phoebe for joining in, your card is Beautiful !
    Will have a cup of tea and see what you all been up too. See you later. Love and many hugs, Maria xxxx

  13. Margaret Palmer17 April 2017 at 11:25

    Tracy sorry forgo to say brilliant storage

  14. Hiya.
    Had another look at the cc's and I love them all. Scorelines going in all directions. Janets beautiful stamped and scored. Michele's nautical theme EF. Sorry to say mine is still sitting in the kitchen after Saturday changed and we drove the boys home after dinner because the trains weren't going like they should so we stayed until this morning. Not my plans at all for the weekend, still very tired and more achy so washing will be done today but nothing much else.
    Like this weeks challenge so will try my best.
    Tracy- do like your glitter storage rack, where did you get it from ?
    Sue- so sorry to hear about Chris brother, very worrying for you all. Hope little Chris have a nice day with you going to a car boot sale. Big hug.
    Cheryl- what a sweet Easter gift, hope they all will hatch. Love the Robins and the Wagtails, not many around any more.
    Margaret- have a good day crafting, hugs to you and Pop.
    Brenda- have a nice time together with your sister.
    Lynda- take care and so hope your mouth and treatments goes well this week. Lovely to see the family over the weekend, especially young Harry .Hugs to you and Terry.
    Lorraine- glad you managed to go out and had a nice time. Hope your mum gets better soon.
    Lilian- sending you gentle hugs and hope your hip eases off a bit.
    Have any of you heard about CBD Oil ?
    Karen- hope you had a nice time dancing and many cuddles with Oscar over the holiday.
    Sandra- hope you get your new glasses soon. Love to see a photo of the lambs. Amazing how such small animals can make a racket hihi Piglets I think are the worst, had to wear ear plugs when entering the sty.
    Tea's gone cold and tummy rumbling so will get something to eat and another cuppa while watching corrie,
    sending many hugs to you all, Xooxx

    1. Think my dad bought it at a Costco cash n carry. I just loved the shape of it and they way it spun lol x

  15. Hi everyone.

    I actually thought I'd posted the other day but it somehow went missing. The spice rack was my dads and I took it when he passed away as I liked the idea of spices but never really use them. Graeme hated it in the kitchen so he suggested making it a glitter rack and I'm like why didn't I think of that!!! So it means I still have a bit of my dad close by in all the rooms lol xx

  16. Good afternoon ladies.
    I am having a quiet day today as yesterday tired me out. I have done some dreaded housework but there is so much that needs doing still.
    Hubby has gone fishing, Claire is back at work and Rhys is in his room as usual.
    I have a long list of cards I need to make so I hope my mojo will cooperate and maybe a cc will help.
    Must get on so take care all and happy crafting

  17. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Happy Easter to you all. Not a very nice day here at all.
    How long will you have to wait for your glasses Sandra. I also have a funny prescription so usually have to wait roundabout 2 weeks. It's a struggle when your home all day to remember which day it is. I hope Harvey is looking after the baby lambs. I did ring and message you this morning Sandra. I'm assuming you are having a lovely day with your family.

    1. Thanks Pat for your comment about the Gemini. So looking forward to it arriving.
      Sorry your weather's not too good. Hope it gets better for the rest of the week. Take care. Xxx

  18. Hi Lilian
    I'm sorry to hear your hip is playing up and there's nothing they can do for it. I had trouble last year with my painkillers they gave me for my hip. I kept passing out while we were in London. Thankfully a few months after that, I had my hip replaced.

  19. Hello All, I did pop in earlier, but got sidetracked, pulled myself together, and gave me a good telling off for being such a misery, sorry everybody.

    Sandra the sketch looks good, will definitely get one done, did one last week but it looked so awful decided not to send it, sorry.
    Sue do hope you and the family have some good news soon.

    Sandra hope your glasses don't take too long, I have to have a spare pair as everything is a fog without them.

    Hope you all had a good Easter, we have been on our own, as Jason and family are in Dorset, the little ones love the beach, been getting photos of them on the beach, modern technology is great. Jackie and her husband have gone to Vietnam for a holiday, before she starts work for the Marie Curie foundation.

    I'm very tempted to get a Gemini machine , you all have such good reports and now I know the plates are lighter I think I might succumb.I have three others but non of them really cut well. Will see if there is a good offer anywhere.

    Time to put the dinner on chicken , chips and onion rings, ( I know not very healthy, only have it on holidays) hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Pleased to see you sounding more like yourself. If you buy a Gemini I can promise you will not regret it, The Range have them for £150.00 at the moment which is a good price. Take care love Margaret xxx
