
Tuesday 18 April 2017

Michele's Fantastic cards using dies from China !

Good Morning Ladies,

So that was the Bank Holiday weekend!!!  If you are anything like me, you blinked and missed it!!  I hope you all enjoyed it whatever you were doing, it really turned cooler yesterday though, we just start enjoying the sunshine then we are back to cloudy skies and threats of frost!

I didn't get around to much in the craft room either, I filmed glueing together the Stampin Up Ink storage unit and gave it a coat of Gesso ready to paint, to look at, it looked like  it would be a nightmare to put together but in actual fact I had it put together in 17 minutes, the part that took the longest time was adding the glue to each notch, it is a really sturdy unit as always with anything that Fernli Designs manufactures. I will photograph it when I have painted it and put the ink pads in.

Michele has made some a asking cards with her Cheap dies from China, I will add her description that I took a 'screenshot' of below:

Thank you so much Michele for giving some fantastic inspiration to everyone that has bought these dies too. XXX

Hoping to get cards made today, fingers crossed!!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Thanks Sandra for showing my cards. I k is the print is small on the screenshot but the word "dust" is meant to say FIRST!! That will teach me for hitting send before proof reading something.
    The Dies from China are fantastic value & cut beautifully. I have another 4 on order which should be here very soon.

    I hope everyone had a lovely Easter-I can't believe I've had 4 days off work and it's time to go back. At least we can start to get straight & tidy up in the new unit.


  2. Morning Everyone
    We have sunshine for the first time in 4days. It is rather chilly though so fingers crossed that it warms as the day marches on.

    MICHELE- a beautiful set of cards. They fit into my 'less is more' box and really show the dies to their best advantage

    I think it's going to be a 'housework' day here. I've already got the bedding into the washer ready to switch on at 12noon when the 'cheaper' electricity switches on so first job after breakfast is turning the mattress and making the bed up. I also want to take the voile curtains down in the bedroom and put up new ones I brought with me. The curtains in the salon need washing too so I really cannot see me getting any crafting done today.

    SUE - I hope the news it better today. My thoughts are with you and Chris.

    LYNDA- I'll be holding your hand at the dentist today but I'll also have my eyes closed and ear plugs in lol.

    LILIAN- hoping your hip has quietened down a little.

    I've airmailed a triple chocolate layer cake for you all today -fingers crossed that it hasn't got squashed part eaten before it arrived (I loved the character of Sister Monica Joan in Call the midwife. She always puts the lid back on the tin and the tin back where it belongs).

    Have a good day everyone whatever you do. Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet thanks for holding my hand at the dentist you definitely needed those ear plugs as she was drilling for 50 minutes. My mouth is just coming back to life think I need some pain killers now
      Hug's Lynda xx

  3. Your cards are lovely MICHELE I only bought one die (so far!) from China just to try and it's gorgeous It cuts beautifully I will definitely buy more
    Husband up so need to go to work I will be back x

  4. Morning everyone,

    Yesterday went as planned, lawns mowed & hedge cut, although a rather expensive one. Upon our visit to B&M we found a petrol lawnmower at a very good price so that went on the trolley along with a 6ft trampoline for Jamie Godson's birthday present. Very disappointed to see so many plants but NO herbs apart from 6-8 pots of thyme. Our hunt for herbal plug plants will go on to another garden centre this coming weekend.
    Love your cards Michele for the pesky men in our life, don't overdo it on the work tidy-up.
    It's very cloudy here as well so a day inside pottering around is on the cards for me.
    Hugs to all,
    Cheryl xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra yes it did get quite chilly yesterday afternoon & this morning although sunny you need extra layers on, I was glad of my gloves walking Star. I did manage my cc yesterday must send it
    Michele your cards are brilliant for men or boys, I still have not looked at them. Hope work is not too
    Lynda good luck at dentist this morning hugs on
    Pat hope all appointments go well thinking of
    Lilian, Maria & Lorraine & anyone else under the weather hope you feel better soon, hugs on way to all who need them love
    Hope all suffering feel better soon, sending hugs to all who need them

    1. Thank you Margaret for the Hug's just taken some pain killers as aching now. Returning you some Hug's xx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely man cards Michele and what great dies. Like Margaret still not ordered and dies from China yet.

    Off to get my nails done later at the same time as Gracie is being groomed. Not in the same shop of course ha ha.

    Thanks for you comments re Gemini yesterday. It's good to know it works well from you ladies who have one. Looking forward to it arriving.

    Thinking of you Lynda at the dentist again today and Pat with all the hospital visits this week.

    Hope everyone else not feeling to good has a better week.

    Love Valxxx

    1. Thank you Val another cringe appointment ⛏🛠😫😥
      Hug's Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and all,

    Michele Love your cards, these dies are great for men and boys. Must look at the web site as I still haven't ordered any dies from China. Everyone who has seems to be more than satisfied. Hope work goes well today.

    LYNDA, I'm another one holding your hand today ( OK virtually) Hope all goes well. xx
    SUE, Hope today's news about brother in law is good, also hope that grandchild decides it's time to be born, feel sorry for the new mums when the due date has passed. Playing the waiting game is exhausting. xx
    JANET, Thank you for the yummy triple chocolate cake, I just know it won't last long. We have some sticky toffee pudding left from yesterday if anyone would like a portion, My sister took some home with her yesterday. But still have half of it left. Bang goes the healthy eating, Well we can't waste it !!!!

    Must go and check greenhouse as I didn't get out there yesterday.

    Love and Hugs for everyone. Brenda xxx

    1. Thanks Brenda the more merrier more drilling cringe appointment
      Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love ur cards Michelle. Might try looking up those dies if they are cheap. Ur cards are great with them x

    I almost bought the Gemini yesterday from the range but I had to refrain as Graeme said no as I've already got two machines I certainly don't need a third!! Lol
    Ah well I can feel a guilt trip coming on hee hee xx

  9. Hi Sandra and Ladies. Well the sun is shining and I hope it is where you are. How long do you have to wait for your glasses Sandra?. Well, off to the hospital with Pete but thought I'd better put pen to paper so to speak.
    Lynda I hope your dentist appointment went well.
    I went and made an appointment for Doreen and myself to sort her will and bank accounts out for Thursday. So our and behold we've just had a phone call from the hospital changing Petes appointment from tomorrow to Thursday as the echocardiograph can't be done on Wed. So a trip to the bank is called for to change that appointment. So I really have no idea now what's happening and when as we also now have an appointment at the Manor on Friday unless that changes as well.

    1. Hi Pat cringe appointment again with drilling
      Sorry they are still changing Pete's appointment it must be so frustrating for you both. Sending you both love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Pat,
      sorry to hear that the appointments are changing once again. Hope rest of the week goes right. Big hug to you both xx

    3. Hi Ladies
      Thanks for the hugs ladies. We sure can use them at the moment. Big gentle hugs coming your way as well.

  10. Meant to say Michele I love all the cards you've made with your Dies from China.

  11. Hi Sandra your Die storage unit sound good look forward too pictures.
    Well dentist was another session of needles & drilling for 50 minutes & then impression so hopefully next appointment bridge will be fitted just taken pain killers aching quite a lot now. We have some lovely sunshine but definitely not warm the wind is really cold. Had a walk down Ramsgate after had to go post office & pound shop. Then home.
    .Michele your cards are great I'm waiting for that music one to arrive I agree they are really good & cheep. I have also ordered stamps from China good quality.
    Well my gums are still aching so I'm going to see if I can have a 😴💤💤💤
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      I so hope you managed to have a little sleep and the pain is hold back with the pain killers. Hopefully it all will be over and done before you know it and you will have your lovely smile back again. many,many hugs for you xxx

    2. Hi Lynda
      I hope the painkillers have kicked in and you manage to get a few hours sleep. Hopefully you'll be finished with your treatment quite soon. Gentle hugs coming your way.

    3. Hi Lynda , hope you manage to get some sleep and tomorrow will be better, hugs and double hugs.

  12. Hi Sandra and all.
    Love the cards you made Michele and it look like you can have so much fun with those dies. I still haven't bought anything from China but hope to one day.
    Lilian- hope you hip feels better, go and see the doctor if it gets too bad. Gentle hugs.
    Sue- any news of the little one yet ? Hope mum is doing alright. Sending you all many hugs and wish Chris's brother will be ok.
    Janet- hopefully you got some time to sit down in your busy day. Thanks for the cake, there went my healthy eating again too hihi lucky they are calorie free in this cafe'.
    I hope you all had some sun where you are. It has been a lovely day here so had a nice walk this morning. Did some
    weeding in the borders, it does come up way too quickly for my liking and so many bramble coming through the fence, they are not nice. Trying to drink more for having blood test on Thursday, the nurse tried in both arms and hand but hardly any blood came out last week so we will see. OH ex is coming to MK for a few days and want to meet up so will take her around the garden centres and town, Ikea etc. so a rather busy weekend. made my cc today so going to send it off now so I wish you all a good evening and hope you all have a good night. Love and hugs , Maria xxx

  13. Evening All, it's been lovely and sunny but rather a chilly wind, read today that over Easter there were over 300,000 visitors to the south west, certainly absolutely manic down here, Easter is always very busy.

    Michele love your cards, great male cards, I've ordered some but not arrived yet, they seem to take awhile, still so inexpensive worth the wait.

    Sue hope you get some good news soon re brother in law.

    Pat hope all your appointments go well.

    Well I'd better say goodnight, hugs to all, Lilian

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Michele, your cards are all great, just right for the men. I hope you managed to get on well with the moving back into the unit at work x
    Sandra,I'm looking forward to seeing your ink pad storage from Fernli designs. They certainly put the other firms to shame with both the price and quality of their products. Once again I haven't bought anything from them, yet!
    Lynda, I'm glad that you are another appointment closer to getting your teeth sorted. You will be so glad to get it sorted won't you. Healing gentle hugs for you x
    Pat, lots of big gentle hugs for you. I hope no more appointments get changed, you have enough to worry about at the moment don't you x
    Maria, It is Paige's birthday today but no signs at all of the baby. They both had the same due date of the 15th but unless baby gets a move on now they won't share a birthday 😊
    Lilian, there is no need to apologise for having a moan, we are all here for you through both good and bad times dear friend. Lots of big hugs are on their way to you x
    It seems that we are all having the same cooler weather arent we? I would prefer it to be several degrees warmer though!
    Thank you for all of your kind words and support. Brother in law has had his sedation slightly lifted and he smiled when he heard his wife's voice so another good day.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  15. Good afternoon ladies.
    I am so tired I can't think straight but don't know why. Popped out to messy adults last night and made some cards. My friend introduced me to some more dies I need. She would lend them to me but we don't see each other often enough.
    Get well wishes to all concerned.
    Happy crafting
