
Sunday 9 April 2017

Your Challenge Card

My Challenge card

The sketch

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, everything looked in order when we returned from Ally Pally yesterday, so you either didn't go too wild or you were meticulous with your cleaning afterwards! Lol

We had an amazing time at Ally Pally, seeing Sue (Wilson) was a pleasure as always, despite feeling under the weather bless her, you wouldn't have known it to look at her though and she crafted like a trooper throughout the day!
The highlight by far for me was meeting up with all of you lovely ladies, for me this has fast become the favourite part of the day, our lunches are becoming longer each time we meet, I know I have said it before but is like meeting up with life long friends.

Now onto your fantastic cards.........

Micheles's Challenge Card
Michele has once again worked her magic with the
Stampin' Up! 'Swirly Scribbles Thinlits'
Using them to create a perfect Easter Bunny, complete
With Chocolate eggs, these dies have really earned their place in your craft stash Michele, proving that no matter what the celebration you can turn to them!
Thank you so much for the inspiration

Margaret's Challenge Card
Margaret has gone for a totally​ different look for her
Challenge card this week, I'm not 100% sure
How Margaret has achieved this perfect spring 
Image, so I am looking forward to when she arrives
Today to tell us all how she did it!
Thank you so much Margaret for a totally
Awesome Challenge Card

 Karen's Challenge Card
Karen went for the new Pantone Spring colours and sort of followed the sketch - I'm not sure if I like this. Are butterflies Summer or Spring....? ....I'm not sure that butterflies are Spring.
Papers from a Serif digikit, dies are both Spellbinder Les Papillon and Chloe Butterfly Wreath and Sue W's Pierced flags.
Thank you so much Karen for a stunning Challenge card

 Maria's Challenge Card
Maria has created a gorgeous card, with the cutest photo!
Maria used Spellbinders 'Vintage Lace Motifs' for the frame around photo,
These dies were designed by Sue Wilson for Spellbinders back in the days before She was designing her own range of dies. 
Sue's 'Bed Of Roses' Embossing folder, for the background, Trailing Ivy , Delicate Daisies and Pierced Flag dies make up the card.
I love your design Maria, Thank you

Brenda's Challenge Card 
Wow Brenda, a real Spring feel from your card this week,
Oh I do love those Daffodils, are they Brittania dies?
I'm sure I saw those lovely Pink Frog ladies making them.
The sun rays effect you have created works just perfectly with
Your card design, the yellow and green are the perfect spring
Combination too, is the flower pot a die or did you create it yourself?
Such a beautiful card, thank you so much

 Janet's Challenge Card
Janet, what a pretty floral card from you this week, you too have 
Captured the Spring feel perfectly.
The backing paper is just so pretty with the little birds sitting among
The flowers, your beautifully coloured topper creates the perfect
Focal point, that stamp is so pretty! 
Those three flowers complete the card perfectly.
Thank you so much 

 Lilian's Challenge Card
Oh Lilian, such a pretty pink on these gorgeous papers, they look a bit like the 
'Bronte' papers I got a while ago from the range, all beautiful floral designs.
That diamond patterned die you have used adds just the right amount of detail without taking away from the pattern of the papers, the colour card you have 
placed behind the die cuts picks out the darker links in the card, it works perfectly,
As does the ribbon you have used, a stunning Spring card Lilian 
Thank you so much 

Lynda's Challenge Card
Wow  Lynda, such a fantastic card, you have created so much depth and dimension,
Your backing paper is lovely and I love how you
Have used a mask to add detail to the frame layer of your card,
The flowers are so pretty, Sue's Blushing Rose die I believe,
It makes such a delicate flower.
A gorgeous card Lynda, thank you so much for taking part.

Ladies, I know I say it every week but you absolutely make every minute I put into this blog worthwhile, I am so grateful the that you all take time out of your busy lives to take part in the Challenge every week , thank you so very much.

Love and hugs to all of you,


  1. Morning Everyone
    I think this week's CC cards are some of the best we've had. They capture the brief and bring Spring into the CAFE with a WOW. What a beautiful way to start a Sunday.

    We had the most gorgeous day yesterday - in fact so lovely that we had lunch out on the patio with the birds singing their hearts out. Truly a wonderful way to relax and gain energy and health.

    As for today well the sun is shining already and the forecast is for a warmer day than yesterday so I think it will be lunch outside again. Jim has a bit of painting to do on the back gate now that the lock is fitted and then he has to make a start pruning the fig tree. I shall be in the veranda crafting as I have three cards to make for the last week of this month.

    I'm sure you all need a day of rest and relaxation after your busy day yesterday and perhaps time to unpack all your crafting goodies. Marigny Dobbie has opened the café so warm croissants, pain au raisin and pain au chocolate are waiting to be eaten along with coffee/tea or even hot chocolate so come on in and have a seat for a while.

    HUGS on their way to you all and have a good Sunday.xxxx

  2. Morning everyone.
    A lovely sunny morning it is as well so woke up early, put the washing on and sitting here and looking at some wonderful cards from you ladies. Love to know what Margaret used to make hers, it's lovely and also like to know how Brenda made her daffodils.Like Michele's ,the way you have used the dies to make the bunny. A wonderful display on our wall in the cafe' !
    Am a bit achy but so worth it hihi I can just say I wont be doing much today ,only hang the washing out, go to ww and then sit in the garden looking at everything needs doing. The patio has gone black over the winter so need a proper clean, two bushes need digging up for they have died and six pots want's something in them but not sure what yet so like to go to one of the garden centres during the week to get some ideas.
    Have a lovely day everyone, many hugs to you all xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Great collection of challenge cards today-also different but all lovely. My card wasn't really made against the sketch as I was really struggling this week. No time and I just couldn't seem to relax in the evenings so I thought I'd just play, saw a card very similar on Facebook and decided to try to re-create it.
    Had a lovely chat with my friend yesterday morning then just pottered about in the afternoon.
    A colleague had offered to drop off a Camelia as it was too big for her to plant in her garden-whenmy friend was leaving we saw the goodness, it's big and covered in flower buds.
    Hubby has lots of viewing today (Grand Prix, motorbike racing & the Golf) so no chance of him helping me plant it so it can wait until next weekend. As we have glorious sunshine again today, I think I'll weed between the flags outside the kitchen as it looks a mess. Then I can just sit outside & read for a while.


    1. I know that feeling with the hubby. Mines the same has hijaked the tv all day just as well I'm at work the now lol x

  4. Beautiful cards ladies You amaze me every week with your skills at colours/ideas etc I really really struggled with this challenge I don't know why - maybe because the weather had been so dismal and looking back, butterflies are summer not spring
    Yesterday was brilliant I managed to say a quick Hello to Sue I told her about my struggle getting "flattish" sweets for the medicine bottle and gave me some of hers expecting them to be American and no they're mint Altoids! I'd used TicTacs!
    I got some lovely bargains but my highlight was having lunch with you ladies We must do a Watford one soon I felt terrible that I wasn't able to chat to all of you for longer,especially you,Maria My friend was beginning to really suffer, bless her But she so wanted to go She loves the show as much as we do

    1. Hi Karen
      Lovely seeing you yesterday & having a real Hug.
      Now in my eyes Butterfly's should be all year round not just for summer ( ask Maria ) love your card.❤️
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. So right ! Butterflies = happiness when you see one ,that does for me anyway and Lynda she definitely could have them all year around. It was great seeing you yesterday :-)

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely way to start a Sunday morning. Every card is beautiful and shouts of Spring.

    Sounds as though you had a great day at Ally Pally. No wonder you're all worn out today. Bet you did a lot of walking. Did anyone take a photo of you all? Looking forward to seeing what you bought.

    Michele. Good to read yesterday details of your job. What a responsible job you do making sure each person gets the right cocktail. Thanks for telling us about it.

    Just off to the Sunday Market. It's not as enjoyable as it was a couple of months ago as it's soo busy but needs must.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Terry took a picture yesterday of all us.Will send to Sandra
      Hope you enjoyed market
      Hug's xx

  6. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards uve all made this week.
    I'm at work most of today but it's busy so it'll go by quick. Canny wait till tues for a day off lol xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra a lovely selection of spring cards today, thank you. Mine was made by using my die by Pretty Quick Stained Glass Collection - Windmill Scene. I stuck it on white card then coloured in the scene with primaries, I cut out the tree in foreground & die cut the tulips, can't remember name of die, then coloured them in & attached to card so it stands out. It is the first time I have tried it & must admit I felt pleased with the result. Looking forward to this weeks
    Hope all who went to Ally Pally are resting today & everyone enjoys the lovely weather.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret
      Your card is amazing just love it. You have come on leaps & bounds with your craftin. Lovely seeing you yesterday.
      Love Lynda xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Yesterday's visit to Ally Pally was brilliant. Got to talk to Sue Wilson, she is such a lovely lady, even though she was not feeling her best, she gave her best. As Sandra put it a real trooper. The best bit was meeting up with everyone at lunch time and having a good old chat, you would have thought we had all known each other forever. It was especially lovely to see Lynda and Terry (yes he was on form , even though he has been unwell) Lynda I had the feeling you were struggling but kept going. Another trooper.xx Also Littlelamb Brenda joined us for lunch., it's always so lovely to meet up with so many Blog friends . It just made it a brilliant day.

    What a lovely assortment of cards you have for this weeks challenge Sandra. I'm looking forward to what tomorrow's will be. My card, yes you are correct the daffodils are dies I got from Pink Frog, the plant pot is from a set of Springtime stamps that came with the magazine I was showing you at AP .
    I stamped it on to terracotta card, cut it out by hand and rounded it a little with a ball tool to help give it shape.

    I have taken my AP goodies out of the bag and will photograph them for you to see before I start to play. Some bits are for Ciara so I'm not being to greedy.

    Sandra I hope you are taking it easy today. Yesterday must have really exhausted you. But you kept on going regardless. Special Gentle Hugs on there way. xx

    Love to everyone, ,Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Brenda
    Yes Arthur was doing his worst yesterday so was struggling a bit I try not to give in to it but my feet were painful & burning I didn't think it showed. It was worth it seeing everyone. It's a shame we couldn't get a round table instead of a long one would be easier to chat to everyone. Hope you got some lovely goodies
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      It was lovely to see you yesterday, please tell Terry I am sorry I did not bring any fruit cake, I thought about it but just ran out of time, I will make sure I bring some in Sept. Sorry we didn't get to talk properly, I understand what you are saying about round table it would be better. Sorry your feet were playing you up hope you have rested today.
      Give Terry a hug from me to say sorry & extra for

    2. Sorry forgot to thank you for your lovely comment on my

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    How quick did yesterday go. Really had a lovely day. Especially seeing everyone for lunch.
    Hope you all got some lovely crafty goodies.The pictures Terry took of us all came out well will try & get them to Sandra.
    My feet are playing up today b...dy Arthur. We had Margaret for dinner today as she was a bit down when I phoned her last evening. With the 8 year old son of next door neighbour kicking a foot ball in garden & kicked it hard & broke her satellite dish so now her TV isn't working so phoning Sky in the morning we said her neighbour should pay for it. She lives in a static caravan so gardens aren't big enough for playing football in. Think we cheered her up.
    Well I have been doing this comment for ever kept freezing up
    All the challenge cards were gorgeous ladies 😊 Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's challenge card
    Love Lynda xx

  11. Hullo Sandra and ladies.
    Well such a lovely selection of challenge cards today. Loved Cheryl's cards yesterday and seeing where Michele works.
    Lovely seeing everyone at Ally Pally yesterday. Had a great chat and laugh. It is such a joy to know and meet such lovely ladies. Plus of course Terry who missed his cakes this year. Margaret bought cakes last Sept. We told him that we'd make sure we bought cake in Sept. Terry as usual was on top form.

  12. Hello All, late again.
    Lovely array of cards again this, sorry I didn't make a proper one.
    So glad everyone had a great day yesterday, hope you bought lots of lovely goodies.
    I'll say goodnight,sleep tight, see you in the morning, hugs Lilian
