
Monday 10 April 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning,

Welcome to the start of another week, Easter Holidays for the girls, although they are working Monday, Wednesday and Friday of this week so I'll not see that much of them, Paul has a full week of shifts too, so I will be in my craft room I think.
Have you all got plans for the Holiday Weekend?

This weeks Challenge isn't a sketch Challenge, I would like you to create the main/background detail of your card by using either a Score board as I have,

I scored 4 lines across and 4 down my card, very simple but really effective, I think most of us have a score board of some kind.  Now I got my inspiration from a card on Pinterest but I think Kay Rutter of Hougie board would have some great designs for scoring patterns, so might be worth a look on her website or Pinterest.  
If you can't score your own pattern you could use an Embossing folder, I would hate to exclude anyone from the challenge so try and cover all needs. 
I think that this challenge will make us use our score tools in a different way, making it a more useful tool. 
Here are a few more ideas.......

I hope that helps to give you a bit more Inspiration, I can't wait to see your cards!

Don't forget your photos of your Ally Pally purchases ladies, any other buys too.

Have a lovely week,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    Love this week's Challenge. It gives everyone an even playing field as no technical stuff is needed. Back to basics I think. I love your card and the colours you have chosen.

    Well Dear Friends I hope you've all recovered from your hectic week-end and are ready for the coming week.

    We had another wonderful day here yesterday and once again lunched out on the patio and morning coffee sat viewing the water meadow across the road.

    I managed to get a 'special' request bday card made yesterday which leaves me with two for this month both of them for a young man!! I think I'll be using this week's CC for one of them.

    Marigny Dobbie should have arrived with all provisions for the week - hopefully non were eaten on his way over the water.

    I'm off now for breakfast but I'll pop in via cyber space to see you all later. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra & a great challenge. One that everyone can participate in. Lovely examples you've included-I might start doodling ideas during today-best make sure it's not on someone's prescription!!

    Managed to weed the patio area outside the kitchen yesterday-it had been lovely & sunny all morning but by the time I went out after lunch it was dull & quite breezy. Certainly not nice enough to sit out afterwards so I retreated to my craft room.

    I wonder what's in store for me today at work-there's certainly never a dull moment!


    1. Hi Michele
      Well I managed to cut two lawns. Mind you I had Pete telling me how to do it for the first one. I sent him packing for the second one. Mind you with this cough I have I had to do it it stages. Hope today isn't to bust for you at work.

    2. Should have been as busy for you. Would like you to go bust.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. This weeks challenge card is beautiful(wish I could think of different words to say that as I use it so often but it is truly meant) and you have come with another great challenge idea, as usual I look at the examples and think"Why didn't I think of doing that!"
    Alley Pally was fabulous and like everyone else lunch time is the best bit that I look forward to the most when we get to sit and chat to wonderful dear friends. Lynda, I'm sorry that I didn't get to give Terry a hug but it was soooo good to see you both. I'm sorry that you were suffering with blooming Arthur in your feet though 😊 A two day visit would be great so one whole day could be just for chatting 😊
    I loved all of your CC's yesterday, each one is beautiful Maria,who is the little cutie on your gorgeous card? (I agree that butterflies can be used at any time of the year too)
    We have another wonderful sunny start to the day, enjoy it while you can as the temp is set to drop back down sharply from tomorrow onwards 😞 I hope you all have a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. That little cutie is now my "big" little man, 6'5in Son hihi it's a magnet so I keep him on the bread bin with a few other ones when he was little. I just put him on the card for fun because we got to see your little ones and smiley Oscar :-) Have a nice day xx

  4. Another great challenge - ooh what shall I do...
    Lovely card today and it was fun at Ally Pally. I think a 2 day visit would be a great idea, one to shop and one to do lunch, watch the demos in the tent etc etc. I'm already looking forward to September

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Sandra, great sketch and love all your examples.
    As you probably gathered, I still haven't made any cards. I haven't been in my craft room for over a month now apart from once when I had to make Lynn's birthday card which I wasn't happy with anyway.My motivation has well and truly disappeared. Do hope it returns soon as I have so many cards to make both for the shop and personal ones.

    So glad you all had a good time at Ally Pally. Looking forward to photos of you all and crafty buys.Sorry you weren't so good Lynda. Hope being in pain didn't stop your enjoyment totally.

    Pat. Thinking of you and Pete and hope things are easier for you.

    Just finished mopping down stairs and I'm copying Michele example and weeding the front. It's surprising how many nasty weeds are poking through the flags. It all needs a good tidy.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Perhaps you can just oook on Pinterest to give you some inspiration for your cards.
      Hope your weeding goes well. The weeds are well and truly taking over our patio. I don't have the strength to do all the bending over with this cough. Pete keeps saying we'll have the front and the patio and I suppose the path going down the side of the house redone. He quite fancies having some imprinted concrete. At least the weeds won't come through. Fingers crossed. An easier week this week but all starts again next week.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra challenge looks interesting this week, don't think I will have time today, I will try & photograph my goodies though, they are still in
    Quick visit busy day will look in later.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    What a fab idea!!! I'd never have thought of doing that with my board thanks for the top tip! Love getting hints and tips from here.
    Cards are georgeous too.
    Love to all xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    This weeks challenge is not what I was expecting, but nevertheless it's interesting and challenging! Already have my thinking cap on, even got my Houhie Board out and had a practice. (which is now in the bin) The possibilities are endless, it's going to be great seeing everyone's results. Just hope I can raise to this challenge. Nearly forgot to say Sandra I love your card. xx

    It's a bright sunny day here today although there is a nip in the air. Yesterday it was absolutely gorgeous, felt like summer. No two days are the same are they, we just have to enjoy the weather when we can. Hope it's bright and sunny where you are. Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      It was quite sunny here this morning, but now it's windy and dull. Looks like the weathers turning. What a shame just when the children are on holiday.

  9. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card Sandra and the cc is a fun way to learn what else we can use the scoring board for. Nearly bought one at AP but I still got the one you gave me so will give it a go.
    Lynda-,hope you feel better and not in so much pain. Gentle hugs to you and a big one for Terry, hope he is okay.
    Extra hugs are also sent for Pat and Pete.Hope this week is easier on you both.
    I wish you all a nice day. Here the sun was out this morning but it has now gone pretty dull and it looks like rain for this evening. Managed tho to have a good walk this morning together with OH and feeling quite good in myself so back on track for some healthy eating hopefully. Easter will be hard for we are going out twice but w'll see.
    Many,many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      Only two appointments this week. One is the dentist and the other is for Pete to have bloods done for the Heart clinic via the Dr, plus one for Oncology.
      Next week we start again with hospitals. Hopefully we'll have some news re the trials so I can get some time away sorted.

  10. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love this weeks challenge, will try to take part. Beautiful card too Sandra 🙂
    Sounds like you all had a great time at Ally Pally - can't wait to see your purchases.
    Sorry I didn't get in over the weekend, was working and catching up with the housework! Luke arrived home safely from Barcelona - they had a fantastic time.
    Hope everyone is keeping well. Love and hugs to all xxxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      I'm glad Luke enjoyed his time in Barcelona. I have a couple of friends who go every year.

  11. Hi Sandra
    As I said yesterday Ally Pally was lovely. Made all the better for meeting friends at lunchtime, where we could sit and chat. I also kept bumping into Brenda and Maria, but unusually didn't see Sue or Margaret once. Sorry Arthur is playing up again for you Lynda. Great to see Terry as well. We did get to have a hug though. Terry missed his cake so we must remember to take some in Sept.
    Peace at last as Craig bought Romilly and Xander over before they go to Turkey on Thurs. Crikey do they fight. It's quite wearing just watching.
    Love the challenge card you've done Sandra. Plus the other inspirational cards you've shown. I managed to cut two lawns yesterday. Took my time as this cough didn't help at all. Pete stood telling me how to mow the first one. I told him I wouldn't do the second If he didn't clear off and leave me to it.

  12. Hello All, sunny but cold here.

    Sandra was not expecting today's challenge, yours is beautiful, will try to make one this week.

    Clamppit clinic tomorrow morning (breast clinic), hope it's my last one, and then Drs in the afternoon, for results of tests and a chat about what to do next.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Monday again Sandra the sketch looks good this week. Love your card it's gorgeous. I have taken pictures of my AP goodies Sandra my email is still not working so will send via messenger but let me know if there is too many pictures & will condense them down.HaHa
    Maria glad your feeling better. Wow your son 6'5" my son is 6'2" & daughter 6'1"
    He was a little cutie though loved your card Maria Thanks for the Hug's it was lovely seeing you again shame it wasn't long enough.xx ( Terry said thanks for his Hug too.
    Pat hope you haven't worn yourself out with all the grass cutting you made me laugh telling Pete to clear off but know what you mean 😤 🤗🤗 Xx
    I have dentist tomorrow not sure what she is going to do be nice surprise HaHa.
    Been in craft room putting goodies away & watching 9,845 Email come down it's gone crazy & now Terry's is doing the same we both use incredimail.😤😤😤
    See you all tomorrow Love Lynda xx
