
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Ally Pally shopping !! First lot !

My shopping
Honey Doo Stamps, Die and Mica Powders

Die/stamp storage case and extra sheets

Sue Wilson's 'Lucy' die

Some pearls from £1 stand

Pressure Large rectangular stitched die.

Such pretty Colour glitter card
Peach, Blue and green

Centura Pearl A3

These cards were £2 a pack, so would have been
Rude not to really!

 Maria's Shopping
Maria, you bought some lovely dies, I love the garden set,
Some pretty Dies from Sue's collection too, particularly that flower die.
I have those Memento inks and they are amazing to use,
So easy to ink up a stamp with that little point.
Thank you for sharing your shopping, just hide the bill! 

 Brenda's Shopping
Brenda, you were like Mary Poppins, fitting all this in your
Little bag!! Such pretty lace and ribbon, one of Sue's new collection dies,
The stained glass window style dies are stunning, I still can't believe those large
Frames were only £1, bargain!!  You got some good basic buys too, glue, card,
New plates for your Gemini, some lovely colour pens, (something I know you are
Short of)!  I think that you and I have the same Honey Doo Stamps, the samples were
Stunning, I did recreate the one we both liked on Sunday but i haven't put it together yet! All in all a fantastic selection of new things, i bet you don't know where to start
Thank you for sharing

Brenda's Shopping for Ciara
Ciara will be over the moon with her new things Brenda, what a 
Lucky girl, scissors are great and at £1 you don't mind what they are 
used for, the Ribbon is really pretty colours, those little satin flowers in a
Jar are just so pretty too, I'm sure Ciara's creative skills will work wonders
With these new goodies, I can't wait to see what she makes 

Karen's Shopping
Karen, You did some great bargain shopping too, I loved those frames,They only had 
Home one when I went and I would have preferred Love so didn't bother, I saw him restocking twice!  Love the teacup die, would look pretty with some flowers cascading down them!  Water brushes are so useful, what will you use foam cushion 
For?? The 'infinity' embossing folder is lovely, i have that one it's one of my favourites! You got some pretty colours in the Nuvo Drops too, another fantastic haul.
Thank you for sharing Karen 

Well as you can see ladies we managed to get a good bit of shopping in as well as 
Having a very long lunch, that involved more talking than eating, it is the best part
of the day for me though, I love meeting up with everyone, I got to chat with Tres and Helen Bell from Sue's blog too, they are both so lovely.
I got a sneak preview of the New Stampin' Up Catalogue last night,
Oh my goodness there are some amazing new things in there, something
For every taste, I can't wait to share it with you.
That's all from me for now, I will share the remaining shopping from
Lynda, Pat, Sue and Margaret on Thursday.

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs,


  1. Morning Ladies

    WOW-what fantastic crafty shopping, great to see what everyone has bought.

    Sandra-can't wait to see the new Stampin Up catalogue.

    Good day at work yesterday-got lots more stock moved back into the Unit . Will move as much as possible today then we just need help moving the computers and the heavy items.

    A friend dropped off a Camelia on Saturday-it's huge & looks beautiful. It's too big for her to plant in her garden so she donated it to me. We're going out for tea tonight-she doesn't know it but I'm treating her. She's not been in the best of health recently (firstly she had breast cancer resulting in a mastectomy then she was having tummy troubles and had had to have a colostomy plus her husband has just had a massive heart attack-they're both only in their 50's) yet she's still working , 3 days a week instead of full time. She's never once wanted pity & I know things must have been difficult-she has a wicked sense of humour so hopefully tonight will be a nice treat.


    1. Hi Michele. I hope you manage to get as much moved as possible and then have a lovely time with your friend. She will be delighted with your treat, both her and her husband have been through the wars haven't they! Take care x

    2. Have a nice time with your friend tonight. They have really gone through a lot bless her. Take care x

    3. Hi Michele
      Hope you manage to get things moved today. Sounds like your going to have a lovely meal with your friend. So lovely to have such positive attitude makes all the difference I think. Sound like they've really gone through it this year.

    4. Hi Michele. Your poor friend and husband sound as if they've been through so much. Lovely to be able to treat her. Bet she'll be delighted.
      Enjoy your meal. Xxx

    5. Your friend is amazing To have been through all of that Puts things in perspective a bit doesn't it Enjoy your meal

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well I cannot say 'I'm AMAZED' at the items which just fell into your baskets on Saturday I have to say that 'I'm ASTOUNDED' that you managed all that in one day and had a long lunch as well.
    SANDRA - did Paul have a trailer on the back of your car? or do you have the original TARDIS hehehe

    I'm already looking forward to Thursday to see what the rest of you very lucky ladies bought.

    I had a very productive day yesterday and managed to get one of the bday cards made and I think I'll be using it for my CC this week.

    We're off this morning to our first monthly market of 2017 in Corbigny. How far I'll manage to walk we'll see. I just might have to do the main street as the other half of the market is held on the cattle market area which isn't good underfoot being very rough and some loose chippings. I'm looking forward to seeing all the lovely stalls and perhaps I just might be lucky in picking up a bit of lace/ribbons etc. Jim of course is looking forward to buying Rose Garlic and Black Pudding which is made at the stall. (the H&S would have a dicky fit in the UK if they saw it being made).

    Huge hugs and love to you all.
    The CAFE is looking very Spring Like with the pots of tulips on the clean table cloths.

    1. Hi Janet. Have a lovely time at the market even if you have to stay on the main Street. I'm sure Jim will look out for any bargains for you in the part that is too rough for you to walk on. Marginy Dobbie is keeping the Café looking so pretty with those beautiful Tulips, thank you for sending them with him 😊 Take care x

    2. I forgot to say that I haven't heard the term "dicky fit" for ages. I wonder if Maria will have heard it? 😊 X

    3. Have a very nice day at the market and enjoy the day and promise no "dicky fits" will be had hihi
      I have one at least once a day Sue or it wouldn't be me hahaha Beautiful tulips on the tables today, hope they bring some more people inside xx

    4. Hi Janet
      I hope you had a lovely time at the Market, even if you only manage to stay on the High Street. I expect Jim will bring you back some goodies if he manages the second half.

    5. Hi Janet. Hope you enjoy your time at the market today. Hope Jim manages to buy lots of bargains. Love Valxxx

    6. I hope you have a great time at the market

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. It's good fun looking at all of the goodies you got at Ally Pally and I can't wait to see how you use them 😊Mum and I missed the large frames. Who was selling them for such a great price? Like Mum all of my shopping is still sitting in a bag but I will get a pic of it to Sandra later on. It's always like Christmas for me and Mum when we unpack our "black hole" trolley after Ally Pally as everything just disappears into it and isn't seen again until we are home by which time we have both forgotten exactly what bits and bobs we bought 😊
    I'm off to the docs for a quick check up then off to see Sandra and Pat so a lovely day for me just like the last few days have been as they have all been spent with family and crafting friends. How lucky I am 😊
    Maria, well your little cutie certainly isn't little any more is he at 6'5" now! He will always be your baby though won't he 😊 I hope you aren't suffering after all of your walking you have been doing x
    Lynda, I hope your feet aren't as painful as they were on Saturday and you have both recovered from all of the walking around the show. Wow, your daughter at 6'1" is tall isn't she. We have lots of shorties on both mine and Chris's families so none of our 3 are tall x
    Lilian, I hope you your check up went as well as it can x
    Tracy, I love getting the great tips and hints that are shared on here too 😊x
    I better get on now so I'm sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, have a lovely time today with Sandra and Pat. Looking forward to seeing photos of your crafty buys when you open your 'black hole' trolley.
      Love Valxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Many wonderful items came with us home I can see,you must have sent Paul to the car to unload a few times hihi no wonder my arms were aching, still thinking of a trolley for next time. I had the rose stamp from Honey Doo on my list but missed that one and as you can see I don't need anymore for a looooong time. Must finish a birthday card today when OH is out because it is for him for Thursday, it's sort of a bought one from Craftsuprint so had some little things to make it up.
    Liian- hope everything goes alright in the'clamper'ouch !
    Lynda- hope you and Terry are ok after the weekend.
    Sue- hope you ok and have a fab. day with Pat and Sandra. Please do not fall into the Black hole and disppear will you, I would miss youuuu !
    Pat- hope your cough gets better, take care.
    Another nice day but still nip in the air so no walk this morning . Have to stay in all day to wait for a phone call from doctors because they want me to have a review of my meds. before I can order some more so will try to get a move on and go to my crafting section and do something and not just look, hmmmm
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you manage to sort your men's out. Still have my cough Maria. Pesky thing it is to.

    2. Oh Maria what a lovely lot of goodies you managed to buy. Particularly like the look of the embossing folder and the dyes and inks in fact I like the look of all of it ha ha.
      Hope your phone call from the doc arrived.
      Love Valxxx

  5. So Jealous Sandra, I really wanted to be there but situations forbade it and just as well as really not well and dont think I would have been able to cope with the work load. xxx

    1. Hi Wendy
      Would have been nice to see you again. It's a shame cercumstances didn't allow. I hope you feel better soon.

    2. Hi Wendy. Sorry you missed Ally Pally and I hope you feel better very soon x

  6. Hi Sandra
    And ladies.
    What a fabulous array of goodies that were bought at Ally Pally. I'll get mine out soonish and send a photo off to Sandra.
    Well dentist today and Pete wasn't very happy that because of his pacemaker he now has to see the hygienist. Bloods for the Dr and Hospital tomorrow. Plus he has an appointment to see the Dr re his new medication he needs on Thursday. Prof Macauley rang yesterday to speak to Pete re the trials. I got her phone number to ring her back. One of the specialist nurses will ring him either today or tomorrow to make an appointment to meet the team at the Churchill. That means tests to see if he meets the criteria, then if he does he'll start straight away. Yippee some movement at last.
    Really looking forward to seeing Sandra and Sue today.
    My cough doesn't seem to be clearing up. I though it had turned a corner yesterday as I actually didn't need to go to the loo to have a big cough. But it seems just as bad today.

  7. Hi Pat. So glad Pete's treatment will soon be sorted. Sounds like another week of hospitals, doctors and dentist for you both. Hope everything goes alright for all of them.
    Sorry your cough is still persisting. It's been going on for such a long time no wonder you're fed up with it. Surely it must clear up soon.
    Enjoy you meet up with Sandra and Sue today.
    Love Valxxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    My what an amazing haul everyone bought on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing what you all make and excited about seeing more of your goodies later this week.
    Just back in from the docs after the result of my xray last week. Everything fine thank goodness. Asked for an appointment at the hospital to see about a fatty lump on my back. Had it for a couple of years and it's not bothered me but it has grown large now and my bra is digging in it and making it sore.
    Anyway have an appointment for July so not too far off.

    Well just gong to get changed and carry on with tidying the front. Lots of plants to pull out and cut down but it's looking better already.

    Sandra, Sue and Pat. Have a lovely time today.

    Love to all.

  9. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oooh a wonderful selection of goodies bought. Enjoy playing with them. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make 🙂
    Sandra, Sue and Pat, hope you're having a lovely day. Hope everyone is keeping well and having a good day whatever you are doing.
    Love and hugs to all xxx

  10. I Stoped commenting all the way down as Internet is still being a pain and suddenly drops out whilst I'm on my iPod!
    The buys look great I bought the mounting cushion for very special cards as it is soooo expensive because it is plastic and can be cut into very narrow strips It doesn't gum up your scissors If you put it down in the wrong place you can gently peel it away too
    I created my own pill bottle on ScanNCut which needs very narrow tape to be able to make it a shaker element - watch this space!
    I hope all of you get the dr's results/phone calls that will provide help or solutions Forgive me for not remembering individual names - senior moments!
    I see another company has migrated to Hochanda - Katy Sue

  11. Woo hoo! I have just found my preemie cardigans I was looking for my Hougie Board book and they had fallen and been wedged behind it! I hope that means CHERYL will find her fabric

    1. Hi Karen, I KNEW your preemie cardigans would turn up, its such a good feeling isn't it. xx
      NOW Cheryl stop looking, your fabric is there - somewhere, it's just playing hide and seek, but forgotten where it decided to hide. xx

    2. Hi Karen
      So pleased you found your preemie cardigan
      Lovely seeing you Saturday xx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What a lovely display of all the goodies everyone found Alexandra Palace. Ciara loved all of the bits I picked up for her.
    We have had a full day today as it's Callums 15th birthday, we came home this afternoon as I had some accounts to attend to. Also have got dentist in the morning, then its back to Kenley again we will be back home on Thursday evening. It's all go being retired!!!
    Hope everyone has had a good day.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone. Brenda XX

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Well I had dentist at12pm but didn't get in untill 12.45 had 3 more injections to numb my gums for drilling again ex ray as well &I I'm back next Tuesday & another two appointments after that.. it's really aching now so I'm going to have early night & take a couple of pain killers. I have deleted 34059 emails earlier hope that's sorted now will try &send a email to my brother.
    I will have to say good night as keep nodding. Some great shopping every time I looked I was saying too myself I wish I got that or oh I missed that well done ladies. Sandra Pat & Sue hope you had a good day together xxPat glad thing. Pat glad Pete is getting sorted at last looks like you have another busy week ahead xx
    Love to everyone Lynda xx
