
Wednesday 12 April 2017

Vellum Wrapped Card

Good morning Ladies,

Today's card was inspired by a card we saw on the Honey Doo crafts stand at Ally Pally last weekend.  Brenda and I both fell in love with it straight away and bought everything we needed to recreate it, the vellum adds a real soft, feminine feel to the card, the second image shows the stamped and coloured Rose and it's quite bold, the vellum overlay really softens the colour.  
The stamp is called 'Roses are Red' by honey Doo Crafts, I coloured it with Honey Doo mica powders too, Raspberry Ripple and Lime Zest, they are amazing to colour with, I wish now that I had bought the whole set!  I was trying to decide between Mica powders and the Brusho's, any tips?

I used my 'faux misti' to make sure that I had the stamped image on the base card and the vellum lined up perfectly.  I used Versamark to stamp the rose on the vellum and Embossed it White Opal Glitter Embossing Powder (Honey Doo) , I added then Creative Expressions Sentiment.
I didn't have a matching pink ribbon so i went for green which I thinks works well, I added the pink flower to finish the bow.
I hope you like the card x

Sue and I went to see Pat yesterday, we did a lot of Chatting and crafting, Pat unboxed her new Gemini machine and worked through the different sandwiches with Sue, It worked like a dream, Pat was cutting dies in no time! Sue was making a little keepsake snuggle toy for her new Granddaughter (due any time), I was busy playing with Mica powders and stamps.  It was lovely to see Pete looking so well, what a difference a week can make! 

So many of you had/ have dentist appointments this week, what a coincidence, mind you Lynda has my sympathy your treatment sounds like hell on earth to me, injection, drilling, i was reading through my fingers, bless you sweetheart your mouth must be so sore, will be worth when you have your smile back xxx
Brenda glad you got the accounts sorted, I was going to say you can have some time to play, clearly not, please slow down! Please ask Ciara to share her cards that she makes with her new goodies xxx

Wendy, I hope you feel better soon, Sue was poorly too, there are so many nasty bugs around, wishing you a speedy recovery my lovely xxx

Val, it sounds like you will be glad to get rid of your lump, is it like a 'Lipoma' ?
Which is a fatty lump that looks like a chicken fillet! So pleased to hear Xray results were fine too xx

Lilian, missed you yesterday, I hope you are ok my lovely xxx

Karen, I am now even more pleased that I encouraged you to use your Score board as it meant you found your Preemie Cardigans!!!! 

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning everyone again
    SANDRA - what a STUNNING card you have given us today. That stamp is just perfect. What a fantastic piece of kit is that misty you created.
    Have you seen just how many different manufacturers are producing a misty now and that they are costing tens of pounds.

    Lovely to hear that the Three Graces had a good day and that PETE was looking better than last week.

    VAL- pleased to hear that the xray was clear and that your 'fatty lump' will be gone soon.

    LYNDA- your dentist experience has me cringing as I type. That is one place I'm so frightened of so much so that I'd rather have surgery than go.

    LILIAN- I hope it was work that kept you busy yesterday.

    We had a good market day not that anything wonderful was bought. Jim of course got his garlic and black pudding and I didn't find any ribbon/lace stall. I only managed the main street and was really pleased to be back away from all the crowds and the hustle and bustle.

    My task for today is to try and create a door plaque for a ten year old boy who wants one decorated in 'Heroes' things. We'll see what happens.

    The CAFE door is open so it looks as though everything is ready for the day. Have a good day everyone. HUGS to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm sorry that you didn't manage to find any lace or ribbon at the market but glad that Jim got his garlic and black pudding. I'm looking forward to seeing your Hero's door plaque. I must admit I wouldn't know where to start. Have a good day x

    2. Have a look at 'Marvel' there might be something you can print or get some ideas. Sorry you didn't get any lace, hopefully next time. Take care xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Yes, it was lovely meeting up yesterday, and yes it's great to see Pete being able to walk again without getting breathless. Just need to get my cough sorted out now.
      I'm sorry to hear you didn't find any ribbon or Lace at the market. You might have better luck when the weather warms up a bit.

    4. Hi Janet sorry I made you cringe with my dentist appointment yesterday it is still quite sore at the moment. Three more appointments it takes six to prep for the bridge then I can smile again.
      Sorry you didn't get your ribbon or Lace at market.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

  2. Morning ladies

    Sandra-your card is beautiful, really lovely.

    Yesterday was fairly busy at work, managed to get another fridge moved but it only got switched back on late afternoon so I couldn't transfer any drugs into it yesterday so that's a priority for this morning. The Fire Alarm company failed to turn up-we need the sensors re-connecting. Without that being done, we can't move back!

    Had a lovely evening with my friend-shared garlic bread. She had a pizza & I had Chicken + Chorizo pasta bake. My friend picked me up so I had a glass of wine-nice treat . I paid the bill & she looked surprised so I said it was a Thank you for the Camelia and an early birthday treat.

    Doing my Tesco shopping tonight as I don't want to risk going tomorrow as it's usually as crazy as pre Christmas shopping!!


    1. Hi Michele. I hope the alarm company turn up today, another frustrating delay for you all if they don't! I'm glad to hear you had a lovely meal with your friend, shopping tonight won't be any where near as much fun for you will it but much easier than doing it tomorrow when it will be heaving with people buying enough food to last them weeks and all because the shops will be closed for one whole day! Take care x

    2. Hopefully the alarm guys turning up so you can get sorted and have the drugs in it's right place by tonight. We have to go shopping tomorrow because I'm not right unfortunately ,just have to take it calmly as possible ,Take care xx

    3. Hi Michele.
      I'm glad you had a lovely evening meal with your friend. I wonder why firms never turn up at the time there booked for. I wonder why people shop as if the shops are going to be shut for a month as well when it's only for one or two days of food needed.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafรฉ today. What a fabulous card. I saw the stamped rose yesterday and it is truly gorgeous, the most beautiful stamp with so much detail and the vellum overlay just makes it a real WOW card. I can't start to think just how much you would have to pay for a card of this quality in the shops. I have a wedding card to make for May so I will have to borrow the stamps, please. I hope Paul has managed to fix your glasses my lovely x
    Pat, I hope all goes well for you both and you get some answers from the chest x-ray soon x
    Val, I'm so glad that your x-ray is clear and that you are able to get the gardening done today x
    Karen, it's good to hear that you have finally managed to find the preemie cardigans at last. I'm looking forward to seeing your pill bottle cards. I will have to have a look at the cushion mount as it sounds ideal for shaker cards. Have a good day x
    Maria, luckily I managed to avoid falling into my black hole bag ๐Ÿ˜Š x
    Brenda, you are very busy again this week aren't you. I hope you manage to craft with Ciara so she can use some of her lovely new stash ๐Ÿ˜Š x
    Lynda, I'm sorry to hear that your mouth is painful again after another visit to the dentist. How many more visits do you have until it is all finished? Sending you big gentle hugs dear friend x
    We have a busy day again here. We are taking Phoebe and Paige fishing, which they both love and then onto their usual swimming lessons and back here for a sleepover with us so it will be busy but it's always lovely spending time with them. Of course we are waiting for "The" phone call so may have our plans changed at any moment ๐Ÿ˜Š Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Glad to see you still with us hihi Think I have to walk around with you next time at AP because you find so many lovely things that I love to have too. You lucky you can borrow from eachother when you get together. Have a great time with the grandchildren. How exciting to wait for 'the call' good luck xx

    2. I hope your not waiting to long for the call as you call it. I bet your looking forward to seeing the new arrival.

    3. Hi Sue I have another appointment next Tuesday & then another three appointments.THEN I CAN SMILE AGAIN ����.
      How long is it for your new arrival.
      Big Hug's xx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh Sandra, what a beautiful card. Love the flower and the vellum over it makes it look so classy and I bet expensive if you bought this in a card shop.
    Glad the three of you had a good meet up yesterday and so pleased to read, Pat, that Pete is looking a lot better.
    Sandra, the doctor only said I had a fatty lump but looking up Lipoma, that's definitely what it looks like. So thanks for that vas least now I know whatI've got ha ha.

    LYNDA I'm cringing at all the work you're having to have on your teeth. No wonder your month's sore. Hope the pain killers worked last night and you managed some sleep. Big squashy hugs are sent to you. Xxx

    Karen so glad you found your premmie cardigans. These things always turn up in places you least expect them. X

    Off to play crib later for the first time in over a month. Looking forward to seeing the group again.

    The weather is so lovely here now. It's lovely walking Gracie in the morning in the sunshine cos as you know I can't cope with the cold. I wish I had lots of money as I'd fly to Oz for 6 months heat during our winter. Was really hoping I'd win the lottery yesterday. It was 63 million. I could make so many people happy with that. Sadly someone in France won. Never mind there's always next week.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Val, so glad it was just a'fatty lump' and nothing else. Your weather sound lovely, here it has gone colder again. Perfect to make some gardening in but I have not got any strength so Son is helping out. he have been wonderful these last few weeks when we both,OH and I, have had this stupid virus and I'm floored with it once again, aaargh. You have a lovely day and enjoy the Crib xx

    2. High Val
      I'm glad it was only a fatty lump you had and nothing else. Enjoy your crib. I also prefer the warmth rather than the cold. However, I don't think I could cope with the over 40's the had in Sydney this summer. Gill my SIL said it was so oppressive.

    3. Hi Val thank you sorry I'm making everyone cringe today I'm not too bad now just taken another pain killer.
      I hope you don't have to wait long for your fatty lump removal & pleased it wasn't a nasty lump.
      Big Hug's xx

  5. Margaret Palmer12 April 2017 at 14:16

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry I didn't make comment yesterday, the day just disappeared, I still have not unpacked my goodies from Sat.
    All the goodies on show yesterday were lovely you all did very well, I agree with Sandra, where did Brenda hide it all. I promise to photograph mine later.
    Sandra your card today is beautiful, looks soo expensive, well
    Michele hope you can move in soon, you must be looking forward being
    Sue hope you have good day with the
    Janet good luck with your "Hero's"
    Val pleased xray was clear, enjoy the sun, we have sun but cool wind with
    Lynda poor you sore feet & now sore gums, sending gentle
    Karen soo pleased you found your
    Brenda please take it
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Sending hugs to you and Pop, take care xx

    2. Hi Margaret thank you for your Hug's, I can't believe you haven't opened your AP buys I couldn't wait to look at mine haha ๐Ÿ˜‚
      Sending you & Pop's big Hug's ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— Lynda xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Well I was sure I put a comment on here this morning. But it's obviously flown into cyber space.
    Lovely card Sandra. I had the privilege of seeing it close up and personal. Wasn't the finished artlcle but the stamping had been done.
    Still coughing despite being just over five days into a course of antibiotics.
    Out to dinner this evening with friends from OUP, past and present. Fourteen of us altogether, so will be lovely to have a catch up. Really looking forward to it.
    Lynda your dentist visits made me cringe. I bet your looking forward to it all being over. Hope your feet aren't to bad today.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. I hope you have a lovely evening despite still coughing, hope the antibiotics kicks in sooner rather then later. Big hugs xx

    2. Thanks Maria
      But I don't think they will as I only have a day and three quarters until my 7 days supply finishes. So I hope the xray shows something. Otherwise I could be stuck with my cough.

    3. I know they don't really want to give them out but surely if you need some more they will give it to you. Fingers crossed the x-ray show something x

    4. Hi Maria
      As it's not caused through an infection I don't see that having any more will do any good. Anyway we will see what the X-ray shows. Wish we had the Australian system where you get the X-rays straight away and took them to the Dr to have a look at.

    5. Hi Pat I think have made a few ladies cringe today HiHi be glad when it's all finished but another Appointment next Tuesday then three more after that then I will be smiling.
      Hope your evening is going well & your cough doesn't spoil it.
      Big Hug's glad Pete is looking better & hope your X-rays are ok.
      Love Lynda xx

  7. Hi Sandra and to all in the cafe' today.
    Oh I love your card Sandra, it is sooo wonderful and expensive looking, well done.
    Wish even more now that I had seen these stamps but it soon comes around Ally Pally again hihi
    Yikes Lynda, I sending you my biggest hugs and hope you have plenty of pain killers that work. I'm with you all the way even if in a comatosed state because if I had to have all this work done they defiantly had to put me to sleep.
    Lilian- hope you are okay and can have a rest over the weekend.
    Sonia- having fun with the boys over the Easter break or will you have to work ?
    Lorraine- know you not well so sending you healing hugs and wish you better and the same to Wendy, missed you at AP, hopefully you can come over for the next one and maybe take Val with you ? :-)
    Not myself today so doing nothing and hating every minute just sitting here. Tried making a cc yesterday but the lines didn't look very good so now wished I had bought the score board after all. Got some money for mothers day so I might get one.
    Hope you have a good day whatever you are doing, take care. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria sorry your not yourself today ( who are you ? HaHa )
      Sorry hope you are feeling more like yourself tomorrow. I'm ok still a bit painful I have another appointment next Tuesday so hope your with me.
      Take care my friend Giant Hug's xx

  8. Hello Sandra and All,
    I just fell in love with this stamp when we were looking at the original card on Honey Doo Crafts stall at Ally Pally. Sandra I really love your card, it is so beautiful. I tried to replicate the card on display, my stamping was a bit heavy also I think the mica was a bit to thick, as it covered up some of the detail on the inside stamp, it's a learning curve!!! But I wouldn't have managed to line the two roses up if I had not used my Faux Misti. Something to practice when I get back home.
    I will try to get Ciara card making. I asked her what would she like me to bring over, her request was the Crazy Bird stamps and dies, oh and can we make soup. So also had to bring Soup maker. Anyway we had Chicken and Asparagus soup for lunch - she had seconds, so it must have been good. John said you should try grandmas Broccoli and Stilton. We could be on a soup making marathon here!!!!
    Dentist was very good this morning, just a check up and back again in six months.
    I have been trying to complete this message sent around about 1 o'clock. I cannot believe how long it's taken, time to quit while I have piece around me, I know it won't last. Ha ha
    Sending love and hugs to everyone will go back and read all your comments later. Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All,
    Sorry didn't get in yesterday, woke up feeling very ill, so missed the breast scan, but my Dr was also I'll, so will see him next week, feeling better today, apparently there is a sickness bug doing the rounds.

    Sandra your card is fabulous, very cleaver stamping, and the velum makes it look so expensive.

    Lynda so sorry to hear about your dental treatment, hope it's over soon.

    Everyone have a good evening, hugs Lilian

    1. Thank you Lillian
      Sorry your not feeling well hope you feel better soon.
      Gentle Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your card is amazing & stunning I love it.your so clever. I seem to have missed a few stalls at AP as didn't see this gorgeous stamp oh well next time & i will leave Arthur at home.
    Sorry I made you cringe as well Sandra with my dentist treatment another appointment Next Tuesday. Glad you & Sue had a nice time at Pat's ooo she bought a Gemini Die machine me jealous. Glad she likes it.
    Well i have commented on way down its taken ages kept freezing up
    Love Lynda xxx
