
Saturday 8 April 2017

All about Michele's Work

Mixed Up Saturday!

Cheryl's 'Gorjuss' Cards

Cheryl found a 'Gorjuss Girl' kit in her stash and just look how many cards she 
managed to make with it, she also said that she had about 11 cards left for 
another time.  They are all absolutely stunning Cheryl. It will be 
so useful having so many cards on hand ready to use.
Thank you so much or sharing your cards

Michele's Aseptic Unit Refurbishment Before and After

The above photos were all taken before the refurbishment, I don't think
we ever realise how grubby something looks until we have something new
to compare it to!

Now for the 'After' Photos

My photos-this one shows the "hatch" where we'll take in prescriptions.

The huge space is ready for my 4 drugs fridges

Looking towards the back of the newly refurbished area.

Black & White box is a light box-to hold certain drugs up against to check for particles. Two large grey "boxes" are the pass through hatches where the drugs go in to be made or come out made. The 9 dials show the pressure readings in the Unit.

Looking back towards the entrance door. The grey box is the Air Tube system (like in supermarkets) so we can send paperwork etc. The blue bags containing the specialist clothing we need to wear.

Thank you so much Michele it is so nice to be able to visualise what you are talking
about when you tell us about work, maybe for those that aren't sure you could explain
exactly what your job entails, I think it's a very interesting and very rewarding job.
Thanks so much Michele

I am so looking forward today, the excitement for me is to be meeting so many of
you lovely friends, the shopping is just a bonus, I hope you all have your lists made, I
usually make mine and forget it, or buy everything that isn't on my list!
My aim is to be as organised as Brenda......One day..Maybe!

Now ladies that are remaining behind, don't be having any wild Knees-ups
while I'm away, I will be checking in through the day,
I will be leaving EXTRA hugs for all of you that aren't coming today

Love and Hugs to all of you,



  1. 3rd time lucky! I love your cards CHERYL I love Gorjuss but never bought them because as I don't sell my cards I think "do I need that many cards that are similar"
    The Aseptic Unit looks amazing MICHELE and I agree with you, you don't realise how grubby things are We just moved desks and the amount of "rubbish" I'd collected in less than 2 years
    Being picked up shortly to go to AP Looking forward to seeing everyone that's going and we'll raise a toast with our mugs of coffee to those that can't make it xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Safe trip to all you lucky ones travelling to Ally Pally. Have a wonderful day ladies and enjoy spending. Looking forward to photo of you and you lovely buys.

    Cheryl. Love your Goorjuss cards. Such pretty images and great to have a pretty stash made for future events.

    Michele. A real before and after. So many shelves and all bright and airy. You must be so pleased with the result.

    Well off for a shower as shopping later. Food Shopping sadly. Not a craft shop in sight.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL- what a beautiful array of 'Gorjus' cards. I love this little girl as I think she has so much class and sassiness (is that a word?) about her. These will not take a minute to be sold at your next fayre.

    MICHELE- thank you for your pictures. I'm nosey and love to know and see where Friends work. Your new unit looks lovely and I've everything crossed that you'll have everything in there next week.

    Now to all of you going jaunting to AP today. Have a really good time. Buy lots of goodies so we can see what's on trend at the moment but most of all have a lovely meet up. I'm sending HUGE HUGS to all of you so please give extras from me. I'm looking forward to the photograph.

    I had the biggest disappointment yesterday. We arrived at our local Lidl only to find it all boarded up and definitely closed. This means there isn't one at all in this area.!!!!!!!!!!!

    Our first pastries were delightful.
    I had a beautifully formed 'Easter Nest'
    It was made as follows:

    A circle of apricot sponge for the base.
    A deep layer of Chocolate Cream on top
    A thin layer of the apricot sponge
    Chocolate Cream piped to make the nest
    The finishing touches were four tiny sugared eggs and the cutest little chick sat on the edge of the nest.

    Jim had one of his usual slices of Custard Tart but this time it had cherries in the custard mix.

    It's a cleaning day here but I have to send my CC to Sandra and then start on an Easter card for a teenager. Wish me luck on that one PLEASE.

    Hugs to you all. The Café is looking lovely and the coffee is smelling beautifully. Dobbie has done a good job this week. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. So sad that your local Lidl has closed. Such a great shop with the occasional craft item on sale.
      your Easter Nest sounds delicious.All that lovely chocolate cream and cute little eggs and a chicken. I'm not so keen on custard tarts but mixed with cherries sound a real hit.
      Enjoy your day.

  4. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-great collection of cards, really lovely.

    Now-I hope those of you that have popped in before me have washed their hands & put overshoes on before entering the Unit?? All visitors will have to do this. The photos show the outer support area where we will be assembling & labelling drugs. Dispensing some tablets and sorting out a lot of paperwork.
    We have had this refurbishment because our governing body insisted on it in our Audit-guess what, we were asked last thing last night to book this years Audit!!!! Think they might have to wait a while.

    We have glorious sunshine here in Southport-I just need to pop to the shops in the village then my friend is coming round for coffee (the friend I usually meet at Dobbies). No plans after that so will see what I feel like going after lunch,

    Hope everyone going to Ally Pally has a fantastic time-we'll tidy up in the Cafe after our party!!!


    1. Hi Michele. If you ever decide to go to Ally Pally, I'll try my best to get over and keep you company. Would be great to meet up with everyone wouldn't it?
      Have a great weekend. Xxx

    2. Just re-read your comment Sandra.

      I'm the Technical Services Manager of an Aseptic Unit in the NHS. We makeChemotherapy (for Adults ) and Parenteral Nutrition -for adults and neonates. Everything is made inside an isolator (a safety cabinet) to keep the product as sterile as possible as everything we make goes into a patients veins.
      We can't wear makeup, jewellery, nail varnish, false nails or false eyelashes as there are all potential sources of bacteria. No mobile phone allowed inside the unit either as they are covered in germs!

      Hope this explanations what some of my job entails .


  5. Hello All, lovely day again,

    Cheryl your cards are lovely, sure they will sell well, so useful for any age.

    Michele great to see where you work, the " new" unit looks great, working environment makes such a difference to a job.

    Well we are out and about today,( sadly not AP ) going to the range and the garden centre, need a new parasol for the garden ( hope that doesn't make it rain ) .

    Have a super day at A P enjoy meeting each other, photos please, buy lots of lovely goodies.

    My day on the train went well yesterday, although my shopping for some new Summer cloths was hopeless, I'm a short size 20, but apart from some of Marks £6.50 T shirts could find anything inspiring.
    Well have a great day all, hugs Lilian

  6. Hello Sandra and all,
    I am on the train going to London Victoria. After that I Will loose signal as the rest of my journey is underground. So better get a move on.
    Cheryl your cards are just Gorgus (sorry)
    Michele your department looks very calming. Hope it will have that effect on staff and everyone around. ... Did I hear you say Pigs Flying!!! Thank you for sharing your work environment with us. xx
    first leg of my journey almost over. So looking forward to meeting everyone. For those who can't come we will be thinking of you love and hugs Brendaxxx

  7. Hi everyone.

    Ur new unit looks fab Michele thanks for the explanation of what u do. I knew it was a pharmacy thing of sorts but wasn't quite sure what it was u mixed and dispensed.
    No wonder ur busy with the amount of chemo drugs required. I guess that's why it always took ages for mine to get mixed as I realise it's not the simplest of things with all the different kinds required. Must be a nightmare for u at times but I guess someone has to do it xx

    Lovely cards Cheryl. They sell that brand now at the range I see but never thought to try it. Might get it another time xx

    Hope u all have fun at ally pally. I might get to go at the end of the year if I can. Tina e has offered me b&b if I can fly down or go by train maybe. Will see how things go. Xx

  8. Hi All,
    Michele thank you for showing us where you work, thank you for explaining you have a vital job, thank
    Cheryl your cards are
    We had a lovely day at Ally Pally met up with Karen & friend, Brenda Lello, Lynda & Terry, Maria & Brenda Littlelamb, hopefully Terry took a photo of us all, was just like meeting friends we had seen yesterday. Thank you Sandra & Paul for driving us & putting up with 4 women in car.!! Now ready for bed, sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & everyone
    This is third try at commenting VAL they are still trying to find yours floating around in cyber space with yesterday's.
    SANDRA & PAUL SUE MARGARET PAT BRENDA MARIA KAREN it was lovely seeing you all again xx
    Cheryl beautiful cards Michele lovely clean unit thanks for sharing your work space.
    Janet yummy cakes shame about Lidil xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

  10. Just finishing off my mug of tea and are so ready for bed but had to pop in and see what you been up to while I had the best day out for a long time, shopping and meeting dear friends.
    Love your cards Cheryl, You have made a wonderful job putting so many together. Good stock for you next craft fair perhaps.
    Thank you Michele for showing your work place, it doe's look so much better with a lick of nice colour on the walls and some new fridges to come etc.
    Janet-no more Lidl, what a shame they have closed it for you. They haven't just moved it somewhere ? Mmmmm your cakes sound as good as I can imagen them, I'm sure they were tasty :-)
    Eyes keep shutting so best go up, see you tomorrow.
    Love and hugs, Maria xxx
