
Monday 3 April 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good morning Ladies,

I thought we'd go back to a traditional sketch this week, I thought this one would work well with the 'theme' I chose for this week which is .........
'Spring Time'
So pretty flowers or whatever you class as 'Spring'.  I was inspired by a trip to the garden centre with Paul on Friday, they had trays and trays of bedding plants ready for a busy weekend of gardening.  There were some beautiful colours, from pretty yellows to vibrant links, so beautiful.
You don't have to follow the sketch exactly, it's just a rough guideline for your card layout.
I can't wait to see your cards x

Oh Ladies, why do we start things? Paul suggested we move my craft room round yesterday morning, I moved the things i could manage and left Paul to do the donkey work, while it was all moved out I decided to have a proper sort out, do you know I have about 12 'bit boxes'', overflowing with bits of varying sizes, I tried being a bit more ruthless, threw out a good dustbin liner full of card that I won't use. But it seems neverending! So is the upheaval !
Anyway by 6pm I still couldn't see my desk, so no sketch card from me today, I will hopefully​ find my desk today and be able to get some crafting done, I am having withdrawal symptoms!  The idea of having a move round is to make more desk space, so that I can have my paper trimmer and Platinum next to me, as getting up to use it as I am finding the getting up and down harder to do, to be able to just wheel my chair along a little would be much easier.  Wish me luck !

Janet, thanks for leaving everything so organised.  I hope your journey is problem free, hopefully the weather is warming up in Marigny, I bet your garden will be beautiful.  I am looking forward to your first update x

I also hope the Spring weather will help rid all of you that are suffering of your germs, sending hugs xxx

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Interesting sketch this week, got me thinking-never good this early in the morning!

    Goodness-we did do much work yesterday that I was shattered last night. Ironing, cleaning. Sorted tea out in the slow cooker, gardening & moved the outdoor table and chairs on to the patio so by the time evening came I just collapsed in my craft room chair.

    Already had s message from the locum to say she's not coming in to work today so I guess we'll be busy. I have to see the contractors (again) this morning-what fun!!


    1. Michele, Sounds like yo had a very productive day yesterday but don't shoulder too much of your 'missing' locums duties and overdo it today. x

    2. Margaret Palmer3 April 2017 at 11:08

      Good luck with Contractors & work in general, soinds a

  2. Hi everyone,

    Another glorious start to the day. Yesterday was so mild and warm with just a hint of a gentle breeze. You wouldn't believe we still had the heating on last week would you? Thought I would mow the lawn as Jamie in Swindon for a couple of days, went to the mower. Found out late last night son Robin had 'borrowed' it last year and not returned it! He always moans about his sisters not returning borrowed items quickly but this takes the biscuit. hahaha As long as weather holds, I can mow the lawns this afternoon.

    Love the layout for the CC Sandra, will make mine this morning then tidy up craft table.
    Don't junk your bit box, surely there is a junior/play school near you that would be glad of paper and card for the children to cut out things? Especially if you have stamped all your Stamping Up images first. You can pinch that idea from me as that is what I am going to do this week for our school.

    Off for a cuppa, see you later,
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. great sketch card Sandra...I feel for you regarding scraps...I did mine the other day Filed the big ones in colour and family and then binned the rest ... Im going to do it once a week from now on or it gets silly... Hope you get your room sorted hun Upheaval in a craft room is a nightmare as we have so much stuff ha ha ha ... Have a fab day , hugs x Amanda

  4. Lovely sketch idea Bit boxes? I have a few of them! On Friday I bought a set of drawers from The Range (£15) with the idea of sorting out my card and bits into colours They're in folders dotted all over the place BUT I've still yet to do it and one will have to be labelled "special" card for my little stash of foundation card and them that defeats the object of filing in colours!
    Hope your trip goes well JANET
    Hope everyone else has a better week than last week

  5. Good Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra lovely sketch this week. Hope it gives me the spurt to get in the craft room again.
    I can sympathise with you sorting out your Craft room. What you think is going to take a couple of hours end up as a whole day job. I must admit that whilst I'm crafting I put all my bits of paper in a box and they go to either the school or playgroup.

    1. Haha my tablet fell off my knee and as I gripped it I must have presses publish!!!
      Just waiting for the window cleaner to arrive then a friend is calling for coffee. Nothing much on today.

      Pat, sounds like a heck of a week ahead for you and Pete. Sending lots of hugs to

      Hope everyone else has a good week.
      Love Valxxx

  6. Margaret Palmer3 April 2017 at 11:06

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good luck with finding your desk, hope you don't tire yourself out. Love the challenge this
    Lovely sunny day, I am walking Star in the mornings at the moment & it is good to be out & now washing drying on line, silly the things that give us pleasure.
    Pat hope all appointments & Ellis funeral go ok, thinking of you both hugs on
    Must get on & finish housework then cutting back in garden.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  7. Hi everyone.
    Love the layout for the challenge. Might try it this week if I've time lol.
    Love to all xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Sorry I didn't comment over the weekend but have enjoyed looking at all of the lovely challenge creations. You all showed just how talented you all are even when out of your comfort zones, lots of inspiration for me thank you 😊
    I hope you all are enjoying the beautiful weather.
    Sandra, I hope you are managing to get your craft room sorted, these jobs always take so much longer than we think don't they! It will be worth it though, once it's finished. Sending hugs my lovely, See you in the morning x
    Pat, sending hugs to you and hope to see you tomorrow x
    Lynda, I'm glad you and Terry managed to get out for a while yesterday. My fingers are firmly crossed that you both feel up to Ally Pally, only 5 sleeps now 😊 hugs are on their way for you both x
    Janet, I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey. Hugs are on their way to find you, somewhere over the sea I think 😊 x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need.
    Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today.
    Good start for a Monday CC, will give it a go.
    I hope you all have a nice day. Special thoughts and many hugs to our friends who need some.
    I hope your craft room will be ok for later so you don't have the withdraws too long. Paper and cards coming out everywhere here too and at the same time I like to buy some more coming Saturday, how stupid or what.
    Started doing a bit more of a Spring clean this morning but now regretted it because it looks worse and I'm shattered already, will have a little break and then give it a runaround again. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, it's a lovely day !
    Bon voyage Janet and hope Yvette is being good taking you to Marigny.
    Take care everyone and hugs, Maria xxx

  10. Hope this week goes ok PAT Not sure if you pop in this late
    How bizarre is this I am sitting in a mcDonalds having something to eat after visiting my mum's grave and leaving a birthday card for her and then we're off dancing Kizomba at a club just around the corner!
    Hopefully will get to start sketch tomorrow a few ideas buzzing around Spring? Do I go for colours or Spring flowers, decisions decisions!

  11. Hello All, hope all are well, or at least on the mend. Weather changed here today, still managed two full days in the garden over the weekend.

    Great sketch Sandra, will have a go later in the week, work priority at the moment.
    Janet hope the journey goes well, and that you have a good time in France , waiting for you description of your pastries.
    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    This is the 5th time of commenting first one wouldn't publish & second one went into cyber land. & Then didn't publish any of them at all.So trying again fingers crossed. Sandra hope your nearly finished tidying your craft room I have been tidying up mine as well. We are coming to ALLY PALLY yaaay WOOP WOOP.!!!
    So looking forward to seeing you all again.hope you have all had a good day..
    Our house guest came this morning a scotty dog called Hendrix we have him till Wednesday evening he's no trouble & gives me a bit of AP money. Love the sketch Sandra.
    I'm going to leave now &see if will publish.
    Love Lynda xx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Like the look of this weeks challenge. My mind is thinking spring flowers possibly spring colours, to many decisions for this late hour.

    Hope you have got your craft room sorted. I find it always take longer than expected. But it's a good feeling when the job is completed.

    We are at daughters for a few days as the children are on holiday, Eldest grabdaughter doesn't break up until the end of this week, it's the same with elder daughter her boys finished last Friday, but her school breaks up the end of this week. These different holiday dates causes complications for some families, what is really confusing, younger daughters children go to schools all in the same borough. Daft or what!

    Janet hope the first leg of your journey was smooth and uneventful, the same goes for tomorrow. LOL

    Pat, thinking of you this week, I'm sure you will be glad when this week is over. xx
    Lynda, hope both you and Terry have a good week, and are able to get to AP on Saturday xx

    Time for bed it has been a long day, although I did make sure I sat down for a while this afternoon, so I haven't been on the go all day.

    Sleep well dear friends, love Brenda xxx

    1. Lynda it took me so long to complete my message above. When I started your post was not there. YIPPEE you will be at AP xx

    2. Hi Brenda thank you yes so looking forward seeing everyone Saturday.
      Gosh the mind boggles with the different school holidays why can't they all finish at same time must be a logical explanation for it crazy comes to mind 🎓
      Love Lynda xx
