
Sunday 2 April 2017

Craft Challenge projects

Good Morning Ladies,

Oh my goodness I am so excited to share all of your amazing crafts Ladies, you have all come up with so amazing designs........

Micheles's projects are all amazing, a fantastic Memo block holder, that includes a calendar, which is a genius addition, particularly when you are sat making notes while on the phone. 
A desk calendar made using pretty patterned paper and a little calendar, such a simple design but a genius idea.  
Last up is the cutest gift box I have ever seen, this cute little duck is do cute, they make great party bag box, or little lunch box for a picnic.  Thank you so much Michele xxx

Lynda, oh my goodness, 3 stunning pieces of art!  One amazing Frame, two canvases, all of which were created using  Pebeo paints. 
Lynda, you have found your 'niche'! You are amazing at creating such depth and texture, each one is individual, some have metal embellishments on, which gives even more dimension. You are amazing at these 'arty' things Lynda, thank you so much for sharing. Xxx

Maria, I live your Chocolate Bar Wrapper, you have decorated it so perfectly too, I love how you have coloured you image too, such delicate shades, it really works 
Next up Maria's amazing Frame, it has a lovely sentiment and stamped image are the perfect centre piece for that beautifully​ decorated frame. Thank you so much for taking  part. XXx

Lilian, I absolutely love this project and the whole idea behind it.  Each flower has been made with a piece of card, then folded in a simple origami type fold.
A few of these gathered together make a beautiful bouquet, Lilian makes these to take into ladies that are in Hospital and can't have cut Flowers, such a fantastic idea Lilian, I know Iwould have loved to be looking at one these in hospital, thank you so much Lilian xxx

Val, wow what a fantastic idea! So much nicer than sticking it in a bottle bag! 
I love the glitzy jacket and bow tie. I had noticed that the bottle was empty though Val !! Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Janet has created a beautiful card with stunning box to present it in, I love the colours you have used Janet.
 Janet's next craft is a  gorgeous large tag, decorated with gorgeous material, with matching flower trim around the whole outer edge of the frame.  I love how you have turned the resin lady into an angel using an appliqué butterfly as the wings, absolutely stunning Janet, thank you for sharing them xxx

Karen has created these two amazing framed works of art! 

My daughter's friends have been celebrating their 30th birthday's recently and I have made a couple of these pictures as part of their gift to the recipient.

 This is the latest one. The "girls" compile a list of words that are relevant to the recipient and I create the "piece" in Serif using the font Vagabond. There are 100's of these ideas on Pinterest/Etsy/Not on the High Street/Getting Personal etc and are obviously quite expensive. This cost the price of a cheap frame and a piece of A4 card

Oscar was about 7 months old and we bought the letters "D" and "A" from Hobbycraft. The frame is from The Range. We took loads of photos and it was hard to decide on which three to use. I turned them black and white in Serif and cropped them to size. It's not a brilliant photo as it was difficult trying not to get reflections from the glass.
Two amazing and very professional looking gift ideas, I love the Dad Frame, so personal and so perfectly finished!  
Thank you so much Karen for taking part xxx

Margaret made one of Karen's Chocolate Bar wrappers, it's so pretty, you have decorated it so beautifully.  I hope you have more of the Chocolate today(if it's still there) 

Weren't they all amazing, ?! You are all so talented​ Ladies,, thinking caps on for next weeks Challenge ladies, always open to try a new idea. 

Have a lovely Sunday

Love and hugs


  1. How wonderful to wake up on a Sunday morning and be greeted by these brilliant projects. From chocolate bars to boxes, to frames, to mixed media, to paper flowers. All of them are beautiful. When you first said Home Decor, SANDRA, I immediately thought "I don't do home decor" and then after the initial panic was over, I remembered the chocolate wrapper and then the frames. Making Oscar's was hilarious, He wasn't quite sitting up and of course he wanted to put everything in his mouth. He'd beam from ear to ear when the camera wasn't pointing at him and giggled when he started sliding down the sofa. It was a very funny afternoon.
    Not much on the cards today, except catch up on the ironing and we hope to take MIL out for lunch today.

    1. Hi Karen. Oscar have not changed ,still the little happy chap he's been since he was born :-) wonderful keepsake for his dad. Have a nice day and lunch with MIL xx

    2. Love the chocolate wrapper and the picture frame you made Karen.

    3. Thanks Karen for offering to cut me out some die shapes I really appreciate that 😘 Xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    What a glorious way to start the day!!!!
    I'm so pleased that we moved a table under the display board so that everything could be displayed together lol.

    MICHELE- I love love your cute gift box. He's just the thing to put Easter Eggs in isn't he.
    VAL- what a brilliant idea to cover the bottle. He really is the business.
    LILIAN- I love your bouquet of flowers and particularly that it can be hung on the wall too.
    MARGARET - I hope you enjoyed your bar of choc and that you have transferred your beautiful wrapper to another one which you have saved for later.
    LYNDA- you are definitely our Mixed Media Queen. I just love your picture frame.
    MARIA- your picture frame is glorious. I love your little birds sitting on the top edge. Are they your morning alarm call?lol.
    KAREN- your pictures are beautiful particularly Oscar and what a wonderful keepsake.

    I have to thank SANDRA for that wonderful tutorial on boxes. I would never that attempted such a large one before. The card is Crafter's Companion 'Downtown Abbey'. The Fairy/Ballerina tag I made for J's great Niece Sophia as a name tag for her bedroom door. Her initials are on the bottom butterfly but the camera didn't pick them up very well. She loved it. As a result of that I now have to make one for her brother using 'Captain America' as the theme.

    It's a little dull here this morning but the CAFE is open as usual and waiting for you all to pop in.
    I'll be missing tomorrow and possibly Tuesday but Marigny Dobbie is on duty. He has been told not to torment Herman and behave

    Hugs to you all and have a really good Sunday.xxxx

    1. Thank you JANET I especially live your ideas for door tags (who'd have thought) I my try one for Oscar

    2. Hi Janet. Fabulous box for your card, love it. I have not been brave enough to make one tihi also always like your resin figures, very nice tag. Have a good journey to Marigny. Be nice to see Marigny Dobbie again :-) xx

    3. Hi Janet thank you 😊 your card & box is gorgeous especially the box I'm not good at doing them ( is the box 8 x 8 ) must try Sandra's instructions. Have a safe journey to Marigny. My friend .Have a lovely time relaxing & plenty of crafting.
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    What an amazing collection of craft projects, it just shows all our different styles of crafting.
    My Easter gift box was made using the Curvy Keepsake box die which is just fantastic-if you put that title into Pinterest then you'll see hundreds of ideas. The note pad holder was part made do I just finished that off for this weeks challenge & the calendar was sitting on my craft desk.

    We have glorious sunshine here today so I think we'll be gardening later, yesterday was fun with my friend at the craft show. I spent £8.99 on a pack of Little Claire toppers & some of their perl offs. My friend bought 2 decoupage sheets at £1 each-both of boats. She's the secretary for the local Model Boat Club and help with the fundraising so she though if she cut out the decoupage pictures I could make a couple if cards for her. As she's given me ALL her card making stash, it's the least I can do. There wasn't very much to see at the craft show -we were home by 1pm and we'd called in Morrisons for some shopping!


    1. Hi Michele
      Isn't your little box a cutie and your calendars, how handy are they. Such a shame there wasn't much at the craft show. But I think it's getting so expensive for exhibitors to have a stand now.

  4. Great ideas MICHELE I could do with a desk tidy for work and that gift box is so cute Oscar is too young for chocolate so I might try something like this to place a small gift in

    1. Karen

      If you want any Curvy Keepsake boxes cutting out just let me know what colours you want.

      If anyone else want any cutting-just let me know.


    2. Hi Michele. Love your chick/ gift box ,he is so cute. Great idea with the calendar and note pad. You were very good at the craft show. Do you think you ever be able to come to Ally Pally one year ?
      Enjoy the sunshine xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    WOW everyone has really excelled this week. You're such a clever group. Everyone I looked at brought a oh and an ah out of me. Sandra knows that I really lack imagination and to be honest inclination to make anything other than cards and if I hadn't made this waistcoat at craft class on Friday I wouldn't have had anything to send in which makes me all the more in awe of the wonderful projects you ladies always make.
    Well had a good night for the first time in almost 3 weeks. Managed quite a few hours sleep without coughing. Hopefully the anti biotics are kicking in.
    Just got back from the Sunday morning loaded up with fruit and veg. Also bought Lynn a handbag for her birthday this week. Have already gone halves with Paul for a mobile phone but she's had it a few weeks and it's nice to have something to open on her actual birthday.
    Nothing much on today. The summer has finally arrived so I think a couple of hours outside is on the cards. Still haven't been in my craft room. I just can't summon up any enthusiasm and I should as I have can long list of cards to make to fill in the gaps in the shop.
    JANET. Hope you have a safe uneventful journey tomorrow. Take care. Xxx

    Pat and Pete and Lynda and Terry. Special thoughts being sent to you today and hope all those not feeling so good have a better day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. Love the glittery bottle jacket. Mum made me a knitted dog one with the head, will take a photo and send Sandra. Sound lovely to have the warmer weather, we had a warm Friday but today it feels cold and it's a grey sky. Hope your cough gets better soon, take care xx

    2. Hi Val
      I love the glittery bottle jacket Val. It's gorgeous.

    3. Lovely idea VAL So different

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again you have made us all think out of our safety zone, & what a lovely selection of projects & all beautiful & useful, thank
    I loved making the chocolate wrapper it was so simple thank you Karen, I love the description of the afternoon you took photos of Oscar I can just imagine the
    Janet safe journey
    Lovely sunny day again so will be in garden enjoying it.
    Hope all feeling under the weather pick up in sunshine hugs on way love

    1. We did have fun We thought he might be sitting up a bit more steadily but being the lazy boy he wasn't sitting! Your chocolate wrapper is lovely and they are easy to do

    2. Hi Margaret. Love your wrapper ! My bar was nearly 12in and long gone hihi so a challenge to make up.
      Hope your day is good, hugs to you and Pop xx

  7. Hello All, very warm and sunny here, been in the garden cutting down brambles, they are so vicious.

    The crafts are all a real wow, mine was made a little while ago, it's brighter colour in real life, would have liked to have made a new one , but couldn't do the folds with my constant pain in my thumbs these days.

    Going out to plant some Lupins this afternoon, R has grown them from a packet of seed for me, much cheaper than buying large plants.

    Waiting to see what Sandra has for us tomorrow, have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Love your bouquet of flowers you've made. I think I saw John Lockwood do something like this. I hope the sunshine easies the pain in your thumbs.

    2. Your bouquet is gorgeous What a shame your thumbs are so painful these days

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    The ladies you surpassed yourself with all your fantastic Challenger entries.
    MICHELE, Love all of your pieces but especially love the little box it is so cute.
    LYNDA, three pieces of artwork from you, each one different and very clever use all the embellishments
    MARIA, Love your chocolate wrapper, the frame would make very special gift.
    LILLIAN, Your very clever flower ball would brighten up anyone's day.
    VAL, The bottle wrapper is genius, so much more interesting than a bag or wrapping paper.
    JANET, Love your card and box, what little lady wouldn't want this beautiful door hanger. Hope you are ready for tomorrow. Have a safe and uneventful journey. xx
    KAREN, The frame is a brilliant idea. But I have to say Oscar stole my heart, I'm sure his Dad will treasure this picture forever.

    Sending caring hugs to anyone who is not 100% take care.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda I would like to do one for MUM at some point

  9. Hi everyone.
    Loving all the creations this week. Love those wee duck/chick box. That's so darn cute!!!!

    Sandra I just adored ur snail yesterday. She would fit in nicely in my sunroom as my sofa etc is teal it's one of my fav colours. Last week I spotted a wee elephant door stop that was a perfect match I couldn't resist it.

    Yesterday my kind hubby took me to the craft shop. He said £20 max but lol no couldn't resist a couple of dies so it kinda went to £40. The ladies in the shop know me well that no way do I spend less than a £100 a time when I'm in and they were all laughing but g was in tow watching my every move lol. Ah well I have to save for the baby fund for the ivf hopefully going ahead in sept. Can't have everything.

    Hope everyone is well.

    Spending some quality time in my garden. No not relaxing unfortunately. Cutting grass and tidying up lol. No rest for the wicked u see. Heeee heeeee xx
    Love to all this georgeous Sunday xx

    1. You did well there Tracy to stop at £40 :-) was this at Craft world ? I have bought from them before on-line but love to go to their shop one day.
      Hope your day been good in the garden xx

    2. Hi Tracy.
      You did really well to only spend £40.00, I expect if R wasn't watching you'd have spent more.

    3. Oh I do hope the IVF goes well for you And as you say we can't have everything If there's ever anything you spot of my dies I will always cut them for you

  10. Afternoon ladies.
    Wonderful creations made over the week and I have been back up many times to have a look at them again and again. I found it hard to do but glad I joined in to show myself I could do it but I prefer to make cards.
    The reply stopped working so I say here that I love your origami flowers Lilian. Sad to hear your thumbs are so much in pain, do take care when making up the hoods. Hope you got some help making that large order.hugs.
    Brenda- thank you. Hope you are alright. How is the shopping /wishlist looking for AP ? mine is a mess as usual, luckily have a few days left to make some sense out of it Lol.
    I hope you all have a nice Sunday.
    After ww I went for brekkie with a friend and wasn't back home until gone 1 pm. Son is making a cake, again, and I presume I have to try a small sliver or he will be disappointed. It's always look like a sponge but the taste, hmmmmm :-)
    Have some tiding up to do around craft area, looks like a bomb gone off tihi
    Pat & Pete, Lynda & Terry ,sending you all some special hugs. Hope the week goes well.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria Xxox

    1. Thanks for the hugs Maria. Love you Chocolate wrapper. If I make a list for Ally Pally. I either leave it at home, or don't follow it at all. Fancy eating all that Chocolate, did you eat it all in one go?.

    2. Sorry Lynda, forgot to say how much I love your art work. You are brilliant at making canvases etc. well done xx
      Cake test done, nothing like a real sponge. Another one for the bin.......x

    3. Hi Maria thank you your very kind. I love your frame with the little birds on the top. You always say your not good a crafting but you always make gorgeous cards.
      Hope Son's cake tastes good what do vegans eat Leonie is also a vegan.
      Sending Hug's on there way to MKs. Xxx

    4. Yes it was at craft world. I do order on line too but I like to go in when I can for a proper look. I've made some good friends there in the staff lol. June in particular she always manages to get me what I want lol 😂 Xx

  11. Hi everyone
    I love all the altered artwork that everyone has done. I especially love the chick gift box that you made Michele. Everyone is so talented, I wouldn't know where to start. Another full week this week. Dentist, Funeral and Hospital. We need to book a parking space I think at the Churchill. We saw Wendy Petes nurse at the garden centre. She said I'm looking forward to seeing you in a couple of weeks Pete. She gives him his monthly injections and changes his catheter. He said I'm not really looking forward to seeing you, but she just laughed at him. She only works 2 days a week but always makes sure he's booked in with her. Changes his appointment if for some reason she has to change her day.

    1. Hi Pat sorry you haven't got a nice week ahead have you.Poor Pete he must feel like a pin cushion how's he doing Pat ? Is the dentist appointment for you. What day is the funeral I hope it goes as well as it can Sending you some comforting Hug's for you both.xx

  12. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Wow all you ladies I think you all made Sandra proud with this challenge I think all your makes were gorgeous & all different give yourselves a pat on the back.
    My canvases were a gift from Sandra ( thank you Sandra )& the frame was one of a set of three from a charity shop I did one last year so this challenge was great opportunity to play & get messy again with my Pebeo paints again the nice thing is you never get the same finished project. I love how the paints all mingle when moved around. I love playing with them.
    We went for a walk earlier it was lovely the sun was so warm. Had a cupper in the café then walked back to the car as Ts leg was aching.Still hoping we make AP Saturday & I can uncross my fingers HaHa 😂
    Tracy don't over do things in the garden. We are Dog 🐶 sitting for three day from tomorrow he isn't any trouble & gives me a little AP money ☺️
    Well I'm off to dish up dinner 🍴 It smells lovely leg of Lamb ( Sandra hope Matt's lambs aren't listening lol )
    Hope to pop in later Love Lynda xx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow, what a fantastic selection of craft makes today. You are all so talented and I love them all. Karen, your Oscar picture frame is adorable, he looks such a cutie 😊
    We have nearly finished the decorating (hooray!) but need to stop for now as have Luke going to Barcelona tomorrow with his football academy so I had better help him pack. Nothing like leaving it until the last minute, lol.
    I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, and enjoyed the sunshine. Sending hugs to all xxx
