
Saturday 1 April 2017

Mixed Craft Saturday

Good Morning Ladies,

Happy April Fools Day. !!! I can't believe we are into the 4th month of this year already!! Slow it down please ! 

Oh my goodness ladies, how flipping adorable is my snail 🐌 ?!  She is the cutest creature I have ever seen.  I saw a snail just like mine on Facebook made by a very talented lady called Helen Lockwood. I commented on the original snail saying that I loved her and hadn't seen anything as cute before, Helen replied and asked if she would like me to make her one, of course I jumped at the chance, and a couple of days later my new friend arrived in the post.  Helen also decided that my snail needed a matching 'Powder Puff' , so she made one of those too, it is just so pretty, stunning lace and the beautiful blue velvet that matches the snail.
Helen's attention to detail is incredible, every single thing is finished beautifully, she has little rosy cheeks and and perfectly tied , lace bow too, the pretty necklace, i didn't photograph​ the back but it is decorated as beautifully as the front.  It is one of those things that makes you smile every time you look at it.  
Helen, if you pop in, thank you so very much I love her xxx

But ladies, she needs a name, so please can you suggest something befitting such a pretty, perfectly dressed snail?  I would be very grateful  xxx

Janet has been crafting like crazy this week, just look at what she has achieved !!!
Janet, you are flippin Amazing! I don't know how you did it all, while still fitting in the 101 other things that you had to do.  Everyone of those cups and flower pots, with handmade flowers, is finished beautifully.  The children will think the Easter Bunny has gone right 'High End' this year, the fantastic thing about these gifts is that they can keep the cup etc after they have eaten the chocolate, to put things in on their desks etc.  You must have taken a huge sigh of relief when you stood back and photographed that lot!  As I said before you are Amazing !!! 
Thank you for taking the time to share xxx

Brenda sent me her 'Craft Purchase ' photo on Thursday evening but i just have missed it, so i am including it today.  I have to say that I have most of these ink pads and they are amazing, the ink has a firm felt surface, which is suspended upside down inside the packaging, this means the ink is always at the surface of the pad ready for inking up those stamps, the other side of the stamp case is a pallette​, all you do is gently squeeze the ink pad before opening and you have ink on the pallette ready to dip your paint brush or dauber or whatever you want to use to colour with in the ink.  Another thing I have done is ordered the Stampin Up Blender pens, you get a pack of 3 for £9.99, I use these with the ink pad, meaning I have a matching marker pen too, as the ink starts to run out you get fantastic shading, if you want to darken areas just dip in ink pad again and darken those shaded areas! Once you have finished with a colour you just scribble on a piece of scrap paper until the nib just clear. 
Brenda I hope you love your ink pads as much as I do, you have chosen so beautiful colours to work with. Thank you for sharing xxx

Stampin Up Blender Pens 

How are your Challenge projects coming along, i do hope you have been having fun thinking about something other than a card, I cant wait until tomorrow to see them all xxx

Have a lovely weekend ladies,

Love and Hugs

PS. Don't forget my lady snail names !! 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your snail is just beautiful. I'll start thinking of a name suggestion for you. Helen is extremely talented making it.

    Janet-fantastic display of Egg mugs, you must have been working non stop to have created that many.

    Brenda-lovely purchases, looking forward to seeing what you create with them.

    The meal last night was great & so many ex colleagues came along. Didn't stay too long as I needed to get work clothes washed as I'm off out today to the Sincerely Yours craft show at Leigh. I have been going there for years-usually with my M in L but she decided it was too soon after her second knee replacement to attempt to walk round so I'm going with my crazy, cluttered house friend! She's even offered to drive AND set off early which is amazingly kind of her.
    Wonder how much I'll be tempted to purchase?! I have an order off my M in L already, we're going to see them on Good Friday so I can take her order over to her then.


    1. Hi Michele
      Happy spending at the craft show in Leigh. I'm glad you had a lovely meal last night.

  2. Morning Ladies,

    A huge fat posh snail wanting a name? Hmm..let me think.....Soraya.
    Until I looked at her again, her little hat and her nose in the air made her look quite regal. Then the second look actually showed me her facing me and she had two eyes not one and a pursed up mouth lol. Note to self... Must put the right glasses on in the morning.

    Your Easter array of goodies in their smart packaging looks mouth watering Janet.
    A wonderful array of stamp pads Brenda, an interesting colour palette there. Looking forward to your show 'n tell cards.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. Morning All
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SANDRA what a glorious Snail you have been gifted. She is just beautiful in every detail. I'll have to put my thinking cap on for a suggestion. She deserves a beautiful, regal and an Oh so POSH name.

    BRENDA- I love the look of your new stamp pads. Please let us know how you get on with them. I never seem to buy pads that are 'juicy' enough. It doesn't matter what named pads I buy.

    We're off to do the usual Saturday morning shopping and then this afternoon I really must start on the overnight bag etc. At least I've got all my crafting goodies sorted and ready for the car (you see I've got my priorities right hehehe).

    I'm hoping that all Dear Friends who are not too well are benefiting from this warmer weather we've had over the last couple of days.

    I'm organising 'Marigny Dobbie' to start in the CAFE on Monday so please try and keep an eye on him for Everything is ready for the day in the CAFE so pop in and have a look and a cuppa. Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Oh my, what a beautiful snail. That definitely isn't the normal adjective I'd use about a snail ha ha. Such a lot of work has gone into it and wow isn't it worth it. I think she looks very French and chic so my suggestion for her name would be SIMONE. I bet she has pride of place Sandra.

    JANET just love your array of Easter goodies. Such a wonderful array. I'm sure
    they will be loved. I can't believe you managed them all with all the things you had to do this week. Are you excited about your trip yet?
    BRENDA I've never used these ink pads but they sound very interesting. Would love to hear how you get on with them.
    Pat good to hear that Pete is doing
    Lynda hope everything is alright with you and Terry. Hugs on their way. Xxx

    Have a good Saturday everyone. Love Valxxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all.
    Never seen a snail like it before. Very nice made with it's beautiful shell and little hat and pearls. I'm guessing her name being Diana :-)
    Love all your mugs Janet, the kids will love them !
    Don't forget to take enough meds. so you can have your full time over in Marigny. Wonder what pastry you have first on Friday :-)
    Brenda- what amazing pile of stamping pads, lovely colours. Hope you okay.
    Nice shopping from you ladies yesterday, some lovely dies and stamps. Just a question, my son bought items from China once and ended up paying Tax when the items were delivered even when the p/p was free, is that something that happened to you ?
    You made a lovely card for Paul's parents Sandra , they will love it.
    Nearly went with OH down to Watford today but have things to do at home, hope to make a c-item but not sure how that will go and then hearing Lynda is on her third hihi you go girl. Sending you both some big hugs and the same to you all and hope you have a nice Saturday, Maria Xxx

    1. Hello Maria,
      I have never paid tax on shopping i have bought from an eBay shop in China, but i bought a stamp set that came from abroad and the sender put the cost of the item at more than i paid so i ended up paying over £20, most of which was the post office administration fee! It's never happened on dies or anything though, probably as theur value is much lower.
      So get shopping !!

    2. Hi Maria
      Not to sure why your son had to pay tax on your Dies. Maybe he was over his limit or something. I know I bought mine from China and never had to pay any tax.

    3. Hello MARIA
      Yes three challenge items just got to finish third one then send to Sandra.
      Regarding items from China I haven't paid any tax on them & I'm pleased with them considering they are so cheap. The Dies are a little smaller but so lovely. Hope your feeling better
      Love & Hug's xxx

    4. Thank you for the reply girls. I will have a look but it will have to be after AP now, must see if any euros left.Like to buy something from stampin up as well, many items look great. wouldn't be nice to win the lottery, just a few thousands would do or...... xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    My word what a gorgeous snail. I love it. Helen Lockwood is one very talented lady. How lucky are you to receive one of these.
    Janet your Easter cups are fantastic. The children will love them.
    Love your stamping ink pads Brenda. You did buy an awful lot of them.
    It's a bit dull and Windy here in Oxfordshire and we've had a few dribbles of rain.
    Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Hi Pat has your cough got any better you must be worn out I was when I had mine for three weeks & felt shattered.
      Hope Pete is doing & feeling ok. Sending you both some Big Hug's

  7. Hello All, sunshine and showers here.

    Sandra, your snail would not be for me absolutely hate the creatures, but a good name would be Bryony (famine Brian ?? ).

    Janet you Easter makes are lovely, going to give my grandchildren play mobile Easter eggs, parents don't like them having too much chocolate.

    Brenda what a lovely lot of ink pads, must admit I have quite a few and they are very juicy, my favourite colour is pear pizzas.

    Hoping to go out in the garden if the rain stops, went out this morning and as soon as I'd got my tools out down came the rain.

    Hope everyone has a good rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian

  8. awww thankyou all so much for your lovely comments and what lovely work you ladies do,lovely blog

    1. Hi Helen welcome
      I love your snail 🐌 you are very talented hope you pop in the café again
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Helen Have seen some of your other crafts, they are fantastic ! Hope to see you in again x

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Love your snail, she looks very regal and yet so cute, love her rosy cheeks, I think I would name her Jemima, she is holding her head up high just as Jemima PuddleDuck does.

    Janet your Easter Mugs are gorgeous, you have put so much detail into each one, and once the chocolate has been eaten, they have something very useful to use and admire. Enjoy the packing, don't forget any craft items !!! xx

    I love my new ink pads, I used one ages ago at a craft fair and loved it. My problem was deciding what colours to choose, as I liked so many. I am not disappointed with any of the colours in the selection. I have since ordered a Red and a Navy.

    Have a lovely weekend everyone. I hope the sun shines on you wherever you are and on whatever you do.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    WHOOPs ......... I have just picked up the iPad and realised I hadn't pressed publish!!!!! Better late than never

    1. Ooooo Brenda I love your ink pad's so many lush colour's.
      Hug's Lynda xx

  10. I tried earlier to make a comment ... Doh! You know what happens to these comments
    Had a really lovely day at the zoo and the weather was so kind
    I've ran out if time to do a chocolate wrapper and I'd bought a Kit Kat to do too
    Your snail is gorgeous How about MADAME L'ESCARGOTt for a name? French for MRS SNAIL...
    The other makes are beautiful too
    Off out dancing later Take care all Looking forward to seeing tomorrow's makes

  11. Hi Sandra & everyone
    OOO Arrr love your snail 🐌 Sandra she is beautiful how about calling her 'GORGEOUS' not as good as some other suggestions.
    JANET WOW I love all your mugs your amazing doing so many 🤗🤗xx
    Haven't done much today just got to do some finishing touches to my third challenge project then will send them Sandra.
    I'm off to finish project. Will pop in later
    Love Lynda xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry did not comment yesterday, your card was as always lovely & all the shopping, I must take a photo of my Stamping Up goodies & send you. Your snail today is gorgeous,Helen is very talented, I suggest Molly as a name.
    Hope you have good
    Janet love your egg cups etc you certainly have been busy. Safe journey to Marigny & a lovely
    Brenda I know what you mean about having a job choosing which inks you wanted, I felt the same, they are all lovely. Enjoy your
    Late again today went for coffee with 91 year old friend this morning then spent time in garden riding up & mowing the lawn, it was lovely to be out in the sun.
    Hope all are on the mend sending hugs to all, looking forward to all your projects tomorrow, love Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret
      Glad you have had a nice day with your friend & enjoying the sunshine in the garden. We also had the lovely sunshine.
      Looking forward to seeing your Stamping Up goodies.
      Enjoy the rest of your evening & have a lovely Sunday.
      Love Lynda xx

  13. JANET Sorry forgot to say safe journey to Marigny. Have a fabulous time & rest up. Hug's for you both love Lynda xx
