
Friday 31 March 2017

Spring theme anniversary & craft shopping

Good Morning Ladies,

How can it be Friday already???  
I took my card to the lady that ordered it in Becca's bank yesterday, she was over the moon with it, I was so relieved, some of the other ladies saw it too and were very complimentary!  We talked about me making a box of cards to have in the staff room, which they all thought was a great idea, just a selection of everyday cards, I thought of having a little portfolio of my Bespoke/personalised​ cards that can be made to order too.  So I had better get busy making.  
I can't believe it's the last day of March already, this year seems to be whizzing by like last year did.  
I am going to put a last order into Stampin Up today too, as Sale-a-bration​ ends today,  so I can grab last of the freebies. I will be putting it in about lunchtime if anyone wants anything, I got your order thank you Karen xxx

Now onto your Craft Shopping.....

Lynda is up first........

Lynda has bought the prettiest dies from China I have seen so far, they look Stunning Lynda, I cant wait to see them die cut.
You have bought some lovely stamps too.  Thanks for sharing xxx

Val's​ up next.........

Val you managed to get some great new dies in the short amount of time you did manage to go out shopping.  I love the Alphabet die set with the Banner die included, you could have made bunting for your home decor Challenge! Lol x, those Diesire Bested label dies will be really useful too. The other two die sets will be perfect finishing touches for the many, every occasion cards you have to make for the shop. Thank you for sharing xxx

Micheles's Craft shopping..........

Michele has bought some amazing dies from China, the little boat die is to go with the 'Swirly Dies' she bought from Stampin Up.
The Woodware stamps (now owned by Creative Expressions) will be great with the Shadow Box dies Michele! 
The magazines were bought for the freebies i believe Michele said. I see you bought some colour pencils too, i am looking forward to seeing what Amazing cards you come up with! Thank you Michele xxx

Janet's craft buys.........

Wow Janet, you have become a stamper!!!!!  You have bought an amazing selection of stamps, so vintage, I love them and I can't wait to see the cards you make with them, are you taking them to Marigny ????, Can you fit them in, is the question i should be asking?! (Hide them in J"s shoes) ! Haha xxx

Val also sent me a photo of her Craft Desk

I am very impressed Val, so organised !  (Although did say that she had had a little tidy up)!  I would love to know how many hundreds of cards you have made at that desk Val . 
Thank you so much for sharing xxx

Oh yes I almost forgot, the card I made is for Paul's parents Wedding Anniversary, he reminded me at about 6pm! So I upcylcled it from an old Challenge card!  I think it turned out 
Quite nicely though. No more Anniversary cards for a while...
Please !!

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and Hugs,



  1. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful card for Pauls parents - they will love it.
    A wonderful selection of craft goodies. The dies from China look lovely - where are you all ordering them from please?
    Val, your craft space looks a lovely place to craft. Light and airy, and very tidy 🙂
    Michele, your cards and tutorial yesterday were fabulous. Thanks for sharing. May have to look into getting some of the shadow box dies 😊
    The decorating is going very slowly, so much prep work to do first. Don't know where this week has gone and am beginning to feel a little disheartened as I was thinking we'd easily finish it in the week! We still haven't even started on one side of dining room as we've got nowhere to move the furniture to! I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end. I will send some photos when it's finished (or maybe sooner if it's going to be a very long work in progress, lol)
    Anyway, hope everyone is well. Sending hugs to all and extra for those who need them xxxx

    1. Hi Sonia
      It's always the prep work that takes the longest isn't it. We could do with some magic pixies to do all that while we're asleep. I wish.

    2. Hi Sonia just go to eBay & type either stamps or dies from China & you get loads come up most with free P&P. The stamp set I bought were only £1. 05p &a the Dies £2. Bargain. Hope your decorating is finished soon
      Hug's xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card has turned into a beautiful anniversary card.

    I love seeing everyone's crafty shopping-makes mine look boring.

    Another day, another colleague messaging to say they're not well enough to come into work!!

    There's 40 of us going to a pub round the corner from the hospital tonight (straight from work ) as a colleague retired on Wednesday after almost 40 years in the NHS. I don't really like going out straight from work but at least I'll be home reasonably early-to put all the washing in the machine!


    1. Hi Michele
      Are you just having drinks or are you all having a meal. I hope you enjoy yourself whichever it is. I've done two lines of washing today. Pete can't lift his left arm higher than his shoulder. So he can't insist he puts it out for at least a month.

  3. Morning everyone,

    Here we are and it's Friday already, I just can't understand where my week has disappeared to. One minute I'm using that dreaded swear word (housework)on Monday to tidy up for my sister's visit, she arrives, we have so much fun together and quite long natters. They almost asked us to leave the restaurant in the garden centre we went to as it was 5.15 and they shut the tills at 5.30! So we had to make a quick dash to the ladies and out to checkout.
    She had brought me down several bags of fabric to use for panto costumes, by the time we sorted all that out and also a rummage through my dies and EF's that I no longer use for her granddaughter and my great niece to go with the EBosser I was giving her, it was time for her to leave. Yesterday was spent catching up with former workmates over a lovely lunch. Weekend almost upon me now.
    Next week will be dull as ditchwater I think, nothing in my diary at all planned.
    Now to catch up with all your posts, emails and FB messages.
    Hugs and healing prayers to all in pain, discomfort and after ops.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I'm glad you had a lovely time with your sister. Did you find the material you lost while you were both sorting out?. Hope your not to bored next week. But knowing you you'll find something of interest to do.

  4. Some great shopping ladies Your card is lovely SANDRA and what a compliment for the ladies to ask you to make a box of everyday cards to have in the office Thanks for confirming my little order from StampinUp I will go and check emails for the total cost and Paypal you
    I hope everyone's health is improving as it's only just over a week to ALLY PALLY I can't wait to see all of you that's going
    Off to Paradise Wildlife Park tomorrow (where my son worked) They are launching the fact that they are now a charity -gives them more help and the opening of the new penguin enclosure He would have lived to have met your MATT and talk about looking after their charges
    Having a visit from OSCAR today which is a lovely unexpected surprise

    1. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your trip to Paradise Park. Enjoy your visit from Oscar.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. A beautiful card for Pauls parents, I love the pretty colours. Im so glad that are going to make a box of mixed cards for Beccas work mates. You will be getting lots of orders no doubt 😊 x

    Pat, I hope Pete is recovering well and you are able to get a bit of time to relax dear friend. Sending big hugs x

    Lynda, I'm glad that Terry's leg is getting better and nothing bad showed on the scan. I'm looking forward to seeing your CC's this week 😊 What beautiful dies, why aren't I surprised to see some pretty butterfly dies and stamps in amongst your shopping 😊 Big hugs to you both x

    Michele, thank you for the easy to follow tutorial. From not really liking the shadow box dies they are on my wish list after seeing your wonderful cards 😊 I hope that you get some work out of the contractors today. Enjoy yourself after work. At least once you do get home you can relax. Im looking forward to seeing what you do with your new stash, those dies and stamps look great. Big hugs on their way to you x

    Val, I hope each day finds you coughing less and less. You have some lovely new stash and a very organised craft area. Big hugs to you x

    Janet,wow, you really have been bitten by the stamping bug haven't you. What a great selection. Have you got a project for them in mind? Can't wait to see what you create with them. I hope you're not rushing around too much getting ready for Monday. Sending big hugs x

    Maria, you make wonderful cards so no more thinking that you dont, it's always a treat to see them. Good luck with this weeks challenge. I hope the scan results are helpful. Big hugs for you x

    Lilian, I'm glad that you enjoyed your day out with your crafty friends. Big hugs to you x

    Sonia, be warned that you won't know which dies to buy first when you type in "dies from China" as there are so many and they are really cheap and with free p and p!!! I keep looking but can't decide which ones I "need" first 😊 sending you big hugs x

    Well, my brain has gone blank about what everyone else is up to. I read yesterday's comments but didn't take notes so please forgive me. I hope everyone has a good day. I'm off to see Mum and Pop today so a good one for me 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a beautiful card for Paul's parents. I know they will just love it.

    So pleased your lady loved her card (if she didn't then I really do not know what she wants. A bespoke card is wonderful and truly unique). Good idea re the box in the bank.

    A good selection of purchases today and I cannot wait to see some results.

    The set of stamps I bought were a 'daily deal' or something called like that from Hochanda. They are from a company called 'Bee Crafty' and made in the UK. They are all Polymer stamps and work wonderfully on the fantastic faux misty. (I've sent a picture of one of the stamps to Sandra). I really would not have ventured to buy without that great piece of equipment.
    They are all supposed to be 'Steam Punk' themed but I really don't see that theme at all but I DO SEE SUBJECTS FOR MAKING CARDS FOR PESKY MEN!!!!! I always struggle in this area and these stamps have solved that problem for me. I really do recommend them. Half of the bath of 12 are going to Marigny to stay as I always split my purchases etc.

    As I mentioned our wonderful 'faux misty' did anyone see the opening programme of Tonic on Hochanda last evening? I didn't see the programme but I did see that they were releasing their version of the 'misty' at around £33!! and it's only 8.5 x 8.5 square.

    So yes it's Friday and so that horrible word Housework has to appear and I then have to sort out my craft box ready to be packed for Marigny. I got the 2 plant pots made early yesterday morning along with a couple of flowers on sticks to start them off so I think all craft tasks have been completed!!! I booked the ferry and overnight hotel last night so nearly there. I'll be completely exhausted by 06.00 on Monday morning and just might sleep all the way to Dover lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN so come on in and sit a while. Hugs to all of you with a few extra today just because it's Friday.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      I'm glad you've got everything sorted for your trip to Marigny. Don't go over doing it though. I'm afraid I didn't see the opening Tonic show on Hochanda.

  7. Beautiful card as always Sandra ...and go you ... your really steaming ahead putting cards in the bank is brilliant ... you will be swamped another string to your bow on your Stampin' Up! journey your just racing ahead totally grasped it with both hands and ran !!!!...I knew you would be amazing :) huge hugs x Amanda

  8. Good Morning ladies.
    Sandra. Lovely card for Paul parents. So pleased the lady loved your card and box (and why wouldn't she) and great that your going to have a box of your lovely cards in the bank. I bet you get so many orders.
    Lovely collections of goodies this week ladies. Really must travel down the Chinese die road. Sandra , I never even thought about a banner. I told you I have no imagination for anything other than cards ha ha.
    Pat. I hope Pete is recovering nicely.
    Lynda. Good to read that Terry leg is improving and that they didn't find anything nasty. Hope your Last exercise went well. I bet they loved your cards.
    Janet. Good luck with all the last preparations for your trip on Monday.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      Yes, Pete is recovering slowly. Can't drive yet nor lifthis arm above his shoulder for a month which is a bit restricting. Love your crafting space and it's tidy. It would probably take me a week to sort mine out. Love the release in the corner.

  9. Hi Sandra
    I'm so glad the lady liked her card. You should have called in to have a coffee while you were in Witney. Great that your going to make a selection of cards for some of the bank ladies to choose from. I'm hoping we can meet up on Tuesday as usual. We have a full week next week what with Ellis's funeral on Thursday and a trip to the hospital. Prof Macauley didn't ring yesterday so I'm hoping she rings today to speak to Pete re the trials.
    Lynda I'm glad Terry's leg is getting better and the hospital didn't find anything major wrong.
    Love all the goodies everyone's bought, especially the ones from China.

  10. Sandra
    I forgot to say I loved the card you made for Paul's parents. It's a shame I didn't get to see it in the flesh.

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra, Paul's parents are going to love this card it is gorgeous, I really like the font used for sentiment die, it's different in a lovely way.

    What great crafty shoppers you are ladies.
    Lynda, Some very interesting dies there. xx
    Michele you are our great bargain hunter, I can see some lovely dies and stamps. Enjoy xx
    Val, I know you were quite poorly when you were in the UK. But you certainly put what time you were well enough to shop to good use!!! I'm impressed with your very tidy work area. xx
    Janet, you have got a lot of interesting stamps to take away with you. Enjoy packing your craft goodies. xx

    I seem to get later each day, I tried to place an internet order this morning, by 11am John was loosing his patience with me as we were going out. I had to give up in the end. Anyway our trip out was very nice, we had lunch in Croydon then took the tram to Wimbledon where I did some shopping. Came home via Streatham popped into Tesco then took the Bus home. By which time I was ready for a cuppa and some homemade fruit cake. Feel rested now, so before I start dinner will just check around the garden and go and talk to my seeds in the greenhouse, they are all beginning to shoot, thanks to the warm spell we have had.

    Have a lovely evening, Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  12. Hello All, late again.sorry

    Sandra your card is a real delight, I'm sure your inlaws will love it.

    Lovely shopping ladies, after seeing your dies , I have ordered some, rather a long wait, suggested date is 1/6/17 !!! hope they come sooner.

    Pat glad Pete is doing well.

    Lynda, glad Terry has some answers about his leg and that it will get better soon.

    Not much else going on, hugs Lilian
