
Thursday 30 March 2017

Michele's Shadow Box Tutorial

Good Morning Ladies,

I have a fantastic Tutorial for you today, it has been written by our very own 'Shadow Box' Card Genius' - Michele, this is for all of you that were wondering how Michele extended her Shadow Box die cuts to make her amazing cards.


I started out with a rectangle of white pearl card (see yellow finished card & extra piece).

Square of white card (14x14cm) and decided which way I wanted to "add" the extra row of boxes on. You could do two rows side by side if you prefer

This is how I "add" the extra row. You need to check on the cutting side to make sure the excess die (on the right hand side of the photo) doesn't cut into the edge of your square. See blue card for the finished die cut.

One this square I swapped the Shadow box to the New Arrivals one to make the most of the 4 mini squares. Again you could choose to cut the 4 mini squares side by side if you prefer- See pink card for the finished die cut.

I use foam pads in between the squares which can be a bit fiddly . You do need to add them everywhere otherwise the card topper starts to sag.

I decided I didn't like how big this one came out so I chopped it up! Now they're just waiting to be decorated.

This square diecut makes a great topper for a 6x6 card which I the usual size I make.

Thank you so much Michele for a fantastic tutorial, the photos make it so clear, it must have taken you ages, I am so grateful my lovely xxx

Tomorrow ladies I would like to maybe feature crafty shopping, although I might do it Saturday, (so indecisive)!  
So please send me any photos you have of recent buys, I received some dies from. China yesterday, they are fantastic, I can't wait to have a play.  Lynda bought some too, hers look beautiful, I will show you tomorrow. I look forward to your photos, we haven't had a shopping share for a while! 

I finished the box for the card I made too, Paul will take me to drop it off today, fingers crossed she likes it.

I hope all of you feeling under the weather feel much brighter today xxx

Pat, I hope Pete is doing ok too, hugs xxx

Have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-thanks for sharing my photos of the Shadow box cards. I hope the photos & instructions make sense.
    If anyone wants any Shadow Box "frames " or decorative bits cutting out then just say. I have most of them so it's not a problem & I realise not everyone would want to buy them to make one or two cards.

    I wonder what today will bring-yesterday was busy. We're starting to irritate each other now in our temporary location-5 if us stuck in one room for 10 weeks isn't ideal. The Project Manager sent an email to the Contractors listing all the outstanding work which they claim will be fine by this Friday!! If they do finish it all, I think I'll end up in tears as it's getting a bit fraught now trying to plan for Easter (4 days we're shut) plus thinking of how/when we can move back.

    Sandra-the box for your gorgeous card is really lovely.

    Michele .

  2. Morning Everyone from a very dull and grey Sheffield.

    MICHELE - Thank you for a very clear and informative tutorial. It looks really easy to follow.

    I can just imagine how it is with five of you in one room and it isn't as though you're all sat at desks. Fingers crossed that the contractors get their fingers out and do finish by the end of this week. Extra Hugs for you.

    I managed to get all the 'Egg Mugs' made yesterday and so today I have to do the two plant pots and then put name tags on the mugs.

    PAT- I hope PETE is doing well and that he's back at home.

    LYNDA- I also hope that TERRY is OK and that you have had answers.

    LILIAN- If your boss didn't listen to what you were saying about not being able to make 1,000 hoods please make sure that he/she does know. A few extra hugs for you today.

    The CAFE is looking lovely this morning with new pots of daffs on the tables and the coffee pot gurgling away. I'm off to sit in the corner with my cuppa.

    Have a good day everyone whatever you all get up to.
    Hugs should be arriving with you very shortly.xxxx

  3. Hello everyone, wet again.
    I'm off on joint to see my crafty friends at Hayle, going by train, am quite nervous, I know silly at my age, just a pity the buses from the station to our village don't tie up, so am comming back early so that R aCan pick me up before he goes out.

    Sandra your card box is lovely, really completes a beautiful set.

    Pat hope Pete is doing OK.

    Lynda and Terry hugs for you both, hope you get some answers today.

    Maria also hope you get some good results as well.

    Have a lovely day everyone, hugs to all, Lilian

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Thank you Michele for the tutorial for the shadow boxes and to see your gorgeous cards make my day, they are all so cute !
    Sandra you don't have to worry one bit about your card and it's beautiful box, they will love it !
    OH is on his way back from his appointment at the hospital this morning and then we are going in to town for hair cuts and some bits and pieces we couldn't get from the shop yesterday so I pop back to see you later. Have a good day. Big hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  5. Great tutorial will now need to try it out. Thanks for the tip x

    Love to all xx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Michele thank you for the tutorial for your shadowboxes, they are lovely, the instructions are very clear for extending them. You have my sympathy working in such a tight space with so many people. I hope you can get back to your normal routine soon.

    Sandra your lady is going to love this card and box, I'm sure she will spend the days before she passes it on admiring it, it really is beautiful . Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Hope all you ladies are all feeling well, those of you not up to par sending caring hugs and good wishes. Hopefully will pop in later, love Brenda XXX

  7. Margaret Palmer30 March 2017 at 13:16

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra the box finishes of your beautiful card, I am sure the lady who ordered it will want to keep
    Michele thank you for your tutorial, very easy to understand, I hope you get back to normal soon, sounds awful, hugs on
    Beautiful sunny day & I have to spend it in, it is embroidery today.
    Hope all with appointments get on ok thinking of Lynda & Terry & Pat & Pete, sending hugs to all love

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies, Many thanks for the instructions Michele. Just love your shadow box cards.
    Sandra your box is so pretty. The recipient will be enthralled with both the card and box.
    Had no internet today until now. We changed our Internet provider to a much better system and for the same price. I seem to have had workmen walking in and out all day but finished now.
    I'll send a photo of the few things I bought in the UK Sandra.

    Pat hope Pete is doing well after his not.

    Lynda hope everything goes well today and you can get an explanation.

    Maria, hope all well with you and OH got on ok at the hospital.

    Hugs to everyone. Love Valxxx

  9. Great tutorial MICHELE I will definitely be having a go at extending the shadow box I have I will definitely be in touch for a few bits!
    Your box is beautiful They will love it I am curious to know how much you charge It's always a problem for me knowing how much because we never charge for our time do we
    The only thing I've bought recently is a Zig Two Way glue stick for re sticking my ScanNCut mat! Not very exciting So I won't send you a photo he he!
    I hope PETE is doing OK and TERRY too
    Off to play for a bit before OH gets home

  10. Hi Sandra
    Thank you Michele for the tutorial to extent the Shadow Box Die. I shall attempt to do this at some point or another.
    Petes doing ok, just a bit sore. He has to have help to put tee shirts and jumpers on as he's not allowed to put his arm above his shoulder. Have waited in today as Prof Macauley was going to ring re his going on a trial. However, she hasn't rung today. Perhaps she'll ring tomorrow but we won't be staying in especially.
    Hope Terry's feeling better today Lynda.
    Gentle hugs to all those that are still under the weather.

  11. Hi again all.
    I hope you all had the warm and sunny weather that we had today. After back from town I had a sit down in the garden, it felt so good to go outside in just a tee shirt again but weird to have + 17c end of March. Wanted to get going with the challenge but so annoyed because I can't find what I want to use. I know you offered to help Sandra, thank you but I have one more day to try so will se hihi. I'm loosing a day tomorrow for we are going to London to see SIL and cousins to OH. I had preferred to stay at home, still so tired so will try to get an earlier night so not falling a sleep during lunch Lol.
    Take care all and have a good night, xxx

  12. Hi ,me again had a good day, was amazed how crowded the trains were.
    Sorry forgot to say great tutorial Michele, hoping to get some of these dies soon
    Maria glad you had a warm day, it's been freezing here couldn't wait to get home to put the heating on.
    Sleep tight all, well any night peeps like me still up. Hugs Lilian

  13. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your box is gorgeous & so is your card sorry I never mentioned it yesterday how beautiful your customer will be over the moon with both card & box. Thank you all for your Hug's & best wishes for Terry. We had a 2.30 appointment at the Ultrasound clinic she didn't have any record of an appointment luckily we had a letter from The DVT clinic last week so sent us back round there & nurse said go back to ultrasound lady on reception said we will have a wait. Which wasn't too bad half an hour. They only scanned the top of his leg Terry said he was having the bottom of leg as last week it was to swollen she said even if there is a clott in bottom half it will just disperse on its own. Back in the DVT. Said good news no blood clots. He then showed where the skins split & formed a scab & very sore she said it's healed too quickly. Dressed it & has to change it after three day. So not to shower. Sorry for waffling on & on didn't get home till 6pm.
    MICHELE thank you for your instructions for exstending the shadow box
    Very easy to follow. I'm on my third challenge project so hopefully finish it tomorrow I've got carried away with this weeks challenge loveing it.
    Will see you all tomorrow love Lynda xx
