
Wednesday 29 March 2017

Finished it at last !!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Well I finally finished the Diamond Wedding Anniversary Card, I just need to create the box for it this morning and then it can be delivered, I am just so relieved to have it done.  The card looks like silver but they look like tiny little individual sparkles up close, such a lovely paper to work with, I bought it at Farnborough from Pink Frog Crafts, they had it in Rose Gold and plain gold too, it is super smooth, I think you could stamp on it too. I combined it with Centura Pearl card. 
I just have to hope the lady likes it!!! 

Sue and I had a productive day, I was working on this card, Sue was working on her Challenge project for Sunday.  Something we haven't seen before too.

That's the last of my 'commissioned' cards, so I can create for pleasure now!! 

I hope you all have a good day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your card is STUNNING!! It's a true keepsake.

    Interesting day at work-still no signs of the contractors and until they finish we can't do very much.
    I have my Fire Training this morning(in the Pharmacy department) so at least I'll be able to see if anyone turns up to do any more work on the Aseptic Unit!


    1. Hi Michele. Hope your day goes well. Was sorry to read about your dad's accident. Hope he's fully recovered by now. Xxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I wonder why the contractors haven't been turning up. You'd think working in a hospital they would be more diligent.

    3. Hi Michele- our hospital is having a refurbishment and everything is just a real mess. In the time it will take them to sort it all out they probably could have built a new hospital.Hope the contractors turning up for you and the fire drill went well x

  2. Hello All, sorry I missed yesterday , the day ran away with me.

    Sandra your card is a masterpiece, I'm sure the lady will love it, would hate to think what that would cost if it was bought from a shop, hope all the hard work is appreciated.

    My boss turned up yesterday, to collect some of my hoods , they desperate for them again, they have a new agent in Germany who has ordered over a thousand garments, !!!! Had to tell her I can't do all of those, but not sure she took that on board.

    Hope those of you who were going for tests have got some answers.
    Pat I hope Pete's opp went well, is he home again now, I know it's not usually a long stay.

    Well I must go, hairdresser this morning for a tidy up, quite a job as my hair seems to be a bit lacklustre these days.

    Have a good day all, will pop in later, hugs for all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Do hope your boss got the message and your not expected to cope with lots more work.
      Enjoy getting your hair done. It always perks you up doesn't it? Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian
      I hope your boss got the message. Petes op went well Lilian and I'm waiting to hear when I can pick him up.

    3. Hi Lilian- a lot of work your way, hopefully you can get some other people to help out. Don't do it all yourself. Hope you enjoyed to have some me time going to the hair dressers. hugs xx

  3. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Your card is beautiful today. I am sure the recipients will treasure it. I bought some of the glitter card at Farnborough too. It is gorgeous isn't it, and very strokable too, lol 😊
    Margaret, your card yesterday was lovely. Love the pretty stamp, and great to hear you have joined Sandra in Stampin Up.
    Hubby and I are decorating at the moment so no crafting for me as all my stash has been put away.
    Pat and Lynda, thinking of you both this week - hoping everything is going well x
    Sending love and hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Sonia. Good luck with the decorating. Hope its not too big a job and you can get your Craft goodies out again xxx

    2. Hi Sonia
      Thank you for the good wishes. Pete should be home this afternoon. I hope your decorating isn't to big a job, doesn't take so long so you can do some crafting.

    3. Hi Sonia- have fun decorating, a different kind of crafting. Wish I had the energy, we get someone in to do ours. Next job will be the lounge but still haven't found the sofa we like... xx

    4. Thank you Sonia hope the decorating doesn't take up too much crafting time 😭 Xx

  4. As MICHELE and LILIAN have both said, your card is a stunning masterpiece
    I'm intrigued to see what SUE is doing - something we've not seen before....?
    Off work today Got blood test and routine mammogram Our annual leave year runs from April to March and I had a couple of days left to take
    Crafting later yay!

    1. Hi Karen. Hope the blood test and the squashy mammogram goes well.. Enjoy your time off work and hope you get lots of crafting done. Xxx

    2. I'm sure mammogram is like having your boobs put through a die cutting machine! Think i might get mine embossed next time!!
      The lady i had just kept turning the knob thing, my eyes were almost popping out!! Lol
      Good luck x

    3. Hi Karen
      Hope both go well for you and try not to cough while having the mammogram. My cough is still here but not quite so bad.

    4. Hi Karen- hope both bloods and mammogram goes well. Ouch ! Also hope your cough has calmed down some. Take care xx

    5. Good luck with ur mammogram xx

    6. Hi Karen good luck having your mammogram
      When I have a mammogram the lady manhandles my droopy bits & squashes them in the clamps so hard & flattened them like Sandra said felt like she embossed them HaHa Ouch xx

  5. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - STUNNING is the only word for your work of Art. I'm sure the lady will love it and the recipients will treasure it.

    K&N was very low on numbers yesterday. Holidays/illness wwere the reasons but we had a good afternoon with lots of chat and laughter.

    My task for today is to get the Easter Egg Cups made!! I only hope that I'm not disturb too much. I don't know whether you're all like me but I really do not like repetitive work so because I have 8 to make I'm really going to have to concentrate on them.

    To all Dear Friends who are under the weather and worrying about OH I'm sending HUGE WARM HUGS and hoping that all is going well.

    CAFE sign is lit so everyone's welcome. Hot Cross buns on the counter today (homemade). xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope your managing to get things ticked off your long list of things to do before Monday.
      I'm like you I don't like repetitive card making, much prefer to do something different every time.
      LOVE hot cross buns so thank you for those. Xxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope your concentrate levels stay high until you've finished all eight mugs.

    3. Hi Janet- hope you manage to make all the mugs today so you can cross that off your list. Hot cross buns, can I be greedy and have two :-)
      hugs xx

    4. Hi Janet I hope by now you have finished your Easter cups & having a break with a well earned cupper Hug's xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a fabulous card, a real Wow one 😊 I love it and just know that the lady that ordered it will too and then it is going to be treasured by the lucky couple. I was lucky to watch you finishing this beauty yesterday,I love watching how you put your cards together and this is no exception.
    It's a shame that the gorgeous sparkle of the glitter card just can't be captured by camera as it twinkles just like diamonds do when the light catches it making it perfect for a diamond wedding anniversary 😊 The other colours are just as beautiful so I know where I will be going to get my glitter card from in the future. You can relax now my lovely and just have fun creating with no pressure so enjoy yourself xx

    Pat, I hope all went well for Pete yesterday and that you both can catch your breathe before seeing docs again tomorrow. We missed seeing you yesterday but hopefully Pete is now going to be feeling so much better x

    Lynda, big hugs for you both and have fun making the thank you cards you will need tomorrow x

    Val, I hope you had a lovely time with your crafting friends and that you are feeling better each day x

    I hope everyone has a good day with at least a little time to craft.

    I'm hoping to finish my challenge item this morning then it's the usual swimming lessons and tea with our grandaughters later on so a good day for me, it's just a shame that the beautiful weather has changed to grey and wet today here.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, sounds like you're in for a lovely day. Enjoy finishing your crafting item (very intriguing) and have a lovely time with your

    2. How lucky that you were able to see Sandra construct this card. I look forward to seeing you challenge item. Picking Pete up when he has his new medication.

    3. Hi Sue- sound like a really nice day with your grand daughter, have fun. Shame the weather changed, it was so lovely yesterday, hugs xx

    4. Hi Sue
      I have finished all my thank you cards & started on my challenge projects. I've had a productive day thank you. Big Hug's xx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Such a stunning card Sandra. Bet whoever receives it will be over the moon.
    Lovely to see Wendy and Lyn for coffee yesterday. Poor Wendy's also got back from UK with an awful cough. I t was great to catch up and chat about craft.
    I've decided not to go to crib today. We play outside with a lot of smokers and I don't think its a good idea to be breathing in all the smoke at the moment. To be honest I just feel like sleeping all the time. Haven't been near my craft room this week.
    PAT and PETE and LYNDA and TERRY lots of hugs being sent off to you.
    Bye for now Valxxx

    1. Bless you Val, that doesn't sound like you at all, i do hope your new tablet kicks in soon I hate to think of you being so down, there really are some horrible cough bugs going around, Pat has had hers for 6 weeks + and Karen is catching her up, it's terrible.
      Get well soon lovely xxx

    2. Hi Val
      It sounds a good idea not sitting outside around smokers while you have this awful cough you picked up in the UK.

    3. Wish you much,much better soon Val. Glad you had a nice catch up anyway with Wendy and Lyn. Will Wendy be helping John at Ally Pally this time ? Wish her better too. Many hugs xx

    4. Hi Val sorry not not feeling well your very wise staying away from those smokers. Wish you better very soon hope your new medication kicks in soon. Big Hug's xx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I just know the lady who ordered this card is going to be delighted and will have great pleasure giving it to the recipients. It is really gorgeous Sandra. A real keepsake. Thank you for sharing. xx

    Sue, you really have got us all intrigued. What could it be ???????

    Pat I hope Pete is feeling better this morning and ready for the next hurdle (or is it hoops he is jumping through?) Take care both of you. xx

    Anyone else not feeling 100% sending gentle caring hugs, stay warm and rest, I hope you will be feeling better soon. LOL xx

    Today I'm off out to lunch with my teacher friends, picking two of them up on the way. I'm sure we are in for a lot of chat and laughter.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I think jumping through hoops is apt at the moment. Feels like we need to book a room at the hospital the amount of time we're spending at them.

    2. Hi Brenda- have a lovely lunch with your friends, where are you off to today ? many hugs xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card. The lady who commissioned it will be over the moon with it. I think I'll have to borrow your hearts for Marion's and Roberts card I need to do for their Ruby wedding Anniversary. Well, I will be picking Pete up later after his medication he now needs to take is ready. Don't know how long that will take. Last time he needed medication it took 5 hrs and it was only Paracetamol. If he'd have known he would have said don't bother I'll buy my own. This is for his heart though and he has to take them forever. He'll start low and the doseage will gradually be increased. It's to stop the heart remodelling itself. Didn't know it could do that.

    1. Hi Pat hope Pete is feeling ok & hope you didn't have long for his medication. Take care both of you sending you both Big Hug's xx

  10. Margaret Palmer29 March 2017 at 15:05

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is absolutely brilliant & I know it will be treasured, shame we canmot see real thing, thank you for showing
    Sue what are doing? you have us all wondering!xxx
    Pat pleaded to hear Pete's op went ok xxx
    Karen hope your tests go ok, hugs on
    Val hope you feel better soon, hugs on way xxx
    Lynda will be thinking of you both tomorrow hugs to you
    Sending hugs to all who needs them love

    1. Thanks Margaret
      Hopefully the ultrasound will get pictures tomorrow as the swelling has gone down a quiet a bit. So fingers crossed.
      Hug's xx

  11. Ooh er! Dawn Wheeler is on C&C! Doing a Spellbinder show

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Wow that's stunning!!!! Love it and I'm sure the recipients will too x

    Well I'm off to bed I'm so tired I keep nodding off lol. Just one of those days I guess xx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wowser Sandra this is a stunning card and the couple who receive it will LOVE it !
    You are amazing at putting cards together and so wish after this time I would have learned something but still feel like a newbie, even Margaret who haven't made card for very long is doing better then I. Oh well , I will keep doing it tho because I love it. The CC this week is something I find hard and have made so many boo boo's but hope to have something for you by Saturday night, might be midnight Lol.
    I hope you all have had a good day as possible whatever you been up to.
    Lynda, sending you both big gentle hugs. Looking forward to a real one Terry :)
    I had an MRI done last night, the appointment was 7.40 pm but didn't get in the box until 8.30 pm and then it took 40 minutes inside the box in total. Luckily I didn't needed the loo tihi. This morning I had another one done and was in and out under 30 minutes. It was in a privet clinic, so much nicer then the hospital here which is a shamble at the moment with all work that's going on. Coffee and shopping before going home doing some stamping, need more practise that's for sure hihi it's only a piece of card, right.
    OH is watching about the Brexit, I am listening with one ear. Have a good night everyone and hope Mr sandman is coming to us who don't sleep so well, so tired.
    Many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. I am sick of hearing about bloody Brexit !!!
      Glad you got your MRI out of the way, hope you don't have to wait too long for results, that's the worst part!
      What are you making for CC, let me help you ??!

  14. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Just been commenting on way down takes so long haha.
    I have been in craft room most of the day doing thank you cards for the ladies at excercise class five cards altogether.Then I've been doing some more work on my challenge project. Maria thank you hope MRI results are good how long do you have to wait Big Hug's xx
    Well I'm off to bed so good night friends
    Love Lynda xx
