
Tuesday 28 March 2017

Stampin' Up News & Margaret's First Stampin Up Card

Margaret's First Stampin' Up! Card

Sale-a-bration is ending !!

Good Morning Ladies,

I just wanted to give you a couple of updates regarding Stampin' Up!.   First of all I have 'officially' Qualified as a Demonstrator, which surprised me, this was only made possible by the orders I received so a heartfelt thank you from me for that xxx

I am also hugely excited to announce that I now have a 'Team' !!!,   Margaret and Sue chatted with a Demonstrator at Farnborough who explained the benefits of joining during Sale-a-bration and the fact that there is NO obligation to put in another order, you don't have to do anything, it maybe easier if I list it.

Step 1  Choose you £130 worth from any Stampin Up Catalogues

Step 2  Choose 2 Extra Stamp Sets for FREE from any Catalogue, only until 31/3/17                       these add Up to £93 extra value to you starter kit.

               That's up to £223 worth of goods for £99 !  

Step 3. There is absolutely no obligation for you to do anything else, no selling,
              No recruiting, nothing in fact unless you choose to.  I can promise that 
               They do not contact you at any point to pressure you in to doing anything.
                I fell in love with the products and wanted to expand, but i could stop                             tomorrow.  Some ladies order the kit, wait until sale-a-bration again the 
                 Following year, re-join and order another £223 worth of products for £99.
                 You are just classed as a 'Hobby Demo" I think most of my team members 
                  Under Amanda are 'Hobby Demos" .

Now as i explained to you before I am not explaining any of this to try and get you to sign up for my benefit, I saw first hand how excited Margaret was choosing her kit and extra stamp sets and it was amazing, then on Friday last week her order was 
Delivered, I wished i could drive because I would have loved to have been there to see her unpack that box, we did message each other, I know that she couldn't wait to play, the only dilemma being which set to play with first!  
So Margaret automatically​ becomes my 'Team', our team name is ...............
'The Cotswold Crafters'  thank you Margaret for letting me be part of your excitement this past 2 weeks. xx

The other part of Sale-a-bration that will cease on 31/3 is the free product that you get with every £45 spend, so if any of you were thinking of placing an order now is a good time if you want the benefit of a freebie. 

If any of you are interested in anything just let me know and I will get it ordered for you and you can pay me via PayPal or bank transfer etc. 

I only wanted to let you know my lovelies so that you didn't miss out on the benefits, thank you for your patience!! 

I have featured Margaret's first stamped card with her new products, isn't it fab, i love how you have created your own decorative paper, all you needed was the sentiment and you have created a fantastic card, I am looking forward to the next one already, thank you Margaret xxx.

Pat, sending love, hugs and good wishes for you both today, I am sure it will be much more organised than they were last week. The overnight stay will hopefully give you both a chance to get some rest as i am sure you haven't relaxed since this was diagnosed.  As always I am only a phone call away, I will miss you today my love xxx

Janet, please slow down, i got a sweat on just reading your comments yesterday!  Will you be able to shoe-horn me into your car next weekend, i could do with a relaxing break!  I'm quite low maintenance, you will just need to feed my craft habit, well and the occasional French Patisserie of course !!  Please take it easy, hugs xxx

Val, I hope these antibiotics start to work quickly before it develops into something worse. I hope that they don't make you feel unwell too, I always take the 'Pre/pro biotic' of 'Live' yoghurt when taking Antibiotics as they do tend to take away the good bacteria too, particularly if you have more than course, Sending huge hugs for a speedy recovery xxx

Karen, great news regarding​ your tests being all clear, fingers crossed this new medication gives you some relief from the coughing, Pat is still suffering too, mind you I would have thought it was acid reflux you would have had the 'heartburn' symptoms too, I guess they are trying everything, hugs xxx

Maria, Hope your​ MRI gives you the answers you need and ends your pain, it gets so frustrating when it drags on, hugs xxx

Lynda, oh my goodness you are the bravest lady I know, your dentist visit sounded like hell, bless you!  You are so bloody amazing, you have suffered so much recently but you still keep your sense of humour, despite having so much going on with you and poor Terry you still make time to ask after and care about others. I want to send you the biggest hugs, you are such an amazing friend, sending lots of love too, plus extras for Our dear Terry xxXxx 🤗🤗

I'm hoping to see Sue today, I must finish a Diamond wedding Anniversary card I started about 2 weeks ago, I just can't make up my mind what to do, I made a start last night though, that is my goal for today, plus plenty of Chatting of course, if any of you want to join in you could Skype us ! xxx

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Margaret-beautiful card, really lovely. How exciting-all that lovely Stampin Up craft stash delivered to your door. So much fun.

    Not slept much last night-lots of work things going round in my mind as we're having a few problems.

    Hope everyone has a good day & their appointments/procedures go well.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you very much, yes it was exciting opening the parcel I don't know which to use first. Hope you have easier day. Hugs on way.xxxx

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope your work problems aren't giving you to much of a headache. I hope you have a better nights sleep tonight.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Mum, what a beautiful card for us to enjoy today. I love it and am looking forward to seeing many more. I bet you wish you could order extra hours in each day along with the stamps so that you always have lots of time to play 😊 Love you xx

    Pat, wishing Pete all the best with his op today. At least you both know this one will go ahead! Sending you big hugs and will be thinking of you today dear friend x

    Janet, goodness me you are going to need the time relaxing at Marigny after having so much to do over the next few days. I will move the tables around in the Café ready for Sunday's creations so at least you can tick that one off of your "To do" list and I'm sending you big energy packed hugs x

    Karen, good news about the latest tests being clear. I hope the new meds can help. Big hugs on the way to you x

    Lynda, I so wish we lived closer so the hugs could be real ones for you both. Everything is crossed that you can get real ones in just under two weeks at Ally Pally. I hope Terry and you get some answers today. Big hugs are off to you both x

    Maria, what a shame the cake didn't taste as good as it looked. Good luck to your son and you as chief taster on your quest for a yummy sponge cake 😊 I hope you aren't in too much pain. Sending big hugs x

    I'm off to Sandra's so had better get my bags packed, it seems to take so long deciding what I need to take and then I still always forget something! I hope you all have as good a day as you can. SendingI love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      Thank you it would be lovely being near you three grace & of course Mum for some real Hug's. Could you get mum to take pictures of all her stamping up goodies would love too see it all. Enjoy your day with Sandra xx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Thank you, it's all your fault you know dragging me along to the Card making Shows!!! No seriously I love it, thank you. Enjoy your day with Sandra
      Love xxx

    3. Hi Lynda, I will get a pic on Friday if Mum hasn't taken one already. I do think k in some ways that it is good that we don't all live closer as we wouldn't get anything else done because we would be crafting together all day every day 😊 xx

    4. Hi Lynda, I will get a pic on Friday if Mum hasn't taken one already. I do think k in some ways that it is good that we don't all live closer as we wouldn't get anything else done because we would be crafting together all day every day 😊 xx

  3. Beautiful card MARGARET and congratulations to the pair of you
    Thinking of you PAT and LYNDA I hope it all goes well today
    Will pop back later

    1. Thank you Karen for your comment, pleased to hear results came back clear hope you feel better soon, hugs on

    2. Hi Karen
      Thanks for the good wishes. I'm glad the results were clear for you. These coughs are hanging around for a long time aren't they.

  4. Morning Sandra and ladies.

    Margaret. Just love your card. Hard to believe it's your first attempt. It's really pretty and you must be so proud of yourself and so happy surrounded by so many new stamps.

    Pat. Fingers crossed for Pete today. Hope the day goes smoothly. Thinking ing of you both .Hugs and love xxx

    Lynda do so hope they can sort Terry out today. Hope your first dentist appointment went off ok. Sounds horrendous. Hugs and love are sent to you

    Meeting up with Wendy and another crafty lady Lyn, for a coffee later. Happily I'm being picked up. Haven't had a craft chat for ages so looking forward to it.

    Sandra and Sue, enjoy your crafty time today.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you. Dentist wasn't that bad but still sensitive with hot cold.hop it settles down this week.
      Terry's appointment for ultrasound is on Thursday hopefully they can get a result to see if he has a blood clot in the bottom of his leg or not.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Val,
      Thank you for your lovely comment, these stamps are so easy to use I am sure you would soon enjoy them. Hope you enjoyed your meet up with Wendy & you are feeling better, hugs on

  5. Morning Everyone
    MARGARET - a beautiful card and one which is definitely a work of art. Your stamping is perfect. May I have lessons lol.

    PAT- so sorry yesterday didn't go to plan. Fingers crossed that today is much better. HUGE Hugs to you both.

    VAL- I'm sure that these antibiotics will do their job and you'll be back to yourself in no time.

    Well I managed to get the bday card which has to go with me today to K&N finished and yes I made a BOX to go with it.

    SUE- have a good day with SANDRA and I'm sure you'll put the world to rights hehehe.

    The CAFE is open for the day so pop in for a cuppa. Off now to have my first cup of coffee before I start on today's list of jobs.
    Hugs to you all with extras for Dear Friends in need.

    1. Hi Janet hope your day isn't so busy &I you get some me time.
      Please take care my friend. Sending Some slow down Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Thank you for your lovely comment, shame we all live soo far apart would be great to meet up each week.
      Enjoy k & n. hugs on

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Margaret ur card is very pretty. I'm crap at stamping guess I just need more practice.
    Typical I get a day off and the. lol on sun disappears lol ah well x

    Love to everyone xx

    1. Hi Tracy sending you some of our sunshine. Have a good day off.& glad the flower rush is over for a few weeks. Big Hug's my friend.xx

    2. Hi Tracy,
      Thank you for your comment it is kind of you. Hope sun has come out for

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Wonderful card Margaret, your stamping is perfect and hopefully you will show us many more cards you made of your new stamps. Happy stamping.
    Sue- thank you . Have a nice day crafting with Sandra today. See you soon :)
    Pat and Pete- many hugs to you both.
    Lynda and Terry- fingers crossed for everything to go well and you get some answers, hugs.
    Healing hugs to all who not feeling 100% at the moment.
    Seeing a friend for a coffee' but first going to hang out the bed sheets. The sun is shining !
    Take care all, many hugs to everyone. Maria xxx

    1. Thank you MARIA Hope your MRI goes well & have a pain free day
      Terry can't wait for his Hug's hopefully he will be able to drive
      Hug's xxx

    2. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your kind comments, they are lovely stamps to work with, you would love them! Hope your MRI goes well hugs on

  8. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Sandra thank you so much for your kind & lovely comments this morning they ment so much my dear friend. Have a lovely day crafting with Sue XX Hug's XX
    I have commented on the way down.
    I have just finished my ironing so that's out of the way. Off to excercise later at 12.45pm so just having 5 minutes chill before getting ready. Sadly Thursday is my last class. On the 4th I have to go in just for my progress report & chat about my experience. So I will make some thank you cards for their kindness & help.
    Well I'm off for my shower pop back later. Wish you all a good day
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda,
      Thank you for reminding me to take photo of my stamping up goodies, I am enjoying trying it all out.
      I really hope you can make Ally Pally you have both been through the mill, hope they can give you answer Thurs. Hugs on way to you

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Margaret your card is beautiful, I love the colours you have used. What a lovely amount of excellent quality stash you have now got. I have to confess I am sorely tempted to join, I wouldn't want to go out demonstrating, but as you can choose and not to get any pressure - this deal is quite exciting.

    Sandra and Sue enjoy your day crafting.

    Pat, Thinking of you. xx

    Lynda, You really are a star, These last weeks have been horrendous, yet you still turn the other cheek. xx

    Val, Hope the antibiotics are starting to kick in. xx

    Janet, Don't go pushing yourself to hard, try to find some time just for you. xx

    Maria, sending caring gentle hugs, take care. xx

    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your lovely comment, it really is lovely to use. Please join before it's too late, I also do not want to demonstrate etc but it is too good a bargain to miss, go on be a devil ha ha ha.lolxxx

    2. Thank you Brenda your so very kind got to look on the bright side just hope we get some answer's on Thursday. Sending you Big Hug's xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thank you for showing my card,it is down to you that I am enjoying it soo much. Congratulations to you, you deserve it. Hope you & Sue have a productive
    Pat thinking of you both, hope all goes well today, hugs on way.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Margaret just love your card you've made with your new goodies. Will be nice to see what you bought.
    Thank you for all your good wishes for today. I left Pete at 12.00 still waiting for his op. Apparently the muscles in his heart are quite weak so that's why he had to have a different type of pacemaker. I'm going back up in an hours time. Also Prof MacAulay rang to speak to him. She thought he would have had his op and been back home. Anyway she's going to ring on Thursday. She'll then make an appointment for us to go in and chat about going on a trial instead of having Chemo. We could have seen her yesterday if the Churchill had informed her we were going up.
    Lynda and Terry I hope you both have some good news soon. You've both been through the mill just lately. Shame that your exercise classes are finishing soon. Give Terry a big hug from me.
    Janet I hope your not rushing around to much.

    1. Thanks Pat that is kind of you. I hope Pete was ok when you went back in, hugs on the

    2. Thank you Pat. How is Pete ihope he is ok he's been through it too so sending him a big Hug. How's that cough Pat has the meds helped Sending you some Big Hug's too. Take care xx

  12. Sandra sorry I ment to say this morning you have done so well with your Samping up demonstratesr & now having your own team you should be so proud of yourself I'm very proud of you well done seeing how far you have come. It's Amazing. 😍 Xx
