
Monday 27 March 2017

Monday Challenge

Good Monday morning Ladies,

My Challenge for you this week is to make something other than
a card with your card making stash.
It could be absolutely anything (apart from a card)!
I have decided to not use the term 'Home Decor' as it can be confusing, you could make anything from A Book Mark, to a Box (following the tutorial I did for boxes).  Karen's Chocolate Bar Wrapper, that would be perfect or the Easter Cups that Janet shared with us on Saturday.

My example to give you a little inspiration is the 21st Birthday Shadow Box I made  for Becca's friend Georgia last weekend.
I managed to find a few frames in 'The Factory Outlet shop' that were reduced from £3 down to £1 !!!! BARGAIN, so bought 5.
I peeled off the little house and i sanded the surface to make it smooth. I then cut a piece of pretty paper to fit the frame, then i made a frame using two sheets of white card stuck together. I used a square dye to cut an aperture in the centre of the card. Then added foam tape to raise the frame from the base. I dye cut a 21 three times, using my Scan and Cut machine, then layered them together. I placed them in the centre of the square, added some wink of Stella to give some sparkle. To decorate the rest of the frame, I ran some narrow lace around the edge of the frame using some my hot glue gun to adhere it. Next I added some pearl string to complete the look, I placed a few flowers in opposite corners and added her name to personalise. It was quite quick and easy to make, but is very effective. It is a great alternative to a basic card for special occasions.

 My Altered Frame 

Original frame

Some other alternatives are.....
Karen's Chocolate Wrapper

Paper Bags from Envelopes

Mugs for Easter

Altered Clothes Peg

Decorated Box

Janet's Wreath

Cheryl Keepsake Rings

If you need anymore inspiration​ please tell me and i'll gladly help you. Pinterest is another great source of inspiration, just type in something like 'Papercraft​ projects'.
I can't wait to see what you all create.  I hope you have fun with it ladies xxx

Have a lovely day ladies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to find ish commenting on all of the wonderful CC's yesterday but I loved seeing all of your fantastic cards 😊 Thank you all for sharing them x

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you end up creating this week. I have lots of containers and bits and bobs that are waiting to be altered (I remember when a couple of years ago that it took me a while to work out that "altered art" basically means to make something look different, or that's my understanding of it so I will be picking my papers and embellishments ready to take to Sandra's tomorrow 😊 Good luck everyone for this weeks challenge, and as always a big thank you to you Sandra for coming up with different challenges each week xx

    Pat, everything is crossed that Pete's ops go ahead both today and tomorrow. Big hugs are on their way to you as I speak x

    Lynda, once I've uncrossed myself after Pete's ops then I will be recrossing everything for Terry's next scan so that you can find out just what is going on with his leg.Its not surprising that he (and you)just wants to have an answer, bless him. Big hugs flying off to you both right now X

    Maria, I'm glad to hear your eyes are much better now. Good luck with the test this week. Please can I have the recipe for that delicious vegan sponge cake that was in the Café yesterday? Enjoy the wonderful longer daylight and sunshine hours now the clocks have gone forward as I know you suffer like I do during the long grey days of winter. Just seeing it starting to get light and hearing the pair of blackbirds that live in the bushes near our bedroom window singing away brings a smile to my face 😊 Sending big hugs to you x

    I hope that you all have a good day with the same beautiful weather as yesterday. I'm on Granny duty again as we have little Chris here until late afternoon so probably won't get a lot done even though he is happy to play by himself with his diggers, tractors and cars, especially if he has a pot of bubbly lather with a cloth and little brush so he can wash all of their imaginary "muddy" wheels. I love just watching and listening to the little ones 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful gift & a lovely keepsake.
    This weeks challenge is exciting-so much choice just from everyone's past projects.

    Best make my lunch & head into work as I need to update my boss on a few things before we start working.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope it's not to busy at work today.

  3. Great ideas for this week's challenge Mind buzzing already!
    I love the frame you have done SANDRA
    I hope things go well PAT for PETE Will be thinking of you
    Same for you LYNDA and TERRY I do hope you get some results No wonder he's feeling low at the moment
    I'm relieved your eyes are getting better and hope the MRI reveals something that can be treated and help
    GP appt for me today - a follow up on all of the UTI's I've recently had
    The die cuts are in the post MICHELE
    I'm going to email you a question re this challenge SANDRA later on
    Take care all

    1. Hi Karen
      I hope the Dr manages to sort you out,

  4. Morning Everyone
    What an exciting week it's going to be deciding on what to make and wondering what will be on the display board or perhaps table on Sunday.
    Better clear the corner and reset one or two tables to get the display table out of

    PAT- I'll be with you and PETE today/tomorrow and hope that all goes well. Huge Hugs to you both.

    LYNDA- I'll also be with you and TERRY too. Huge Hugs to you both.

    MARIA- so pleased your eyes are improving daily and yes I'll be with you when you have your test later this week. Huge Hugs.

    CHERYL- Do you still do your Monday Walk? I'm missing your reports on where you go.

    I'm going to have a whirlwind of a week. We're hoping to be off to Marigny next Monday but first I have to have the results of my bloods and my annual MOT tomorrow morning. In the afternoon it's K&N but somewhere in between now and Sunday I have two bday cards to make (one including a box!); one card to be posted; ferry and hotel to be booked and Easter Egg Mugs to be made and filled ready for collection (8 of those) and Nicky asked yesterday after seeing my two mugs I'd done could I please make her 2 plant pots so she can stick chocolate flower lollipops in instead of her buying eggs for Lily-Mae and Gracie-Leigh. After all that I have to sort out my craft box and sort out things whch need taking to Marigny. I may just need picking up off the floor by the end of the

    Anyway the CAFE is open for the day with fresh linen and gorgeous pots of Daffs on each table. Have a good day everyone. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks for the hugs, duly passed on.
      I think you'll be meeting yourself coming back soon as you've so much to do.

    2. Hi Janet,
      No, we do not go walking with the group any longer.
      After the nasty incident regarding the Christmas dinner, we all decided we knew enough of the routes that we could do our own steam as and when the weather is fine which should be shortly. Normal commentaries will start then. Thank for asking xxx

  5. Margaret Palmer27 March 2017 at 10:01

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thinking cap on for this weeks challenge, got a few ideas. Your frame card for Georgia is brilliant, well
    Pat & Pete thinking of you today & tomorrow hope all goes to plan this time, hugs on
    Lynda hope you & Terry get some results this week, it is about time you did, hugs on
    Karen hope you get good news from Dr. hugs on
    Janet please don't exhaust yourself this week sounds as if you will meet yourself coming backwards!!! Hugs on
    Val I hope Dr. can give you stronger antibiotics, I am sure being home in sun will make you feel better, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all in need love

  6. fantastic challenge this week Sandra ... wow your shadow box is outstandingly beautiful ... hmmm might get my thinking cap on ...can I use a project I'm already showing this week or do I have to make a new one ...? xx A

  7. I got on OK at Dr's - every test I have had has come back clear. I still have the cough and so the doctor wonders if I have gastric reflux... and has prescribed something for me to take and see if that works to clear the cough before I go back to see a different doctor (that referred me to have the breathing tests) before I get referred elsewhere

    1. Hi Karen
      At least your Dr is trying to sort your cough out. They certainly are wearing aren't they. The minor injuries nurse told he to make an appointment in two weeks time if I still have my cough. I've already had it 6 weeks. Then I might be able to have a chest X-ray. Mind you I could wait another 3-4 weeks for an appointment. Pete was most displeased as all the adverts on the TV say if you have a cough for more than 3 weeks go and see your Dr.

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely projects today Sandra and interesting challenge for this week. I only make cards so I'm going to struggle.
    Thanks for the lovely welcome back ladies. Saw my GP this morning who has given me more anti biotics and have to have a chest xray on Wednesday.
    Lynda so sorry Terry is having such a bad time at the moment. He must be so fed up with his situation. Hope he gets some answers soon. Good luck with the dentist today. Hugs are on their way.
    Pat. Hope Pete gets sorted out today and tomorrow. Hugs are sent off to you too.
    Maria sorry to read you've been suffering with eye problems Hope by now things have improved.
    Karen, hope the medicine you've been given clears up your problem.
    Janet wow what a lot you have to fit in before you leave for France on Monday. I think you'll need a rest after all the activity. Hope the blood results are good and the MOT goes ok tomorrow.
    Hope everyone else is feeling fit and well.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Hello All, isn't this wonderful sunny weather great, although this supposed to be the last day.
    Beautiful frame Sandra, not sure what I'll make as this is totally outside my comfort zone, but probably just what I need to get my mojo back.

    My good wishes are with all who are going for treatment and test , hope all goes well for you.

    Going to have a browse on Utube for some ideas for the challenge.

    Have a good rest of the day Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra
    Love your ideas for the altered art project. Look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.
    Well today was a waste of time. The eye hospital told the Churchill and sent pictures of his eye that the lump they took off was cancerous, and that he need an operation to take the rest off. So that's what we were expecting to happen. No, the dr told Pete is was cancerous and it needed to be operated on. So, Pete had to go and have it photographed again, then make an appointment for the operation. Which unless he gets a cancellation will be between 4-6 months time.
    Apparently they cut a slither off and sent it off for analyst , if it's not clear they do the same again until it is. Which is what we were expecting them to do today.
    At least he knows he's having his pacemaker fitted.

    1. How disappointing Hope it goes well tomorrow xx

    2. Oh Pat, how disappointing. I'm sure you were wishing it would be over today.
      Hope all goes well tomorrow. Hugsxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone

    Sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday, I tried to but it went into cyberspace with all the others. As the Internet was a bit touch and go yesterday I thought I would be pushing my luck. Ladies I loved all of you brilliant cards yesterday, Each one of them am absolute gem. xx

    This weeks challenge is very interesting. Its definitely a challenge to my brain, but I was brought up to believe I could do anything if I put my mind to it, Not sure my mind would go along with that these days!

    LYNDA and TERRY thinking of you. LOL xx

    PAT and PETE you must be so fed up with hospitals. Sending hugs. xx

    VAL Pleased you were able to see your GP. xx

    KAREN Hope the medicine works. xx

    JANET what a busy week you have got please don't go exhausting yourself, xx

    Take care everyone and have a good week, Lynda Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Pete decided he's taking up residence at the Churchill. If he can go on these trials he'll be up there once or twice a week. Looking forward to seeing you at Ally Pally.

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lots of lovely deliciousness of crafty makes. It smashing to see everyone's talents.

    I'm glad mothersday is over I can get a break from the mountains of flowers lol. I had a drinker of a week on my dept even if I was fed up with them lol. Ah well another year done lol.

    Good luck with operations , scans an appts everyone. Thinking of u all xx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely frame work, it is so pretty with the little flowers, gorgeous paper and her name at the bottom. Very nice Sandra and I have some frames to just collecting dust so might follow your lead. Never know what happening. All the CC's are fantastic ! Love the crazy birds Lynda so like to get some myself :-)
    Anyone who have asked for the recipe for the Vegan Victoria sponge my son made will have to wait because it wasn't very good to be honest Lol but it did look so good so I had a big piece. He making a cake from different recipe's to try to find one we like but so far no luck and I don't really want any more for they are definitely not calorie free !
    Oh Pat, so sorry nothing more was done today and instead you have to wait for another appointment. Hope it want be too long. Sending you both hugs.
    Lynda, really hope Terry will get some help soon, must be so worrying for you all. Sending you and Terry some hugs.Hope the dentist went ok for you today.
    Lovely to see you back Val, hope the weather in Spain will soon make you feel better. Such a shame you were so poorly during your trip to England.
    Sue, hope you all had a fun day with little Chris.
    Cheryl, lovely photo of you on facebook.
    Janet, a busy week for you before going to Marigny. Take care. :)
    yay Tracy you did it :) Have a nice week .
    Sending many hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & everyone
    SUE PAT BRENDA MARIA &SANDRA thank you all for the Hug's Terry said he hopes he can have all your Hug's for real at AP hopefully.
    PAT sorry it didn't go according to plan for Pete. Hope tomorrow goes better sending you both some Big Hug's xx
    JANET my word what a busy week you have,hope all your test results all come back good. Take care my friend Big Hug's coming your way.xx
    VAL hope doctors went well for you & you got some medication.some Hug's Flying over for you xx
    Dentist today I had a root canal first of 5 appointment's glad today's one is over she was drilling for over half an hour. Now it's been aching most of the day but
    Hay Ho. Been in craft room trying this weeks challenge waiting for first part to dry. Hopefully do some more after excercise tomorrow.I'm enjoying this weeks challenge Sandra gets the old brain cel working 🤔.
    I'm off for a cupper good night everyone
    Love Lynda xx
