
Sunday 26 March 2017

Your Challenge Cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Good Morning Ladies,
Welcome to another Sunday blog post packed with the most amazing
Display of cards, all made by you amazingly talented Ladies!!

Cheryl's Challenge Card

Cheryl has used the pretty 'Gorjuss Girl's for her Challenge card,
I love the layout of your card, the pretty lace down the sides really 
Softens the edges, the three matching 'Gorjuss' embellishments finish
The card beautifully, thank you Cheryl

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele has made a lovely Easter card using this weeks Sketch, it has
Worked perfectly Michele, I absolutely love your card,  that
Narrow strip of coloured paper adds a pop of Spring colour to your card,
The three Easter die cuts work perfectly to balance your card.
Thank you so much Michele

Maria's Challenge Card

Maria, I really  love these Cat images, they look like very 'posh' cats,
That leafy ribbon trim is so lovely and works perfectly with that 
Pretty background paper, the glitter around the lid of the box and 
The slipper give the perfect touch of sparkle!
Thank you so much Maria

Janet's Challenge Card (1)

Janet's Challenge card (2)

Janet, these cards are absolutely hilarious, each one of those toppers brings a smile
To your face, I believe the company is called 'Acid Drops and Whatnots', I spent 
Over half an hour just reading all the different quotes at a craft show, a lot
Of thought has gone into them, I love what you have done with them Janet.
Thank you so much 

Karen's Challenge Card

Karen has used Spellbinders 'Le Papillon' butterflies with Pixie Powder backgrounds, to give real shimmery wings.  That stunning background is a sheet from
A Lidl paper pack, it is so pretty and matches perfectly.
Is it a recent buy Karen?? 
Thank you so much for your Fantastic card.

Sonia's Challenge Card

I believe Sonia may have used the new Anne Marie Paper pads for her Challenge 
Card this week, (i could be wrong though)!! 
I have to say i have resisted them up until now as i thought they were so
Much more expensive than her other card packs.  But you may just have
Swayed me Sonia, this card us stunning!! I love those die cut images too.
Can I ask how you created your Watermark please Sonia?
Thank you so much for your card

Lilian's Challenge Card

Lilian, you have the art of making 'peel offs' look 'classy', 
It looks like you have created your own background paper and
Toppers, Lilian those stamped and coloured flowers are so very
Beautiful, little works of art! 
A stunning card, thank you so much!

Brenda's Challenge card

Such a pretty card Brenda, I love that Green Glitter background,
Those pretty stamped square toppers are so pretty and work really
With the green background, those little roses are the perfect shade of
Pink, the little butterfly is the perfect finishing touch.
Thank you so much 

Margaret's Challenge Card

Margaret has used a beautiful floral background paper for her Challenge
Card, with three pretty die cut floral circles and a matching ribbon to
Embellish the card, a hand stamped sentiment compliments the card 
Perfectly, thank you so much 

Lynda's Challenge Card (1)

Lynda's Challenge Card (2)

Lynda has made two fantastic challenge cards, one with a beautiful piece of 
Black Lace as a pretty border, then 3 black butterflies to match, the squares that
The butterflies are sitting on look like they could be coloured with Pixie Powder.
The second card has been made with the incredibly funny Crazy Birds by Tim Holtz,
I love these little Characters, Brenda sent me some the other day so i can have a 
Play, but may have to treat myself! 
Lynda you have coloured them perfectly and bought them to life,
Two fabulous cards Lynda, 
Thank you so very much

A little extra treat for you Ladies 
(As it Mother's Day)
Maria's Yummy 'Vegan' Cake

Maria this cakes looks so delicious, my mouth is watering just
looking at it, what did you use to make it a 'Vegan' cake?
It looks like a Victoria Sponge cake to me, can you bring me
A slice please, I'll pop kettle on !
Thanks for sharing xxx

Thank you all so very much for taking part in 
This weeks Challenge.

I hope you all enjoy Mother's Day,

Love and Hugs



  1. Morning Everyone
    I hope you all have remembered to SPRING INTO SUMMER TIME and are enjoying the start of MOTHER'S DAY.

    I'm completely staggered at all this week's CCs.
    They are all so beautiful and really make the café shine this morning.

    When I saw this pack of toppers some time ago now in fact so long that I cannot remember where I bought them but I just could not resist buying. Each sheet is just so individual and so comical they really do make you smile. I have to say though that these are the first cards I've made using them.

    SANDRA - a huge thank you for the cake for afternoon tea today. Have a good day everyone.
    I hope you can pop in for a cuppa. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, your CC's are great and I love the verses on them you can't help but smile when you read them can you 😊 Have a lovely day. Hugs are on the way x

    2. Hi Janet
      I did a make and take at Newbury craft show a couple of years ago. Brenda (little lamb)and I also did a card using a canvas pair of boots. Can't remember what they're of the top of my head. They do have lovely verses.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Another lovely collection of challenge cards today. I was still making mine at 5pm yesterday...!!
    We have glorious sunshine again today-hubby has decided we need to do some gardening. He's right but I'm trying not to think if it as wasted crafting time-ha ha!

    I spent most of yesterday emptying two large wooden units(glass display cabinet & a bookcase ) as we've sold them & they're being collected this morning. We now have lots & lots of boxes everywhere.


    1. Hi Michele. What a pretty CC in beautiful spring colours 😊 I hope you manage to get the gardening done, it is a gorgeous day out isn't it, but I know what you mean about thinking about how you would prefer to be crafting! 😊 Sending you hugs x

  3. 2nd try! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY everyone The cake looks delicious MARIA I'd love the recipe please
    Today's cards are beautiful I've said to myself "that's a great idea and ooh why didn't I try something like that instead" I sort of struggled with this because I rarely use patterned paper for backgrounds The pack is called Nostalgia and must be at least 12-18 months old It is very pretty and has a wonderful sheen to it
    Cooking Sunday lunch for MIL today and may go dancing this pm I had my Mother's Day gift from Charlotte on Friday As it's her first Mothers Day I think her partner and Oscar may have planned something special for her...

    1. Hi Karen. I love your CC, it's beautiful and the backing paper is so pretty. Thank you for the easy to follow choc bar cover tutorial yesterday I will be certainly be having a go 😊 Have a great day. Hugs are on their way to you x

    2. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your dancing if you manage to go.

  4. Happy Mother's Day Everyone.

    I awoke to glorious sunshine streaming through the windows, I hope it is sunny too where you are.

    And then I opened Cotswold Crafters BlogSpot and the sun shone again on all the beautiful CC cards. A delectable array of gorgeousness.
    Like Karen I struggled a bit with my card this week and it was only yesterday afternoon that I came up with this idea, mainly because I found a pack of Santoro printed patterned cards in my scrap box. I love the simplicity of there girls and in fact carried on and made some more in other colours. I shall now do some more today and sell them, hopefully, at this year's Church Fete.
    My family and I celebrated today last Sunday as they are all working today. I have a whole day to myself, wow, unheard of for a long time.

    Extra gurt biguns ((((((HUGS)))))) for you all today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Look forward to seeing your makes for the church fete as usual. Enjoy your restful day on your own.

    2. Hi Cheryl. Your cc is beautiful and will fly off of your stall at the church fete or wherever you sell them 😊. I hope you were able to spend the whole day crafting or out in the wonderful sun that we had yesterday. Hugs are on their way to you x

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Well, I'm back home. Arrived late last night. Sadly the holiday wasn't a great success as I'd only been there a few days when I got this chest infection. I got anti biotics but still not great. Lynn's made me an appointment for tomorrow with my GP so see what he says. To top it all my friend that I stayed with for the past week had cancelled her internet because she doesn't use it and wow did I feel lost without it. So because I wasn't feeling too good and my poor friend had a nasty tummy bug that was doing the rounds, we didn't do any of the trips we'd planned. All in all its good to be home.
    What a lovely day to come back though to all the stunning cards. Every one beautiful. You've excelled yourselves again ladies. Love the sketch Sandra. Will definitely be using it in future.
    Well I've not long been back from Gracies walk and I'm going to make a coffee and sit in the sun and catch up on what you've all been up to. Lynn's cooking a roast dinner today for Mother's Day treat. Roast pork wiith plenty of crackling. Yum.
    Have a lovely day all you mums out there.
    Bye for now. Love Valxxx

    1. Good to see you back Vai What a shame your holiday didn't go as you'd have liked You take care sweetheart and hope you feel better soon c

    2. Oh Val, i am so sorry to hear that you are still suffering my lovely, you just be exhausted, chest infections really take it out of you,I always worry that they will turn into pneumonia, Mum's turned really quick last year, so please take care!
      Sorry too that your trip turned out such a disaster,
      You must be so pleased to get home to a bit of sunshine and your own bed!
      I have really missed you, so a big hug to welcome you home on it's way xxxxx

    3. Hi Val. It's so good to see you back as we have all missed you. I'm so sorry that your holiday was spoiled by both your own and your friends illnesses. I'm sure you are glad to get home to your own bed weren't you. It is good to hear that you will be seeing your GP tomorrow for a check up as you can get more meds if needed. Have a lovely day being spoilt 😊 big hugs to you x

    4. Hi Val
      Lovely to see you back. Such a shame your holiday didn't go to plan. Chest infections can turn nasty so I'm glad you had some antibiotics. I thought my cough had gone away as I wasn't coughing and spluttering as soon as I woke up. But no such luck, it's back with a vengeance. It's a virus according to the minor injuries nurse. Come back in two weeks if you still have it she says. See the Dr and they'll arrange for a chest X-ray. Mind you that will be at least 8 weeks in all.

  6. Ladies just to let you know i have added Lynda's cards to the list, frustratingly​ Lynda's computer wouldn't send them last night but we managed to get them today, thankfully, the line up just isn't complete without Lynda's cards!!
    Have a lovely day ladies

    1. Thank you Sandra for adding my CC. I will add my pictures that way in future so much easier. Your such a technique wizz kid on the computer 💻I've learnt somthing new. Big Hug's xx

  7. So glad to see LYNDA's card make an entrance Those angry birds are do good and to see them used in all these different ways is brilliant

    1. Thank you Karen I have had them a while now but never got round to using them. Hug's xx

  8. Fantastic cards from all the ladies ...mmmm that cake looks lush !!! happy mothers day everyone x Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda. It's a good job every cake is calorie free in this lovely Cafe 😊

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a lovely selection of CC's, I cannot choose between them they are all great. Hope you are being spoilt today as you should
    Val lovely to see you home, I am sorry you still feel poorly
    Hope the Dr helps tomorrow, sorry your holiday didn't turn out as planned, hugs on
    The sun is shining lovely but still windy good to see it bright though.
    Afternoon of crafting calling, sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. Love you,and those beautiful cards you weren't going to get into making 😀 xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning array of cards today. Once again every card is different. Brenda also sent me some Angry Birds and I can't wait to have a play with them. Just came back from having lunch at Yarnton as per usual. Had a good look round the garden centre as well.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Do they still have a craft shop in the garden centre? Used to love visiting the garden centre when we lived at

    2. Hi Lilian
      No they no longer have a Craft Shop at Yarnton. The one they had was Carol Crafts and most of it was very old stock.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Another beautiful selection of cards in the cafe today. Love them all 😍
    Sandra, my watermark is done in Photoshop. Mark created and saved it for me and I just add it to my photos using photoshop. (No idea how he created it, he did try to explain when he done it, but it went straight over my head!) I have used a watermark app (eZy watermark lite) aswell, but found using it on the iPad it lost some of the sharpness of the photo. (Could've been because it was free - but there are quite a few others available)
    Have been working today, and visited my Mum after. Came home to a nice cup of tea from James and some lovely cards and pressies from them both 😊
    I hope you have all had a lovely day. Sending hugs xxxx

  12. Good afternoon & Happy Mother's Day everyone
    Sandra thank you so much for adding my CC & explaining ow to send them on messenger brilliant much easier. All your cards are Gorgeous.
    MARIA your son's Vegan cake looks yummy.Have you tried it &what was the ingredients looks just like a Victoria sponge cake. Hope your in less pain &a pleased your eyes are better. Did you have fun at Julia's work shop.
    VAL lovely to see you back but sorry your holiday wasn't a good one with your chest infection I hope the doctors help tomorrow & maybe get some more antibiotics. Enjoy Lyn's dinner she is making for you. Take care my friend.xx
    Well I lost my comments a lot last week, so not sure if you got this sorry if I'm repeating myself. Terry went back to hospital on Thursday for his ultrasound well after them refusing to see him the week before as we were 10 minutes late. We waited one & half hours before he went in,& then waited another hour or more at the DVT clinic for results. His leg was still too swollen to get a result so another course of Antibiotics & have go back next Thursday for another ultrasound.
    It is really getting him down now as nobody knows what is actually wrong.or why. Sorry ladies.
    I have dentist tomorrow for the first of five preparations of the brace. So not looking forward to that. I had a lovely day yesterday Darren Sam & Harry came down we went for a lovely walk down Broadstairs Harry had his pushalong bike & his hair was blowing in the wind it's so long now. Then went back & I made Spag bowl. Yummy They got me some lovely PJs slippers & chocolates. Lisa came down last Sunday as she was babysitting today
    She took us out for lunch & got me some lovely flowers so very spoilt.
    Wel have to go & put roast potatoes in oven for our roast beef dinner.
    Terry is 💤💤💤💤.
    Love.& Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Hi Lynda, sorry to hear that Terry's leg is still bad, hope dentist visits go ok, I don't envy you.healing hugs to you both

    2. Hi Lynda
      Sorry to hear that Terry's leg is still swollen. I hope they manage to get to the bottom of what is wrong soon. Give him a big hug from me. Look forward to seeing you both at Ally Pally if your well enough to go.

    3. Hi Pat
      thank you for your Hug's. Sorry you still have your cough blooming nuisance isn't it. How's Pete hope he has his operation soon & good luck for eye appointment tomorrow.fingers crossed Big Hug's for you both. Keeping fingers crossed for Ally Pally xxx

    4. Thank you Lillian for your kind thoughts
      Hope you haven't over done it in the garden today,it was a lovely day
      Bright sunshine . Take care Hug's xx

    5. Hi Lynda,
      Sorry Terry still suffering with his legs I really give him some answers soon. Hugs on way to you

    6. Hi Margaret thank you I think that's what's getting him down not knowing what Has caused it.just hope they can get a good ultrasound
      Reading Thursday. Hug's xx

  13. Hello All
    Lovely selection of cards today, I really struggled with this one.

    Val lovely to see you back sorry your holiday didn't go as planned, hope you will feel better soon.

    Been in the garden all day, also cleaned green house ready for new plants.

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend, hugs to all Lilian

  14. Maria I forgot to comment on your Son's lovely sponge, it looks very inviting, would be interested in ingredients please. Hope you enjoyed your breakfast. good luck with your MRI this week, hugs on way xxx
