
Tuesday 4 April 2017

Pretty cards by Margaret & Janet today

Good Tuesday Morning Ladies,

Just a quick post today as I am writing this just as I finish sorting most of my craft room, my goodness what a task!  I have been a little more ruthless than i have been in the past, my rule was 'if i haven't used it in the last two years then I'm not likely to use it in the next two' apart from dies and stamps of course, but maybe they should be next!  I didn't mind staying in my craft room to finish it last night because Paul and the girls watch a horrible series together on a Monday night called The Walking dead, it's their little bonding time!  It's far to violent for me, I prefer a world of butterflies and rainbows! Haha. I finally cleared my desk at 11.30pm! I will take a photo in the daylight, my arms couldn't hold the camera tonight! Haha

I wanted to share Margaret's Stampin Up card, she has created the backing paper herself, which is fantastic, i live the colours you have chosen too Margaret, such a pretty card, thank you so much for sharing, i look forward to seeing many more! Xxx

I'm not sure if I have posted this card from Janet before, either way I love it, so pink and girly, I love that label shape Janet, the flowers ard stunning and match the topper perfectly, the stick pins add a touch of luxury to the card.  Thank you Janet for sharing your cards xxx
I hope your first morning at Marigny is a sunny one, now you can relax after that super Busy week you had last week. Xx

Sending hugs to all  Of you ,


  1. Morning Ladies

    Two beautiful cards-both really lovely.

    Sandra-goodness, it's sounds like you had another busy day. I like the new rule-I might have to start using that one myself.

    Another busy day ahead-looks like we're close to getting the Aseptic Unit handed back to us. Allegedly it's going to be tomorrow afternoon...!!
    Then the fun begins-days & days of testing with about 10 days for the results to come back. I think we'll start slowly moving stuff into the new unit. I'll take some photos of it while it's empty (so there's no chance of compromising patient confidentiality).


    1. Hi Michele sounds as if you're in for a busier time than usual in work. So hope everything goes smoothly for

    2. Hi Michele, what a lot of work ahead. Hope it all goes alright when in the end everything is finished, take care x

    3. Hi Michele
      Sounds like your days are busier then normal.

    4. Thank you Michele I do love these stamps. I hope you do get back in your unit shortly xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Beautiful cards from Margaret and Janet. Love them both 🙂
    Well done Sandra on your craft room clear out. It's always such a difficult task isn't it? My craft cupboard is bulging at the sides and if I'd had the time I would've cleared mine before decorating. For now it'll have to stay as is, as I try to move it into the middle of the dining room to enable the last of the decorating to be done. Got a mammoth task ahead of me today as I'm back to work tomorrow! Had an easy day yesterday as decorating was the last thing on my mind with waiting to hear that Luke had arrived safely in Barcelona after over a 2 hour flight delay. It's the first time he has flown and as he was getting on the plane he sent me a text saying he was absolutely pooping (words to that effect 😁) himself!! I tracked his flight on line and when he landed his text came through that he was there and the flight was "really cool" 😀 Such a relief, I know he's nearly 18 but you never stop worrying about them.
    Janet, I hope you have a lovely time in Marigny x
    Hope everyone is keeping well. Sending love and hugs to all xxx

    1. So glad Like arrived safely in Barcelona. It doesn't matter how old they got you still worry about them. Good luck back at work tomorrow. XXX

    2. Hi Sonia, hope he have a great time in Barcelona. Funny enough we have been looking at it for a short break in a few months. My son is 25 and I still worry if he goes away so yes, you always will xx

    3. I'm glad Luke arrived safely. We worry when they travel no matter what age they are.

    4. Hi Sonia,
      Thank you for your kind comments. I am with you when it comes to worrying about our children, I still do it & both are over 50!!! Hope your son enjoys his

  3. Morning everyone,

    Such pretty cards Janet & Margaret, lovely spring colours used.
    Heavy rain last night, just what the lawn needs after the scalping I gave it yesterday. Only did the one area and boy that was hard enough. Jamie came home with a surprize, his stepmother has moved and in the shed she found an old Suffolk Punch petrol lawn mower, so he brought it home to do bottom of the garden. I now have a lovely view of tidy lawns. Now to tackle the borders and mulch them ready for the perennials to start pushing through.
    Busy day today sorting out some more donated material for the panto costumes, what I can't use will be going to members of our sewing craft club for their quilts or patchwork.
    Have fun a t the Ally Pally, those of you who are going, another year I cannot make it due to pre-booked arrangements. Craft4Crafters have another show at Shepton Mallet which I will be going to with another 3 crafters. I hope Lili fabrics will be there, I need to replace my 'lost and not found' material for Pete's memory pillow cases. It has really upset me losing them, I had chosen them for him and now they are forever gone.
    Hugs to all our poorly ladies and especially for those family members who are slowly recovering.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Cheryl I hope you!re able to replace the fabric BUT I hope that the originals turn up I'm still looking for my preemie cardigans

    2. Hi. CHERYL and KAREN, don't give up hope of finding your misplaced fabric and cardigans. Once I thought I had looost my rings, also an 18 ct chain and matching bracelet. I have a bad habit of removing jewellery when I'm downstairs pooping it into a tissue which then goes into my pocket. I convinced myself that I had put them in the rubbish. Months later I found them in a carrier bag on the back of my craft room door, inside a small jewellery box. I had put them there because we were having workmen in who were strangers to us, and obviously forgot what I had done. So don't give up. xxx

    3. I am really having problems today, think I have a lot of static electricity in my body, every time I touch a key the letters keep repeating themselves . I have just dictated this message just to see if it works. Ha ha xx

    4. Oh Cheryl I do so hope you find your missing material and I'm sure it will come to hand eventually and in a place you least expect it.
      Allan bought me a cross to go on a chain I have and whilst I was staying with my brother a few years ago I was going out for the evening and replaced it with another pendant. When I got back that evening I couldn't find the cross. We looked everywhere, moved furniture, emptied bins, searched drawers etc but sadly I couldn't find it and had to come back to Spain without it. About 3 months later I was doing my weekly clean of my bedroom when I saw something shiny on the floor under the bed and guess what, it was my cross. I don't know how it got there. I have my own idea of course..God moves in mysterious ways. So please don't give up hope. Love Valxxx

    5. Such a shame you haven't found the material but like the other saying it will probably pop up one day in a real unlikely place. I once put a key in a safe place, so safe it was gone for years. changing soil in my pot plants one day, yes you guessed it. There was the key, now all rusted up :) we all do it. Have fun when you go to craft 4 crafters. hugs x

    6. Hi Cheryl
      I hope your able to replace the material you can't find to make Petes pillows.
      Once it's been replaced you can bet your bottom dollar it will show up.
      I ought to really mow our lawns for Pete but with this cough just can't summon up the energy to do so.

    7. Hi Cheryl,
      Thank you for your kind words. I really hope you find your material it is so upsetting to lose

  4. Two very pretty cards Both with flowers but soooo different from each other
    Hope your day isn't too busy MICHELE and SONIA My daughter was teaching Salsa last night and we couldn't go I still had to txt her AND ask her to make sure somebody walked her to the car (she's 32!)

    1. Karen, Whatever the age you never stop worrying about them, she is still your little girl and you will never stop being Mum. LOL
      Hope to see you on Saturday YIPPEE xx

    2. Hi Karen, as I just said to Sonia, now matter how old the become, you can't help worrying about them and want to keep them

    3. Hi Karen,
      Thank you for your comments. Looking forward to seeing you on

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone

    Two beautiful cards today, Margaret I love how you have created the background for this beautiful card. XX
    Janet love your very feminine card. I don't believe Sandra has shown this one before, it really is beautiful. Hope you have arrived safely and managed to unpack Yvette. Now she can have a well and rest. XX

    Sandra it sounds as if you really have had a blitz In your craft room, it is difficult but you have to be strong and just go for it. I have to confess there are times I've given in and kept things.. Then later on you realised you still haven't touched them. But you have to be in The right frame of mind when you start on such a task.
    Hope all three graces have managed to meet up today and are being productive.

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda
      No meet up today I'm afraid. Sandra wore herself out clearing out her craftroom. Sues joints are playing up. If Sandra had been up to it I would have gone over there.

    2. Thank you Brenda,it is due to watching Sandra that I got the bug. They are such lovely stamps to use. See you Saturday 4 sleeps

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely card Margaret, you have mastered the stamping technique very well.
    Beautiful card Janet, the frame and the pretty flowers are so nice together.
    Sound like we are all busy with one thing or other, just hope we have some energy left, us who are going to Ally Pally. Super you are coming Lynda, it wouldn't be the same without you and Terry. So hope we all could meet up together somewhere this year.
    I hope you all have a good-ish day, many hugs and many more to the once who need one. Maria xxox

    1. Great that Lynda and Terry are going to meet us all at Ally Pally. I'm looking forward to going after a rubbish few weeks.

    2. I'll see you there !! hugs xx

    3. Hi Maria,
      Thank you for your comment I am loving using them.
      Looking forward to seeing you

  7. Hi Sandra
    I love the card that Margaret has made with her Stampin up stamps. Love the colours as well Margaret.
    I don't think that you've shown Janets card before either. Love the card and the colours Janet
    By now I think you should have arrived in Marigny and hopefully unpacked.
    Still hacking today after 7 weeks it had virtually gone. But has now come back but not quite as bad.

    1. Hi Pat,
      I love these stamps thank you for your lovely comment. Hope funeral goes ok. See you

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sandra, well done on tidying your Craft room and having a real good clear out. Hope you're not too tired today. Would love to see some photos of your finished room. If you're meeting up with Sue and Pat today have a great time.

    Margaret. Lovely card. Your really getting to grips with the stamping. It's so lovely.
    Janet. Your card is beautiful. Love the pretty flowers and the stick pins. Hope you had a good journey and have arrived safely and settled in in Marigny.

    Just got back from having my hair and nails done. I feel well and truly pampered.

    Pat, Lynda and OH's. Thinking of you all.

    Bye for now. Valxxx

    1. Hi Val,
      Thank you for your kind comments, these stamps are so nice to use. Your story about your cross is a strange one but it is the sort of thing that happens in our house. Hope you get your craft mojo back

  9. Hi All, wet this morning , but a lovely sunny afternoon, although still quite chilly.

    Two lovely cards today.
    Sandra hope your recovering from your mammoth clear out, I do envy you, I'm not sure about the 2 year rule, don't think I could be that ruthless.

    Better go have ironing to do, hugs to all, Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Thank you for your compliment, you are kind you are brilliant yourself. I hope your thumbs are easier this time of year plays my joints up as well, never been able to work out why. Take

    2. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
      Sandra I do hope you have been resting today, & take it easy for the rest of the week so you are rested for Sat. Thank you for showing my card I am loving
      Janet your card today is lovely, hope you are safely in Marigny & can relax
      Sue sorry your joints are bad, take care love
