
Tuesday 7 March 2017

Pretty Floral Wreath

Good Morning Ladies,

I used my Stampin' Up! Free Sale-abration stamp set call 'Avant Garden' to make this card, it is such a pretty set, very versatile too. 
I stamped three of the flowers in 'Sweet Sugarplum' ink, then I stamped on a scrap piece of paper and stamped 3 lighter flowers in between them. I then used some of the foliage from the set and 'Pear Pizazz' ink to add the 'wreath' look, building up the foliage around the flowers.  I then dotted a few pearls around the design to gives little dimension.  I mounted it onto some Sweet Sugarplum card before mounting on a white card base. 
I hope you like it xx

I am still very sore but I'm going to try and get to Pat's today, fingers crossed, the sticky point will be getting in Sue's car!  

I hope that anyone else suffering starts to feel better soon.

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Hello All,
    Sandra so glad you are feeling better today, hope you manage your play day.
    Your card is lovely, so nice to see all the stamping going on, pear pizzas is my favourite green , use it all the time with old olive.
    Cleaner day today, but they are comming later, so no rush this morning.
    Have a good day all ,hugs Lilian

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, so pretty. Love the colours you have used.

    Well-I needed 2 new tyres as my rear ones were barely legal so that bumped the price of the Service & MOT up! I know they were a necessity but when I think of all the craft stash I could have bought....!!
    We went to Aintree Retail Park as hubby wanted to go to a large PC World for a new golf fitness watch as they had them on special offer. Looked in Hobbycraft but there was nothing that caught my eye, wish I'd gone in The Range as it's a large store but I didn't bother.
    The weather was gorgeous yesterday but we didn't go in the garden-hubby was too busy playing with his new gadget & I just didn't feel up to it. The seats in hubby's car aren't great when my leg hurts so I was in some discomfort all afternoon & evening.

    Sandra-I hope you manage to get to Pat's. Will be thinking of you struggling to get in Sues car today. I feel like such a wimp when I know how much you suffer.


    1. Sounds like an expensive day yesterday Michele. Sorry you're in pain. Do hope you've managed a good night's sleep and it's feeling easier

    2. Hi Mi Helen. I'm sorry that your legs are sore, you are not a wimp so no more of that please! I hope they stop hurting very soon. Ouch, that garage bill must have hurt your bank balance. Isn't it is a shame that we can't make buying lots of lovely craft stash a legal requirement once a year 😊 Have a nice day whatever you do. Take care x

    3. Hi Mi Helen ???? Sorry Michele, predictive text strikes again x

    4. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a very expensive day yesterday. I hope your leg feels better soon. A lovely day here today.

  3. Morning Everyone
    We are dry and have sunshine this morning!!!!!

    SANDRA- love you very pretty card and your colour scheme. Those stamps are really shown to their best advantage.
    I've fingers, toes and anything else that will cross that you can get to go and play today.

    MICHELE- No-one is a 'wimp' when in pain and getting in and out of cars is a nightmare. Have a good day whatever you decide to get up to.

    My jobs for today are washing and then hopefully my CC for this week. I'm still dithering about the main subject as I want to try something different but ideas are still

    Everything is ready and waiting for you all in the CAFE so pop in at some time for a chat. Hugs to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. The Café is looking and smelling so inviting, thank you. I hope you manage to get your CC done later on. Take care x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies,

    Very pretty card Sandra. Love the stamps and the colours you've used. You sound as though you're feeling a tiny bit better today. Do hope you get to Pats with Sue for a chat and play, I'm sure it will do you so much good.

    PAT do hope all the dates get sorted out. You sound as though you need a P.A. to keep track of all the appointments. Hugs to you

    LYNDA Hope you get on ok today with Dracula. Take carexxx

    The window cleaner is due any minute for the monthly wash. The windows are really dirty as the rain we had a couple of weeks ago brought all the sand from the Sahara with it and everything is yellow. He's so worth the money I pay him.

    Lynn and Paul are due home later from their few days in Benidorm celebrating Paul birthday and we're off out for lunch. Hope to do my cc later as I won't have any time after today to craft.

    Enjoy your day ladies.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. It's always good to see clean windows isn't it. It's not really worth worrying about ours at the moment as the field by us is now a building site so everything is covered in a film of dust, sand etc. within a few hours of cleaning it! Good luck with your CC. I am determined to finish mine today!!! Take care x

    2. Hi Val
      Yes, it does sound like I need a PA. Pete hates talking to people on the phone would rather talk face to face. However, that's not an option with hospitals. His new Dr rang him this morning while I was at school to ask how he was. She said it looks like you have a lot on at the moment. He explained that he was getting very out of breath, however she said his graphs didn't show any infection. But if it was still the same in the next few days ring and she'd arrange for him to have an X-ray.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. A quick pop in as I woke up late. I'm so glad that you feel up to seeing us today my lovely. Fingers crossed you can get in/out of the car xx
    Todays card is a beauty and I wouldn't have thought of adding the pearls so thank you for that idea 😊
    I haven't looked back to see how you all were yesterday, will do that later. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Lovely card. I'm so crap at stamping that I tend to shy away from it I love how other people manage it with little effort.

    I managed two cards yesterday one for my friend and one was an order so I kinda kept them the same less hassle looking for bits etc lol

    Got a massage this afternoon then a counselling session after that then back to the craft room to prep more mothersday bits.

    Hope everyone has a slightly better day today.
    Love to all xx

  7. Hi everyone,

    Pretty card Sandra.
    I bought one of those gadgets advertised on the TV for help in getting in & out of my car. I bought mine from PhoneBibi, although it came from Australia there was no p&p to pay and it was so much cheaper than the TV one, which by the way, is exactly the same product. Perhaps that is something you could look into too? It's very simple to use, just hook it into your car door bracket, and looks like a handle which you then lean on to get extra leverage to enable you to stand up. It's very strong and has quite a few other uses, with a hardened tip to break a window and a belt slicer if you are in an accident and cannot get out of your seat belt. I was so impressed, I bought my Mother one too. She has Ankylosing spondylitis, Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and a curvature of the spine which makes it difficult for her to alight from their car in the normal fashion.

    More b/card making today, the never-ending paperwork and that dreaded word (housework).

    Love to all in pain, distress and discomfiture.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Sounds a great gadget Cheryl. I was telling Jill about in when we were in Colchester for Bet her Mum, but I don't know if she got her one.

  8. Hello Sandra and all who pop into the coffee shop today,

    Oh Sandra your card is so pretty I just love the colours you've used, I really think I need some of your gorgeous stamp pants, I don't seem to have any pretty flowery shabes. Another shopping list about to start.!!!!

    I hope you managed to get to visit Pat, and getting into Sues car was not too painful, i'm sure when you all meet up it's a tonic for each of you. Sending love and hugs to all of you XX

    I had my doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon, one of two issues I had to talk about. The doctor said she would refer me to gynaecology. Can you believe it - about an hour ago I had a phone call, wonder of wonders I've got a hospital appointment next week. That's what I call a result.

    I hope everyone is having a good day, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. OOPS, NOoooo ........ I mean Stamp Pads

    2. Hi Brenda, you certainly can't grumble at that service, hope all goes well for

    3. Great service Brenda re your appointment. How lucky were you.

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra once again a beaut card, love the colours & simplicity, you really are converting me!! Hope you managed to get in Sue's car & are not in soo much
    Michele sorry you are suffering with a sore leg, please feel free to moan you are not a wimp, there is nothing worse than riding in a car where seating is either too high or too low, sorry your car took some of your craft
    Lynda hope Dracula left you some blood, why they cannot do it all together I never know, hugs on
    Maria hope your aches & pains are easing, hugs on
    Have had a busy day with alot of running around, I am glad I got Cç done yesterday.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Flying visit today Got asked to look after Oscar at the last minute as he's poorly & not allowed to go to nursery
    Your card is pretty SANDRA
    I hope everyone is better than earlier on
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hope you and Oscar manage to have a lovely time even if he is poorly.

  11. Hello Sandra & ladies
    Sandra a beautiful card from you today I love it your stamping is so perfect & I love the colour's you have used. Glad your feeling a little better I hope you managed to get in Sue's car. I got one of those handles the Cheryl was talking about they are really good I got mine from E bay for £5 bargain.
    Dracula has taken his share of my blood this week my next visit is on 24Th.
    Went excercise class today all good they said my last day is the 4th April boohoo.Will miss it & all the staff.
    Tomorrow I have my hair cut then Thursday I have dentist & will find out what she can do & how much it's going to costOuch !!! .
    Michele sorry your in pain & your not a wimp hope you feel better soon.Hug's
    Well better clear up after dinner now see you later Love Lynda xx

    1. Sounds like your not having a great time of it lately. I hope you and Terry feel better soon.

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the soft colours used. What make of colour pads are you using for this card ?
    Hope you pain is easing and you soon feel better.
    Michele- you are no wimp. When you are in pain you have the right to feel sorry for yourself, tell us all about it and receive lots and lots of healing hugs. I have found the set of Pampered Pets in one of my other stamp folders, know I had it somewhere dho!
    Pat, Sue and Sandra , hope you got together today for some play. I started my CC but not sure about it, we will see.....
    Tracy, what a lovely present from your friend. Hope you enjoyed the massage and had a good crafting day.
    Lynda, hope they making sure you not going anaemic after all the blood they are taking from you .hugs
    Sending you all warm hugs and hope the ones in pain will manage a restful night. Love Maria Xxxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card you've made Sandra
    The Stamping up stamps are really lovely. Lovely to see both you and Sue today. Love the background you made with your inks.

  14. Absolutely stunning card yet gain Sandra .... I'm playing catch up with your blog posts lol lol .... xx A
