
Monday 6 March 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

The Sketch

Good Morning My lovelies,

Monday again, that weekend just disappeared! I hope that you all had a good one.
Now I have an apology to make, I managed to find and upload this weeks sketch for you, I then started making my card to inspire you or give you a bit of an idea, sadly I just couldn't complete it, I have been struggling physically, more than usual for a few days, my legs seem to have swollen below the knee mostly but it's the extra pain that that is getting to me, in my hip, thigh and lower back that I'm struggling most with, I must have been holding myself awkwardly as this afternoon..Bang!! I was struck with another bout of Sciatica!! 😥😭 !!
  So try as I might I just couldn't get that card finished, so I will try to get it done today!   I really hate letting you down!  Sorry ladies, I am sure you will still make some amazing cards, I have some great ideas in my head, using Striplets for one, stamps for another, just to give you a couple of hints!

Well I hope you all have an exciting week planned.  Lynda I think you have had more than your share of Drama for a few weeks, so I hope you are planning a quiet week.
I look forward to sharing mine with you .

Have a great day,

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Interesting sketch Sandra. My goodness-no wonder you didn't get a card completed, you must have been in agony.

    I've been struggling with "discomfort " in my right leg/hip with I'm sure is sciatica-not doing the exercises that the Physio gave me hasn't helped. I cannot imagine how you must have been feeling.

    My car is going off to the garage for a service & MOT this morning-hubby going to follow me in his car then we're going out. As it's turned out nice today-hopefully not too far, might do 1/2 in the garden, weeding.


    1. Good luck with the MOT and service Michele. Have a lovely day whatever you decide to do x

    2. Hi Michele, good luck with the car. Could you help me out please, Sue asked about the dog stamp and I think you got the set because you made one card with the dog sitting in the handbag, unless I'm completely wrong. Unfortunately when I put them in my folder I never wrote where they came from (silly me) Have a nice day out.xx

    3. Hi Michelle
      Goid luck with the Mot for your car. Enjoy your day whatever you decide to do.

    4. Maria-I'm pretty sure it was a freebie with a magazine. I'll check later for you.


    5. Checked my stamps & it's a DoCrafts one- Pampeted pet's, Highland Terrier. It's a mini, clear stamp & mine has the price ticket still on it= £3.00. Perhaps try EBay-I could email you the details if you want.

    6. Thank you for remind me of the name 'the pampered pets' I got the cats too ,it was a good price :) It was Sue who wanted to know where the dog was from. I'm now going to write in the name in the folder so I'll remember for the future x

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- NO APOLOGIES NEEDED EVER. The most important thing is that you look after yourself. I hope you've had a reasonable night and that you plan a rest day today. The SKETCH is enough inspiration so stop worrying please.

    Well the dry and windless start to the day yesterday didn't last long and we went back to torrential rain and high winds well into the evening.
    On the good side of things we had a visit from my youngest Daughter Nicky who brought Pippa and her little ones along for a visit. They stayed until just after lunch time so we had lots of energy floating around with loads of love, laughter and playtime with interactive toys from 'Toy Story'. As you can guess the rest of the day was definitely R&R lol.

    Mr Tesco is due shortly and then it's going to be a 'wait and see what happens day'.

    The CAFE is open for business so pop on in for a cuppa and a chat. Hugs to everyone with extra for you SANDRA. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. It sounds like you had a lovely time with your daughter etc. yesterday. I hope today turns out to be a good one for you 😌 x

    2. Hi Janet, sound like you had a good day seeing your daughter and the little ones. Hope today you can have a rest after unpacked the Tesco shopping and maybe some crafting this afternoon xx

    3. Hi Janet
      Sounds like you had a lovely day with your daughter and children.

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I'm so sorry to hear that you are laid up with Sciatica again. Please stop stressing about this weeks pretty CC and just concentrate on getting yourself better, thank goodness Paul will be home to help you. Sending huge very gentle healing hugs my lovely xx
    A boring start to the week for me doing some paperwork this morning 😔
    I hope you all have a better week, especially our lovely Lynda. You must have been glad to see the end of last week. I bet your bank manager was too! X
    Maria, I hope you got on well at WW and aren't in too much pain x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I have asked Michele to help where the stamp of scottie come from as I don't keep the packaging. The puppies is a set from 'All Occasions' Robert Addams who took the photo of us and you mum at Ally Pally last time. Struggling with getting back into good eating ways after the holidays but it was ok :) hugs xx

    2. Sue, thanks to Michele I can tell you the doggy stamp come from a set called 'the pampered pets'.
      They were around a few years back. I let you borrow it at the retreat hihihi. Hope you see this now x

  4. Hi Sandra and all,

    Oh Sandra so very sorry you're not too good at the moment. Sciatica is such a horrible pain. Hope you had a better night and feel a little better today. Are you seeing your doctor re your swollen legs? Sending you lots of cuddles. Many thanks for taking the trouble of giving us a sketch today. You take

    Not a lot on today apart from meeting two friends for coffee later. I started tidying my craft room yesterday and can actually see my desk Yeh. Will carry on today.

    Michele, good luck with the MOT today. Enjoy your day.

    Janet, sounds as though you had a houseful yesterday and a lot of fun. Have a good day whatever you do.

    Lynda let's hope for a better week. Have your exercises finished now.

    Pat I bet your playing a waiting game for the date of the trial to come through. Love to you both.

    Hope its a better week for all those in pain or suffering in any other way.
    Lots of love Valxxx

    1. Hi Cal
      Yes, it's the hanging around waiting. Pete has to have an ECG next Monday and the lady at the Heart hospital told me he has an appointment booked for the 20th to see Mr Prothero his consultant re whether he's ok to try the trial if he wants to. However, that date can't be right as his appointments are always on a Tuesday. So in between those dates he'll see Prof Metcalfe re the trial. On the 27th he goes to have the cancer cut out of his eyelid.

  5. Margaret Palmer6 March 2017 at 09:03

    HiSandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please do not worry about finishing card, looking after yourself is much more important. I do think it about time you saw the Dr. about your legs. Sending you lots of
    Lynda hope you have a better week takre
    Sue good to see you in early take care love xxx
    Michele hope mot goes well & have a good
    Janet sounds as if you need a quiet day
    Val well done on finding your desk!!! xxx
    Must get washing on then housework calling, sending hugs to all who need them particularly Sandra love Margaret xxx

  6. Oh SANDRA There is no need to apologise Running (no pun intended) is hard enough work when you're pain free let alone do the sketch etc I hope the pain is easing and perhaps you do need to go to the doctor's for the swelling
    Today is lovely and sunny OH at his mum's at the moment tending to her tablets/breakfast etc I then need to go to the Post Office to get a few stamps and post some cards Dr for me this afternoon So that's the day pretty much taken care of
    Take care all xx

  7. PS I had a go at making the bag from an envelope SANDRA It worked! I used an A4 envelope and scored at one and a half inches instead Punched a couple of holes and attached ribbon for handles No photo as it is still plain white I don't have any "baby" stamps to have been able to use Was too wide to fit in my printer!

  8. Morning ladies,

    Just saw all your gorgeous challenge cards from yesterday, my goodness me, you have all been so industrious. I think yesterday just passed me by.
    I made 3 birthday cards, inserts to do this morning then get them posted, cleared and sorted out two magazine racks of paper and card for the Pre-school.

    My 100% cotton wadding came 2 days after ordering it online. The price was so much cheaper than the wadding I had seen at the craft4crafters show in February (I have the suspicion that some shops up their prices for the shows), so with my Christmas gifts of a quilting ruler and rotary cutter I shall be making a start on my grandchildrens' pillow cases sometime this week.

    Love & hugs to all still poorly, especially you Sandra. I can certainly empathise with you & your sciatica, I suffer terribly sometimes with it too.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Morning all.

    Awww Sandra u poor luv. Nothing worse been there had it still suffer now and again. I know what u mean about sitting awkward tho.

    I'm making a start on my mothers day cards today so I'll just start prepping the bits. I've a few other cards to do as well so I'm making the most of my holiday time off. But it goes in so fast then I don't want to go back to work!! Lol

    Thanks Michelle for letting me know about those dies it looks a lovely set to use x
    Hope everyone has a quiet and restful week

  10. Hello All,
    Sandra you poor thing please take care of yourself, don't worry about cards for us, we will all manage, R&R is the order of the day.
    The sketch looks great, will hopefully get it done early as my daughter comming on Friday for the weekend.
    Went for our normal walk this morning, got drowned,as the heavens opened on us, Spring please come soon.
    We'll have a good day all, hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      We had downpours yesterday. However, it's brighter today but I'm not sure how long it's going to last.

  11. Hi Sandra
    Lovely sketch from you for this weeks challenge. Sciatica is a horrible complaint. But it's probably being caused by your other hip playing up. Unless you've twisted your leg in some way. You really need to pluck up the courage to go and see the Dr as we don't want you to be permantely in a wheelchair.
    Rang the Heart hospital today to see what's what with his appointments. The lady said Pete did have an appointment for the 27th March for an echo, but the letter hadn't gone out, but the Churchill wanted it done sooner so they made it for the 10th. She also said the Churchill had made Pete an appointment for the 20th March, although we haven't been informed of that yet. However, that can't be right as all Prostate Cancer patients are seen in clinic on a Tuesday. So somewhere between those dates he'll need to see this Prof Metcalfe re the trials. Hugs to all who need one today especially Sandra.

    1. Hi Pat, hope you get all the dates sorted asap. and what department and surgeon/professor that Pete will be seeing. What a mess. Hope you both are ok and I will be thinking of you on the 27th. hugs xx

    2. Hi Maria
      We had an appointment to see Dr Chitnis who works with Mr Prothero in the Cancer Unit. However, the lady at the Heart clinics was correct in that the appointment was on the 20th. However, who knows what's going on as it was in The Wytham wing with houses the New Urology dept. I know Pete has a catheter but his Cancer doesn't relate to his catheter. Oh well we'll just have to wait and see. Somewhere between all that we need to see Prof Metcalfe.

  12. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Oh bless you to have the sciatica back. Now please do as you been told and go and see the doctors. We are all worried for you and I know you are scared what they might say. Remember we are all here for you and you can call me whenever you need to talk (night or day) Sending you some gentle hugs through the air until I can give you some real ones ! The sketch is fine and don't worry to much that you haven't made a card. We just have to put our thinking caps on and go for it. You take care now.
    Lynda, I really hope you have a better week and it all will be fixed soon. Take care
    Woke early so did some machines of washing, hanged it indoors because it looks like rain again today but before it started we drove over for a walk outside around Waitrose then had some tea and read the daily papers after. Back home I have sent some e-mails, now going for some lunch and then to make a start on a B-card.
    Wish you all a good day and sending warm hugs to you all, Maria Xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra and all,

    Sandra- Please don't ever apologise for not completing a card. Your health is much more important, sciatica is so painful and uncomfortable, please try and rest, maybe even see the doctor!!! xx

    The CC is a lovely style, think I can cope with this. Just hope life doesn't get in the way. Have an appointment with the doctor myself later on , then a few emails to sort out. Spent most of the morning sorting one out, it said it was from PayPal I got suspicious when they asked for my bank details. Rang PayPal they said it was a fraud. Thank goodness I rang to check.

    I will look in later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      I hope your Drs appointment went off ok. Always a bit worrying when someone asks for your bank details. You can virtually guarantee its fraudulent.

  14. Hello Sandra & everyone
    Third time lucky just lost two comments Grrrr.
    Sandra so sorry your suffering from that horrible sciatica the pain can be horrendous I have suffered in the past. Pleased go doctors & don't worry about doing a card for the challenge we can I'm sure follow the sketc. Just rest your leg. Thank you Sandra for your kind words this morning &thank you all for your kind comments & Hug's your a amazing bunch of friends. I really appreciate them.
    I had a blood 💉Test this morning for the Diabetic nurse & have another💉Test tomorrow morning at hospital for RA clinic so Dracula is draining me 😭.
    Margaret came round lunch time & stayed till 4.30pm. Time just went so quickly didn't do any crafting just chatting.
    Brenda I have had those scam emails one saying I had sent £15 for Skype I don't even have Skype. I just deleted it I didn't know you could ring Pay pal.
    Michele hope your car passed the MOT. I managed to get the swirly scribble die set on EBay only I have to wait three weeks delivery.
    Maria thank you for your lovely message on messenger. I hope the pain in legsoon gets better 🤗🤗xx Pat sorry your getting messed around with Pete's appointments they should definitely get their act together. I hope it gets sorted very soon sending gental Hug's for you both🤗🤗xx
    Wishing you all a good evening & I hope I don't loose this fingers crossed
    Love Lynda xx
