
Wednesday 8 March 2017

Michele's New Die Set

Good Morning ladies,

Michele treated herself to the Stampin Up! 'Swirly Scribbles Thinlit Dies' a couple of weeks back and on Saturday she decided to have a play with them to make her Challenge Card with,   not only did she make 2 Challenge cards, she made quite a few other cards too, I think that most 'celebrations' are covered with your amazing selection of cards Michele, it would be hard to pick a favourite, I really like the two cards (1 & 2 on the list) that you made for the Challenge very much though!  What do you ladies think? Do any of you ladies have a favourite? ? ?
I think you have shown just how incredibly versatile these dies are Michele, I think that when you get the stamps that go with the dies you will have ever more ideas, I can't wait to see what you come up with.  Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share your cards.

Sue, Pat and I did get to meet up, I did struggle though, our roads don't help, the pot holes are unavoidable, poor Sue felt terrible, I tried to Tell her not to worry though! 
I was ready for my bed when I got home I can tell you, we had a good time though.

I am going to keep it brief for today, still sending huge hugs to all of you though,

Love from


  1. Hi Sandra and everyone

    Love all your cards Michele. Would be hard pressed to find a favourite they're all so different. Definitely a die set I need.

    So glad you made the meet up yesterday SANDRA albeit uncomfortably. Sorry you're still in so much much pain. I know it can really wear you down. Hope you slept well.

    As you can see I'm up extra early as I'm off on a coach trip to a place called BIAR. I has a wonderful Moorish Castle and am very pretty church and it's in a quaint village an out 40 kilos south of Alicante. The bar where we have our craft Club has organised it. We are given breakfast before we start out and a meal when we arrive back tonight. Nt bad for 20 euros. Wendy, Val and I have booked for the next 2 monthly outings as well.

    Anyway I have to leave at 8.30 so better get a move on.

    Will call in later.
    Love Valxxxi

    1. Hi Val I hope you enjoy your day out. Sounds like a lovely day out.

    2. Hope you have a lovely day out with the others x

    3. Hi Val. I hope you enjoyed your trip, it sounds like a really good day and not expensive x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Thank you Sandra for showing my cards-I had such fun using these fantastic Dies. I'm looking forward to using them with the stamps-I think I'll be able to make quite a few more cards.

    Yesterday was quite busy-once we'd dropped off hubby's car the Electrician was waiting outside the house. He was here to change the light fittings under the kitchen cupboards-he's great but very chatty so he didn't leave until 1pm! After a quick lunch we thought we'd go in the garden (my leg/hip wasn't too bad) but when I got up to the greenhouse I found lots of broken glass! 4 panes to be exact so I started to pick that up-never easy especially as we have gravel all around the greenhouse & shed. I did s but if weeding but my heart wasn't in it . Collected hubby's car at 4pm then it was time to get changed & get the train to Birkdale as we were meeting friends for a pub meal. The food was delicious-we all had main courses & deserts. Our friends realised we weren't in our car so insisted on taking us home-so kind.
    I think I ate too much as I felt uncomfortable & hardly slept, ah own fault!
    Today I'm off to buy some glass for the greenhouse then I'm popping round to see a friend mid morning.


    1. Hi Michele
      Sounds like you had a busy day yesterday, and a lovely meal later in the day. How lovely that your friends brought you home. Hope you manage to get some glass for the greenhouse. Sounds like your having a busy week off.

    2. Sound like a busy and expensive week for you ,shame about the panels of glass plus the pain in your leg. Hope you have some pain killers that works and you soon feel better x

    3. Hi Michele. I live all of your fantastic cards. The dies are ones that I would not even consider but you have made some inspired cards, I couldn't pick a favourite, even though there is a snowman which would be my first choice easy, as each card is wonderful. Thank you for sharing these great cards and I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with when you get the matching stamps 😊 I hope you and hubby have another nice day together tomorrow, you certainly have bern busy today though! Good luck replacing the broken glass x

  3. Hello All, wet here again.

    Sandra glad you made it yesterday and sorry you are in such pain.

    Michele your cards are great, I have that set but haven't used them at all, you have given me some great ideas.

    Well bit of a sad day for me, I have to surrender my driving licence after nearly 40 yrs with a clean licence the whole time. It's because of the accident with the car and not having any idea how it happened, ah well could be worse I wasn't badly hurt.

    Hope you all have a good day ladies, hugs abound Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I assume you had scans after your accident and they found nothing wrong. So I wonder why you had to surrender your licence. A friend of ours had a couple of blackouts, not while driving I hasten to add. He had to stop driving for awhile. But once he'd had tests etc he was able to go back driving.

    2. Have you got a good bus service where you live ? and is you husband still driving ? Perhaps like Pat saying that after some tests you might get it back. So glad you are alright, big hug x

    3. Hi Lilian. I'm sorry to hear you have handed your licence back after so many trouble free years of driving. I saw how hard it was for a close friend had to hand hers back after having a certain type of stroke which affected her sight. She has been told it could happen at any time again but AFter a few months and several eye tests as her vision improved she now has it back so don't give up all hope. I know you have said that you have never been a happy driver and as long as you can get around then it may be the for the best for the moment as life sometimes makes desisions for us! X

  4. Morning Everyone
    We too have a wet start to the day.

    MICHELE - what a lovely set of cards you have let us see today. I particularly love Mr Snowman he's so cute.

    SANDRA- so pleased you managed the get together with Sue and Pat yesterday. It sounds as though your roads are just as bad as ours. Journeys these days are not comfortable at all what with potholes, speed bumps which are not need because of the potholes. Sorry soap box back in the corner.

    VAL - have a lovely day and I'm so looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

    LILIAN- you will now be 'a lady of comfort' and have to have a Just think you don't have to contend with angry drivers, road diversions and just sit back and enjoy your journeys. The most important thing is as you say is that you were not badly hurt. HUGE GENTLE HUGS.

    I managed my CC yesterday well most of it. It just needs a little tweak and I must make a start on April bday cards.

    The CAFE is open for the day with the coffee/tea pots hot and waiting. Hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you managed your little tweak this morning tihi You are good, already on the Bday cards for April, I'm still struggling with the March ones. Need a coffee quick ! x

    2. Hi Janet. Like Maria I am still doing this month's cards. I do hope I can be like you and get ahead of myself, even for a short while! I think I will have stunned Sandra as I sent her my CC late last night as I was determined to get one actually finished before Sunday 😊
      I did feel for Sandra yesterday, it was hard to know whether to go slowly or quickly round the potholes to avoid as much pain as possible for Sandra. There are only a few places that you can safely avoid the pot hole and there are so many that in places it is hard to see much normal road now, it's so dangerous for everyone isn't it, and we certainly pay enough road tax and rates, dont we!Sorry soap box back in its usual place. I hope you got my email x

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you were able to get to Pat's, sorry it was soo uncomfortable hope you can rest up today, hugs on
    Michele what a lovely selection of cards using just one did, you really are getting your money's worth out of this set look forward to seeing what you do with the stamps. Hope your leg is feeling
    Lilian sorry about your licence, I am sure not many can boast of a clean one after 40 years, you will miss it I know but enjoy being driven around, think of the money you can now spend on crafting goods instead of petrol, insurance
    Karen hope Oscar is better today, at least you were free to
    Lynda sorry your excercise are coming to an end, you will have to do them at home. Hope the dentist can help & it doesn't cost an arm & a leg!!!Xxx
    Have to take Pop for haircut then hope to do some cards this afternoon.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Why do you say 'bold as a coot'? hope Pop got some hair left and you have a nice afternoon, hugs x

    2. Hi Mum. You are certainly making some cards aren't you. It's lovely to see them all, more hours in the day would be better though wouldn't it! I see Maria is asking about being "as hold as a copy" I don't know why we use that phrase, will be googling it later (don't let Pop see that bit will you 😊) Pop certainly doesn't have that problem as he still have a full head of hair which is still far more black than grey, unlike us!!! Live and hugs to you both xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies

    Michelle what a treat those dies are!!! Now I want them all the more. Uve practically covered all the seasons etc with one set true value for money I'd say.

    Gorgeous cards too love em all xx

    1. Hope you having a good day x

    2. Hi Tracy. It would be good to see some more of your cards, they don't have to be ones you have just made. On the other hand you may not want to share your first attempts if they were anything like mine, I didn't think to take pictures of them back then thank goodness 😊 x

  7. Hello Sandra and all,
    I'm pleased you got to Pats yesterday although the traveling sounds a nightmare, our roads are awful for most of us, but when you have other issues to contend with it's just not on. When you think of all the money that goes into road tax and tax on fuel, surly if that money was used to maintain the roads we would have something half decent. We have road humps and speed tables in our road, NOW the council has put in a 20 mph speed restriction as well. But does anyone comply ? NO ..... okay soap box away.

    Michele your cards are all gorgeous, love the snowman, but can see these dies can be used for almost all occasions. THANK YOU, you are such an inspiration xx

    We are off out, 1st stop - the tip (recycling depot) them Sainsbury's and Asda. What an exciting life we lead!

    Will pop in later, VAL hope you enjoy your trip, sounds like you will have good company xx

    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      Sounds like your having a day of shopping. Well apart from a trip to the tip.

    2. Hope all the shopping and trip to tip went well and you now can have a rest. Do not come to MK unless you want your car tyres damaged, there are so many potholes and this is where they so called fixed them no more then six months ago, it's nuts x

    3. Hi Brenda. I have had a similar rant about the condition of our roads and don't get me started on the road signs that are so dirty or covered by overgrown hedges etc!!! I hope you got all of the recycling and shopping done and that your cough is not still bothering you x

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope your feeling a bit better today. The potholes around this area are awful aren't they. Funnily enough when we went to Wales they had no potholes at all.
    Michele, I just love your cards. My favourite is your snowman, mind you I'm a fan of Snowmen anyway. We had a great meet up yesterday. I was cutting out my new Desire dies I bought from Farnborough. The lady demoeing them used her Gemini. She did a forward then reverse pass and they cut beautifully. However, last week I used Sandra's Grand Caliber with her metal shim and they cut with not to much trouble. This week I couldn't get it to cut in the middle using my GC. With a shim. So Sue put them through her big shot. Needed a couple of passes but they did cut. Hugs to all who need one today.

    1. Sending you and Pete some big hugs. He is like me in that I prefer to speak to people face to face (bank, hospital etc.) but it gets less and less for everything is on-line these days x

    2. Hi Pat. You are makeing some lovely cards with your new dies, I'm glad that I could help with the cutting. I will have to take some to Mums and get her to cut them in her Gemini for you. Sending hugs x

  9. Hi Karen
    I hope Oscar is feeling better today. Are you still looking after him today if he's not well.

  10. wow Michelle certainly made good use of her new die what a great range of totally different cards ... fantastic talent !! x Amanda

    1. Hi Amanda. Michele has made some fantastic cards hasn't she. I will have to think seriously about getting these dies. Will we see any of your cards? It would be good x

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Wow Michele, what a lot of cards made from this die set. They look fantastic and I like the snow man too, he is so cute but also the 5 different colour swirls on the card. Love them all.
    Glad you got together with Pat and Sue yesterday but sorry you now in more pain because of the roads,they are absolutely awful everywhere. Sending you some gentle hugs.
    Wet and grey here too so feeling a bit blue so spent the morning making phone calls. Some I got hold of ,some not so left a message Sandra. Will send you the cc later.
    I hope you all have a nice day and if you still in pain or having this cold that never seem to go I wish you better. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm sorry you were feeling blue earlier, I hope you are feeling better now. We need lots of lovely bright Spring sunshine to help us don't we! I hope your leg isn't too sore x

    2. Hi again Maria. I have just looked up why we say "as hold as a Coot" and it refers to the white markings on them as bold can also mean streaked or marked with white and not just someone who has no hair at all. There, I have learnt something tonight and I hope it has helped you understand why we say it. We do have some very strange sayings don't we. Do you have them in Sweden? x

  12. Hi everyone, just got home so not read comments yet. Really great day out, lovely warm weather and good company. Biar is such a lovely place but wow have we walked a lot and mostly up hill. My legs and back are aching. Just going to have a shower and put my jamas on and have a sit down and then probably an early night. I'm out early again in the morning for hair and nails and then crib in the afternoon instead of today.

    See you tomorrow ladies

    1. Hi Val. I'm glad that you had a lovely day trip. I hope you don't regret all of the walking when you get up tomorrow though! What sort of temperature is it at the moment for you? We had 15 degrees this afternoon. It wasn't very sunny though, but still lovely to go out without a coat on. The warmer the better for me at this time of year 😊 Good luck at Crib tomorrow after relaxing while you get your hair and nails done x

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Micheles cards are wonderful, something for most events. I will have to seriously think about getting the dies now I have seen these inspiring cards.
    I do hope you are able to move without too much pain today my lovely. It was so hard driving you as I felt every lump, bump and pothole swerve as I knew how painful it was for you. Xx
    Karen, I hope Oscar is feeling better now, bless him. But I know he will have loved having cuddles from you whilst he was ill x
    Lynda, I hope you and Terry are both ok and that you get on well at the dentist. I'll be holding your hand, especially when you hear how much it is going to cost you!!! X

    1. Oops, published before saying goodbye! I'm sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Sorry late again had a lovely long chat wit Tracy on FaceTime was lovely Terry was his normal self. Had my haircut today so I don't look quite like a old gummy women 😂😂😂😂 Dentist in the morning so hopefully she can do something for me.😷. Then I have excercise in the afternoon.
    MICHELE l love all your cards my Die I thought it was the same but it's
    scribbles & splats but still looks good when it turns up I will send picture to Sandra. Pleased you had a good day Sandra with Sue & Pat but those roads are a nightmare with all the potholes hope you rested all day..
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxxxx
