
Thursday 9 March 2017

A little bit of Sparkle to brighten your day!

Good Morning Ladies,

Ooh I hope that you can pick up the gorgeous sparkle that is coming from this card, I have left it on the card stand in my craft room as it draws your attention every time you walk past!  
This card was made using the Stampin' Up! 'Stylish Stems' dies 
You get a good selection of dies, each of the flowers has a separate cutting edge, this means that you can either use the flower on its own to cut "into" the card like I have, or you can cut it 'out of ' card too, giving you individual flowers.  
They also can be bought in a 'bundle' with the matching ' Special Reason' stamp set pictured below........

Having both of these sets means you have even more ways of creating gorgeous projects.
I chose to cut the largest flower into a square of white card, I added foam tape and mounted it onto a slightly larger mat of "sweet sugarplum glimmer paper" which is a free gift with a £45 spend during 'Sale-a-bration' period.  
I mounted this onto another mat of white card, then onto 'Sweet Sugarplum' card and into card base, I then stamped 'Happy Birthday' in matching ink, I die cut two leaves using some of the green glitter paper and added them to my flower. 
What do you think?  Would it brighten your day?

Now I would just like to mention that if you want to make the most of getting a little something extra with your order which only happens during this special " Sale-abration' which runs until March 31st, so only about 3 Weeks left!

The other great thing about Sale-abration is that if you want to get your hands on some free stamps, dies etc, now is the best time as not only do you get the usual 
£139 worth of product for £99, you also get two choose any 2 extra stamp sets from the entire range, this could add another £60 + of free products to your order.
I got £190 + for just £99, there is no obligation for you to sell, Have parties, or anything else there are a higher percentage of ladies that join up just for the freebies. You can leave it 6 months and do the same again, I was sceptical, but it's true, nobody pressured me into carrying on.  I just loved everything and wanted more.!

If any of you are interested just let me know, you can join my team! Haha

(Please ladies don't think I'm pressuring you, I just wanted to let you know about the deal I got, which I love! I would feel mean if any of you missed the chance as this sale-abration won't happen again until next January) !

Val I was pleased to read you had a lovely excursion yesterday, I hope you aren't too stiff today, enjoy your pampering session this morning and have a wonderful holiday, we will miss you very much, please pop in when you can xxx

Lilian, I was sorry to read about your licence, I know you wouldn't have felt comfortable about driving for awhile but it comes as quite a shock to lose that bit of independence.  I hope you still get to go to your craft sessions. Huge hugs xxx

Michele, I hope your leg is feeling better today, so that you are well enough for your trip tomorrow.

That's all from me for now, it is actually 3.40am, see, insomnia does have its uses, I almost forgot to publish my blog!  I am going to try and get a bit of sleep, wish me luck, I'm off to find some sheep to count....🐑 1🐏🐏 2 🐏🐏🐏3 zzzzzzz

Love and hugs to all


  1. Hello All, no weather report today as its stuck in a rain mode.

    Sandra love your card, I love glitter, I bought some sheets of glitter card at the show which look lovely in the light but in normal daylight look very flat, might have to treat myself.

    My friends are comming to me today for a craft day, so will try and get this weeks sketch card done, might try the dies Michele used on her cards yesterday.

    Hope everyone has a lovely day, hugs for all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope that you have a lovely craft day with your friends.

    2. Hi Lilian, hope the weather is getting drier for you soon down south. Have a lovely day crafting with your friends x

    3. Hi Lilian, hope you were able to forget about the bad weather whilst you were having a great time crafting with friends. Xxx

    4. Hope you enjoyed your crafting Lillian with your friends. Sorry about all the rain hope you get somE sun soon xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous card Sandra & yes -you can see the sparkle , it's beautiful. Another very useful die set.
    Thank you ladies for the lovely comments on my cards yesterday. I got most of my inspiration from Pinterest but the Dies do all the hard work. I think they are the most useful set I've ever bought. They haven't moved off my craft table since making those cards-I just want to keep using them!

    We have a glorious, sunny day here. I'm going to pop into Southport first thing then we might do some more weeding. I got all the greenhouse glass cut & fitted yesterday so I just need to collect the rest of the broken glass up now before the Hedgehog(s) wakes up. I'll decide this afternoon if I can manage to sit in my friends card for 4-5 hours on the trip out tomorrow, she's out this evening so I'll need to tell her before she goes out.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you manage to get out with your friend tomorrow.
      I'm glad you managed to get your Greenhouse sorted. You're really having an eventful week off.

    2. Hi Michele, hope your leg is better by tomorrow so you can have a trip out. Need to do some weeding here too but it is very wet and my leg is killing me so it will have to wait. Take care x

    3. Ah Michele do hope you feel well enough to go out with your friend tomorrow. It will be a nice end to your week off work. You be careful picking up all that broken glass. Xxx

    4. Hi Michele
      Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow on your. on your trip hope your leg is better xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - lovely bright and cheerful card for us today. I do love your colours and especially that bit of 'bling' really makes you smile.

    SUE- I haven't received an email from you but I'm not sure whether you intended your comment for me or SANDRA.

    VAL- so pleased you enjoyed your day out and I hope you're not suffering this morning with any after effects.

    LILIAN- have a good day with your crafty friends and I'm looking forward to seeing some of your creations from today.

    I finished my CC yesterday and so must send it off today.

    The CAFE is now open for the day so I'll try and pop in later to see what's happening. Hugs on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, hope you and Jim are alright and have some nice days over the weekend. hugs back x

    2. Hi Janet. I must admit I slid out of bed this morning at 7 as I just couldn't stand up for a while as my bad was aching so much but as the days gone on its ok. Thanks for your kind thoughts.
      Hope you're having a good day. Xxx

    3. Hi Janet hope your ok & Jim too.have you got any plans for the weekend take care my friend xx

  4. A very pretty card SANDRA Thanks for the heads up re Salebration
    I'm feeling a little low at the moment Still got the cough and 1000,001 tests later have revealed nothing AND this morning I have woken up with excruciating pain in my left elbow - must have slept on it awkwardly Ho hum

    1. Margaret Palmer9 March 2017 at 09:24

      Hi Karen sorry you are still feeling low sending hugs just for

    2. Hi Karen
      Your cough and Petes are really hanging on aren't they. Pete is also feeling worn out and has no energy. His Dr rang him yesterday as she's our new Dr. Well I assume she's mine as well as Petes. She look at his X-rays and said he had no infection. But to call her back if he's still the same in a weeks time. Sending you hugs.

    3. Hi Karen, this time of year is always a struggle . If you need to talk in between the cough ,bless you, you know where I am. Hope little Oscar is getting better. Sending you (((hugs))) x

    4. Oh Karen, you've really had a bad time with that nasty cough haven't you. At least if you've had so many tests you are reassured that it's nothing more nasty. That bug seems to last such a long time.And now you're elbow is sore. Hope that's improved as the day has gone on. Take

    5. Sorry your feeling your feeling low Karen it's good they haven't found anything wrong but the cough is so annoying & of course it's worrying for you having it for so long.Take care xx

  5. Margaret Palmer9 March 2017 at 08:14

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a stunning card, it is beautiful, well done. Hope you are in less pain & managed to get some sleep hugs on
    Lilian enjoy your day with your craft
    Food shopping this morning will look in later.
    Sending huugs to all who need them love

    1. Hi Margaret, I sneaked a little hug from you :) hope you have a nice day after shopping is put away. Nice to know Pop is not 'bald as a coot' I got a bit confused with the 'bold or bald hihi x

  6. Hi Sandra
    What a stunning card today. I just love the sparkle card you've used.
    Just to let you know that Ellis passed away yesterday. We were all over with him and Doreen is with us for a couple of days. It was very quick. Talking one minute then just sort of collapsed.

    1. Oh Pat I am so sorry to hear such sad news about Ellis, I hope that Doreen is coping ok.
      He was suffering lately with his skin etc so at least now he is at peace bless him.
      Sending huge hugs to you and Pete,

    2. Margaret Palmer9 March 2017 at 12:29

      Pat sorry to hear about Ellis at least he is at peace now, hugs to you

    3. Pat ,I am so sorry to hear about Ellis. Let him rest in peace and I hope Doreen is ok .Hugs to you all x

    4. Oh Pat, I am so sad to hear about your loss. You're having such a bad time lately my heart goes out to you. Hope Doreen is coping. Thoughts and hugs are with

    5. So sorry to hear of Ellis's passing from this mortal world. Warm thoughts and prayers for you all. xxx

    6. Hi Pat
      Sorry to here about the sad news of Ellis passing nice for Dorris staying with you &Pete for a few days. Your all in my thoughts & prayers Big Hug's xx

    7. Sorry for ur loss pat. My thoughts are with u all x

  7. Hello Sandra,

    I hope you managed to get some sleep last night actually it was this morning, you must be exhausted , it's a good job Paul is home to keep am eye on you, I'm sure he is making you rest. Hope you are doing as you are told.!!!!!

    I love today's card, it is so inspiring, loved theses stamps and dies when I saw them, now I am so looking forward to playing with my Die Set Bundle when it arrives.

    This morning we were up and about early, as we were going to my hairdresser friend, she is coping remarkably well since her husband died. Making sure she visits friends for coffee also going out for lunch, something she hadn't been able to do for some time, due to her husbands ill health. They were a close and loving couple so it can not be easy for her. I really admire her strength for (as she says ) getting on with her life. After having our hair done we came on to Debbie's and had our lunch. John has now gone to pick up Ciara, I've had a lovely nap this afternoon, better move myself soon and start tea.

    Sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. So good to hear you friend is coping so well after the loss of her husband. It's not easy and I really admire here.Hope you have a lovely

  8. Hi Sandra and all.
    So sorry Sandra that you've had a bad night again. Hope you've been able to have a nap during the
    Love your pretty card. The glitter paper shining through is a real WOW.Its a really great stamp set no wonder you love using it.

    It was a lovely day out yesterday but my goodness I suffered with back ache first thing. Anyway doing the day it disappeared and it's just a niggle now. After having my hair and nails done this morning I grabbed a bite to eat that dashed to play crib which I won surprising as I was so tired. I got home, took Gracie for a log walk as she only had a short one this morning and finally I'm sitting down relaxing Yeh. I think it will be another early night. I don't fly until the afternoon. I've got some cards to put inserts in and ironing in the morning then I'm off.

    Maria, so sorry you're still not feeling so good. To answer your question yes it is warm here now. Although I didn't know what the temperature was where we were yesterday, Lynn said it was 28 degrees here. Hope you feel better soon. Take carexxx

    Lynda, do hope everything went well at the dentist today and they managed to sort you out. Was it your last exercise class today. Bet you'll be so sad to finish. Take care my friend. Hugs xxx

    Well if I can stir myself I think I'll go and make a coffee.
    Have a good evening everyone.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val thank you for the Hug's. Dentist well I have to have a bridge made I could have had two teeth added to my plate but having thee ,'teeth on either side I asked if it's likely to break & she said no guarantee Terry's plate has cracked 3times. My excercise finish on the 4th April. Enjoy your sunshine Hug's Lynda xx

  9. Hi everyone,
    I've finally surfaced from the nether regions of a large box full of materials for the dame's costumes which I shall be sewing later on this year. I have had such fun sorting out all the different materials, some are so gorgeous I don't want to cut into them. There are quite a few that come in handy for quilting too, and some stunning silken materials, I can picture them sewn up as bustles and pantaloons, just what a dame needs.

    An exquisite card Sandra, so simple yet very eye catching with the sparkle.

    My sister rang last night with news of a short visit here within the next two weeks. Fantastic! we can spend some 'sister time' for 48 hours. We shall probably talk ourselves to sleep hahaha
    Popped in to yesterday's post and my goodness me, Michele, you certainly have been busy with a marvellous array of cards for all seasons & reasons.

    ((((HUGS)))) to all our ladies still suffering from various aliments.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Thank you ladies for all your warm wishes. They're very much appreciated. Doreen is coping very well. He hasn't been living at home for just over a year, so in theory her loss won't be so bad as it would have been if she was at home.

  11. Hi Sandra, sorry being so late but thought I had left a comment earlier but can not see it so I am thanking you again for showing us this lovely card with the beautiful glitter card under the flower. Lovely die and stamp set.
    I wish you all a good night and hopefully not too much pain around so we all can get a proper sleep, knew I need one or the mood zombie will soon be on me Lol
    Going to Colchester for the weekend but will try to stay in contact even if the wi-fi is a bit funny.
    Many hugs Maria xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & (;adies
    I have commented po the way down.
    The dentist I'm having a bridge instead of having two teeth added to my plate as when I asked if it would likely to crack no guarantee & as Terry's have cracked three times I went for the bridge.its going to take four appointments to prep .
    Terry is not well think he might have that virus that's going round he has been asleep all day . So I'm going to try again to get him upto bed .
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Sending you and Terry many,many hugs and hope everything goes well. OH has also started something with a cough, just have to see what comes... Lynda, take care xx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies

    What a smashing wee card. Love the sparkle. Everyone needs a bit of sparkle in life me thinks lol xx
