
Friday 10 March 2017

A Special Request

Good Morning Ladies,

The girls came home from school last night and after about an hour they asked me if I had made their Friend Orla a birthday card??, I had no idea it was Orla's Birthday so, the answer was No!  
So I was quickly briefed on what they thought that Orla might like, 'she is quite girly', so flowers please and a girly image!  So I am hoping that this card fits the 'brief' , they do make me laugh when they come out with comments like "Jess's card was really nice, but Orla is a closer friend, so this one has to be like 'Extra Special '!! 
The image is a 'Lilli of the Valley' topper, the paper pad is Lilli of the Valley too, I used a Martha Stewart Punch to create a border, wrapped a piece of lace around that and then a narrow lilac ribbon to finish it off.   Spellbinders Captivating Squares create the Frame for the image. A selection big Wild Orchid Craft Flowers create the floral elements.

Paul and I are having a day to our selves today, today is the date that me first met 29 years ago, by chance in Sainsbury's Ipswich, then even more by chance later on that night in the Swan Pub in Ipswich, the rest as they say us history!  I knew that he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with almost straight away.  Despite the many things that we have had to struggle with, I truly believe we have been lucky in love x

Pat. I was sorry to hear the sad news about Ellis, I do hope that Doreen is ok, it must be so hard for her bless her, sending hugs to you and Pete xxx

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-lovely card, you amaze me creating a beautiful card at suchdhort notice. My offering would have been very plain & simple.
    I hope you & Paul have a lovely day together today.

    Hubby & I did some gardening yesterday-oh boy, ami suffering for it today. Now my right shoulder is hurting along with my leg/hip- resorted to taking painkillers so I can still go out with my crazy friend. We're going to a garden centre that has a cafe so we can stay for lunch.
    I should have been meeting up with 2 friends tomorrow in the village but one of them left me a message to say she was going to Crafts today & wouldn't feel up to going out on Saturday -I understand that as she's recently had 2 lots of major surgery but I'm sure she must have known she was going. I now have to cancel the booking I made as the other friend doesn't want to travel to Ainsdale on her own-most annoying. I'll have to cancel the booking on our way out this morning or I might forget.


    1. Hi Michel
      I hope your leg/hip starts feeling better soon. I'm not quite sure why people don't know they're doing something else on a Specific day when making arrangements. Most annoying I must say, having to change everything.

  2. Morning Ladies,

    Beautiful card Sandra, Just right for a teenager, I was amused at the cross-patch girl kicking the present.
    Can remember when opening a present, one of mine said 'I didn't want that one it was the other one I asked for'.

    Giorgina rang last night to say we are all going to Hollywood Bowl tonight for her birthday. It's a lovely chance to get the whole family together for fun and merriment and we all really enjoy it. Miss Milly-May is coming too, it will be very interesting what she makes of it all. I think we will have to tether her to the rack!
    Since she found her feet, just before her 1st birthday, and started to walk, she also learned to run and has been running ever since. She tires me well and truly out and hates her reins. We shall see.
    Off now to make Giorgina's card. I've been thinking all week what style to make and still have no idea so I will start with searching some images and hopefully get some inspiration there.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      I hope you have a lovely evening for Georgina's birthday. Wish her Happy Birthday from me. Good luck with tethering Milly-May while your bowling.

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- Oh so beautiful a card you have made for Orla. I love your girls' descriptions and I think you have hit the brief on the head. The little girl is gorgeous and she makes me smile.
    Have a good day with PAUL and maybe get out somewhere.

    PAT - I was so sorry to read about ELLIS - I hope DOREEN is managing as best she can.

    MICHELE- I hate it when someone cancels a date especially when they know they may not be able to meet it. Wouldn't it be better to say 'I'd love to but I'm out the day before and may not be up to it'. Have a good day today. Hugs.

    CHERYL- have a fantastic time tonight with all the family. I'm sure that Milly-May will keep you all on your toes.

    Well it's Friday again - the week has flown by and so I'm afraid that my day will be taken up with that horrible swear word of 'housework'.

    The CAFE is shining bright and cheerful so is waiting to greet you all with a smile. Hugs to you all with a few extras for those Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Yes, it was a shock Ellis going like that. He was sitting in his chair chatting to the Dr and Jane the owner of the care home and the staff during the afternoon. Doreen's coping very well but I think it makes it easier that he hasn't been living at home for the last year.

  4. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra , Orla will love it I'm sure and I hope the girls think it is 'extra special'.
    Have a lovely day with Paul and hope you are feeling better so you might be able to go out somewhere.
    Michele- even with your pains today I hope you manage to have a nice day out. Look after yourselves.
    Cheryl- 'full rulle' is something I say when you have the family together hihi have a great time and hope Milly-May like what she see. Love to see a photo of her, she must have grown so much since last.
    Janet- take care when doing the 'housework' hopefully you will have time for something else too. Any pastries around at all :-)
    Pat- sending special hugs for you all.
    Lynda- hope you ok, sending you some special hugs too.
    Lilian- hope your hands are ok, not nice when it is so wet weather. pain always worse when it's wet ?
    Going out soon, having my nails done and coffee out then we going down to Colchester for the weekend to see my step-son.
    I hope you all have a nice Friday whatever you are up too. love and many warm hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope you have a lovely time in Colchester. I'm having my toe nails cut later this afternoon. Gentle hugs on the way. Thanks for our hugs they're much appreciated.

  5. Hi Sandra and all,
    Beautiful teen card Sandra. I bet she'll love it. Your girls description of Orla did make me smile.
    Have a lovely day celebrating with Paul today. Hope you're feeling a lot better now and managing to sleep.

    Short and sweet today. Just found out the French Air Traffic Controllers are on strike again, so goodness knows what will happen later.

    Will keep in touch.
    Love to everyone and special hugs to all of you in pain or sad.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val
      I hope you manage to get up up and away. Perhaps you could use the Hot Air Balloon we used last year or was it the year before. I'm not to sure where it's tethered though.

  6. Firstly I want to say how sorry I was PAT to read your sad news about ELLIS
    Your card is lovely SANDRA I know Orla will love it
    I meant to say how much I loved your cards on Wednesday MICHELE That is a lovely die set
    Last few days of my holiday Most of which has been spent between doctors and pharmacies
    VAL Did MICHELE let you know about the cheap dies on eBay? eBay is playing me up As soon as I can log on I will forward the addresses to you
    Take care all especially PAT PETE and DOREEN xx

    1. Hi Ladies

      If you put "Dies from China " in the search in EBay then lots & lots of sellers should appear. The two I've used are CareForYou and WeBuys.


    2. Thank you Karen and Michele, I'll look them up.

    3. Thanks very much Karen at least he went quickly. You and Michele aren't having a very restful week off are you.

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra congratulations to you & Paul, you are a special couple enjoy your day. Your card for Orla is very pretty I am sure she will love
    Sue coming to see us today so hopefully will have a play as well as a good catch up.
    Val I hope your flight is not delayed, enjoy your
    Karen hope you feel better
    Maria enjoy your visit to Colchester hope sun shines hugs on
    Lynda sorry to hear Terry not well hope he feels better soon, give him hug from
    Cheryl enjoy your evening with
    Michele enjoy your day out hope painkillers
    Must get on otherwise Sue will be here.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  8. Hi Sandra.

    I'm sure orla will love this card. I really like lili of the valley toppers. Haven't bought any in a while tho.
    Got my flowers thru from orchid crafts yesterday so I can get started in my mothersday cards.

    Michelle. I know what u mean but yes maybe she should've said to u sooner. Nothing worse.
    Bought that scribble set on line today. Can't wait for it to arrive after seeing what u made with it. Thanks again x

    Lynda. Lovely talking to u an terry the other night. Terry is so naughty but soooo funny. At least it was a indie this time and not the underpants!!!! LOL 😂

    Love to all xx

    1. A onesie not an indie lol stupid phone!!

  9. Hi Sandra
    Can I please thank everyone for their kind thoughts for ourselves and Doreen. I'm busy rushing around trying to get things sorted for her. It's a blessing really that Ellis hasn't been living at home. I think it's made it so much easier for her.
    Rang the hospital Triage yesterday re Pete. His chest is so painful, he's still out of breath if he tries to do anything as well. Anyway the pain is being caused by the Cancer apparently. They asked us to contact his Dr to get a chest X-ray done, plus a urine test as they can see that around his catheter isn't right, plus have a blood test to see if he's Anaemic. To have a urine test you just went in to see the nurse virtually straight away, she did the test and got a prescription for you. No longer apparently. You now have to make an appointment, the earliest was Wed. So we're waiting for the Dr to ring him. Usually when Pete has an infection his Urine comes outside his catheter not inside. So urgent treatment is required. To much information I know, but it's really not good news for us I'm afraid.
    Sandra, Orlando will love her card. I know us Mothers are supposed to know everything. But other people's birthdays don't usually belong on that list.
    Enjoy you special day with Paul.

    1. Hey pat
      So sorry ur going thru this really difficult time. My thoughts are with u. Went thru similar with my dad last year. It was bad enough dealing with my own cancer but to have my dads thrown in almost tipped me over the edge. Believe it or not it's easier dealing with urself than someone u love.
      Sending hugs ur way. Xx

  10. Hi Lynda
    Give Terry a hug fro me as he's unwell. I hope he's feeling better soon. Surely he's not in a onesie. Mind you it wouldn't surprise me one bit. Hope you manage to do your exercises at home now that the physiology has finished.

  11. Hello Sandra and all,

    Sandra, you really are a supermum managing to make such a beautiful card in such a short space of time. I am sure Orla will love it, hope your girls appreciate your efforts. I hope you and Paul are having a lovely day, just spending time in each other's company. LOL xx

    Lynda, hope you realise that we are now all have a picture in our heads of Terry in his onesie! Now is it a pattern or a themed one I've seen tigers, teddy bears and combat suits, quite a few designs out there, now which one does Terry have? xx

    Pat, you certainly have a lot on your plate at the moment hope things get sorted out for Pete ASAP sending him gentle hugs. Doreen is very lucky to you both, goodness knows where she would be without you. Hope you're looking after yourself as well LOL xx

    Sending gentle hugs for all those who need them.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. It was a Union Jack onesie lol. X

    2. Oh Terry, I now have a wonderful picture in my head.😋 🇬🇧 xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight.
    Sandra, I hope you and Paul have had, bad back allowing, a lovely day, you really are a lovely couple and deserve it.Sending big happy hugs for you both. Orlas card is gorgeous, a real Sandra card, I bet she was delighted with it and I can imagine it being shown around to her friends and family. It's such a shame Lily of the Valley have stopped making the pads, you can only get them on CD now, which doesn't suit everyone xx

    Another day has flown by but at least I had a lovely time with Mum and Pop. I managed to have a quick cutting session of some of Mums dies, once we'd found them and a few other bits from her stash that she got at Farnbourgh!😉 Then I remembered that I had to change a pair of trousers for a friend so had to stop using the Gemini. I can see why Mum loves it so much, it is so easy to use and cuts a full A4 plate of non Crafters Companion dies beautifully on the first pass. Each time I use it I want one more and more.
    Pat, I am thinking of you and sending you big but very gentle hugs dear friend x
    Lynda, I think we all want to see a pic of Terry in his Union flag onsie 😊
    Maria, I hope you have a lovely time with your step son, and your leg isn't too bad. No long walks please. Sending you big hugs x
    I am sat here falling asleep so will call it a night and come in tomorrow. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Pat and all in need. Take care xx
