
Saturday 11 March 2017

It's Saturday !!!!

Welcome to our 'Mixed up Saturday' !!

First up today I am so excited to show you this absolutely STUNNING 
Card, made by our Cheryl for Giorgina who's birthday it is TODAY!
Firstly I would like to wish Giorgina a very Happy Birthday,
I would then like to thank Cheryl for allowing me to share this amazing card.
I personally think that this is the most beautiful card that you have made
Cheryl, its so delicate and pretty, the colours are really soft and calming!
An absolute Winner, thank you Cheryl xxx

Cheryl's Card

Next up we have another of Janet's 'altered' and hand crafted projects,
It is a beautiful fabric heart, that has been stuffed and then decorated with 
A couple of resin elements, some beautiful Butterfly appliqués, a pretty 
Doily, a satin bow and some pretty little flowers, it is just so 
Beautiful Janet, the lucky person that receives this will have it
Hanging with pride, i have witnessed your sewing skills
First hand so i know the sewing is just so precise and perfect.
Thank you so much for sharing your project with us xxx

Janet's Heart

Cheryl's Craft Table

Last up today Cheryl has sent us a picture of her craft table, it was
Taken after she made that  beautiful card above, i will put my hand up 
And say that mine looks similar, Cheryl has suggested that we Challenge
All of you ladies to take a photo of your desk as it is, and sent it in for me stop share!
Just for fun ! Xx

Ladies, I had the pleasure of going to see 
"Hidden Figures"
I recommend that you all go see it, it was amazing, I, laughed, cried,
Got goosepimples and did a full on fist pump in the air, a fantastic
Film based on a true story!

Quiet weekend as the girls are working
I hope you have an lovely one too,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-your card is gorgeous, really lovely. It's great seeing your craft table, knowing that's where everything is created.

    Janet-another beautiful work of art. Do you keep all these stunners or do you make them as gifts?

    Well Ladies-I had a great day yesterday with my crazy friend. She let her hair grow (it's long & she does nothing with it) so she appeared in a hand knitted "head band" so keep her hair out of the way. Oh my-we got a few odd looks I can tell you! My leg was ok in the car but was more uncomfortable when I got home. My shoulder pain subsided once the painkillers kicked in. We were back by 2pm so I had a play in my craft room.
    Off to meet my friend at Dobbies (wish it was the bespoke Chocolate Shop in the village) for a coffee & a chat then I'll try and carry on in the craft room.


    1. Hi Michele. It's good to hear that you had a great day with your crazy friend, even if her headwear got lots of odd looks 😊 I'm sorry that you ended the day in more pain though. Have a nice catch up with your friend today. I hope you feel up to crafting afterwards. Take care x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad you had a lovely day out with your crass friend. Shame you didn't take a photo of her headgear. It was a shame as well you ended up in so much pain when you came home.
      Enjoy your coffee and meet up with your friend.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.

    Cheryl, what a beautiful card you have created for Giorgina, she will love it. Wish her a Happy Birthday from me. No doubt you will have a wonderful time with her and your family today and more special moments will made for you to treasure 😊 It is so comforting to see your desk after finishing Giorginas card, I am just as bad, in fact worse as the floor, chairs, just about every surface is usually covered by the time I have finished 😊 I will happily send in a photo to add to the "DOC" gallery ((Dis)Organised Chaos) 😊

    Janet, your gorgeous heart is beautifully made and what lovely embellishments you have carefully chose to decorate it. A beautiful treasure for someone x

    Sandra, I hope you have a lovely day yesterday with Paul. "Hidden figures" is the film we were talking on Tuesday. I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much. I am going to see it next week with Gem so am looking forward to it even more now 😊 I hope you have a good weekend my lovely x

    I have the day to myself, which is unusual so guess what I'm going to doing? House work and ironing or crafting? Yep, CRAFTING ALL DAY, I haven't done that for such a long time so I'm really looking forward to it but I bet I won't get more than one or possibly two cards completed though as it takes me so long to decide what style, colours, dies, embellishments etc. to use!

    I hope you all manage to get some relaxing time over the weekend too, especially all of you that are suffering for whatever reason at the moment.

    Pat, you are in my thoughts and I'm sending big gentle hugs at this difficult time x

    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Morning all Your card is stunning CHERYL Very elegant and understated I love it How was Hollywood Bowl I expect MillieMae was in awe of the sights and sounds
    Your heart is very pretty JANET
    I have never heard of this film SANDRA I will look out for it at my local cinema
    Nothing much on the cards today
    Great big bear hugs (done in a gentle way) PAT xx

    1. Thanks for the hugs Karen. Hope to get a real one soon.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    just a quick visit as we're off for a ride somewhere.
    Stunning card Cheryl. I bet Giorgina loved it.
    Beautiful creation as always Janet, the butterflies look so delicate.
    Sandra . I loved the film Hidden Figures. Horrifying how Black Americans were treated so recently. Well worth seeing.
    Everyone's ready so see you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and friends.

    Loving today's offferings. Love ur card Cheryl. I love the layout.
    Janet ur wee heart looks so cute I'm sure whoever gets it will love it x
    My desk is kinda like that too but our tv is sitting on it in the meantime till graeme gets a wall bracket for it x

    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      I hope your television gets moved soon so you can use your table.

    2. Hi Tracy
      I hope your television gets moved soon.

  6. Hi everyone,

    Firstly thank you Sandra for showcasing Giorgina's card, she is not home from work yet, I expect I'll hear from her shortly.
    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments, they are most appreciated. I think having the break for the Panto and my sewing helped my brain fog regarding my cards.

    Our evening at Hollywood Bowl was fantastic. I won both games and beat everyone on our opposite team too. How I managed that I don't know, bowling is so different from skittles which I used to play many moons ago and was very good at. I twisted my knee quite abruptly but was determined not to let that spoil our fun and I carried on regardless (I have had a relaxing morning, tidying my craft table).
    Milly-May, well bless her, her first time bowling and she wanted everybody's turn to be hers! She ran everywhere until she found out that the ball returner was like a slide, we couldn't keep her off it after that. The people in the next bay were laughing at her antics especially when she pushed her ball down the rack then jumped up and down with delight even when she didn't hit anything! She is so funny, I love her to bits.

    Dinner's almost ready and my craft station is almost tidy too. Ready to start some more cards and make my own backgrounds using sticky paper and gilding flakes, mica powders and glitter. More mess to happen methinks.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Sounds like you all had a great time bowling. Including Milly-May. Birthday wishes to Georgina, her card is gorgeous,

  7. Janet Your heart is delightful, whoever will be the lucky recipient, I am positive it will hang in pride of place on their wall. xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Pleased you enjoyed your film yesterday, you have certainly got us all thinking - I'd like to see that film.

    Cheryl I love your card, I'm sure it will bring a cry of delight from Giorgina, Who wouldn't love such a beautiful card. Wish her a happy birthday from me please. XX Oh and your craft table looks well used and loved.

    Janet, Love your heart it's so pretty, I'm sure the recipient will absolutely love it. xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day, love sending love and caring hugs for everyone. Love Brenda XXX

  9. Margaret Palmer11 March 2017 at 14:56

    Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you enjoyed the film yesterday, hope you enjoy your
    Cheryl your card for Georgina id beautiful, thank you for allowing Sandra to show us. Happy birthday to Georgina from me. I wish I had a desk to leave things on I use doning table & have to clear up each time, one day!!!xxx
    Janet your heart is beautiful as all your projects are, I hope you are Ok notice you have been in cafe
    I got in lunch time to find I had missed visit from little Chris but Great Grandad was thrilled to have him to himself for a change, he is like a sponge soaks up every thing you tell him.
    Pat thinking of you sending hugs to you &
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    My word Cheryl what a stunner you've made. I hope you all enjoy your bowling.
    Your table doesn't look as bad as my ne and I haven't used my table for ages to make cards. Probably because it needs a major clear out.
    Janet love you Heart as usual you've made a fantastic job of it.
    Pete and I managed to plant some bulbs in pots today. He felt much better today as not in so much pain, and not a painkiller in sight thank goodness.
    I don't think he'll be doing the Garden this year. At 150ft it's a lot to dig and plant.
    Hugs to all who need one today.

  11. Hi Sandra &ladies
    Wow Cheryl your card is stunning I bet Georgina loved it.
    Hope you enjoyed the bowling & I bet Milly-May was the star of the day.xx
    Janet your heart is gorgeous your so good at the altered art do you keep them for yourself or for giving as a present.
    Take care.xx
    Sue hope you had a good day in your craft room ( or did you do housework)
    Big Hug's xx
    Sandra your card yesterday for the girls friend it was gorgeous. For some un known reasons my comments yesterday. Wouldn't publish after 4 try's I gave up. I had another nightmare day yesterday with Terry he was really rough on Thursday he managed to get me to the dentist she couldn't put my bridge back as my own tooth had broken off so she can make me another I opted out of having teeth put on my plate because she said it would put a strain in the middle of the plate. Anyway when we got home Terry said he felt lifeless I said you should go to the doctors but he wouldn't so he went upto bed well when he got up yesterday he said to phone the doctors when I was helping him with his socks I notist his leg it was so swollen & right up from his leg was a deep red maroon sort of colour right up from his foot to past his knee. Stupid hubby wanted to drive.So we got a cab as Margaret car was in for a service He has got a very bad infection given him some strong antibiotics but if it's no better by Monday she said go to hospital. I was sleeping in my recliner chair as I can put mr feet up high. Well when Terry got up this morning said he got up in the night fell on the wall hert his back when I looked you would have thought I had stabbed him a few times in the back apparently he fell on to the corner of the bedside cabinet & its grassed right the down his back Have we got anymore nightmare days Because I have had enough Oh & now I have a tooth ache in the gap so think I will have to go back.
    I have been doing this comment since 8pm so many interruptions.
    So will say good night as Terry wants to go bed & I have to help him up. Not easy.
    Love Lynda xxxx
