
Sunday 12 March 2017

My Challenge Card
The Sketch

Margaret's Challenge Card

Margaret has used some beautiful backing paper with a
Sue Wilson Striplet Die as a border, a pretty handmade flower
And beautifully​ stamped sentiment finish this gorgeous 
Card, thank you Margaret xxx

Val's Challenge Card
Love this Masculine card Val, perfect colour and style
For a 21st Birthday, thanks Val for taking part
During a very busy week xxx

Lilian's Challenge Card
Oh Lilian such a beautiful spring like card, beautiful
Colours and stamped image.
Thank you so much xxx

Sue's Challenge Card
Sue, such a pretty card, love the green and pink theme,
It works so well, love everything about it.
Thank you my lovely

Michele's Challenge card 1

Michele's Challenge Card

Michele, you are getting so much use out of this die set, 
I absolutely love both of these designs, love the embellishments
You have used, thank you so much xxx

Maria's Challenge Card
Maria I love your Art Deco themed card, it looks so classy!
The feathers, braid and diamante make it look even more
Expensive, Gorgeous, thank you so much xxx

Janet's Challenge Card
Janet I love the beautiful image you have used, such a stunning lady, i could do with one of those hats! I love your card design
Too, thank you my lovely for taking part xxx

Lynda's Challenge Card
Lynda, love your Pixie Powder background and how you have 
Picked out your complimentary colours, such a bright and cheerful card, thank you so much xxx

Brenda's Challenge Card
Brenda I love how you have used the 
New York Border die to create the almost 'frilly' look
To the bottom of your card, such a beautiful 'girly' baby card, that little bit of tulle, trimmed with the tiny rose and a pretty 
Bow, is such a perfect finish to your card xxx 

Brenda Challenge card 2 
I love these stamps Brenda they are perfect for man cards, 
They have so much character, their expressions just make you smile, i am sure Samuel loved this card.
Thank you so much for taking part 

Ladies you absolutely amaze me every week with your incredible design skills, it really takes something special to look at a blank canvas and decide where to start.  Particularly this week where i feel like i have let you all down a little by not being nearly as much a part of the blog as i usually like to be, but i have really struggled physically and it has both shocked and scared me a little about the huge effect the extra pain had in every part of my life, mentally especially!  My bad (right) leg keeps swelling to the point that it really blanches when you rest your hand on it, that is something new, so reluctantly i am going to make a GP appointment on Monday. 
Hopefully be back in full swing this week !! 

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love and hugs 


PS. Tracy has been brave enough to share her craft desk photo!  Anymore brave enough ????


  1. Oh SANDRA Take care sweetheart and yes definitely go to the doctors
    All of the cards are brilliant and I have enjoyed admiring them saying "ooh that's a good idea" or "I've got that piece of kit what a great way to use it" or " I like that, where can I buy it"
    Off to get breakfast now One of your tasty croissants JANET I think is the order of the day

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a brilliant collection of challenge cards-all lovely. I have today I really struggled with this sketch . Think my brain was on "holiday "mode!

    I had a lovely chat with my friend yesterday morning then I made a couple of baby cards in the afternoon. Watched lots of episodes of Law & Order last night, stayed up late to get them all watched.

    Sandra-I think a GP appointment is a good idea for Monday.

    Tracey-can't wait to see you crafty space. I'd love to see where everyone creates their lovely cards-I'm just nosy!!!

    We have glorious sunshine here this morning-hope hubby doesn't suggest more gardening.


    1. Hi Michele
      We had your sun yesterday and managed to get some bulbs into pots. Pete needed my help though. It's a bit dull here and just might be drizzling a bit. Hopefully you won't have to do any gardening.

  3. Morning Everyone for the second time
    My comments are somewhere floating around in outer space so here we go again.

    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday but I overslept and it was our morning to meet Jim's Niece so everything was out of kilter for the rest of the day.

    CHERYL - your card for your Sister is just beautiful and as usual your crafting is perfection. I just know she loved it and it will be kept for ever.

    MICHELE - I usually gift my alterations although when I alter large boxes they are for my storage as I craft in the dining room I need storage to look nice.

    SANDRA- a Dr's appointment is definitely needed so please make sure you make one in the morning.

    The CAFE is absolutely shining with all this week's CCs. All so very different. It never fails to amaze me how many variations appear from one little sketch.

    The CAFE is open with breakfast ready and waiting. This morning we have croissants, pain au chololate, pain au raisin and a selection of jams. Today's lunch is roast chicken. So come on in and have a seat.

    Hugs to everyone and I hope you all have a good Sunday.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Third time lucky, I can't get my comment to publish!
    A wonderful array of fabulous CC's to brighten our day 😊 I agree with you Karen, I look at them and say "Why didn't I think to do/use that" or "Wow, I need that die/paper etc." Thank you everyone for sharing your gorgeous cards 😊
    Sandra, I'm so sorry that you are still in so much pain. I know it will be very hard for you to go to the doctors but I hope she will be able to help you. Sending you great big gentle hugs my lovely x
    Pat, I hope you are managing to get everything done. Sending you gentle big hugs x
    Lynda, you and Terry really are not having much luck at the moment are you! I'm sorry to hear that you are still having problems with your teeth, I hope the ache has gone today. And I hope that Terry is starting to feel the benefit of the antibiotics, bless him. I'm sending you both big gentle hugs, and crossing my fingers that you have any more bad luck x
    Brenda, I love both of your cards, the baby one will be treasured, it is so pretty and there's no bought that Samuel will love the crazy birds one as it is fantastic. I have moved them.up my wish list after seeing how you have used them 😊 I hope you are enjoying the weekend x
    It looks like we are in for another nice day, I hope its the same for you all. I am hoping to get some more crafting done. Yesterday, after putting some washing on, I managed to get one card finished and two others are in progress so want to finish them today Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue
      I had the same trouble yesterday trying to get my comments published.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    So glad your making an appointment with your GP tomorrow Sandra. Love and hugs xxx
    Lovely cards ladies. All amazing and so different from one sketch.
    So glad I'm in a bright sunny Liverpool today and hail and thunder and lightening is forecast for my area in Spain today.
    There was a houseful here last night and nieces, nephews, their children and partners and lots more relatives descended. Such a lovely night catching up with everyone. I just love being here with my brother and SIL.

    Hope everyone is ok. Special hugs for Lynda and Pat. Xxx
    Love Valxxx

    1. Sounds like your having a good trip Val. Enjoy the nice weather.

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry your leg is still painful please see Dr. Thank you for inspiring us again this week once again a lovely lot of
    Lynda I am so sorry you are having such a run of bad luck, I really feel for you I am sending you both some really healing hugs please take care.xxxx
    Sue I know you are only 20 odd miles away but it is pouring here so make the most of the sun. Good luck with your
    Val it is so lovely to spend time with family
    I have to go & make some cakes so will wish you all a lovely Sunday sending hugs to all who need them especially Lynda & Pat love

  7. Hi Sandra
    I must say the ladies have all excelled themselves this week. Each and everyone is fantastic.
    Congratulations to Cheryl on winning On Sue's comment game.
    I'm sorry to hear your in so much pain at the moment. But pleased that you've plucked up the courage to make an appointment to see the Dr. Im off to read the rest of the comments now. Gentle hugs to all who need one today.

  8. Morning everyone,

    I always look forward to my treat on Sundays to see all your creations, you never fail to cheer me up if I am a bit low, and today is no exception. So many cards of extreme gorgeousness, I would be hard picked to choose a favourite.
    And then I read Pat's remark and found I have won on Sue's Blog! Oh my, I am so excited now.

    Sandra, sorry to hear you are still in so much pain, take all our advices and see the doctor ASAP.
    Lynda my dear heart, so much woe for you and Terry, bless you both. I think you both need some respite from all this pain and aggro.I hope your day becomes kinder to you.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Hi Sandra. And ladies

    Loads a fab cards this morning. I'm in awe of all ur talents. I really love Brenda's card with the birds I was having a chuckle at that one lol

    Michelle. I love those scribbles I can't wait for mine to arrive this week.

    Love to all xx

    1. Lynda just read ur comments from yesterday. U poor souls ur both having such a crap time. Thinking of u both and sending healing hugs. Xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and all who drop into the Coffee Shop today,

    Sandra, I am so pleased you have decided to go to the doctors, I know you are in pain yet trying to struggle on, but it has gone on to long for you to ignore. I'm sending you special (((((hugs))))) Will be thinking of you. LOL

    Ladies you have done it again, each card gorgeous and so different. I agree with Karen, I always say to myself why didn't I think of that. But that's what makes this blog so special, not only do we get inspiration from Sandra, we also get it from each other. A Big THANK YOU to Sandra. XXX

    CHERYL, well done, for being a winner on Sue Wilsons blog. xx

    LYNDA, sending you special hugs and praying life improves soon. xx

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Brenda xxx

    1. If anyone would like me to stamp and cut out the Angry Birds I'm more than happy to do so. xxx

    2. Hi Brenda

      I'd love some of the Angry Birds if you're sure it's no trouble.
      Many thanks,

    3. Hi Brenda
      I'd love some as well if it's not to much trouble. You don't need to post them but wait until we meet if your going to Ally Pally this year.

  11. Hi Lynda
    I'm so sorry that both you and Terry are having such a hard time of it lately. Gentle hugs to you are coming your way. I hope this week isn't as bad as well.

  12. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My comments wouldn't publish this morning the Same as yesterday I see a few of you are also having the same trouble 😳.
    Wow ladies your challenge cards are all gorgeous I do love Sundays & seeing what everyone makes. Sandra your card is beautiful so pleased you are going to the doctors tomorrow but sorry your in such pain my lovely.
    I'm getting Terry to the hospital tomorrow Margaret said she would take us. He keeps saying no but I have put my foot down & said he can't leave it any longer The Antibiotics haven't made any improvements so far & his leg is so swollen & has now got a red patch up the top of his leg now & still very red like the red foundation card. I will feel better when we go hospital I'm quit worried about him.
    I would like to thank you for all your kind messages & Hug's they mean a lot
    Sandra I have taken a picture of my messy craft table so will email you them tomorrow.. Congratulations Cheryl on your win on Sue's blog enjoy.
    Pat thank so very much for your beautiful ecard your very kind. Hope Pete's doing ok any news when the new drug starts take care my friend sending you both some Big Hug's xx
    Well I hope this comment will publish fingers crossed Love Lynda xxx
