
Thursday 2 March 2017

Pootles Design Team Challenge Week 3

Good Morning,

It's the last week of my 3 Week Pootles Design Team Challenge, it's gone so fast! 
The challenge was to create 3 different projects using the 'Bookcase Builder' Stamp Set. 
'Bookcase Builder' 

This weeks card is a little different, it's a fun card that could be used as a Valentine, Anniversary or a 'just because I Love you' card.  My husband's job had him working away for months at a time and I used to scour the card shops for different cards that I could send him just to say 'I love You'.  They were few and far between, (this was in the days before I made cards).  I think that this card fits that category perfectly.

I used: 

Real Red Card
Crumb Cake card
Bookcase Builder stamp set... Antlers and Heart
Crumb Cake Classic Ink Pad
Real Red Classic Ink Pad 

I stamped the Antlers all over a 6 x 6 inch piece of Crumb Cake card, using the matching Ink, I then used the tiny Heart stamp to fill inbetween the Antlers, I added some clear embossing powder to the hearts and heat embossed them. I added a mat of Real Red behind my stamped backing paper and popped it onto a base card.   I then printed the 'Deerly' onto Crumb Cake card and then added the 'I love you' part of the 'I love you and all your stuff' stamp by masking off the 'and all your stuff' section while inking up.  I then Stamped the Antlers and added a little die Heart cut out of Real Red card. I matted this square onto a square of Real Red cardstock, put some Dimensionals on the back and added to the centre of my card base. 

Thank you Sam for giving me the opportunity of taking part in Pootles DT Challenge, I really enjoyed it. It really pushed me out of my Comfort Zone and I had to think outside of the box to come up with something different.   I hope to take part again some time.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Love and Hugs,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great card Sandra-you've done wonders with that unusual set of stamps.

    Will be glad to go into work as normal today-the interviews were had work, so tiring. Mind you-I've already had a message to say the on-call Pharmacist was called out about a drug we would normally prepare so she supplied the drug using the "out if hours " kit so that needs some attention first thing plus the two babies that need IV Parenteral Nutrition ordering from London first thing-its going to be a busy one!!


    1. Sounds like a stressful start to the day, I imagine it must be harder to have to prepare medication/ nutrition for tiny babies. I think that a lot of us don't realise just how stressful and important your job is Michele, you have patients health and recovery in your hands, you should be proud of your achievements!! Hope your day isn't too stressful my lovely xxx

    2. Hi Michele, do they ring you at home? I can imagine how well trained you must be for such a varied and demanding job. Hope the little babes thrive from their nutrition packs. xxx

    3. Morning Michele - Hope the day isn't too stressful and that after two days of interviewing you have found too new colleagues. Take deep breaths and one step at a time. xxxx

    4. Hi Michele. I second what Sandra said. You may work "behind the scenes" but you must be proud of all that you do to help people during the worst times of their lives. Everyone is forever grateful for you and all in jobs like yours. Thank you. I hope today goes quickly and as easily as possible for you. Hugs are on their way to you x

    5. Hi Michele
      I hope your new colleagues start as quickly as possible. Interviewing is very stressful. I hope you agree with the choices made. It always helps to have harmony in the workplace when you do such a very valuable and stressful job. Thanks for the email yesterday. It was very much appreciated.

    6. Hi Michele
      I meant to say I hope the babies do well on their nutritional packs. I know how valuable they are. Pete had to have them everyday for 3 weeks when he had his Bowel cancer as he was unable to eat due to blockages. Take care my friend.

    7. The nutrition we prepare is bespoke, patient specific Intravenous nutrition that can only be prepared in an Aseptic Unit as it needs to be made under sterile conditions. Obviously this presents a problem as we're "shut" during the refurbishment so we have to outsource the work, ensuring the patients still get their treatments on time. We order from Stockport, Bath & London so it's a logistical nightmare!!

      This afternoon is looking "quieter " do I should be able to catch up with my emails etc


  2. Morning Sandra,

    Strange stamp set and very interesting cards you have made with them. Well done.

    Doris might have missed us last week but since Tuesday we have had strong winds and very heavy rain each afternoon lasting well into the evening and nighttime. Quite breezy this morning so hanging the washing out this morning will be out of the question. Might leave it til weekend now.

    Gurt 'biguns' to all in need of a comfort blanket hug today.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Morning Cheryl - please don't venture out with washing as we don't want to send a country wide alert to catch you with the wind drops tehehe. Have a good day xxxx

    2. Hi Cheryl. It is very windy here too, and rather grey so washing is definitely not going out today! The road by our house is covered with twigs and leaves from a large tree at the front of us and when it rains it is very slippery underfoot so I was glad to see a council gardener came out yesterday (when it wasn't very windy) to clear the leaves etc from the road. He got out a leaf blower, blew them all into a big pile under the tree and then simply drove off! I don't have to tell you where they all are now, do I! Surprise, surprise I will be ringing the council today! Soapbox put back now so have a good day x

    3. Hi Cheryl
      We have the wind but no rain at the moment. I'm glad you haven't hung your washing out. As Maria said we don't want to see you flying around the countryside clutching your unmentionables.

  3. Great card SANDRA I seriously would not have a clue about this stamp set Well done you
    Sounds like you're going to be busy today MICHELE Take care
    Off to the dentist later to have my broken tooth repaired It's a good job I haven't been in pain because ai couldn't have gone last week whilst I was coughing constantly I will try and pop in later

    1. Morning Karen - good luck at the Dentist Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Karen. I hope your trip to the dentist goes well. I think coughs are always worse when you are laid down so fingers crossed you don't have to stop the dentist too many times bless you. I will be thinking of you. I got my tooth fixed first thing on Monday so my tongue and lip are not sore any more after running on the jagged edges of the chipped tooth. It only took a few minutes as no anasthetic was needed. The worst bit was the assistant using the water jet thing as she seemed to be a bit heavy handed with it and kept letting it dribble down my neck! Sending you hugs x

    3. Hi Karen
      I hope your visit to the dentist wasn't to painful.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love your 3rd DT challenge card. It is one of those cards that makes you smile when you see it and as you said it is perfect for any time 😊 What a clever way to use that antler stamp, and masking off part of a sentiment is a great idea, and is one I must remember.
    Yesterday's apron cards were fabulous, I love the detail you have used to finish them both off beautifully to make 2 completly different cards with just a change of papers. I'm interested to see what additions Sue releases to go with this die as I can see it being a useful one, especially for the men.
    Yesterday passed by in a whirl and I have only just realised that I missed the blog totally!

    Pat, I'm so sorry to hear that Pete's hospital visit wasn't a good one. You are both in my thoughts and I'm sending you both big hugs xx

    Maria, I'm sorry your shoulder excersise is painful, fingers crossed it gets easier. I hope the visit with OH Mother in law wasn't too bad x

    Lynda, its good to hear how much you enjoy your excersise class, you are doing so well. Can you carry on going for as long as you like or will you have to find a local one? x

    Mum, I hope you are not using your hand too much! Love you xxxx

    Michele, you have been busy with so many interviews haven't you. It must be so hard to remember who is who. Do you agree with the two that were selected? x

    Janet, it sounds like you had a good day on Tuesday x

    I hope everyone has a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  5. Good Morning Ladies,
    I'm not sure if any of you saw Ben at SETcraft's post on fb last night, it looks like 'Tattered Lace ' are up to their old tricks again, I will copy Ben's message into this post

    Here is the message from Karl Shaw (Stephanie Weightman's husband)!!!!
    Along with all other independent retailers of Tattered Lace products we have been continually let down by the appalling lack of service we have received over the past few months. This has led to a lot of unhappy customers who have been kept waiting for their orders and a lot of stressed staff who spend much of their day trying to get Tattered Lace Trade to tell us what is going on. We have received the letter below this evening. As you can see they have created a total mess for independent retailers and they are now washing their hands of the problem. They couldn't care less about their trade customers and have treated us all with complete contempt. Quite frankly they are a total disgrace. We hope that you will all think twice before supporting a brand that has done so much damage to so many decent hard working independent craft companies. We will be refunding all back orders over the next couple days. Thank you all for your patience and understanding during what has been a very difficult and trying time.

    Important Update from Tattered Lace Trade

    Firstly thank you for your custom and support stocking our brands. As a business we have faced continual challenges meeting the service levels we feel our trade business requires. In the current changing market place, we have to advise that with immediate effect, we are ceasing with our independent trade business in the UK.

    We appreciate this will potentially have an impact on your business and this is not a decision we have taken lightly, however we are sure you will understand we need to do what we consider is right for both our brands and business.

    Any orders which have as yet been unfulfilled will be cancelled with immediate effect and any monies paid refunded in full, no further orders will be accepted irrespective of circumstances.


    Karl Shaw
    Managing Director
    Craft Channel Productions Ltd

    So they are once again 'shafting' the independent retailers that we all prefer to shop with, as we get better deals and better customer service! I hope and pray that everyone gets their money refunded, something that this company is renowned for NOT doing!!
    Ben is relieved it's all over and that he doesn't have to arrive at work each knowing that he will have to respond to customers that are (quite rightly) looking for answers on the whereabouts of their Tattered Lace order!

    So beware ladies, I would NOT order from them full stop.
    Listening to a couple of ladies (craft company owners) who were aware (first hand) of the devastation that this company have caused in the past, they don't care one little bit about the small independent companies that they have destroyed by leaving them with huge amounts of money owed to them, amounts significant enough to force the smaller companies to have to close down, meanwhile the owners of Tattered Lace, re-invent themselves under a different name and start Over again with a clean slate, not giving a second thought to the hard-working independent craft companies that they have destroyed.
    I agree with what Ben (Setcraft) advised and that is too avoid them, don't support them, they don't deserve your hard earned money!
    You can go over to Ben's fb page and read some of the comments, they make quite interesting reading!

    I hope you don't mind me by bringing this to your attention ladies, I would hate for any of you to get caught by them, leaving you out of pocket!

    1. Hi Sandra
      My word what a horror story for everyone concerned. I never buy Tattered Lace myself anyway.

    2. Sandra
      I saw this message on Facebook this morning-how disgusting (of Tattered Lace) to do this-again! I hope no-one orders anything after reading this.


  6. Hi Sue
    I only get a 8 week course as it's a NHS class we aren't allowed too continue which is a shame. Unfortunately the gyms are so expensive as they are yearly up front payment. Never mind.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. That's a shame Lynda. Have you asked your GP about using a local gym? Our health center, and many more in our area, run a scheme for people with certain illnesses and disabilities to use any local sports centers run by the company called Better at a really BIG discount. You can either pay each time you go or each month if you know you are going to use it regularly. You can use the gym, swimming pool and go to most of the classes they run as many times a week as you want. Please ask your GP. I will keep my fingers crossed that your area runs the same scheme 😊 Hugs are on their way to you x

    2. Hi Lynda
      So it's seems that your classes have finished under the NHS. It's such a shame they only give you this amount of classes especially if you need more.

  7. Morning Everyone from a very wet and windy Sheffield.
    When is this rain and wind going to stop! We too have had horrible rain and wind all week.

    SANDRA- love the last of your Design Team card. You really have stepped up to the line with this awkward stamp set.(well awkward to me). Having seen your lovely creations over the three weeks you won't be phased with any stamp set in the future. Pootles should be very pleased. The colour you have used really suits the subject making those antlers look very regal.

    I managed to get all jobs done yesterday and then paid for it last evening and through the night. It may be a rest day today.

    The CAFE is open and I've refilled the biscuit box and put a lemon drizzle cake in the cupboard out of Herman's sight. I notice one or two of the daffs have been nibbled! Could this be Herman or another visitor?lol.
    Hugs to all with a few extras to help Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. I'm sorry that you are suffering today. It is so frustrating isn't it! All you do is a few normal tasks around the house and then end up paying for it for the next few days! I hope you will feel better tomorrow after a restful day today. Sending healing hugs x

    2. Hi Janet
      Looks like a restful day is on the cards for you today. Gentle hugs coming your way.

  8. Good morning Sandra & all in the café
    Sandra your card is lovely you have done a brilliant job with this unusual stamp set. I think I would have pulled my hair out. You have managed to make three gorgeous cards useing this set so well done you xx
    I apologise yesterday's post seems to have gone awall.
    I loved your two Apron cards
    Pat I'm so very sorry that Pete's hospital appointment wasn't better news hopefully he can start the new drug ASAP your both in my thoughts & sending you both massive Hug's my lovely friend. Xx
    Janet have A restful day after overdoing thing yesterday Big Hug's xx
    Karen hope dentist goes well Terry broke his front plate biting into a roll yesterday. He hast too put care in garage today for back exhaust box & ball joint so what with that & dentist a big hole in bank account.😱😭😭
    Michele I hope your day is less stressful at work. Your doing a amazing & very demanding job. Well done you. Big Hug's xx
    Maria hope your shoulder is less painful for you today 🤗🤗xx
    Well I had better get a wiggle on House work is calling. Will pop back later.

    1. Ouch, garage and dentist bills at the same time, that's not good news for your bank balance! X

    2. Hi Lynda
      Thanks for the hugs they're very much appreciated my friend. I hope your exercises are going well. I hope your garage and dentist bills aren't to steep.

  9. Hello Sandra and all,
    Goodness me Sandra you have certainly gone to town with these dies, the card is brilliant, I would never have spotted the designs you came up with, your place on the design team is well deserved. These dies on first glance are not easy (for me) to see there potential, but you did, what an inspiration you are. AThank you for sharing them with us.
    I feel sorry for Ben at SETcraft's and all the other retailers Who have yet again been let down by this company. They always blame everyone else it's never their fault.

    JANET, Please take it easy today,. I know we all do it, we have days when we feel energetic and want to get on and get things done, but end up feeling exhausted. Sending gentle hugs xx

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all.
    Have not had a very good night because of the stormy winds and the rain, it was horrid and didn't help with neighbours gate banging at times.
    Lovely card Sandra and I'm sure they will be very happy at Pootles for the 3 cards you managed to make out of this stamp set, well done !
    Michele- you are doing something not many people would be able to do so your work is important, hope your day goes alright.
    Karen- hope the dentist can fix the tooth up for you and you be ok afterwards. Speak to you pm.
    Janet -have a day of rest, sound like you overdid it yesterday. Take care.
    Lynda- good the exercises is going well, how do you feel about them ? are you doing them at home too ? I got a list for different areas I need to work on. My neck and posture and take break when it gets to sore. Even card making too long I have to be careful, ye right.
    Elaine- sending you all some hugs and hope Andrew is doing alright.
    Tracy- have a great day with Pat L and come back rested so you can tell us all about your holiday.
    Brenda- have a good day and take care.
    Pat- sending you and Pete bunches of hugs.
    Margaret- you careful with you hand and I hope you not in too much pain,hugs.
    Going to Stamford was ok, managed to have a walk around the town before lunch. Had a nice main meal (21.95 !) and she told us her cancer is back just after a few month being cleared. I so hate this illness.
    Nice looking man from the gasboard is here to fix some of the radiators which still not working after the other guy banged them with his wrench so we will see how it goes.
    Reg. the flowers I saw this little bunny having a nibble so don't blame everything on Herman.He can be a pain but also keeping the grass down without us having to move the lawn too often hihi
    This blog and cafe' is open so if you looking in do come and say Hello, more friends the merrier.
    Sonia- miss you, hope you will come back soon and the same Anne, love to hear how Tollie is doing.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and hope that coughs and aches will get better soon. Maria Xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      Make sure you don't overdo things. Everything in moderation us the bye word.
      I quite agree Cancer is a bummer. It's hard to fight something you can't see. Thanks fir the hugs.

  11. You may also find this interesting:

    1. Very interesting reading Marjory, thank you xx

  12. Hi Sandra
    Love this card you made for the challenge. Windy here but at least the sun is out. Hugs to all who need one today.

  13. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you have really made some lovely cards from this stamp & to think 6 months ago you would not have attempted it at all, well done you xxx
    Today has been one of those days when hardly anything I had planned has happened, hope tomorrow is better.
    Janet hope you have taken it easy
    Michele only one more day then weekend, I would think you will be ready for
    Karen hope the dentist was not too
    Lynda oh dear dentist & garage bill not
    Maria hope you feel
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  14. Hi everyone
    Your never believe it two of my teeth have fallen out 😱😭😭😭 I think it's a bridge I had years ago. So me & Terry both need the tooth fairy & both look beautiful NOT so now it's touch & go if AP takes off.( Think I will 🤓 )I'm hoping they will be able to attach them onto my false teeth plate.On the other side. It's an expensive week.
    Margaret hope your hand is ok & your not using it. Hug's xx
    Pat I hope Pete is coping ok do you know when his new treatment starts Big Hug's for you both 🤗🤗 xx
    Maria glad you had a nice time in Stratford hope you enjoyed your lunch.
    How's your shoulder today. Did you find a new sofa by the way. Hug's xx
    Sue sendingyou some Hug's.
    Sandra I can imagine Ben at Set Craft is not a happy bunny being let down by Tattered Lace company how can they get away with it.
    Well just got a cupper from gummy no 1 HaHa.
    So see you all later Love gummy no 2 😷 Lynda xx

  15. Hi everybody.
    Love the card Sandra.
    Had a lovely time in Ireland very relaxing. Today it's raining but it's ok as we are waiting to board the ferry back home.
    Pat L was a lovely lady and we blethered for hours in m&s cafe with graeme joining in when he could get a word in lol. Will be going over again in several months so will meet up again.

    Love to all xxx

  16. Love this Sandra - I've added it to the Pootlers Pinterest board if that's ok with you x
