
Wednesday 1 March 2017

Another Pair of Challenge Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

While Chatting with Sue yesterday I managed to get some of these cards put together, I kept stopping though to chat and look at YouTube videos, we watched all sorts from information on all the different plates for the Sizzix Big Shot, (there are loads) !  To watching a video about 'tonsil stones', I know, don't ask, it just popped up, it was pretty gross though, it never ceases to amaze me the things you can see on there!
The afternoon was soon over though, but at least I get to do it all again with Pat !

Today's cards were both made using Creative Expressions ,'Necessities' Apron Die set.
It was fun using these dies, something totally different to the usual did cutting I do, I think that the possibilities are endless with this set, you could cover so many different occupations and hobbies, it will be fun to see what sets Sue designs to add to these.

I went for a pretty 'Kanban' paper from years ago for the ladies  card and craft card and a background stamped with the 'Hardwood' stamp set from Stampin up, I designed it to be Dad's BBQ apron, I think it works, I hope you like it, it does show that with a simple change of papers you can transform the look of a die or stamp!

Pat, I am so saddened by your news from the hospital for Pete, he must be devastated, let's hope that he can benefit from this new drug trial and it is as successful as the last lot, I have everything crossed for you both.  Huge Hugs to both of you xxxx

Janet, it dawned on me today that I didn't write in your birthday card, I remember stamping the insert and writing the envelope, Paul was waiting to take it to the post office so I was rushing.  I am so sorry my lovely xxx

I hope that the rest of you are fine and well or on the mend if not !

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Two fantastic cards Sandra. Yes, it will be interesting to see what add on dies Sue brings out for the Apron die.

    Yesterday went fast-we had 10 people turn up for the interviews so we've scored all the responses. Once we've finished the remaining interviews today we'll review everyone's answers, check we all agree then it'll be time to let two people know they can work in Pharmacy!! Luckily I don't do the phoning-everyone that attended must be contacted with either a job offer or an explanation of why they didn't make it. My "chocolate teapot " boss will do that job!!

    I was shattered last night so I just read my book then had a bath & an early night. No such luck tonight as I got a card to say there's a parcel waiting for me do I'll collect that after work then go on and do the Tesco shopping.


  2. Morning Everyone
    First I must say a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you for your beautiful bday cards which arrived on the correct day YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. My unit is full of beautiful colour, shape but most of all LOVE from you all.

    K&N was OK. We were down on numbers for various reasons so the card to make was done in a jiffy and so lots of laughs and chatting. We had a quiet night in and so I start another year.

    PAT- I'm so sorry that it wasn't good news yesterday. My thoughts and prayers are with you both and hopefully Pete can get on the trial drug. HUGE HUGS to you both.

    Today's jobs are changing the bedding and getting it washed and put away; emptying my K&N bag; finding a box to fit the decorated heart I did a few weeks ago as it's time to get it posted to France and then probably falling into my chair for some feet up time.
    SANDRA- I just knew it was your card when I opened it so you didn't need to write in it lol.

    The CAFE is open for business and just waiting for you all to pop in for a sit and a natter. Hugs on their way to all of you. xxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and all,

    Sandra such cute cards today. I must admit I had dismissed this die as not my type but looking at it made up mmmmm might just change my mind!!

    Off to the docs later for my annual Spanglish assessment of my medication. Just a formality really then he issues me with another years forms. So glad I got my new Health Card yesterday.

    After that it's crib afternoon, the last one until I'm back from UK as next Wednesday I'm going on a coach trip with Wendy and another Val from craft class. I can't remember the name of the place we're going to visit so it will be a nice surprise when I get there ha ha.

    Pat, thinking of you and Pete and sending special hugs. Xxx

    Hugs also to those not feeling so good today.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous apron cards Sandra, love them both and I can see to have this die set for myself :)
    Sending many hugs to you Pat and Pete and am so sorry you didn't got any better news. You take care and know we are here for you both.
    Soon out of the door for spending the day with OH step-mother in Stamford, she lives in a beautiful place but we will be spending 5/6 hours for lunch at 'the George' and it will be my worse day for a long time.
    I hope you all have a good day as possible, many hugs Maria xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    2great cards my friend Janice would love the bakery one it's versatile for both men and women as uve shown here.

    Janet happy belated birthday. Hope u had a smashing day xx

    Pat. Sorry to hear about ur news my thoughts are with u lovely lady. I hope things go as well as they can do for u both xx

    I'm in Ireland safely and having a very long lie in. Going to the titanic exhibition in Belfast when we decide to get up n get ready.
    Meeting pat L from sues blog tomorrow in Belfast for a coffee n cake hugs an a blether I'm quite excited lol xx

    Lynda hope ur doing well ma wee pal and that mr terry is behaving himself lol is that even possible??? Hee hee xx
    Love to all

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love your cards today, great use of the die. Tried to come up with theme for challenge this week, not much success yet got a few
    Val good luck at Dr's hope all goes
    Looks quite nice out this morning, cannot believe we are in March already!
    Maria hope you can enjoy your visit will think of you resisting the food!!xxx
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Pat & Pete love Margaret xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and all of our coffee shop friends,

    I love how you have used these dies for male and female cards, they are both gorgeous and you have shown us just how versatile these dies are. Have you looked on John L blog? he has used the same dies today.

    VAL, hope your doctors appointment goes well. xx
    MICHELE, good luck with day two of interviews. xx
    MARIA, have a lovely day. xx
    TRACEY, enjoy you trip to the titanic exhibition. xx
    JANET, sounds like you plan to be quite busy today, don't overdo things. xx
    MARGARET, hope you are not overdoing things with your wrist. xx
    LYNDA, sounds as if you are being a star patient. xx
    PAT. Big Hugs, Love and Prayers for you both. xx

    Time for coffee, I'm going to sit by the garden window and keep an eye on Herman - don't like the way he is looking at the daffodils!!!!

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Two lovely cards SANDRA I'll be interested to see what Sue brings out to go alongside these
    I'm so sorry that the news for PETE wasn't good PAT Take care hum and we're all thinking of you
    Glad the exercises are going well LYNDA and MARIA Sorry to hear you're a bit sore after your Physio and what were the pancakes like?
    So glad you got your Health card VAL
    Off for a snooze and as I'm home alone (all night!) I will then be crafting until the small hours with complete control of the remote

  9. Hi Sandra
    As you can imagine it's a bit glum in our house at the moment. Thanks for all your good wishes. Craig was here when I got home from Sandra's. We've had problems with iur tap in the kitchen. God knows what Craig did as he filled the kettle up and the tap just went round and round and wouldn't shut off. Managed to sort it of sorts so tomorrow Petes off to buy a new tap. Hopefully Craig will come round to change the tap for us as Pete can't see to do it with his eyes. No hot water until we get the new tap fitted.
    Love your cards Sandra.

  10. Lovely Sandra, nice to see you again
    Elizabeth Bennett

  11. Hi All, sorry to be late.
    Sandra two great cards today, as of yet I have no ideas for this weeks cc.
    Pat, sorry you didn't get better news yesterday, my thoughts are with you both.
    I'll say goodnight, sleep tight see you in the morning, hugs Lilian

  12. Please excuse my rudeness Hello Ladies got carried away with Sandra's beautiful cards and her hexagon dies on the group which lead me here, hope im allowed to join in
    Elizabeth Bennett

    1. You are more than welcome Elizabeth xxx
