
Tuesday 28 February 2017

Happy Birthday Janet

πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠHappy Birthday JanetπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Good Morning Ladies,

A very Special day today ladies, it's Our Lovely Janet's Birthday, there's a huge chocolate cake in the chiller, some fresh baked scones, one of Margaret's Coconut & Lemon cakes, everything has been done this morning Janet so please just sit in the special chair  that is adorned with balloons and streamers, put your feet up and enjoy your day, I wish but was close enough to give you an actual 'Birthday Hug' , I'm sending lots of virtual ones to compensate!  
I'm not sure that you have planned today but whatever it is have a wonderful day my Dear, Sweet Friend xxxx

I love the card that you have made too Janet, I'm guessing it was for a special occasion as it is so beautiful, every thing about is just gorgeous, from the sentiment to the beautiful floral spray with pretty stick pins and ribbon.  Thank you for allowing me to share it with everyone. Xxx

Pat I hope all goes well with Pete's hospital visit today, I'm sure it is going to be a long and tiring day, you will be in our thoughts my lovely. Xxx

Sue is coming over today, I have a list of cards to make, so will be cracking the whip today, haha, I'm looking forward to a catch up xxx

I hope that all of you have a lovely day today too,

Love and hugs



  1. Hi Sandra and all,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET hope you have a wonderful day with lots of treats.
    Beautiful card you've made. Really pretty, love the verse and such a nice sentiment.

    Sandra hope you had a good rest yesterday and feel a lot better today. Enjoy your crafting with Sue.

    Pat do hope everything goes ok today with Pete's hospital visit. Hope its not too long a day.

    Out early today as off to the hospital to hopefully after a six month wait, pick up my medical card. I don't hold out much hope of getting it as there's always another excuse why it's not arrived from Madrid. But you never know.

    Will call in later.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Happy Birthday Janet-hope you have a fabulous day. You're card is beautiful.

    Quick visit as I have to be out early-am interviewing all day today (& tomorrow) at our other hospital site. 11 to interview today and 10 tomorrow-it's not something I enjoy but I have to do it as part of my job.
    Think I'll be shattered by this evening!


  3. Hello All, cold and wet here.

    Firstly MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY JANET,hope it's a really special one, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    Love the card you have made Janet, especially the floral spray and the words.

    Early this morning as it's cleaner day, so need to have a quick tidy around, will pop in later, to see everyone and have some of that delicious chocolate cake so save me a slice. Have a good day all ,hugs Lilian

  4. Morning ladies and lets us all do a little happy jig for our Janet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Have a wonderful day whatever you and Jim be up too. Big 'Bamse' hug !
    Pat, good luck for Pete. Hopefully the day wont be too long for you.
    Michele, hope the interviewing goes fine and your not too tired tonight.
    Val, hope you get your medical card today, an awful long wait for it. Hope you don't change it every year.
    Up early to go for physio for my shoulder and then hope to get into town for sofa hunting, have done it for a while now but nothing that I like so far.
    Cafe' looks lovely and I will be back this afternoon for a slice of cake and singing (like a cat being strangled)hihi Happy Birthday to our Janet !
    Have a nice day everyone, many hugs Maria Xxx

    1. ooops sorry forgot, a Beautiful card and a lovely verse Janet ! xx

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET I hope you have a lovely day and that my card has made it to you (our post has been very slow just lately)
    MICHELE! 10/11 interviews in one day! At my place (the big wigs) only seem to interview 5/6 in one day Don't work too hard
    I hope you are lucky with getting your medical card VAL
    I hope Pete's appt goes well PAT
    I do not envy you at all MARIA looking for sofas Not an easy job at all and that Physio is helping
    We're having a Pancake Day in the office today and guess who's left the items she agreed to contribute in a shopping bag in the hall....Yes me!

  6. Good morning Sandra and all our lovely ladies, I am in early as I wanted to wish one special lady JANET A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Ihope you have a lovely day, and get spoilt by everyone LOL. I hope my card arrives, I posted it yesterday morning, the lady at the post office said it would hack to go as a. small parcel, I got a little carried away with the bubble wrap. Sorry, lesson learned for next time. XX
    PAT. Hope Pete get on okay at the hospital, thinking of you both. xx
    MICHELE, The best of luck with the interviews.
    MARIA, Hope the physo goes well.
    VAL Good. Luck hope you get your medical card.
    LILLIAN Have a good day.
    JANET should hav said earlier- what a beautiful , love the floral arrangement. xx

    Time to get a wiggle on, have a lovely day everyone, will be back latyfor some of that delicious cake.

    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET, dear heart.
    I wish for you to have special birthday gifts of love, laughter and a large pastry!! xxx

    Your card is so pretty and the verse is lovely.

    After all the rain the last couple of days have brought, today is bathed in bright sunshine with a very clear blue sky. I might, just might mind, be able to get in a couple of hours light gardening.
    More B/cards for next month to do this afternoon and then back to my paperwork.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  8. Morning Everyone
    Thank you for all your birthday wishes. Cards have been arriving over the last few days - PAT your postbox has behaved and your card has arrived as has yours KAREN, VAL, MARIA, MICHELE, LILIAN -A big thank you to you all. My postie doesn't arrive until lunchtime so I'm sure he will be calling.

    A HUGE THANK YOU SANDRA for opening up this morning and all the birthday treats look fantastic. I'll be back later today to join you all in a birthday tasting.

    I'm not doing anything special today as it's Knit and Natter this afternoon - my Friend Pat who sits next to me also has her birthday today so I think we shall have some fun.

    PAT - I'll be thinking of you and PETE on your hospital visit.
    MARIA - I hope Physio goes well for you.
    LYNDA - how's Rehab going?

    I'm off now to place all my beautiful cards in prime position. See you all later. HUGS to you all.

    Oh the card I made for a Dear Friend who will be 87 in March and she is also the reason I needed the box tutorial.xxxx

  9. Hello again - VAL thank you so much for the cut dies of the cycle. They are really lovely xxxx

    1. You're welcome Janet. I know you said you liked the die. Hope you're having a lovely birthday and a good K+N.. Love Valxxx

  10. Hi Janet,
    A very happy birthday to you hope you have a lovely day. Looking forward to slice chocolate cake later. I hope my card arrives if not it is on it's way. Your card is beautiful love it. Hugs on way love Margaret xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I hope you & Sue have a lovely time
    Pat hope all goes well with
    Maria good luck at physio & sofa shopping, not an easy
    Michele good luck with
    Karen enjoy your
    Must go I am going to see if I can drive to have coffee with Petanque friends at 11am.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  12. Good morning JANET HAPPY BIRTHDAY πŸŽ‚πŸ·πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸ·HAVE A LOVELY DAY enjoy N & N Hope my card arrives today.
    My rehab excercise are going well. I had better go & have my shower as I'm going today. Your card is stunning.
    BIG BIRTHDAY HUG'S πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— love Lynda

  13. Meant to say earlier that your card JANET is exquisite
    Nothing much on this afternoon Hopefully I'll get at least one of the sketch cards that's buzzing around my head started
    PS The pancakes were good You can't beat good old lemon juice and sugar Yum!

    1. Oh those pancakes sound delicious Karen and just the way I like them. xxx

  14. Hi everyone.
    Hope you're all having a good day.
    Well I'm happy to say that finally my Health card has arrived.You get one here when you reach pensionable age and that's it for life unless as in my case some silly so and so presses the wrong button and puts a block on it. You need the card to collect your prescriptions, book the doctor or visit the hospital etc so an important bit of card.
    Had to go and get some cat and dog biscuits from the vets, some low fat mince from the butcher and a restaurant gift voucher for a friends birthday and WOW the days gone. Just having a coffee and it's out with Gracie for a walk. I was hoping to haveca couple of hours in my craft room but don't think its going to happen.

    Pat I hope everything went well today.
    Lynda I'm glad the exercises are going well.
    Maria hope you saw a sofa you liked and that the physio went well.
    Michele thats a lot of interviews in one day. Hope they went well.

    Well coffees finished so must move.
    See you tomorrow.
    Love Valxxx

  15. Hi everyone.
    Janet hope you have a fun day at K & N and perhaps Jim cooking the dinner for you tonight :)
    Physio went ok but are very sore, he gave me some exercises to do at home and I'll see him in a month time again to see if any improvements.
    Karen, your fault I had to look for a slimming type of pancake recipe. Found one with only 2 ingredients (eggs and bananas) and I'm going to defrost some frozen berries to have to it. They are being our pudding after salmon and vegs. dinner we have tonight. Right now do I am sitting here with a big slice of Chocolate Cake and surely enjoying myself, well you can always pretend Lol
    Many hugs xx

  16. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    Well my excercise went well everyone is so friendly I will be sorry when it stops.
    Nothing exciting this afternoon I did make my grandsons Alfie's birthday card I was quite pleased with how it turned out.after the first one I did yesterday ended up in the bin. Hay Ho .
    Maria I haven't here'd of banana pancakes your doing so well with your diet.
    I won't recognise you at AP skinny Lizzy. I'm not doing very well with mine.
    Val glad you managed to get your medical card.hope Gracie enjoyed her walk.
    Janet hope you have enjoyed your birthday.How did K&N go.any surprises.
    Well enjoy the rest of the evening xx
    Sandra & Sue hope you have had a good day together crafting how many cards did you both manage to make in between chatting.xx
    Hope you all had a good day. I had better go & make Terry's pancakes he's moaning .
    Hopefully pop in later Love Lynda xxπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—

  17. Hi Sandra
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANET. I hope you had a lovely day and that this year you got your card.
    Had pancakes for tea after some Jacket Potatoes. Not great news I'm afraid re Pete. Cancer is spreading further into his bones. We've been given some leaflets to read re Chemo which might not work. Also need to see a Professor Metcalfe whose trying to trial some new drugs. This might not work either. However, because he has another Cancer he might not be able to go on a trial. We need to see them ASAP then go back in three weeks to see what Pete decides to do. Tough times ahead I'm afraid.

    1. So very sorry to hear your news Pat.
      My thoughts and prayers are with you both. Love and hugs Valxxx

    2. Sorry to hear the news thinking of you both, hugs on way Margaret xx

    3. Oh Pat, so sorry to read this news. Stay strong, you know we are all here for you. Sending you both caring hugs, xx
