
Monday 27 February 2017

Monday Challenge

Dragonfly Dreams Stamp and Die Bundle

Good Morning Ladies,

This weeks Challenge as you probably have noticed is not a Sketch Challenge, the Challenge is.....
I would like you to choose either One Stamp or Die set 
And then make ...
1 card for a male and 1 card for a female

I think this is a great way of looking at our dies and stamps in different ways, being able to use them for both means we get more out of our stash.  I know this means making two cards instead of one, but if it's with the same set you'll just need to change the colour theme and embellishments.  I hope you share my enthusiasm for this Challenge, I got quite excited when I came up with it yesterday. 
I look forward to seeing your ideas.

I am hosting another Sketch Challenge on fb today, but I'm cheating and using a sketch we did a couple of weeks ago.  I just couldn't summon the energy to create another Challenge.  I have felt totally wiped out since we got home from Farnborough.  I'm not sure why, I didn't sleep well the night before, due to my anxiety.  I don't think I was out of my wheelchair much more than I am when we go to Ally Pally, but something has just zapped all of my energy.  I have my fingers crossed that it isn't the start of something horrible.  There were a lot of people coughing and sneezing around the show, I'm just hoping it isn't anything from that.
On the up side we have had a lovely, relaxing weekend.

I hope you all have a lovely week, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two beautiful cards & a fantastic challenge this week. My mind is already whirring, thinking about what to use. I have a set of hexagon Dies that I've not used or a set of stamps with trees on...hmmm, decisions, decisions! I k owe hay I'll be doing tonight-heading for my craft room.
    I started to shred some paperwork yesterday evening but the shredder stopped twice (to cool down) so I gave up and went downstairs and read my book. Guess I should continue the shredding tonight.


  2. Hello All, early today the rain and wind woke me up early.

    Sandra great idea for two cards, love the ones you have done, will put my thinking cap on.
    Do hope you will feel better today, take care there is still a lot of nasty germs around and some people are so careless when sneezing and coughing.

    Well I'm away lots of work this week, hugs to all Lilian

  3. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful cards SANDRA and a good CC for this week though I'll have to put my one little grey cell to work to come up with some ideas lol.

    MICHELE- hope you have a good day at work and happy shredding tonight.

    LILIAN- Hope it's not too windy and wet and that work this week is not so busy that you can't get any crafting done this week.

    SANDRA- take care of yourself and fingers crossed it's only the backlash of travel, hunting around the fayre and buying lots on Friday. Relaxing day for you I think.

    It's Mr Tesco day here this morning and then I have a couple of parcels to get ready for the post.

    The CAFE is OPEN for the day and looks quite spring like with little pots of crocus and snowdrops on the tables. Hugs to you all. xxxx

  4. I hope you aren't coming down with something awful SANDRA Take care x
    Great idea for the challenge Got my head spinning already
    Off to get ready for work
    Quick question Was it LILIAN that was having problems getting ScanNCut to cut I wonder why that is and wahat you have tried to correct it

    1. Yes it was me, because I've not a lot of time I tend to give up very easily and get out my cricut, which I find cuts much better, bought thr S&C to cut out my stamped images, but when I scan it seems to miss loads of bits, I also think the mats and accessories are far too expensive, so I really haven't used it much, must persevere, glad you are liking yours.

  5. Morning Sandra and to all today.
    Lovely cards Sandra and a challenge to find something that suit both men and woman. Will try to have a go this week but first I need to sort out Herman, someone told me late last night he been making a lot of S--t just like S--t leg but not sure how she saw anything as she went frolicking with Ed !! hihi
    Val, Your market sound lovely. We have got one here and some days it is a flea market but everything feels so different when abroad. Hope you have some nice days and your mojo is back soon.
    I hope any poorly will take it easy and get better soon and our missing friends will feel like coming back asap.
    OH and I have doctors appointments this morning so best get in the shower but will see you later hopefully.
    I wish you all a good Monday. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. I wonder what Herman's been eating, Paul said he'll use the manure for his allotment!

    2. Hi Maria
      I hope the Drs appointment went well this morning.

    3. HAHA Maria I think ED must have got stuck in the 💩 Pile
      as I went to BED 😂😂😂😂
      Did you find Heman was he very 💩Sandra you got 💩💩💩💩 for your allotment..I hope your Drs appointments went ok.
      Hug's xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. What a great idea for the challenge this week. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. I hope you are feeling better today, if not please rest up my lovely x
    Maria, I hope you are feeling brighter today and you get on well at the doctors. I'm sure your mojo will come back once you are feeling better, just take it easy x
    Mum, Lynda, Pat and Brenda I hope you are all coughing less today x
    Janet, the Café looks lovely with those beautiful Snowdrops and Crocuses, some of my favourite flowers as they tell us Spring is not far away. I hope Herman doesn't get into the Café or he will make short work of them, and the tablecloths too no doubt! Have a good day x
    Michele, I hope work goes well today. It's annoying when the shredders stop isn't it. I try and do it as it comes along but every now and then I get lazy and then it builds up so takes ages to do (I'm just the same with the ironing😊) I hope you don't mind but I'm thinking of selling some of my dies and wondered how you decide on what price to charge and where is the best place to sell them? X
    I have dentist today to fix my chipped tooth, hooray 😊 as it is quite sharp. Then I hope to get a bit of crafting, I made a start yesterday but ended up having a lovely time just playing with some stamps. I do need to get them into some sort of organised storage as they are all just in a box muddled together! Does anyone have a good system. I think the drawer system that Ali Reeve has is good, and Sandra saw a much cheaper version at Make it on Friday but I can't remember who made it?
    Well, have a good day whatever you are doing. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Sorry Sandra I forgot to say how lovely both cards are. And you can see how just a change of colour makes a card perfect for the men. Thank you again xx

    2. I used EBay as a guide for prices. Don't forget to send us all an email with the details of what you're selling. Would save on the seller fees that way.


  7. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Sorry you're not feeling so good Sandra. Hopefully it's tiredness and nothing worse and few days resting will have you feeling ok. Take care.
    Love the cards you have made today. The challenge is definitely that and I'll have to have a god think about it.
    Lovely news last night when my son Skype. Because my birthday present from them never arrived they've booked for a weekend away for the three of us in a lovely hotel in Conway, a beautiful part of Wales.Its for the middle weekend of my stay in UK and lovely to look forward to.

    Maria. Sorry you're not feeling so good. Do wish you well and hope everything is ok at the GP's today.
    Sue good luck at the dentist.
    Lilian hope you're work goes well this week.
    Michele. Have a quiet day at work. Hope you're shredder behaves tonight.
    Brenda, Pat, Lynda and Margaret. Do hope you're all having a better day today.

    I'm meeting a friend for coffee later. Jackie was my hairdresser here for a few years but moved back to UK last year as her in laws have become very frail and need more care. Jackie and her husband still have their house here can and they
    arrived yesterday for a couple of weeks so it will be lovely to catch up today.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val what a lovely surprise for you. Your very lucky to have this to look forward to.
      I'm still coughing well Val. Brenda told me her lasted about a month when she had hers. I did manage to go to school today. I hope you and Jackie have a great meet up.

  8. Hi Sandra
    Mmmm, not to sure about this challenge. My what a mess I made when I had a go at random stamping. Don't think I want to go there again.
    I hope your feeling a bit better this afternoon. Hope it wasn't my cough you caught Sandra, although as you said quite a few people were coughing.

  9. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    What a different challenge you have set this week, at first I thought no I can't do that. I have since had my thinking cap on and I've thought well maybe. Just thinking about it is a challenge in itself. But never say never. It can be done - it can be done - it can be done, I will saying it in my head!!!!!
    I hope your cough hasn't got any worse, I'm sure all the travelling and getting up and down out of your wheelchair at Farmborough has not helped. I have vague memories of you doing something similar last year at Farmborough, it didn't end up with a cough, but you were physically exhausted. Please take care LOL I have spent ages trying to find your Facebook challenge Sandra, you know I'm not very good with Facebook so please excuse my stupidity. What website is it on?

    LILLIAN hope your workload is manageable try not to overdo things LOL

    MARGARET hope you're resting your hand and wrist I love the Temptations of their own looking at you, take care.

    MARIA hope your doctor's appointment went well. Dont forget to put your gloves on when you go cleaning up after Herman, there could be so many germs !!!

    VAL what a lovely treat to look forward to when you come over to the UK I'm sure you will have a great time, quality family time. xx

    SUE did the dentist sort you out? Hope you're feeling okay now anyway LOL

    Time for afternoon cuppa, John popped out this morning and came back with two yummy pecan pastries so we going to enjoy those with a cup of tea.

    Love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. MARGARET that should say - I know the temptations are out there looking at you. Sorry didn't check the message before I posted xx

    2. Took the shovel and throw it over the fence, hope the neighbours don't mind Lol xx

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra lovely cards & great idea for this weeks cards, hope to try tomorrow. Sorry you feel poorly hope you are just tired please look after yourself, hugs on
    Val what a lovely surprise, how lovely & thoughtful, no need to say enjoy as I know you
    Brenda my wrist is feeling alot better, I took dressing off Friday evening, it was itching, & it looked fine , can use it more each day, so will have a go crafting
    Maria hope Dr's went well & you got some answers, hugs on
    I will have another go commenting every time I start something happens!!!
    Sue hope dentist sorted you out, love xxx
    Pat I think it about time you saw Dr. take
    I have forgotten what else I was going t9 say will close sending hugs to all who need them love

  11. Hello Sandra
    Sorry your not feeling so good hope your not getting anything nasty.
    I had hospital appointments for RA clinic & 💉Test for a change another bruised arm.Margaret glad your wrist is getting better but don't get over doing it sending Hug's xx Val what a lovely surprise for you haveing your friend back for two weeks.Sandra this weeks challenge is very interesting hope to have a go tomorrow after excercise class well unless I fall seep haha I have to make grandsons birthday card too
    Short & Sweet tonight Maria hope you have tied Herman up tonight we don't want a repeat of 💩💩💩everywhere think Paul has enough on his allotment..
    Good night God bless I'm off to Bed.

    1. What with the chickens everywhere ? hahaha
      Paul need horse s--te for the allotment, much better for the runner beans.
      Good night my little friend :) xx

  12. Hello.
    Sandra I hope you soon get your strength back and feel more like yourselves. You did feel funny last year as well after Farnborough if I remember right, do take care.
    Any date for the meet up before Ally Pally ? Must make sure it is no doctors or hospital appointment on that day....
    The doctor I saw today will send me on to someone else now so just have to wait for the letter with a time. After we went for a coffee and a small shop. Back home I started to make some ideas for the CC but looking back at yours Sandra, two definitely goes in the bin hihi
    Not sure if Hermans s--t is the best for the roses after all the rubbish he is eating, might have to put him on a grass diet because his f---s do smell a bit tihi
    Hope you all with the cough soon have better days. Sending hugs and hope you all have a good-ish night, xxxx
