
Sunday 26 February 2017

Your Challenge cards

My Challenge Card

The sketch

Michele has made 3 Fantastic cards for this Challenge,
amazingly they all look so different.....

A Cute baby card

A Fantastic Christmas Card

A lovely any occasion card
You have really made the most of this sketch Michele, 
Here is Micheles's description
"Christmas challenge card-paper & card from stash,  poinsettias are die cut. Baby card -film strip is a Spellbinders die & shapes are from the Shadow box maybe or the other die set Sue brought out, tag is from an earlier Sue Wilson die set(forgotten which one)! The last card has an embossed background with 3 diecut squares (another Sue Wilson die set) .

Janet's Challenge Card
Janet has used some of the earliest Spellbinders that I remember 
(And I own) 'Fleur De Lis Doilly Accents', I actually had forgotten how much 
I like them! The three circles are mounted upon the 'Fleur de Lis' accents, the 
Border from the set have used to create the pretty border under the ribbon.
A gorgeous card Janet, it will be fun to see how many people have owned these
Early spellbinders too.  Thank you for taking part xxx

Karen's Challenge Card
Karen (scan & cut Genius) has created this card using only the Scan & Cut,
I am in awe of your talent Karen, those shoes are 'killer heels', Karen has cut in 
Black gloss card, they were created in scan & cut too, I hope that when we get this retreat sorted you will be giving me some serious 1,to1 tuition, although I know that Cheryl will want to learn too!  Thank you so much for your inspiration Karen xxx

Lynda's Challenge Card

Lynda has used one of the fantastic cheap dies from China, I think I have 
Ordered this one too, it works so well with assortment of beautiful Butterflies that 
Lynda has arranged around it, a gorgeous card Lynda thank you so much xxx

Lilian's Challenge Card

Oh Lilian I absolutely love this card, sometimes it's the simplest of designs that 
Have the best impact, can I ask what the 'stitched' looking border is that
You have used? I really like it!,  Your  flowers are coloured beautifully to match
Your background colour, everything is just perfect down to the pretty how
On the sentiment, thank you Lilian for taking part xxx

Val's Challenge card

What a brilliant idea, I have loads of these frames and never would have thought,
Of using them like this, I love the papers you have caused too, those butterflies
Are really pretty, those gemstones really finish them beautifully.
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Brenda's Challenge Card

Those little MDF tiles work perfectly for this weeks sketch Brenda, good thinking!  I'm also very impressed that you were thinking about the sketch Challenge while you were at the show,
That's dedication for you! 
I am also very impressed that you and Michele have made a
Start on your Christmas cards! A fantastic card Brenda 
Thank you so much for taking part xxx

Margaret & Sue's idea for a
Challenge Card
Now Margaret makes a Challenge card every week but this week
She has had surgery on her wrist so was unable to craft. 
While at the Farnborough show, we were all stood chatting with the 
Lovely ladies cat the 'Honeydoo Crafts' stand, Margaret said that she thought 
That this card was perfect for the sketch this week and that maybe they could photograph it and send it in !! (Joking of course) !  
So ladies, I have done it for you !!
Thanks for thinking about taking part xxx

On the subject of that I was surprised to see on one or two stands had 
'photographs only with owners permission' signs on.  
Usually you are free to take photos, we have done many times to use for inspiration.
When we asked why, it was explained that some people were taking photographs 
And entering them into competitions in magazines etc.
Can you believe that people would actually have the nerve and cheek to do
Such a thing??! I was gob smacked,  I was under the impression that
Crafters were the most kind, caring and generous natured people,
(well with a few exceptions),  the same lady was telling us that one individual 
Spent ages in conversation with a stall owner but was then found with over a £100 of stolen goods in her bag, from that stand and the next one! Unbelievable!!
I guess there are always exceptions!

Thank you so much ladies for taking the time to take part
In this weeks Challenge, I will keep doing them for as long as
You all enjoy taking part xxx

Have a lovely Sunday
Love & Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    I want to start by saying a great big Thank you Sandra for sorting out a Challenge each week and to all of you that make fantastic Challenge cards. I'm so sorry that I don't join in more often but am really grateful that so many of you do each week for me to enjoy and get inspiration from x
    I have left comments for you all on yesterday's post as I completely forgot to come in to the Café yesterday!
    I haven't touched my craft stuff since I went to Sandra about 10 days ago (I'm starting to get serious withdrawal symptoms now) but as always I have loved looking at each Challenge card today. I have got lots of ideas from you all and I think I will be using this sketch for some of the cards needed in March as it works so well.
    I have a serious amount of ironing to do first thing today and then would like to craft but each time I plan to do that something or someone puts a spoke(? I've got a mental blank on the spelling!) in my wheel so let's wait and see how the rest of the day pans out!
    I hope you all have a good day, and if you are crafting may your mojo be with you 😊
    It's a bit dull and grey here at the moment but it is lovely to lie here listening to the birds singing away 😊
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Mum, Pat and all in need. Take care xx

    1. Still coughing a great deal and think I've pulled something in my stomach. Brenda said she had hers for about a month, I just hope I don't. I'll try and go to school tomorrow but will come home early if I'm coughing really badly. I also have a lot of ironing to do but just don't have the energy. All food seems to be upsetting Pete at the moment hope it doesn't last, I'm stocking up on Imodium for him at the moment.

  2. Good morning Sandra and all visiting the cafe' today.
    Wonderful Challenge cards from you ladies this week. Michele, you and Brenda are way ahead with some x-mas cards I see which is a good idea. I like them all and it have given me some ideas to make one or two cards after this sketch but at the moment I just have no energy to do much at all. What a cheek from people taking photos of cards at craft shows and then using them as their own in competitions etc. How bad is that.
    Thought I would have seen Sue in already as she posted on yesterdays. You might be doing it now :) I hope you all have a nice Sunday. My OH is going to football in London and Son is moving furniture's in his room around, it will be My Room as soon he moved out !
    Look after yourselves. Love and many hugs, Maria Xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      I hope your feeling better today and not doing to much.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Well we seem to be back to normal here this morning -no rain or wind thank goodness. It really was an awful week.

    What a gorgeous array of CCs this week. I love them all and well done you Dear Friends who have made a start on your Seasonal Cards.
    I'm so pleased that I don't have to choose a favourite as I really could not. The China dies do look good - I have two/three and really must get down to trying them out - perhaps tomorrow.

    I'm not sure what's on the cards today other than it's a roast beef dinner

    Have a good Sunday whatever you all do and take care of yourselves. Hugs to you all with a few extras for those Dear Friends in need. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      We had roast beef today at the Garden Centre before we took Doreen to see Ellis.

  4. I am in awe of this week's cards I am doing the "I've got that die set why didn't I use that Or that's clever" dance
    I'm no genius SANDRA I watch a lot of YouTube especially applelover53 She showed how to make a shoe card using a dingbat like Windings - you know the one - you type a letter and get an image instead. I knew I needed a killer heel and went for a very simple shoe with no straps etc and printed in black and scanned it in My daughter's friend loved her killer heels and red It is a bit of a cheat as I was inspired by a card John L had made using SW's dies
    I bought John B's file for boxes £2.50 It's OK BUT you cannot make very big boxes because I cannot ungroup any of it to enlarge them etc
    VAL - MICHELE is the queen of cheap Chinese dies I'm sure she'll repeat link on the blog again I will try and email you too but my Internet is not brill at the mo
    I think MICHELE deserves a special 'well done' THREE cards! I struggled to think of one this week It was only when daughter said she needed a card that I remembered John L's version See no imagination me

  5. Morning Ladies

    Brilliant collection of challenge cards-all gorgeous.

    I made an effort last night to check which dies I'd used-the cream& brown card uses Configurations Corner Squares. The tag on the baby card uses the Dainty Rectangular Frame.

    Sandra-can I just say Thank You for organising the challenge every week. Personally, I'd like it to continue as it forces me to make a card (or three) and to think about what I can use. The Spellbinders filmstrip die & the Configurations dies hadn't been used ever so I'm pleased that I've finally got round to using them!

    Housework day today-lots of ironing to do! Hopefully I'll still manage some time in my craft room.


  6. I forgot to say Thank you too re organising this blog and the challenges have we got dates for the mini meet up before Ally Pally I'm getting a bit lost in the trail of things.
    I think we need to organise an area for the Retreat and go from there. I have to say the one I have suggested to SANDRA would be perfect (I've been there) but I'm sure there will be others that are similar, we just need to decide where is best (I had a sneaky peek on one site and they have some fabulous places that could accommodate us in ...... Ireland lol!

  7. Hello All, dry for the moment, but another storm on the way.

    The cc cards are all super, love them all, great idea to start C cards early, I say every year that I will do them through the year, but when I do when it comes to sending them I don't like them, fickle me !!!

    My the flowers on my card are made with the new Britannia dies I bought at the craft show, the little squares are a spellbinders die.
    Sandra you asked about my little borders I have to admit they are peel offs, found them while looking through some old stuff, they are a soft pink colour so perfect for this card. The colours are stamping up blushing bride paper and ink, for the flowers I also used a darker shade, think it was tangerine tango, this was the third card I made using this sketch, think I will use it quite a bit as I really enjoyed making the little flower.

    We managed to start on the marathon job of sorting the garage out, bought two new garden storage boxes and put them together ( a bit of a challenge as R has no patience when it comes to limited instructions ). Using them to store bags of potting compost that normally live in the garage, also sorted out some new shelves, convinced R that a lot of stuff needs to go to the skip!

    Well enough of my waffle, have a lovely Sunday all, we are having slow cooked stuffed turkey leg for dinner to night, so must get a move on to get it in the slow cooker, also making soup, as I MUST loose some weight.

    Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      Can I please ask you to use your persuasion methods on Pete. To say his shed needs sorting is an understatement, you open the door and wonder where am I going to put my feet to get in. Mind you my Granddaughters bedroom is like that. Mind you 4 girls share 2 bedrooms. They've just had a swop round as the really tidy two did share with the very untidy ones. They swapped over last week much to Sophie's ( 18) yrs horror.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely selection of cards ladies. All beautiful. Well done Michele on making 3 including a Christmas card. Brenda youre really organised making a Christmas card as well.
    I just wasn't happy with mine. I wanted to use the wooden frames which I've had for ages but it didn't turn out how I imagined in my head. Still you win some, you lose some and I'm back in my craft room this afternoon . I have quite a few family and friends to make cards for before I go back to UK in a couple of weeks but I'm just not in the mood at the moment which is unusual.

    Just got back from our Sunday Market with a trolley full of fruit , veg and a couple of cooked chickens. They sell everything is this large market from fruit to furniture and toiletries to towels. People come from miles around to it and it's very busy. In the summer we get there as they open as it's even busier with all the holiday makers.

    Lovely reading what everyone is up to today. Some lovely meals being made. We're having roast chicken of course.
    Have a wonderful day whatever your doing and hope all those not feeling so good have a better day.

    I must also thank you Sandra for organising our great cc every week and putting it all together. Like everyone else I love taking part and even if I'm not always happy with what I've made it certainly makes me tackle different ideas.

    Have a good Sunday everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  9. Afternoon Ladies

    Just wondered if anyone would like packs of Hunkydory card toppers-I have quite a few, all unopened & they're free to a good home. If you're interested I could email you photos of the packs.


  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra thanks for once again inspiring all these lovely CC's they are all brilliant. Thank you for sharing the lovely card I thought about entering, at least I was honest about it not like the ones that you were talking about, I would never have the nerve. I hope to get back to crafting later this week, wrist looks good at itchy stage now, agh agh!!xxx
    Maria thank you for your comment, yes I keep asking how I got involved, cannot think who persuaded me!!! Hope you feel better soon healing hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who need them love Margaret xxx

  11. Whoops! I've just bought the Special Shaped Cards usb I said I wouldn't but feeling a little disappointed with the "boxes" I bought from John B They're just for tiny boxes whereas the USB can be re-sized bigger or smaller I have liked the TL Art Deco card shapes which are all on there and if I'd bought the dies that's all I'd have got for the money So in a way everything else is a bonus (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it) xx

    1. I was very tempted,but as I have a job to get my machine to cut anything these days decided against it, but thought it looked really good, wish they were a bit cheaper.

  12. Hi Sandra
    Ladies I'm in awe of each of your talent. I just love Karen's wizardry with the scan n cut. Oh to be that clever with technology. Every card made is fabulous. Well done ladies.

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Really late today, had a busy day also had to get some cards made, spent some time in the craft room sorting them. Then it was time for dinner. Doesn't time fly when we are occupied.
    Sandra as others have said, Thank you for sorting out a new challenge each week, they are a brilliant way of jolting our mojo. Even when I haven't joined in, I have often started a card or given it some thought.
    This week CC are lovely, all so different. What a lot of talented ladies you are. Margaret I'm sure the Honey Do lady will have a big smile on her face if she looks in.
    I hope to get in a little earlier tomorrow, but don't put bets no it!
    Love and Hugs to all, Brenda xxx

    MARIA Herman is running a muck a bit like S....t legs are you ok any night owls up. Those blooming cyber thingies pinch my commwnt again that I did earlier,
    All the challenge cards are gorgeous.well done eveywell I'm going
