
Friday 3 March 2017

Just a Note.....

Friday Funny

Good Morning Ladies,

Hooray it's Friday, not that it makes much difference in my case, I do love having the family home at the weekend though, Paul is on nights though, so quietness all round.  
I would like to say a warm welcome to Elizabeth Bennett who popped in on Tuesday,
You will be made very welcome Elizabeth, I am blessed with a wonderful bunch of blog friends xx

What have you all got planned?? It sure doesn't seem a week since we went to Farnborough! 
On that note I have some shopping photos to share with you tomorrow!

Today's card was made using my latest Stampin Up stamp set 'Hopeful Thoughts'
Such a pretty stamp set, there are so many projects made with this set on Pinterest. 
The 'Just a Note' stamp is from 'Flourishing Phrases' stamp set.
A real quick and simple card, quite pretty though.  I hope you agree . 

Have a lovely Friday ladies, 

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, perfect for many occasions. I love your funny sign-I certainly have lots if room now! I called at my crazy friends house last night to collect a"huge" bag of donated craft stash she'd been given. Started to go through it last night but gave up-will sort through it tomorrow AFTER I make my challenge cards!! I haven't been this late making them for ages.

    Hurrah- it's Friday...I'm off work all next week, can't wait.


    1. I'm off all next week too Yay!

    2. You deserve a week off, but I'm sure you have already started making plans !!! xx

    3. Hi Michele
      How lovely that you have a week off. Enjoy your leisure time.

  2. A very simple but so effective Dentist went OK Seeing Little Man, Oscar later I can't wait It feels like forever since I've had a cuddle I cannot believe he is now 10 months old Where has that time gone

    1. Enjoy you cuddle time with Oscar and you week off xx

    2. Hi Karen
      Enjoy your cuddles with Oscar my how the time flies. I hope you have a lovely week off.

  3. Morning Everyone
    I seem to be getting later and later as the week has gone on so sorry that the CAFE was a little late in opening. Anyway all is now ready and just waiting for everyone to pop in for a chat and a lovely cuppa.

    SANDRA- What a very pretty card. That stamp sets looks so useful particularly the spray of flowers you have used.

    Your Friday Funny poem is wonderful and so very very true lol. This will go into my quotes book.

    MARIA - hoping you're feeling a little better this morning. I saw the culprit yesterday re the 'daff nibbler'. It was one of sheep from the field next door so apologies to Herman and an extra treat for him today. hehehe

    Well as it's Friday it has to be housework (sorry for swearing lol) this morning though it won't be a deep clean today.
    HUGS on their way to you all and take care whatever you get up to today. Happy cuddles KAREN with OSCAR. xxxx

    1. I hope you are feeling better today Janet.
      Have a lovely weekend.xx

    2. I hope your feeling better today Janet. I bet it was one of Matts sheep that was doing the nibbling.

  4. Morning all, thought I would pop in and say hello. I've got a day off because my son is off school with a bug. Lovely card Sandra. I've just got myself some new heartfelt dies and stamps so hopefully he will have a little sleep so I can have a few hours to myself to have a play. My next day off is next Saturday so it's going to be a long week for me
    Linda x x

    1. Hi Linda. Hope your son isn't too poorly. Enjoy playing with you new stamps and

    2. Hello Linda, hope your son will soon be feeling better. Enjoy that little bit of time to yourself. Think of it as recharging your batteries. xx

    3. Hi Linda
      I hope your son is feeling better soon. Enjoy your play with your new goodies.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone. Very pretty card Sandra and a lovely stamp set. Do love the poem oh so true.
    Yesterday's card was great as well. As I said before that stamp set would have really stumped me but you made 3 wonderful cards with it.
    Sorry I was missing yesterday, just one of those days. A lady called on Wednesday night and asked me to make 7 family cards. After I'd written everything down she told me she's going to UK on Sunday and needs to take them back with her.A bit of a rush you can imagine. Then Lynn phoned me from work yesterday to say there's a Christening in the village this Sunday and the boys Christening cards have all been sold and people were in asking for them. So that was all my day gone yesterday. I'm glad to go to Craft Class today for a rest.
    I haven't read yesterday's comments so don't know what everyone's up to.

    Michele bet you're so looking forward to you week off.
    Karen bet you are too. Have a lovely day cuddling Oscar.
    Janet don't work too hard.

    Hope everyone is ok.
    Love Valxxx

    1. OMG Val, you certainly have been busy, but if anyone can do it you can LOL xx

    2. My word Val what a load of cards your having to make. As you say off to card class for a rest.

    3. Wow VAL what a day you had. Your fingers must be working at top speed. You need a rest this week-end after all that work. Hugs xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra what a lovely simple card you have made, it proves you do not need much to make a expensive looking card, well done. The poem is so true, love it. Enjoy your
    Michele & Karen hope you both have plenty of me time next week, & Karen enjoy Oscars cuddles while you
    Lynda what an expensive week you are having, extra hugs on way to lessen the
    Maria hope you are being careful with your excercise don't go
    Sue sorry you think a migraine is on its way, you could do without it, love you xxx
    Val my goodness no wonder you didn't have time to comment, you must have worked non
    Very wet here & have to go out to fetch some bits for Alan then have a card to make for one of my embroidery ladies who has had a mastectomy, plus will try to come up with cc not much luck at the moment.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Hello Margaret, we seem to have escaped the threatened rain, light showers early on, but not to bad now, it's just damp outside. Hope you are resting that wrist, have you had the dressing removed yet? xx

  7. Morning from a very wet Somerset,

    Well, with all the furore yesterday over TL's shabby treatment of smaller companies and all the comments on Facebook and other social media, I don't think anyone with a ounce of sense will ever buy SW&KS's products again. When the screen printing went on sale I left a pm for C&C asking if they could let the demonstrators do the talking not Gabby Wightman. My response??? they were passing the message onto their Talent Department! What????? You need a talent or ology to spout rubbish these days do you?
    I also cancelled my member ship with C&C, I do hope others do the same. C&C are not, in my opinion, a company that I wish to associate myself with, they are as bad as the 2 con artists.

    Onto more pleasanter pastures. Love the poem, I think I have something in the same vein amongst all my documents on my PC.
    The card is stunning in it's simplicity Sandra, that certainly is a beautiful stamp set.

    Love & hugs to all still not tickety boo, I hope your day becomes kinder to you.

    Lovely to see so many new names joining us in this madcap café, having a GSOH certainly helps. Welcome to you all.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      On my Facebook page I had message from crafting uk about Tattered Lace dies. They are still taking orders apparently. I put that TL are no longer operating in the U.K. There reply was, we are still trading. Nothing about TL at all how bizarre is that.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I love your card, it is simply beautiful. All of the stamps in the set are lovely, Stampin Up have some wonderful and original sentiments don't they.
    The poem made me laugh, and it is so true 😊
    Mum, sorry I won't see you today. I did make the right choice so I'm off to try and sleep it off now. Love you xxx
    Wishing you all a good weekend. I will hopefully pop back in later to see what you are up to. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, Sorry you have yet another migraine attack, I really feel for you. Has the trigger ever been diagnosed? Sorry you will to get to meet up with Mum. LOL xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Such a lovely simple card today. Love the swirl that you've used. The tree stamped like a dream when you used it.
    Still got this dreaded cough. I though I'd tackle the ironing but boy has it worn me out.
    Love the crafters poem oh so true. Shame our card stock doesn't replenish itself along with our inks.

    1. Hello Pat, your cough is certainly hanging on, its really exhausting coughing continually. My cold / cough lasted from October until February. This virus just does not want to go away. Even the flu jab didn't help. Please take care. xx

  10. Hello Sandra and all,
    Love this beautiful clean card, it really sings to me. These stamps would be a perfect 'go to set' Thinking about my next order!!!
    Yes YIPPEE it's Friday and you have the family at home, enjoy the family time if you can. LOL
    I have left messages on the way down, sometimes it's easier than keep scrolling back, Well for the brain anyway, didn't sleep well last night, so concentration is not at its best.
    Hope everyone has a good day and a great weekend, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Margaret Palmer3 March 2017 at 13:49

      Hi Brenda,
      Thank you for your kind wishes re my wrist, yes we took dressing of when we got back from Farnborough, it was very itchy, they did say I could on Friday & it looked lovely & dry, a job to believe it had only been 72hrs, just pulls abit at times otherwise it feels fine. Lolxxx

  11. Hi everybody.
    Love the card Sandra.
    Had a lovely time in Ireland very relaxing. Today it's raining but it's ok as we are waiting to board the ferry back home.
    Pat L was a lovely lady and we blethered for hours in m&s cafe with graeme joining in when he could get a word in lol. Will be going over again in several months so will meet up again.

    Love to all xxx

  12. Hello All, very wet here.

    Sandra lovely card, I have this set and use it a great deal.
    Sorry not to be in yesterday, had a terrible migraine, first for a long time, much better today but still a bit fuzzy.
    Will be in again tomorrow, hugs Lilian

  13. Hi Sandra and all.
    Lovely card Sandra, love the simplicity and neutral colour. Looking forward to see the catalogue.
    Have not had a good day so I will just be quick and wish all who are not well with the cough's and migraines ,I wish you have a better day tomorrow and take it easy.
    Welcome to Elisabeth and Linda to this cafe', hope you be back soon.
    Wish you all a good night, many hugs Maria xxxx

  14. Hi Sandra
    Sorry just a quick hello had a bad couple of days with everything going wrong got a bit emotional. I did post about it late last night.
    Welcome to Elizabeth & Linda hope you will both pop in again xx
    Sandra your card is beautiful I love that stamp set.
    See you all tomorrow I will send my challenge cards tomorrow as well Sandra.
    Love Lynda xx
