
Wednesday 22 March 2017

Karen's chocolate wrapper

Good Morning Ladies,

A few of you ladies asked to see Karen's Chocolate Wrapper that she made for a Challenge over on Christine Emberson's blog . They are absolutely fantastic idea, transforming the chocolate bars boring Plastic/foil looking packaging.  I prefer the type where you get the pleasure of sliding off the paper sleeve, excitement building as you work through the unsleeving, then you get to slowly and very carefully unfold the beautiful purple foil, taking care not to damage it (as you are a crafter and might be able to 'upcycle' it)! 
You are then rewarded with the amazing cocoa, buttery rich aroma that teases your taste buds, before you actually pick up the silky smooth bar and perform a very pleasant 'snap' to free you perfect little column of four blocks of yumminess and pop it in your mouth.  These days however you have to wrestle off the cheap, very unsatisfying plastic package!  
Karen's Chocolate Bar cover allows you to relive some of the pleasure involved in unwrapping your chocolate!  It is quite a simple idea but boy does it transform the plain packaging into a beautifully​ designed gift that you could give on any occasion, you could even give it as a Get well gift to someone in hospital, especially if your hospitals are like ours and don't allow flowers, this would give them something as beautiful to look at.
I will get Karen to write down the measurements etc, you could make it as next weeks Challenge, as it uses your card making stash to make something
Other than a card.  

Karen has used various Spellbinder dies to create her fantastic wrapper, 'Filigree Vase' and a few flowers from the same collection.  Such a stunning arrangement Karen. I love how you have used a die to create pretty pattern on the background of your wrapper. 
Thank you so much Karen for sharing you gorgeous wrapper, i do have a question though!! Is the chocolate still in the wrapper???? Xxx

Sue and I had a very productive session today, i was busy finishing Josh's Wallet Card, while Sue was busy making a special card, we missed Pat though, very much xxx

Sending hugs to all of you, gentle ones for those feeling poorly xxx

Lots of love


PS. It's currently 02.48am, i suddenly remembered that I hadn't done my blog, so if there are any mistakes i do apologise, I am trying you hurry so the light from my tablet doesn't disturb Sleeping Beauty beside me !! Xx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-what a fantastic idea, it really alters a plain item into something beautiful.

    After I'd been to the Post Office (after work) I then had to call at Dads again as his car insurance wanted someone with a smartphone to send umpteen photos of the damage to his car. Once I'd gone that which included sending my email address-that means all the details will come to me which I think is wrong. I think they should have sent somebody out to do this for their customer. My next job was to drop off the last bag off dontated craft stash to a friend as her sister cleans at a Special Needs school & we thought they might be able to use the more basic items. I finally got home about 6.45 do I poured myself a glass of wine then had something to eat. Once hubby had phoned (he's still away) I thought I'd read my book but then my Uncle phoned and it's weeks since I last spoke to him so that was my evening gone!!
    I haven't slept much either-saw 2am & 4am so I'm not happy!! I'm definitely not planning on doing anything tonight!!!!


    1. Hi Michele. I wonder what the insurance company would do if your Dad didn't know anyone locally that had a smart phone? And surely they shouldn't be sending his paperwork to your phone. It sounds like they are just being lazy. I hope you have a good day at work and a relaxing evening tonight x

    2. Hi Michele,
      I find it very annoying when they assume you have these phones etc & usually say I do not have it.
      Hope he gets it sorted

    3. How lazy and thoughtless of your Dad's Insurance Company to go through you to deal with it. He pays his premiums for a premium service which includes them inspecting the car. I would certainly send them a strongly worded letter regarding this unethical and unbusiness-like behaviour. How is he feeling today? x

    4. Hi Michele, sorry your Dad has had these extra problem, good job I wasn't asked to do this, as neither of us has a phone that has a camera. Have to say Axa insurance company were marvellous, I didn't have to do a thing and all sorted in two weeks, we use a personal broker and he took care of everything. Hope it gets sorted soon.

    5. Hi Michele
      That's very naughty of your Dads insurance company. I wonder why companies think that everyone has a smartphone or laptop. I just have a very old basic Nokia so can't do anything smart wise.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Fingers crossed that I can get my comment to publish.

    Karen, thank you for sharing this beautiful chocolate wrapper. I second Sandra's words about part of the pleasure was opening the old style wrapping 😊 I love how you have decorated this bar, it makes a simple gift into so much more. Do you sell them or just give them as gifts? I will have to buy a bar to practice on and I will have to sample the chocolate inside just to see if it tastes any different after decorating the outside of course. Well, that will be my excuse and I'm sticking to it 😀
    I had a lovely time with Sandra yesterday, I hope you share Josh's wallet and box with everyone. You did a brilliant job, it looks so real and I think it would fool anyone. I'm sure he will love it, and the voucher in it too 😊
    Pat, we did miss you yesterday. I hope you hear about Pete's pacemaker appointment today. Sending you big hugs x
    Maria,vI hope your eyes are continuing to improve and OH got to see the doc about his cough. Big hugs to you x
    Lynda, I hope all went well yesterday for Terry and you have some answers now. Big hugs for you x
    Wishing everyone else a good day too.
    I'm hoping to finish the card I started yesterday so must get on. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    KAREN- what a wonderful idea to dress a chocolate bar. It really does make it look so special and even more tempting.

    MICHELE- I agree with you that the insurance company should be dealing with Dad and not you. Not everyone has a smart phone or even a mobile. Insurance companies are getting more and more lazy and wanting you to do all their work. Hope you manage a relaxing evening.

    MARIA- I'm hoping your eyes are beginning to improve.

    LYNDA- Hope all is well. Have you now finished your Cardio Rehab?

    PAT - fingers crossed that you hear from the hospital today.

    I didn't manage to get any crafting done yesterday -well acceptable crafting as everything I touched finished in the bin. Will be trying again this morning.

    CAFE is open and waiting for you all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat. Hugs are on their way to you all. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Petes appointment is on Friday. I've put a note on here about it.

  4. Ooh Thank you SANDRA for showing my wrapper They are really easy to do All you have to do is slide the original wrapper off or if they're these patterned foiled efforts make sure your wrap covers the design Resist eating the contents Meaure all around with a bit of an overlap Decorate front part and then re-wrap using glue or tape to secure at the back You are literally using an oblong piece of paper to form the basic wrap This is the only one I have ever made and keep saying I'll do more mor Christmas or even Easter As SANDRA said they can be used for all sorts of occasions AND YES THE CHOCOLATE HAS DEFINITELY BEEN EATEN Probably by OH as I'm diabetic!
    Running out of battery so I'll pop back later

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you & Sue had a productive day, look forward to seeing the
    Karen your chocolate wrapper is a brilliant idea, well done will have to see what I can
    Pat hope you get some answers soon, hugs on
    Maria hope eyes are continuing to improve, hugs on
    Lynda did you get anything sorted yesterday, hope you did, hugs on way.
    Must get on should be Petanque this morning but we keep having heavy rain so maybe just a coffee & chat.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Karen what a fab idea I might get to giving that ago I have those dies too so that's a bonus lol.

    Have a massage at 11 then meeting my friend with a mothersday card order then back home to do another few cards then housework with some tv thrown in if I've time lol.

    Hope everyone gets well soon lots of hugs xxx

  7. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    Karen, what a lovely idea, it is a gorgeous gift. What about a personalised chocolate bar wrapper as a favour (small chocolate bar though) Mind is running away with me now !!!!

    Sandra really pleased you and Sue had a productive day yesterday. Will we get to see the wallet you made for Josh? PLEEEEEEESE

    The weather here is wet and windy, I have no plans to venture out if I can help it. I plan to do some baking and then maybe venture into the craft room. But often when I plan things life has other plans and mine just fly out of the window!

    PAT have your Crazy Birds arrived yet? Hope they are not up to their shenanigans and causing chaos at the sorting office !!!

    Wishing everyone a lovely day, Hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda
      They did arrive and I sent you a thank you email. I wonder if I'm having trouble sending emails as Sandra hasn't replied to a few of mine either. I think I'll send one to Pete to see if he receives it.

    2. Thank you Pat I did receive your email. Have Fun xx

  8. Hi Sandra
    I hope you eventually managed to get to sleep.
    Karen your chocolate bar wrapper is gorgeous. I remember when Paul took Sandra and myself over to Making Memories craft shop, Christine Emberson was bemoing over there. She was going to show the ladies how to make one themselves.
    I'd love to have a go at one myself so look forward to seeing the measurements.

  9. Hello All, very cold here, had to turn the heating up again.

    Karen love your chocolate wrappers, have seen these on Christeens, blog, they look lovely , I think the chocolate would be eaten before I made a wrapper, it's a good idea for the alternative project for next week, well any excuse to buy chocolate.

    Well I must go want to watch Leonie on the telly, do love her let Leonie loose shows, have a good day all, hugs Lilian

  10. Hi everyone
    Just to let you know that Pete goes into hospital on Friday to have his pacemaker fitted. They rang him yesterday.

    1. Great news Pat, love & hugs Cheryl xxx

    2. Thanks very much Cheryl. Off to hospital on Monday as well to have the cancer on his lower eyelid to be cut off.

  11. Hi Pat, all my good wishes go with you both, hugs Lilian

  12. Afternoon everyone.
    Karen- love the wrapper for chocolate bars. You have made a great job, didn't think it took long for the chocolate to disappear Lol I have a nice one to practice on from Austria, it's big but will give it a go.
    Michele- what a job with the insurance company not doing the photo taking etc. I hope your dad is alright and not too shaken up after his ordeal. Take it easy tonight and watch some Tv or read your book instead. What book are reading at the moment ?
    Sue and Sandra - glad you had a good meet up, sound like you did a lot. Like to see the wallet. thank you Sandra for sending the Catalogue, will have a proper look through it tonight. Absolutely gorgeous card !
    Tracy- how wonderful to have a massage, hope you had a very nice time. Could do with one right now :)
    Brenda- guess your house smell wonderful today if you managed to do some baking. Son trying to master the baking of Vegan Cakes so OH and I have been lab rats for a few days. I have taken a picture of his Victoria sponge and will send it Sandra for her show and tell Saturday :)
    Pam-if I forget I saying it now that I hope and wish that everything goes well on Friday. My dad have got one and so far so good. He have had it changed twice but never had a problems so fingers crossed for him. Sending you both some extra big hugs.
    Lynda- thinking of you and Terry, big hugs to you too .
    Janet- hope you have a productive day whatever you ended up doing.
    Val - I hope you are alright and your cold gone.
    Had a bad night so both hubby and I slept in this morning. After the shower we decided to get out for a little while so just drove down to Waitrose and had breakfast and read the papers. My eyes are nearly back to normal ( no more "miss piggy) what the men in the house called me. tihi just waiting now for the throat to settle down, back home I started on CC but not sure about it, it just that I have so much stuff I bought before the dies came into my life and I feel it's a shame to throw it all out so trying to make something up instead but honestly some of the things I bought, what was i thinking LOl !
    2 letters from hospital, one for the 28th and one for the 29th and OH have one for the 30th so next week will be fun. Bought some Crumpets back home too so will have that with a cuppa before doing anything else. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & any night owls in
    Well I did a long post earlier but seems to have done a vanishing act.
    So round two. KAREN love your chocolate wrappers dose it make the chocolate last any longer HaHa. Thank you Sandra for showing.Please can you show your wallet you made for Josh sounds good. Glad you had a good day with Sue yesterday sounded like you both had a productive day.
    PAT Good luck for Pete on Friday My brother has a pacemaker for about 20 years now we both had irregular heartbeat he went in for his ablation a month before me & ended up with pacemaker but I didn't. He hasn't had any trouble with it apart from usual check wishing Pete well Big Hug's for you both my friend. You have been through a lot lately.
    Thanks SUE we are back up the hospital tomorrow for Terry's scan so will let you know how it goes. JANET my excercise finish on the 4th of April so not long now. Hope you had a good day.xx
    MARIA pleased your eyes are almost better. How was the vegan cake look forward to seeing a picture. What can your son eat then is it like a vegetarian Has he converted you & Ric be coming a vegan. Hope you get a good night's sleep good night xx
    Love & Hug' s Lynda xx
