
Thursday 23 March 2017

Avant Garden once again !!

Good morning Ladies,

As you read this (well Michele most probably) we will have dropped Becca and her friends off at Southend Airport, which is approximately 130 miles away!
Georgia (Becca's partner's Sister) booked the flights, bearing in mind that most major airports are within easy reach of Oxford which is 25 miles away. 
But she chose Southend to save £30 on flights, clearly not thinking that it would cost more to get to, also the return flight lands at Luton so they can't drive and park! 
The thing that frustrates me most is that this is a weekend trip to Amsterdam for Georgia's 21st Birthday, so why can't her parents take them?!  I asked Becca why and her reply was that her Dad said no because he didn't want to take a day off work.
I think that we are just too soft, i have insisted that they pay fuel though as it's a 260 mile round trip!  
I know we will be super tired but my Mum's is about 35 miles from the Airport so we will pop over there and give her her mother's day card, maybe go out for lunch, we will then head back early afternoon, this gives Paul a bit of a break too.  I worry that he will be exhausted as he has work Friday morning so will be up at 05:00am !
I have put my foot down and said NO! to picking them up, there are three sets of parents involved there so one of the others can drive to Luton. 
Rant over, soapbox stowed ready for next time, i think that we may have to invest in a new 'soap Box' ours is looking 'well used' hahaha

Now onto today's card, I made this card on Saturday night, some of my SU team members got together via Skype on Saturday evening, we nominated a stamp set to use and all made a project  using that stamp set, we chose the Avant Garden stamp set, i may have to put this set out of reach as it has become the one i always pick up!

I decided to start with a blank canvas, using the stamp set to create my background,
For the bottom half i stamped the leaf stamp onto 'Pear Pizazz' card using 'Pear Pizazz' ink, it gives a lovely tone on tone effect, for the top half i took one of the small flower centre stamps and stamped randomly​ using 'Calypso Coral' (a really pretty, soft orange). I mounted the green card onto the bottom half of the card and created a border using some of the Calypso Coral card and the Border Die from the "Flourish Thinlits" set.  
I then stamped the main floral topper, i inked up my stamp with Calypso Coral ink, stamped once, the a second beside the first without re-invent, this gives a lighter shade, i then re-inked for the third flower. The stalk is a separate Stamp so i inked those up with and added them. I finished the flowers with the stamen flower centre stamp. 
I then took some narrow white Stampin up ribbon, cut a length and popped it on my glass mat,i then swiped some of the 'Calypso Coral' ink onto my mat and spritzed it with some water, i then scrunched the ribbon in the ink until it had absorbed the colour evenly.  I dried it gently with my heat tool and Voilà a perfect matching ribbon!  I added it to my topper with a matching button, matted this onto a 'Coral' 
Card Matt, added adhesive foam tape and mounted on my card . A few pearls finish my card.  What do you think?!
I will confess that I didn't get my card finished during the Skype call, I find I need to think when I make cards, unless I have preplanned my card, i got the basics done and completed it a few minutes after the call !

I hope you ladies have a lovely day today, however you are spending it xx

When is Val back with us?  I really miss her xx

Pat I am so pleased to here that Pete's operation has been scheduled for Friday, once the pacemaker is in he can hopefully recover his strength and energy quite quickly, sending huge hugs xxx

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Sandra,

    Another creaky. sleep deprived night for my poor joints. I definitely think the temp dropped during the course of last night.
    I couldn't believe what this Georgia had done to save herself £30! Honestly that is taking the biscuit too far to then expect someone else to get her to the airport albeit she was travailing with friends. And her Dad's reaction, I suppose he thought he was trying to teach her a lesson but she could have paid for a UBER taxi.
    Soapbox away.

    Lovely card today in spring colours, so bright and cheerful.

    Struggling a bit with this week's Cc, I can't find my mojo, that's obviously got lost in my craftroom too. Still haven't found my material or camera.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Beautiful card Sandra, definitely spring colours as Cheryl says.

    I did absolutely nothing last night-well, I watched lots of episodes of Law & Order and had another phone call from my Dad but for me that was s very lazy evening.
    Busy day today starting with a meeting from 8.30-10am. Tesco shopping tonight then I'll ring my Dad (hopefully it will be a short phone call).
    I haven't even thought about my challenge card & am getting stressed about making it-I'm at the hairdressers tomorrow evening straight after work then I have quite a few things booked in for Saturday-fingers crossed I find some time to make a card.

    Sandra-hope your journeys are all good & neither of you are too tired when you get home this evening.


  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- a very Spring like card for us today. I love that set of stamps and you use them to perfection.

    PAT- so pleased that PETE has his op tomorrow. At least that will be one big thing sorted. I'm with you both always. HUGE HUGS to you both.

    SANDRA- I can never believe what the younger generation thinks or does these days. The majority of them just assume that some-one will get them out of a situation and just go their own way without any thoughts of outcomes. They really do make my blood boil.
    Soap Box back in the corner. I'll get Jim to make a new one as this one is beginning to look very

    I had a good productive day yesterday crafting all morning and then a quiet afternoon with my colouring book. Has anyone taken to these beautiful colouring books. I find that they relax me and it's something I can do sitting down with my feet up and they can be done in very small doses. Wonderful stress relievers.

    I have to mention the horrible happenings in London yesterday afternoon. My thoughts and prayers are with all who were caught up in that heinous happening. Why oh Why can we not have PEACE.

    I'm hoping to try and do something for Easter today so fingers crossed that the bin doesn't overflow with rejects.

    The CAFE is open and waiting for you all. Have a good day whatever you do. Hugs for you all with extras for Dear Friends in need.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Thanks fir the hugs.
      Karen, Petes daughter bought me a colouring book and my Grandaughter Amy bought me some pens to use. You can just do bits and pieces as and when you can, which I love.
      Yes it was awful what happened in London. Not to sure what these fanatics hope to achieve, unless they get some pleasure out of killing people.

  4. Hi Sandra and all this morning.
    I love this card Sandra and the colours are even more beautiful in real life, I know because I got a nice surprise the other day. Understand why you like this stamp set, it is very nice.
    Children, teenagers and then they are adults and we still doing things for them but it was not a nice thing to expect you to take them to the airport for their own trip away. I hope you both can get some rest today after the journey, your mum was happy to see you tho I'm sure.
    Not doing much today, might just play this afternoon. The eyes are better so just need to get throat better which seem take longer to go. OH is better too, not coughing as much any more.
    Wish you all a good day as possible whatever you are doing. Love and many hugs, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria
      I'm glad your eyes are better, and that Ricks cough is getting better. I wish mine was.

  5. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I hope by now you are both sitting relaxing in your mums house. What an early start for you both, you must be feeing the day is almost over and at this rate you will be ready for your bed by lunchtime! Hope you got Becca and friends to the airport on time, also that your efforts were appreciated. I agree with you they should contribute to the fuel costs, not forgetting you have added mileage to you car. All relevant to having a free lift, someone has to pay why should it be you.. SORRY Soapbax away. We definitely need a new one now.

    Love your card today Sandra, these stamps are lovely, I am taking mine with us today, I had a request from Ciara after we picked her up on Tuesday, can we make a Mother's Day card on Thursday and by the way I have to make cakes as well, we have a cake sale at school on Friday. So will you help me. Not sure what time mum will be home, so I could be in for a busy time.

    I was relieved Daughter decided to work from home yesterday, so she didn't get caught up in the chaos of the London traffic. SIL the black cab driver was going to work late afternoon and evening, but was alerted on his App that London streets were almost at a standstill, so he stayed home. Ciara was on a school trip to the Wembley Arena to the WE Festival and due to leave there about 4pm they were alerted that the journey could be difficult due to an incident, so left early and were back at Purley Station just after 4pm much to the relief of the parents. So much has been on the news this morning covering this tragedy. My heart goes out to those killed and their families also the injured, who were just going about their day, some of them French School children who like Ciara were on a school trip. What a sad place we are in. !!!

    Sorry for going one. Love and hugs to all, I pray you and your families are all safe. Brenda xxx

  6. Beautiful card SANDRA I am not surprised you are annoyed. How ignorant of Georgia! I am glad that you have put your foot down re the return journey
    I hope Pete's op goes OK
    CC card done and photographed I will email it later. I hope to do a little tutorial thingy for the wrapper tonight too. I have a work colleague on the case as we speak buying me a chocolate bar I can decorate!
    Dentist this afternoon and Craft Club later. I will be taking my crochet, I am making a Preemie blanket for a group I belong to on FB or I may take my camera and make a start on doing tutorial. I still haven't found the preemie cardigans I have made either CHERYL I bet they're hiding in the same place as your material
    Glad to hear your eyes are better MARIA xxx

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. I especially like the colours you've used.
    I didn't realise that it was today your were taking Becca and Co to Southend. I'm glad you said no to picking them all up. I wonder what they would have done if Paul had been working.
    Pete has to be at the JR hospital at 7.30 in the morning and can be picked up between 6.00-8.00pm. Then on Monday we're back at the Churchill for his eyelid.

  8. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    A beautiful card today, I love the stamp and pretty colours.
    Fabulous chocolate wrapper yesterday by Karen - such a lovely idea.
    I hope you have had a lovely time visiting your Mum enroute from your long journey. Safe journey home and hoping it doesn't tire you both out too much.
    So sad about yesterday's terrible events in London 🙁
    Hope everyone is well, sending hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you & Paul really do help your children more than alot would, how would they have got there if Paul had said "No". pleased you said no to the return trip, sorry soapbox away. The only good side you get a chance to see Mum, & I am sure she says thrilled. Hope you can rest
    Pat will be thinking of of you & Pete tomorrow & Monday, hugs on
    Late today had a visit overnight from Son who has been on training course in Bristol & decided to spend the night here before going home to N.York, lovely to see him.
    Maria good to hear your eyes are feeling better hope throat improves soon, hugs on
    Brenda I can imagine the sigh's of relief when Ciara got home, it is a terrible thing to have happened, nowhere seems to be safe these days, thoughts & prayers to all their families.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

  10. Sorry Sandra a beautiful card, I love all the stamps hope to have some soon to play with.xxxx

  11. A really pretty card. Laura O

  12. Hello All, terrible wet day here, and very cold.

    Sandra beautiful card, lovely delicate colours.
    Hope the journey went well and the girls got off ok, also hope trip to Mum went well, I think you are both very tolerant parents.

    Echo everyone's thoughts re London yesterday, really terrible.

    Going to have a go at the challenge card tonight, although at the moment my mind is blank.
    Have a good evening everyone, hugs Lilian

  13. Hi everyone.

    Beautiful card Sandra lovely bright colours on it so pretty. Xx

    Pat hope things go well for Pete tomorrow. Special thoughts to u both xx

  14. Pat and Pete just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers xxx
