
Tuesday 21 March 2017

A Mother's Day Treat from Tracy

Good Morning Ladies, 
Did you all get started on your sketch card yet?? Haha, I was busy thinking of an idea for Josh's birthday card, (i have to make 1for Becca to give and 1 from us), Becca has bought him a gift voucher, so i decided to make a Wallet Style card, try to make it look like a leather wallet and then the voucher can fit in the back (were bank notes go).  I have added a little photo frame ready for a picture of Becca and Diego (the dog) to fit in.  I got most of it finished last night in between calls with Lamb updates !

We have 8 lambs so far, 13 more Ewe's still expecting, so a few sleepless nights on the cards for Matt i think.  The Ewe that had quads last night has Rejected the smaller weaker one so Matt is hand rearing her, bottle feeds every 4 hours! 
Harley (Matt's Collie dog) has taken to the abandoned Ewe, he keeps licking her and sleeps right beside her too, which is cute to see.

Harley watching over the abandoned lamb
While she warms up by radiator!

Now onto Tracy's gorgeous Mother's day card.  Tracy said she was inspired by the lovely Tina Eldridge for the basic idea of the card.  Such a stunning card Tracy, i love those Flourish dies, I have them both , (left and right facing).  The flowers are so pretty Too, did you make them?  Such a beautiful background too, somebody will be a very lucky Mum on Sunday!! 
Thank you Tracy for sharing your stunning card with us it's very inspiring!

Pat is busy with Doreen and Pete's appointments so won't make our meet up today, so i think it will be just Sue and my self loading today!

Have a lovely Tuesday ladies, 
Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Tracy-your card is fantastic, really beautiful.

    Sandra-you sound like you had a busy day yesterday.

    Work was busy, went to Tesco then called st my Dads after work. I had some books & sewing alterations for him, chatted for a while then he needed to set off to his model railway club. I settled down to watch the John Lockwoods shows I'd recorded (hubby is away) , Dad phoned at 8.45 last night to inform me that a Range Rover had gone through the lights on red and driven into the passenger side of his car.....!!! He's fine & luckily there were 2 cars who witnessed the whole thing! Numbers left, Dad contacted the Police (who didn't seem very interested) then drove home. The car is being collected today & hopefully a courtesy car is arriving. Dad seemed more annoyed at missing his model railway club meeting than anything else!

    Another busy day ahead today-very full patient list with a few new ones added on. Doubt I'll feel like doing much tonight.


    1. Hi Michele. Thank goodness you Dad is ok after his car was hit. At least he has witnesses so the insurance claim should be straight forward.
      I'm not surprised that you won't be feeling up to much tonight after such a busy day. Hugs are on their way to you x

    2. Hi Michele
      I'm glad to hear your Dad is ok. I expect it shook him up a bit as well. Hopefully his replacement car will arrive soon. At least his insurance claim will be relatively simple to resolve. i hope work isn't to busy.

  2. Hello Everyone, dry for a few minutes.

    Tracey your card is lovely, I'm sure Mum will love it, I don't have a Mum any more but have a special friend who I make one for so I might use your design if that's ok.

    Sandra lovely to hear about the new lambs, love the picture of the dog and lamb.

    I am early this Morning,have a 9am appointment for my blood tests, should have made it later, never very good in the morning,still hoping they will find an answer for me.

    Have a lovely day, take care if you have to go out, it's very cold also some frozen sleet around, where is Spring? Hugs to all Lilian

  3. Morning everyone,

    A bright sunshiny start to the day this morning.
    Wherever the storm hit, it didn't touch us hardly at all. Sunday was so mild we walked to the Garden of Rest and the Friendly with cardigan/woollen jackets on with the lads wearing hoodies, and the sun was beginning to break through the light clouds.
    Yesterday was a tad dull with the sun struggling to come out. Just after lunch the wind got up and lashings of rain hammered the windows and ground. Pete's beautiful Magnolia Stellata's flowers were fully opened and looked beautiful in all their glory but they got battered by the wind and rain and as they fell they were scattered about like snowflakes. Two hours later the weather abated and died down.

    Managed to get some c and b cards done yesterday afternoon and the beginnings of an idea for the CC.

    Gentle healing prayers for all poorly ladies and their families.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Tracey's card today is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    That's such a sweet picture of the little lamb with Matts dog. I remember watching the lambs being born when my brother was farming, and bottle feeding the ones that had been abandoned 😊
    Michele, sorry to hear about your Dad last night. So glad he wasn't hurt.
    Lilian, hope your blood tests go ok x
    Have a lovely day today everyone whatever you are up to. Sending hugs to all xxx

    Oops, sorry Sandra forgot to say I love yesterday's challenge for the week. Will try to take part 🙂 xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    Well it's dry but very windy this morning.

    TRACY- a beautiful Card which is right up my street. I too have the die for the swirly bits. Do I smell Wild Orchids for your flowers? I just know that it will be gently placed in a memory box.

    MICHELE- so pleased that Dad was OK after the accident. I despair of motorists who run lights and we see it more and more. Hope that shock hasn't set in this morning.

    LILIAN- good luck with the blood tests. Fingers crossed that something positive comes from them.

    PAT- I'm with you and Pete. Huge gentle hugs.

    Well I definitely do not want another day like I had yesterday. Talk about inefficiency!! I picked up my prescriptions from the surgery and left them at the Chemist. We then went to the hospital so I could have my blood taken but when they looked on the system to see which tests were needed the surgery hadn't put them on. This meant that the hospital had to ring the surgery and ask them to put the request onto the system and we had to sit and wait until this was done. Eventually I was called in and my blood was taken. I was dropped off at home and Jim went to collect my prescription to find that two items could not be dispensed because the dosage hadn't been specified and as they are controlled drugs everything has to be correct. He was told the prescription would have to be taken back to the surgery and it could be fetched late afternoon. This he did only to find that the prescription hadn't been filled and that they had had trouble throughout the afternoon getting it back from the surgery. It took him over an hour in the chemist to get a completed prescription.

    It really was a day to 'drive one to drink'!!!
    Anyway today's another day and I'm hoping I can start on my CC though at the moment I haven't a clue what to

    The CAFE is open so come on in and sit a while. Have a good day whatever you're all up to. HUGE HUGS on their way to you all. xxxx
    ps - sorry about the lament above.

    1. Janet-I just feel the need to explain the legal implications for the Pharmacy if they dispense an incorrect prescription. They will be legally responsible if they haven't checked the dose etc regardless of the GP not getting it right, which is why they had to do what happened today. If the GP's did what they should when completing your prescription then there wouldn't have been any problems.
      Sorry for the rant but everyone seems to think the Doctors are GOD & Pharmacists cause unnecessary problems which is not always the case!


  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra love the photo, it is lovely to see how Harley instantly knew the lamb needed mothering, beautiful, thank you for
    Tracy what a lovely card, well
    Michele pleased to hear Dad ok probably will feel abit shaky this
    Janet what a frustrating day you had, today can only be
    Lilian hope they find out why you blacked out, it is worrying, if you know why you can except it, sending hugs to
    Pat thinking of you both with all your appointments sending hugs to you
    Maria please take care with your eyes hope OH sees the Dr. today, healing hugs on
    Lynda will be thinking of you both today hope you get some answers, hugs on
    Petanque this morning it is lovely & sunny but chilly, temps have dropped alot.
    Sending hugs to all who need them love

    1. Wear your long-johns and happy petanque this morning Margaret. Hugs to you and Pop xx

  7. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful sunny morning have greeted me this morning but so cold still so another day indoors. Watching the Titanic at the moment, classic :)
    Gorgeous card Tracy for your Mum, she will love it. Happy you joined us and showing us your cards because they are beautiful !
    The photo of Matt's dog and the little lamb, it is sooo cute and I hope the little one will get strong and healthy.
    Michele- glad your dad is alright, must have been a shock bless him. Hope he is okay today.
    Lilian- hope the blood test will give an idea what happened to you and it can all be cleared. Big hug x
    Janet- what a day ?! Hope today will be easier and you back to normal, you know what I mean :)
    Pat- I'm here for you and Pete, sending big hugs.
    Lynda- any news about Terry ? Sending you both many hugs.
    Brenda- hope all test are good for you.
    Sonia- it is nice to see you back.
    Sending warm hugs and love to you all, Maria xxx

  8. It looks like my first comment has disappeared (again!)
    I am so glad your dad is OK MICHELE - it's always the "what ifs" isn't it afterwards
    Your card is beautiful TRACY
    Your story about the lambs SANDRA always reminds me of my mum (bless her) about how the local farmer used to graze some of his sheep on the village green right outside their school and how she used to take bottles of milk to school and help feed the abandoned ones
    Home alone tonight, so hopefully I will get CC done I have a couple of birthday cards to make and will use the sketch to do it It's great that we have these sketches for inspiration Take care all

  9. Hi Sandra
    A bright and sunny day today even if it's a bit windy. Mega busy today what with more hospital appointments for Pete. Will ve asking the Dr to chase the Heart Centre up re Petes pacemaker if we haven't heard by today. I told him he should have gone in on Thursday when they wanted to send an Ambulance for him as it would have been all done and dusted by now.
    Looks like Matts going to have some full on days looking after the little newborn lamb.
    Love your Mother's Day card Tracy. Love those flourishes and your flowers.
    Maria I hope your eyes are clearing up but it sounds like you need some medication for them.
    Lynda I hope both you and Terry are on the mend.
    Well I'm off for another jaunt up to the hospital with Pete.

  10. I'm not having a lot of luck today I have lost two long messages somewhere out in the grey blue yonder. So I will start again foot keep it brief.

    Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Love the picture of Harley with a cute little lamb, this really brought a big smile to my face thank you Matt for sharing with us. Good luck for the rest of the lambing season, hope you don't get too many sleepless nights.

    Tracy, love your card, that flourish is gorgeous in fact it's all gorgeous, i'm sure this is going to be well received. Thank you for sharing this inspiring card.

    Going to quit while I'm ahead, to be sure, to be sure.
    Hope is having a good day, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Thank u for showing my card off I was quite chuffed with it. I emailed a pic to Tina too she was very flattered that I'd used her design and adapted it. She actually sent me the original card that it was designed from it's simply stunning although she does handmake all her flowers which are amazing!!

    Mine are bought from wild orchid crafts. They do beautiful flowers and cheaper that sweet lilac crafts too.
    Thank u for all ur lovely comments it's made my day 😘

    Michelle glad ur dad was ok. A hell of a shock tho eh!!

    Love to all xx
