
Monday 20 March 2017

Monday Sketch Challenge

Good morning Ladies,

I hope you are all still here, none of you got whisked off to France in those gales?!
To be honest I was very surprised to not see a lot of damage and debris along the road as we popped to the shops yesterday afternoon.  A few branches here and there and shop signs strewn about the streets (why they put them out is beyond me) !
Anyway i hope that you all stayed safe and I was praying it didn't affect your visit to Pete with your family to place your  beautiful floral arrangement, the verse is one of my favourites.

Cheryl's Floral Arrangement
For Pete 
I hope you had a lovely day with all of your nearest and dearest, knowing you Cheryl you would have been sharing many of your wonderful memories of Pete, i remember being in tears of laughter hearing some of them on the retreat. xxx

This week I decided to go for a traditional sketch, quite a simple design, I hope that you enjoy designing a card for this weeks Challenge, I thought i would try and mix up the styles of Challenges, so that you don't get bored.

Next week i was thinking about Challenging you to create an item of 'Home Decor' with your craft stash, rather than a card, it could be bunting, a decorated candle, a box etc.  What do you think?? I thought i would ask you all first rather than springing it on you and having you all Panic, I will look for you thoughts in the comments.

Oh by the way, the craft table didn't get moved yesterday, Becca decided at 12.45 that she wanted something more than just a 'Card' for Georgia's 21st Birthday, which meant a mad dash to town for Paul and I to see if i could find a 'Shadow Box' style frame, we got home at 4.20pm after collecting the girls from work, Becca arrived at 5.30 asking if it was ready !! So i felt under pressure to come up with something suitable, while the waited!  I finished it at about 6.30, by the time I'd waiting for glue gun to heat up etc, 'the watched pot' !!!  She was happy with the result, i will share it with you after she has opened it, just in case she peeks! 

Pat, my thoughts will be with you my Lovely, this is going to be a stressful week for both of you, i have everything crossed for positive news from all appointments, as always you know I am only a phone call away xxx  The same by goes for call of you, sometimes it really does help to just tell someone, even if that person can't physically help, just sharing your burden can lift the weight from your shoulders a little, it is the least i can offer any of you wonderful friends xxx

Love and hugs to all,


PS my sketch card is to follow, i did start it after Becca left last night, then Paul needed help with dinner! 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Great sketch-I can think of lots if ideas, just hope they get beyond the "thinking " stage as I have a crazy busy week.

    Cheryl-the floral arrangement is absolutely stunning, really gorgeous.

    Quick visit this morning as I seem to be running late already!


    1. Thank you Michele, I made it with Pete's favourite flowers, Regale lilies and red roses. x

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you manage to catch up with yourself, there's nothing worse starting the day, and week, like that is there? Sending you hugs x

    3. Hi Michele
      I to have a really busy week this week. But my days are filled with Drs and hospitals just like you.

    4. Wish your week will be okay and you can say that it wasn't too bad after all, take care x

  2. Your floral arrangement is gorgeous CHERYL I hope your day went as well as it could do
    Big hugs PAT and hope Pete gets on OK
    I love today's sketch Mind buzzing already
    Not sure about the following week's idea I don't really do home decor - I leave that to Dunelms, The Range etc Will have a think Would doing a chocolate bar wrap count?
    Take care all Brekkie is calling xx

    1. Hi Karen. Even I have a couple of ideas about this weeks sketch which is quite a shock 😊 I've seen some great decorated chocolate bar wrappers but never tried myself. I would love to see any you have already done. Sending you hugs x

    2. Hi Karen. A chocolate wrap sound different, can you show us how. Have a good day x

  3. Morning Everyone
    It's raining cats and dogs here and still very windy.

    SANDRA - love the look of this week's CC. Hope I can get one finished for you.
    NEXT WEEK'S CHALLENGE - why don't you do both. This would mean that all can take part and can choose which or do even both.

    CHERYL- a gorgeous flower arrangement and I can just see PETE smiling down on it. Hugs Dear Friend.

    PAT- Both of you are in my thoughts Dear Friend. We're here for both of you. Hugs.

    I've a busy day ahead. As it's Monday it's Mr Tesco first thing this morning and then because I was an idiot on Friday and forgot my appointment I have to go to the Surgery to pick up a chitty to take to the hospital so I can have my blood taken and also pick up my prescriptions and get that filled which also should have been done on Friday. I'm taking it that no-one has found my remaining little grey cell as I haven't as yet received it hehehe.

    The CAFE is open and there's a bucket by the door for brollies and a coat stand for macs. The heating is on so it's nice and cosy.
    Have a good day everyone and take care xxxx

    1. Hi Janet. Its good to hear that you had a good day yesterday, but I do have to ask what "Fat rascals" are that the dogs wanted? Are they dogs biscuits or have I missed out on some yummy human treat? I was glad to get into the Café today, that wind and rain is awful isn't it! Thank you for making the Café so inviting. Sending you big hugs x

    2. I forgot to say that I have been looking for your grey cell whilst looking for mine but haven't had any luck so far 😊 x

    3. Glad you had a nice day at Christina's. yes, what is a fat rascals ? I haven't seen any grey cell either, maybe it joined my mojo wherever that is...

  4. Morning,

    Bit of a late one for me, did not sleep well last night, nearly one before I dropped off and wide awake with the larks at 5.30am, managed another hour or so then thought 'oh well, better get up then'.
    My craft room is almost tidy now and apart from still looking for my material, my camera has now also disappeared into the nether regions of the craftroom. Them blasted Borrowers had better start returning my stuff before I fumigate them out of my house! hahaha

    Challenge card here I come this week.

    Pete's plaque was made by a local artisan, I saw and bought it the week after he passed. If you look closely, the butterfly is actually two hearts. His favourite flowers were Lilies and roses so I never have a hard time making his floral tributes.

    Need another cuppa so with the usual ((((HUGS)))) to everyone, I'll pop back later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, the verse on Pete's plaque is beautiful, as is your flower arrangement for him. Sending gentle hugs to you x

    2. Thank you ladies so much for all your lovely comments. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl
      Petes plaque is quiet lovely. Lovely the verse and the flowers. Gentle hugs today for you.

    4. The plaque is lovely and so are the flowers. Hope yesterday went alright. Did you give him his dram, hugs x

  5. Hello Everyone, wet and windy.

    Cheryl you floral arrangement and plaque are both beautiful, hope yesterday went well.

    Janet sorry not found your grey cell its probably gone on holiday with my missing ones!!!!!!

    Pat thinking of you both this week, sending special hugs to you both.

    Sandra great sketch, this week, as for home decor not my thing but I will certainly give it a go, need to give my mojo a shake up.

    Am beginning to miss my car need to go to the range and although R says he will take me , he tends to trail around behind me looking very bored, ah well will just have to do it.

    Have a good day all, have the place to myself today , R gone to Bristol for a days meeting, hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. It is really wet and wild today isn't it! I'm sorry to hear that you are missing driving but can R sit in the Range Café while you shop/browse? I assume your Range has a Cafe as I've been in three in different parts of England and they all have one. Have a good day to yourself with some crafting I hope 😊 Sending big hugs x

    2. Hi Lilian
      Sorry that you haven't got you licence any more. It's such a bind not being able to drive. Roger sounds just like Pete, he hates shopping as well.

    3. Hi Lilian, hopefully you get to the Range. My OH and son can't stand the place so they drop me off for an hour or so and then pick me up again. Sending hugs xx

  6. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra sorry you did not get your craft room sorted, I hope Becca was pleased. I am thinking about the CC not sure about "home decor", still getting to grips with cards!!Xxx
    Pat sending you & Pete all the best for tests & appointments this week hugs on
    Maria hope your eyes are feeling better if not get them looked at, hugs on
    Cheryl love the flowers & the verse is beautiful, hugs on
    Lynda hope Terry's legs are improving, take care hugs on
    I have been for blood test this morning, yearly check up , hope you get on fine
    Sending hugs to all who need them live

    1. Hi Margaret, thanks to the drops I can see again but they are still very itchy. Think husband will have to see the doc tomorrow though for his coughing so badly. Hope you have had a nice day,hugs x

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I have a couple of ideas for this weeks sketch which is very unusual for me so I hope to manage to get a card finished before Sunday! I have several things that I want to decorate so next weeks challenge will give me the push I need.I think it is a great idea and for those of us that would struggle with it they could still make a card. Thank you for always coming up with great ideas my lovely. I'm sorry you didn't manage to get the unit moved in your craft room but I'm looking forward to seeing what you created for Georgia x
    Pat, I will be thinking of you and Pete this week. I'm here for you and sending big gentle hugs x
    Maria, how are your eyes today? Please see a doctor if they are still bad. Big hugs on their way x
    Lynda, I hope Terry's leg is improving and that you both manage to have a good week as you certainly deserve it. Fingers crossed that his appointment goes well tomorrow. Are you managing to do some exercises at home? Big hugs to you both x
    I have a few phone calls to make and a few bits to iron then crafting is on the cards for me today. I hope the wind and rain don't cause any problems for you all. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi ladies,
    Back again with a top tip!

    Have you ever made a card and then realised you either attached it upside down or sidewards?
    Following on from a health tip I saw on Facebook using a hairdryer to remove an Elastoplast, guess what I did?
    Yes, you guessed, I put my image on upside down on the card I was making. I didn't think the hair dryer would be much use to fix my mistake so used my heat gun instead on the back side of the card.
    Volia! it works!. You have to be careful though, the heat will melt the glue/DSST making it very hot so working one side at a time and using your pokey tool your card can be salvaged and reused.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx


    1. Hi Cheryl
      Thanks for the tip. I've put a few card fronts on upside down. Ive cut them off and attached them to another card base before. I'll give your tip ago next time I do it,

    2. Thanks for the tip Cheryl, I make that mistake sometimes. I read somewhere this lady who putting a small post it note where the opening is to remember. x

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies.

    Love the sketch and really love ur other idea Sandra.

    Well ladies first day back at work after a 3 week hol break and the thought of it made me feel ill lol.
    Mothersday is fast approaching and I'm in charge of the flower dept. Thursday is to be my biggest delivery and I'm panicking already lol I've no extra space to put all the lovely gifts. Ah well I'll just go with the flow lol xx
    Love to all xx

    1. You'll be fine, just try to breath tihi No honestly I think you be alright and hopefully someone there to help. Hope you had a good day x

  10. Well Matt was complaining yesterday that he had booked the week off work to supervise lambing as he has more pregnant Ewe's than ever, he called his boss and asked to cancel his leave. He left here last night after having his belly filled and his laundry done at about 11pm. I had a call at 01.30am to say that 6 lambs had been born, 4 from 1 See, which can be a problem as the only have two tests !
    He was up all night as one lamb was really weak, he ended up taking him inside, bottle feeding him and keeping him warm.
    So he has been well a truly adopted! He has moved in the caravan with Matt and Harley! Since then 2 more have arrived and Matt has reinstated this weeks leave!
    Photo to follow xx

    1. Hello Sandra, I'm sure you will forgive him for waking you at such an ungodly hour, he must have been so thrilled.
      Just hope he doesn't ask you to adopt any. !!! xx

    2. I was going to ask if any lambs were born yet the other day. Bless Matt to have to be up so early, good wishes for it all goes well x

  11. Hi Sandra
    Crikey, I'm glad he doesn't live at my house as I wouldn't have appreciated being woke up at 1.30am to be told some lambs have been born. But I expect you would be awake anyway. I've still got my hacking cough, hope the cough mixture kicks in soon. Love this weeks sketch.

  12. Love the floral arrangement you got for Pete. I hope you had a lovely time reminiscing.
    Not that I contribute much to the challenge cards I wouldn't know where to start re the a home decor challenge.

    1. Many,many hugs for you and Pete ,Pat. Hope this week will not be too long for you. Remember if you need to talk I'm always here xx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Very interesting choice for this weeks challenge, my thinking cap is on. But I'm Not Making Any Promises. As for home decor, might have to think hard about that one, but I have not dismissed the idea, promise to give it some serious thought. LOL

    Cheryl, what a beautiful floral arrangement you made for Pete and so very personal, all his favourite flowers, the plaque is beautiful. xx

    Maria, hope your eyes are improving. xx

    Lynda and Terry, hope this week life gets better. xx

    Pat and Pete, thinking of you.xx

    Janet, hope the blood test goes well. I think quite a few of us are looking for missing grey cells, if you find out who is removing them let me know I will have strong words!

    Not a lot happening here today, this morning we did have a little sunshine but now it's that horrible damp drizzle. I've had a busy morning in my craft room, and then I had some post to sort out, everything sorted and posted, now and I can sit relax.

    Hope everyone has a good week, Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Have a nice evening Brenda. I'm getting there slowly thank you but OH has a horrid cough so I might send him to the doctors tomorrow. hugs x

  14. Hi Sandra & Ladies
    👀 Like a good sketch challenge this week. Next week sounds a challenge in its self I might even use your mount board you kindly sent me. Thinking cap on my muddled head.🤓.
    SUE haven't done any exercise today only housework ironing &washing I think that's enough excercise 🏋for one day 🛌💤.Hug's coming your way Xx
    MARGARET thank you for the Hug's sending you some back xx
    CHERYL your flower arrangement is gorgeous & lot's of reminiscing sending Big Hug's xx
    MARIA how are you my friend hope your eyes are getting better. Have you been to the doctors? Sending you some gentle Hug's xx
    We are back to the DVT clinic tomorrow so hopefully they will get a better result this time. But don't quit know why he had a discharge letter on Friday when we have a appointment crazy or what. Just hope he gets sorted out soon & the swelling goes down or we won't be able to go AP 😭😭😭. Went just to post office earlier & he was in a lot of pain so he wouldn't be able to drive all that way.
    Although We have a automatic Anyway will let you know how he gets on. We just really like to know what has caused it.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh Lynda, I really hope it's not any clots. Everything crossed for tomorrow and big hug to you both xxx
      My eye's are getting better thanks to the drops, throat still very sore but it is OH I'm more worried about with the chesty cough he is having but you know men and seeing the doctors xx

  15. Hello Everyone again
    To all who are asking about 'Fat Rascals' they are like scones only flat shaped. They still have raisins in them and have a cherry on top. I think they are a speciality of Derbyshire.
    Have a good evening all.xxxx

    1. Yummy, would go very well to my cup of tea right now. How far to Derbyshire ?? hihi x

  16. Hi Lynda, do hope you get some answers tomorrow, will be thinking of you both and sending you big hugs.

  17. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    I have comment on the way down so you will have to scroll back up again if you want to see it.
    Your cards yesterday are all absolutely fantastic ! well done all of you, they will be someones to look back to often for ideas. The CC looks nice and I will try to join in this week but not sure about the other one. Not really sure what to use or make.
    Time for more eye drops, they are working slowly but surely so don't think I need the doc. Hope to be a lot better though for Saturdays Work shop with Julia here in MK. Going for an early night so wish you all a good night. Love and warm hugs, Maria xxx
