
Sunday 19 February 2017

Your Fantastic Challenge cards

My Challenge Card

The Sketch

Card (1)









Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to another Sunday blog post packed full of your incredible Challenge cards, we have some absolutely stunning cards this week,  but just for fun I am not going to tell you who made which card, I will list below the names of everyone that took part this week to narrow it down a bit......

Michele (2 cards)

Just write the number of the card with the name of the person you think made it beside the number.

Now last week I said I would do a draw for a little something, just for fun, so I listed everyone's name that commented on last Sunday's blog  and added the number of names into a 'Random Number Generator' see below......

Everyone that commented

The number generated was 6

So the winner is Lynda !!!! I will post you a little something this week Lynda, thank you to everyone for taking part.

I'd also like to say a huge thank you to everyone that made a Challenge card, as always I really appreciate the time and effort you put into making Sunday's my favourite blog post of the week!

Have a lovely Sunday,

Love & Hugs


Today's PS..........

How True is this ??


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely challenge cards, not that I can work out who made what! I'll have a think & call back with my suggestions.

    Lynda-congrats, wonder what Sandra is going to send you.

    Sandra-I love the poem. It's so very true-Perfect. The reason I love you blog is we can waffle away & you don't mind. In fact, you encourage it. Sue Wilson on the other hand has had the extremely difficult situation of having to request that her followers consider the content of their comments and rightly so. Her blog is & should primarily be about her creations, not a social chat room . I find it disrespectful that people will write 2 words about Sues card then 48 lines that have nothing to do with Sue or crafting etc. Of course-this is my personal opinion. I don't have a direct line to Sue and one comment recently even said "Sue won't mind"-well I wonder if they had the manners to check???

    Sorry to rant & I won't mention this again but it's been irritating me.

    Will have a think on the card owners.


    1. I agree with you totally Didn't THEY set up a Facebook page to do exactly that when it happened before I feel really sorry for Sue it's about her crafting not themselves

    2. I must admit Michele I never look at other people's comments on Sues blog same as I don't on John's or Christinas. I just comment on the card and come away. I come on this lovely blog to chat ha ha.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Michele
      I quite agree with you re Sues blog it should be about Sues cads not about what's happening in every bodies lives.

    4. Well said Michele about Sue's blog. And also about knowing who is who re the CC's this week 😊 x

    5. Totally agree with you Michele, such a Lot of nastiness.

  2. One of my favourite times of the week too SANDRA Today's cards are so different I love trying to pick out what's been used Thete's always lots of "ooohs! I like that die where can I buy that"
    I am struggling to choose too I think
    4 & 8 are MICHELE
    5 is MARIA
    9 is LYNDA
    I'm probably totally wrong
    The poem is beautiful and so so true
    Guess who broke a tooth last night whilst brushing their teeth - yes me! It is actually one that I am waiting to have a filling replaced and it just fell apart I'm hoping the appointment I have can be brought forward
    I hope you're feeling better LILIAN and congratulations on your win today
    Take care all xx

    1. Oh Karen, do hope the dentist will be able to save your tooth. Hope you can get an early appointment.
      Have a good Sunday. Valxx

    2. Hi Karen
      I do hope the dentist can fit you in earlier and your tooth can be saved.

    3. Hi Karen. Sunday's CC's make me do the same as you, the wish list and "I must try that" just gets longer and longer each week don't they 😊
      Sorry to hear about your tooth I hope it's not painful for you and you can get it sorted very soon. Yesterday I also broke off a sort of filling on the corner of a top front tooth which was chipped as a child so I will be on the phone tomorrow morning too! X

  3. Morning Sandra and all this Sunday,
    Lovely, lovely cards greeting us this morning but oh what have you done not putting who have done which one hihi I will have to come back for that as I'm on my way out soon.
    Michele- sorry, I know I am one of the babblers and will try to reel it in a bit on Sue's blog. It just that I have met many of them and just want to support others when needed a ear for someone to listening. It would be great if they came over here to Sandra's as we can talk and she dosen't mind if we got verbal diarrhoea sometimes.
    It was great to speak last night Sandra and we probably would have done longer if not the dinner had turned up Lol Hope Paul came home soon after and you could have yours.
    I hope all who are not feeling so good are soon better and if suffering with pain or SAD soon get to see Spring, always help with a bit of sunshine and warmer weathe
    I hope you all will have a nice day, see you later.
    All my love and many hugs, Maria Xxox

    1. Love the PS Sandra, so true.
      Congrats Lynda !!

    2. Hi Maria. As you know I am rubbish at doing short comments as I find it really hard to put what I want to say to each lovely lady in a line or two. It is a shame that more of the lady's that go on Sue's blog don't come here afterwards as they would be able to say whatever they want AND get to see Sandra's and the other ladies gorgeous cards.
      It makes just about everyone feel better when we have a lovely bright day at this time of year, and seeing the Snowdrops, Crocuses and Daffodils tells us Spring is on the way, hooray 😊 Good luck with your leg scan today. I do hope they can do something to release the pain for you. Hugs are on their way to you x

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies. I love Sundays as well ladies, seeing what everyone has come up with. I must also confess I have a little thrill seeing my own card published. Where else is blog land are we able to show our own cards?
    Will have to have a think about who's made what and call back later.
    What a lovely poem Sandra and so appropriate. It wrought tears to my eyes.

    Just off to the Sunday Market to get our weeks fruit and veg. I'm taking my trolley this week. My shoulders ached all day after carrying all the bags last week.

    Maria, hope everything goes well at the hospital today.

    Lilian do hope you're feeling better.

    Janet bet you're having a lovely weekend with your visitors.

    Will call back later.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Hi Val. It's a shame that more people don't come and visit Sandra's unique blog isn't it. It's good to hear you will be using your trolley today. I have an old tartan one which may not look nice but it is means that when Mum and I go shopping or to a craft show that we don't have to struggle as it holds a large amount of shopping. Have a good market visit, it was 14 degrees yesterday afternoon here, I hope it is warm for you too x

  5. Right-I've dithered about so here's my final decision
    Maria = No 9
    Karen = No 5
    Janet = No 1
    Val = No 3
    Lynda = No 7
    Lilian = No 6
    Margaret = No4

    I'm probably wrong on most of them but Heh Ho!


  6. Hi Sandra
    Just love all the challenge cards today. Mind you I say that every week but the ladies really are exceptional. Still full up with cold that Pete passed on to me.
    Maria I hope the hospital find out what's wrong with your leg. Hugs to all who need one today. Lilian I hope your getting over your accident. Must be a worry that you don't remember what happened.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope your cold starts to clear up soon. Wrap up if you go out, it is lovely here but still with a nip in the air, isn't it? Sending you big hugs x

  7. Hi Back from the Market. What a crush.
    Made a cup of coffee and looked at the cards. Must admit this is mostly a guess.

    1 Margaret
    2 Michele
    3 Karen
    4 Lilian
    5 Maria
    6 Janet
    8 Michele
    9 Lynda

    Bye Valxxx

  8. Hi Sandra. And friends.

    The cards are all fab. A lot of amazing talent there. I must try join in the challenge card soon. Maybe when I'm next on hols. Well I won't have long back to work next week for 4 shifts then off for 3 weeks woo hoo.

    As I'd been off sick most of last year I had to cram all my hols in before the end of march lol. It's been good tho has gave me the rest I needed xx

    Sandra that poem is so lovely I've got to know a lot of the ladies well thru sues blog and here too in the last few years and I have to say they truly are a super bunch!! 😊 Xx

    1. Hi Tracy. I hope your 3 shifts will fly by then you can relax for 3 weeks. Hope to see some more of your cards x

  9. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra another lot of lovely CC, I have had a long look & think the following.
    1) Karen
    2 & 8) Michele
    4) Janet
    5) Maria
    6) Lilian
    7) Val
    9) Lynda
    I love the poem so true of this blog, I am so pleased Sue persuaded me to join thanks Sue & especially you
    Lynda well done on your prize from Sandra, take
    Maria hope your scan goes well & you get some
    It is a lovely day again today, it is lovely to see all the spring flowers coming out.
    Sending hugs to all who need them especially Lilian & Maria love Margaretxxx

    1. Hi Mum. I know how glad you are, like the rest of us, about joining Sandra's unique blog 😊 Enjoy the lovely weather. Love to you and Pop xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today. I've had a lovely time looking at all of your beautiful CC's and now have more ideas and a longer wish list 😊
    As to who's card is who's. Well I think I know a couple but not sure at all about the others so here's my guess.
    2. Michele
    3. Mum-Margaret
    5. Maria
    6. Karen
    7. Val.
    8. Michele
    9. Lynda.

    Sandra, the poem is beautiful and so true. I am forever grateful for the internet as without it I wouldn't have met you and Pat. I can't, and don't want to, imagine not knowing you. And then we have been lucky enough to meet up with Maria, Brenda, Lynda, Karen and Cheryl in person and fingers crossed we will get to meet some more of you this year 😊 Once again, a huge THANK YOU for all you do for us here on the blog and when we meet each week (and also for your delicious Leek and Potato soup) 😊 Have a good day my lovely xx

    Lynda, congratulations on winning with your comment last Sunday. I hope you are having a good day. Hugs on the way for you, and Terry as well of course. Thank you for my hugs too x
    Lilian, sending you hugs x
    Cheryl, I hope the Panto went well x
    I am just off to try and make a couple of cards that are needed. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Maria, Lilian and all in need. Take care x

  11. Hello All, going to do my guessing without reading any previous comments, so here goes:
    Michele 6+8
    Maria 3
    Karen 2
    Janet 1
    Lynda 7
    Val 4
    Margaret 2
    Hope you are all having a lovely , will pop back later, hugs Lilian

  12. Hiya,
    well here it goes:
    1) Janet
    2+8) Michele
    3) Margaret
    5) Karen
    6) Val
    7) Lynda
    9) Lilian
    This was a hard one and I'm probably totally wrong but it is a laugh to see who gets closest.
    Back home from our outing this morning and have mixed feelings for what was said reg my leg, she could see the arthritis in my knees and the muscles looked fine so not sure what she write to doctors. If it was removed then I guess I still would have phantom pain so not such a good idea. Will give doc. a call in a week or so.
    Lilian- sending you gentle hugs and hope the bruises soon fade away.
    Karen- hope you can see the dentist asap and you are not in any pain. Meet up in Watford coming up soon, yay :)
    Oh Val- please take care of your shoulder, so easy to pull something. Think I will get a trolley for going to
    Ally Pally next, just a few packs of cards do weigh a bit.
    Tracy- hope the next few days goes quickly and you can have a wonderful break over three weeks. Will your OH be able to have some holiday with you ?
    Elaine- hpefully Andrews blood will be up so he soon can have his chemo finished. Has he been out fishing anything ? Used to go with my dad as a young girl, I was rowing the boat while he was casting the line but you had to be careful because he got the hook once in his thumb and mum got it in her hair, thank goodness it was in the perms era hihi
    Brenda- hope you had a nice time celebrating your grandson. Drive careful home to London. If we can get a date together I hope to see you soon and some of the other girls ( Pat,Sue and Margaret) when we can have a real hug until then I sending my hugs to you and everyone though Sandra's fabulous blog (The Best Cafe'!)
    Hope to see our missing friends back soon, it's good to talk ! many hugs xxx

    1. Ashame you didn't get a definitive answer about your leg Perhaps when you see GP there'll be more of an explanation and then can maybe suggest more help
      Have we got a date for the Watford meet up - have ai missed an email or something (you know what I'm like with emails!) Let me know what's what so I can book the day off work

  13. Hello Sandra and all,

    Well I have studied all of the CCs these are my guesses
    1 - Janet
    2 - Michele
    3 - Margaret
    4 - Maria
    5 - Lillian
    6 - Karen
    7 - Val
    8 - Michele
    9 - Lynda
    I'm probably wrong but it's fun trying to guess

    Thank you so much ladies for all your lovely comments on Ciara's cards yesterday , she was really thrilled to bits, the grin on her face was enormous xx you are such an amazing and supportive group of friends xx
    We all had a lovely time at Samuels party, it was just family, played lots of games, some friendly some not so and lots of laughter, a great time was had by all.

    Sandra love the poem, it says everything!!! xxx

    Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Love and Hugs Brenda xxx

  14. Hello again, just popped in while I wait for our roast pork to cook for our dinner.

    The cards are all amazing, such a variety of ideas and colours.

    Maria hope you get some better news when you see your GP, pain is very tiring, as a lot of us know here, I have what they call peripheral nerve pain, wonder if yours is something like this, mine is really bad at night.

    Karen sorry about your tooth ,hope you manage to get an early appointment.

    Lynda congrats on winning the draw.

    Well I'd better go , need to put the sweet potatoes in the oven, hugs to all, Lilian

  15. Hi Sandra & everyone
    First thank you for my congratulations on winning but Big thank you Sandra.
    All the challenge cards are beautiful well done everyone xx
    Yesterday was a nightmare as my posts stopped publishing I tried four times then gave up so I'm hoping this one will publish
    My guess
    1 Janet
    2 Michele
    3 Margarets
    4 Lillian
    5 Karen
    6 Maria
    7 VAL
    8 Michele

    Probably all wrong & never looked at others.
    Well I have been sorting out my stamps &I have put them in folders a job & half.
    Also finished two birthday cards one more for February the quite a few for March.too do next. I made a bulk cook of spaghetti Bolognese sauce & in pressure cooker some beef stew & dumplings for dinner just got to cook some a minute Terry didn't want a roast.
    MARIA sorry your scan wasn't more informative about your leg hope the doctor gives you some answers.
    BRENDA please tell Ciara I loved her cards yesterday she is a really good crafter. Give her a Hug.x
    TRACY hope your shift go quickly so you can enjoy three week holiday has Graeme got any time off with you.
    Lillian I hope your ok & feeling better Hug's
    Cheryl hope Panto went well Hug's
    VAL hope you got everything you want at market. What sort of market is a variety of goods.
    SANDRA I love the poem
    Well better put the veg on for dinner although OH isπŸ’€πŸ’€ HaHa
    Love Lynda xx
