
Saturday 18 February 2017

Anything Goes Saturday !

Good Saturday Morning ladies,

It's a quiet day in our house today, Paul and the girls are all working, Matt will be out tending his flock of sheep. So instead of sitting feeling sorry for myself, I'm going to have a productive day in my craft room, trying and get enough projects done that I can get ahead of myself rather than panicking and having to sit in the craft room until 11pm (like I did Thursday night) to get a card ready for yesterday's blog!!  That's the plan anyway, I will report back on the reality later!! Watch this space.........

Now onto today's photos,OMG!!!  First up is the CUTEST photo we have ever had on this Blog.....

Val's 'Gracie' in her party dress !!!!

I'm not joking I had tears in my eyes when I opened this photo, she is the most adorable thing I have ever seen Val, although I am going to say that she does not look happy to be wearing her beautiful dress.  You are so blessed to have such a darling little dog Val, please keep the photos coming, I absolutely love her xxx

Val's next photo is another 'must see', it's of Val's stunning Bird of Paradise plant,

Oh how I wish I had a garden full of these to look out on, they are literally a work of art, it never ceases to amaze me how vibrant some of mother nature's colours are, over here you are lucky to get them as a cut flower in a florist, that are either already open or it takes forever for them to open, it must be so lovely to have them in your garden, are they a tricky plant to grow Val? 
Can I say a heartfelt thank you Val, I know this blog is a 'craft blog', but it's also a place to share little snippets of our lives with each other each day, so being able to share these little insights into each others lives is wonderful, Saturday's has always been a day for something different, so pretty much anything goes, we are all as close
as family in some respects that it seems only natural to share personal photos of the things that make us happy.  So please all of you, share as many photos as you like of the things that make 'you' happy, I am only too happy to share them.  If we are honest there is a little bit of nosiness in all of us, we all like to have little look into each others lives. Thank you Val, so much for the photos xxx

Next up we have some of Brenda's Granddaughter Ciara's  amazing cards......

Three fantastic cards Ciara, I love the letters you have used to personalise your cards, you have coloured them so that they match the theme of your cards perfectly.  
I would also like to mention the beautiful flowers that you have made for your Mum's card, you have layered them up so carefully and mixed the colours perfectly, the stems look perfect too.
Samuels card is so fabulous, those birds look like they are having a really fun party, your colouring is so brilliant Ciara, they all have their matching hats too, Samuel will be delighted when he opens his card.
Thank you so much for sharing your lovely cards with us Ciara xxx

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all,



Did any of you read the comments on Sue's blog yesterday???? 
I have to agree with some, this blog was initially formed so that ladies could come over and continue to discuss at length subjects that were raised in Sue's blog. 
It became more than that and developed into a lovely, friendly and I think VERY supportive blog, rallying round our friends at times of the loss of a love one, sending flowers as a token of our love and support. Celebrating uplifting moments together etc, the support was continuous, hourly at times.  So I have to say I was a little bit saddened at some of the comments.  I looked back at some of the lovely words that were said about my blog, thanking me for bringing friends together etc, maybe it has all been genuinely forgotten?!
The main thing for me is that I have you, my dear sweet friends that make the time to call in every day, your genuine love and support of each other warms my heart daily.
You wonderful ladies have made my life so much brighter than the days were I felt so very alone and isolated due to being housebound.  I genuinely look forward every day to reading your comments, sharing the different moments of your lives too.
So thank you, all of you xxx 


  1. Morning Everyone
    it's has to be a short comment this morning as we have visitors this week-end and so everything is at full speed ahead!

    VAL- Gracie is just adorable and this picture brought back lovely memories of when my two girls were little and we had a Cairn Terrier they used to dress him up at party time. Thank you.

    CIARA- what beautifully crafted cards. You really are a natural crafter. I love your birds. They just look as though they're having a wild party. I would love to see more please.

    Now Everything is ready for the week-end in the CAFE. There should be enough supplies to last until Monday.
    Have a good week-end everyone. Hugs are on their way. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet
      Have a lovely weekend with your visitors. Take care & don't over do it.
      Big Hug's xxxx

    2. Hi Janet
      I hope you have a lovely weekend with your friends.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Val-Gracie looks so cute (but not very happy) in her dress!!!! The close up photo of the bird of paradise flower is stunning.

    Ciara-all your cards are fantastic, I love the way you have personalised them.

    Welll Ladies-I had a brilliant day yesterday with my crazy friend, we looked at just about everything in Ikea. Got in lots of people's way & had a laugh. Lunch was McDonalds at my friends request & we'd got a free doughnut in Ikea so that was our treat! I stayed for a cuppa at my friends (the house is more cluttered than ever) then I finally got home and started my challenge card.
    In the evening I had a chat with Sandra on the phone-great end to a lovely day.

    Sandra-I hope you don't mind this allowing us to send our photos (cards or others) we all learn a little more about each other on this wonderful, caring blog you have created. I think it's nice that we get a glimpse of what makes each of us the person we are. Don't panic-I won't be sending a photo of me slurping wine!! Ha ha
    Anyway-thank you Sandra for everything you do.


    1. Hi Michele
      I have to smile about your crazy friend & her cluttered house as my friend Margaret her house is so cluttered with craft stuff everywhere she has one chair that hasn't got anything on she will never use it all her craft stash in a million years. Glad you had a nice day with your friend. Lovely having a chat with Sandra.
      Hug's xx

    2. Hi Michel
      Sounds like you had a lovely day with your crazy friend. Our neighbour two doors up from us also has a cluttered. Mind you she is in her eighties. You can hardly walk in her house and all her chairs downstairs and upstairs are just choc o block with newspapers.

    3. Hi Michele, sounds like you had what I would call a perfect day., we don't have any IKEA here in Cornwall.

  3. GRACIE's little face made me smile this morning! What a cutie and I agree with SANDRA she doesn't look too happy! I agree wholeheartedly with SANDRA re the sentiments of this blog
    I love your cards CIARA Your imagination and creativity leaves me speechless You have an amazing talent
    Off to finish my CC and hopefully you'll receive it OK as a few of my emails seem to be goin down that black hole

  4. Hi Sandra and friends.
    Loving the different pictures and cards. Yes I love a bit of nosiness Sandra too lol xx

    Lillian. So sorry to hear about ur accident. I hope ur on the mend must've been so scary for u. Had to read back as I'd not popped in for several days.

    Ciara. Love the card with the birds on it that's my fav!!!

    Val. Oh she's so adorable. Yep definitely agree she's not happy lol

    I can't believe once again that it's kicked off on sues blog. Honestly it's really sad. That's one of the reasons I hopped onto it's so I could speak freely amongst likeminded people for a laugh and support.

    I've several Card orders to catch up with today but my bed is just too cosy lol. I'll send u some pics later if u like.
    Love to all xx

    1. Hi Tracy
      Are You still in your cosy bed HiHi you stay there my friend.
      Would love to see your cards. I agree with you on the Sue blog saga it's so sad for Sue that it's all kicked off again.
      Sending you some cosy Hug's 🤗🤗xx

    2. Hi Tracy
      Look forward to seeing what you've made.

  5. Hi Sandra,

    Ciara you have such a talent. All three beautiful cards but love the bird one. I have this card and die set, hardly used and you've inspired me to route them out and have a play. Thank you.

    Sandra, thank you for showing my photos today. I think we all have a bit of nominees in us I love to see an insight into all your lives.
    You're right, Gracie was not happy wearing her dress. I think I unnerved her as I laughed at her a lot. Anyway I didn't keep it on her for long otherwise I'd have had the Spanish equivalent of the RSPCA doing me for cruelty. She really is a good natured little dog though. She always brightens up my day. I think actually she's my grandchild substitute. Ha ha.

    My bird of paradise plant was here when I moved in so I can't take credit for growing it. It has 3 flowers on at the moment and just 3 more buds to flower. It really fascinates me. I could look at it for hours.

    I have a very unexciting job this morning. Something has spilled under my sink and everything I get out is sticky. It could do with a clear out anyway. Then a whole afternoon on crafting.

    My friend tells me DB is joining Hochanda. Yuk.

    Lilian, do hope your feeling a bit better today.

    Hope all not feeling so good have a good day, especially Maria and Lynda.

    Love Valxxx

    1. hi Val,
      Yes the rumour is true, Dawn Bibby is to start demoing as a 'Guest' on Hochanda, thankfully not a presenter!
      I couldn't believe some of the comments on Hochanda's Facebook page after they announced the news, more people against the idea than 'for' , I'm sure deep down she is a sweet, gentle lady, but that's a part of her personality that she doesn't share, she always comes across arrogant and her comments have me cringing at times, on C&C she was always asking guests for things, jewellery, craft goods, she'd just come out and say "oh I'll keep this , it will look perfect in my dressing room " or putting guests on the spot by out right asking if she could keep things, I remember one in particular was an expensive item from a jewellery show! The other thing that frustrates me us when she would have a guest like Sue on (for example) she would continually talk over them making out like she knows more about their products than they do.!!
      She has as her day, bless her, she did get a lot of us interested back in the early days, but sadly her style hasn't moved on, her new designed flowers are exactly the same as the ones she bought out 8+ years ago! I have never heard of "craft buddy" (the company she is working with), I just hope that the other Dawn and Jacqui don't follow her !!!

    2. Sandra I whole heartedly agree with your comments even down to Dawn Wheeler and Jacqui. My mum always said if you can't say something nice about someone, keep quiet but sadly when it comes to those three I can't help.
      I wonder if Hochanda will get the message if the read the comments on Facebook.
      Hope you're having a nice crafty day.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Sandra
      Oh my word I can't believe they're letting DB loose on Hochandra
      She is so far behind the times re designs. Her flowers came out when I first started many years ago. Hope the others don't join her. I saw Dawn demo a card blank she's done years ago on the Craft Channel.

  6. Morning everyone.
    Gracie is the cutest in her dress but she dosen't actually smiling for the camera is she hihi The flower is beautiful. We have some inside the shopping centre but nothing as big as this one.
    Ciara- your cards are great! Love all the colours and the Birds are so funny. Well done ! Thank you Brenda for letting us see her work, you seem to have been very busy the last few days.
    I hope you all have a nice weekend and you have time to do what you like to do. I have a mojo at the moment who comes and goes as it wants which is a bit annoying because I have birthdays and anniversary coming up so like you Sandra I would like to be ahead and not have to stress at the last minute, never seem to work Lol
    I too is sad that "someone" can make so much upset on Sue's blog once again. Guess I am one who write a bit longer but that's just me, therefore it is so nice with this blog of yours Sandra that we feel free to say what we want (in moderation) :)
    Off now to send Sandra the cc, which I'm not so happy with :p hahaha
    Take care everyone. Sending many hugs to you all. Love and hugs, Maria xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and all who stop by today,
    I had almost completed a long message, that was about 9.30 Well you know the rest - cyberspace must be a messy place. So many comments flying around out there. We are now on our way to Essex, I am trying to send a comment from my phone, so will do my best. VAL, I love the picture of Gracie, I think the look she is giving says "you have ten seconds before it all comes off" this photo really made me smile when I opened the blog this morning. Thank you for sharing. xxx
    Ciara will be thrilled to see her cards on the blog. The Angry Bird one is for Samuel, who's birthday party we are all going today. The Nanny card was for her other grandma, who's birthday was on Thursday. SIL couldn't locate the birthday card Debbie had bought for his Mum, so asked Ciara to make him one, he was pleased with the result, and was able to drop both into his Mums on his way to work.
    Think I will quit while I'm ahead. Will try to catch up with you all later.
    Love and hugs Brenda x x x

    1. O whoops that's what happens when I use my mobile to blog . Times 3. Will delete the other two xx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Talk about making sure you get the message on the blog lol! Cyberspace is a nightmare I'm forever wondering what is happening out there Enjoy the party

  10. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra please enjoy your day in the craft room hope you manage to get ahead. Looking forward to seeing you next
    Val Gracie looks adorable, years ago a friend of mine used to dress her dog up & take her for walk in her dolls pram, brought back lovely memories, thank you & your plant is gorgeous. Good luck with clean
    Ciara your cards as always are beautiful well done
    Sandra your card yesterday was lovely, sorry did not get in yesterday, I had a lovely day with Sue & by the time she went home & we had eaten & cleared up it was too late.
    Maria hope your scan shows up what is wrong so it can be sorted, sending you
    Lilian hope you are feeling alot better, sending
    Janet enjoy your visitors, hope you don't get too tired, take
    Lynda hope blood tests were OK, hugs on
    Sending hugs to all who needs them love

  11. Hi Sandra
    Hope you manage to have a productive day in your craft room. Petes managed to pass his cold onto me so I'm a bit snuffly today.
    Val isn't Gracie such a cutie although you can see she doesn't like her dress on. Love your bird of paradise plant as well. They had loads over in Madeira and they were fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
    My word Brenda hasn't Caira made three fantastic cards. Great colouring Caira and I love the birds with their party hats on.

  12. Just wanted to say "hear hear" on your PS comment SANDRA

  13. And I definitely won't be watching DB on Hochanda I too hope the other Dawn and Jackie won't be joining!

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    Val, what a lovely photo of Gracie, she certainly doesn't look to happy, she's got a "The things Mum makes me do" lookon her face 😊 fingers crossed your burst pipe is the third thing to break for you x
    Oops got to go but will pop back later.
    I completely agree with your PS. I remember how wonderful it was when you opened this fantastic blog. Just look at how many real friends we have all made on this blog. Thank you so much Sandra for all that you have already done and for all that you continue to do for us all. Xxx

  15. Hello All, I've wasted the whole day trying to get my iPad to work, it just would not accept any pass words, and kept freezing, had to reboot in the end hopefully it will last till I get to the end.

    Val Gracie looks very cute in her party dress, thinks she waiting for a reward!!!
    Your bird of paradise plant is beautiful, think they have to be grown in greenhouses here.

    Ciara your cards are really great, sure the recipients will love them.

    Sandra completely agree with you re Sue's blog, why do people get so up tight.
    That's the lovely thing about your blog.

    Can't believe Hochanda are taking the dregs from the craft channel, talking of which l ordered some stamps in the new year, didn't get my order, but heard today that I will get my money back, because I used PayPal, lesson learned.

    Well I'm going to see if this will publish now, hugs to all. Lilian
