
Friday 17 February 2017

A little Thank you

Good Morning Ladies,

Well that was the girls school break, over in a flash, they spent pretty much 80% of it with their nose in a book, for either Biology, geography or Spanish, so not much of a break for them apart from the fact that they have had coffee and chocolate on demand and have been able to play their music throughout the house, (thankfully they have a very good taste in music)! Nobody really wanted to do anything yesterday, with it being Paul's only day off, I think he was exhausted, so we let him have a real good lie in and the girls were feeling the same, so we just had a relaxing, family day.  Paul is back to work today and the girls are working both days of the weekend.  That's just about all my news, oh apart from Matt has 15 pregnant Ewe's, so lambing should start in about 4 weeks time, So spring is definitely around the corner! Yippee !!

Onto Today's card, yes it's stampin Up again, I really don't set out to make a SU card but these lovely stamp sets are all sitting therd, calling to me.  
The background of the card was made using the 'Delicate Details' stamp set that has been a free Stamp in the 'Sale-a-bration' booklet,  it's the one that you chose Lilian,

 I decided to have a play and stamp the different border dies in alternate colours down a piece of card to see what it looked like, oh, by the way I stamped it freehand (without the safety of my "faux Misti' )!  I used 'Mint Macaron' and 'Sahara Sand' ink pads and matching card for matting and layering.  
I really liked how it turned out, so I inked around the edge with the "mint Macaron' ink, then matted and layered and popped it onto a white card base.  
I then stamped the 'Thank you, so very much' from the 'Flourishing Phrases' stamp set, cut it into a flag shape and the matted if the same as base card, I cut flowers from the 'Flourish Thinlits' die set and layered them adding a leaf too, the final finishing touch was a small tassel that I made with matching card stock, I think it's a cute addition and gives a bit of movement to the card too.
I hope you like the card xx

Lilian, I want to send you the hugest hug, my dear sweet friend, I am so pleased that you got to go to Exeter to the Craft show, I'm sure you were mentally exhausted as well as physically my lovely.  I can't wait to see what you bought xxx

Cheryl, did you get to Exeter too? Did you find your fabric?? I do hope so, I hope Tiegan enjoyed it too xxx

Janet, how did your K&N ladies get on with their card? I am so glad to here that Lily-Mae is on the mend and that you got a surprise visit! Sending hugs your way xxx

I am off for a play with my Apron die from Sue today, have a lovely day ladies, whatever you have planned. 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous card, the stamps are really lovely. No wonder you wanted to use them, you've made such a pretty card.

    Lilian-just read your comment from yesterday. I'm so glad you're ok. Goodness-that must have been scary.

    Well-today is my trip to Ikea with my crazy friend. She's offered to drive so I'll buy our lunch. We're setting off at 9.30 which is amazing as my friend doesn't like mornings-I'm highly honoured!!!
    I'm hoping to start my challenge card when I get back. I was out of work late yesterday then the phone call to my Dad was rather lengthy so I didn't feel like crafting.


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope you enjoyed your trip to Ikea with your crazy friend.

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Café today.
    What a gorgeous card for us today. I especially love the tassel, wouldn't have thought toake one out of paper/card so thank you my lovely,I will be having a go at that. These stamps just like lace, until you actually feel the card you wouldn't know they are stamps. And once again you have proved what fantastic quality Stampin' Up stamps are as you stamped them without a safety net (or your faux misti as it is more usually known as 😊) but freehand, soppy smiles for that (Sandra and Pat know what I'm talking about 😊) Its good to hear that you all had a lovely lazy family day yesterday which was much needed by you all 😊 x

    Lilian, what an awful experience you had, bless you. Thank goodness you were saved by your seat belt. I hope the docs find out what caused your black out so that you are able to start driving again. Sending you gentle hugs. Sorry that the show wasn't so good, and thank you for the warning that the Anne Marie card bases not being as good quality as usual. I know that Sandra, Pat, Mum and I often stock up with them at the shows. It sounds like we will be finding a different make. Why do some companies think it is acceptable to drop the quality of their goods, especially things like card stock as they know we wouldn't find out until we go to use them, maybe months later! Sorry, rant over,vsoapbox back under the counter. I hope you have time today to play with any goodies that you got at the show. Take care x

    I'm off to Mum and Pops today so a good one for me. I hope everyone has a good day too.

    Michele, I hope you get a lie in and lots of time to craft during the next few days x

    Lynda, I hope the visit to Dracula goes as painlessly as possible and you get on well excersising x

    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Brenda, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

    I am itching to sit and play with my stamps but just haven't had any time to craft since we met up last Wednesday! I am determined to spend either Saturday or Sunday playing though 😊

  3. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - loving those border dies. They're so pretty and make a beautiful card. As usual your colour choice is just perfect. Gold Star for 'free hand' stamping lol.

    LILIAN - what a fright you had last week. I'm so so pleased that you didn't suffer any serious injuries though that doesn't mean you're not suffering. Please take care of yourself and take things very slowly. HUGE GENTLE HUGS on their way to you.

    Yesterday was one of those days that I just could not settle to do anything. It was one of those days that Mum used to call 'nowt nor summat days'. I don't know what was wrong. Anyway today it's housework and sending off my CC to Sandra.

    The CAFE is open - the coffee/teapots are full and just waiting to be used.
    HUGS to you all.
    MICHELE - have a really good day with your friend and don't spend too

    1. Hi Janet
      I seem to be having some of those days as well. I think it's the cold and dank weather we're having. Mind you we have some Sun today for a change.

  4. Sorry Iissed you all yesterday I went straight to the hospital after work to Diabetic Clinic and b y the time I got home I was shattered I was hoping to do CC card last night Hopefully I'll do it this afternoon if the idea in my head works!
    LILIAN Take care sweetheart
    Your card today is stunning SANDRA I love the addition of the tassel - another video please!
    Take care all Hope to pop in later if battery lasts

  5. Hi Sandra and all,

    Stunning card Sandra. The colour is beautiful and I'm so impressed that you stamped it freehand. Just love the tassel. Is it really made of paper?

    Lilian. Hope your not too achy today Love to you. Take care.

    Michele enjoy your day with your friend.

    Lynda, hope the doctors visit is ok. Why do I keep thinking of Tony Hancock and his armful?

    My son sent me a birthday parcel and card at the end of last month and I've been waiting patiently for it to arrive even though I told him off for spending £34 on postage when I'll be seeing him next month. Anyway yesterday it was returned to him as they felt the nail varnish inside was unsafe. Have any of you heard of that before? Anyway he is only entitled to £14 postage back.Words fail me.

    Off to Craft Class today but leaving early as I have to look at a new dishwasher. Mine has just about given up but it is old. More expense. At Christmas it was a new fridge freezer and these things are supposed to happen in threes. Hope the third is something small like a toaster!!!

    Take care everyone and have a good day.
    Love Valxxx

    1. Morning Val,
      Firstly, yes the tassel is paper and was super simple! I will do a quick tutorial!
      You have to 'break a match' that apparently breaks the 'every thing happens in threes' cycle!
      I guess the match becomes the third thing?! It's worth a try, a box of swan Vesta is cheaper than a tumble dryer! Haha xxx
      Hope you get to play with your new toy soon, I'm glad my parcel got to you safely!
      Love and hugs

    2. Never heard of that Sandra but willing to try. Now where are those matches.
      Love Valxxx

    3. Hi Val my word what a carry on re the postage. I told you are postal system has gone to pot. However, I don't see hey your son didn't get all of his postage back. Health and Safety has a lot to answer for. Well in regards to sending things through the post anyway.

  6. Morning everyone,
    Gorgeous card Sandra. The stamps you used are lovely and I need that colour green. I can feel a shop coming on, just need to get permission from head office (OH) :)
    Lilian- just read why you not driving at the moment. I am so,so glad you are all right ! It must have been so scary ,bless you. I don't care about the car as long you are okay, sending you many gentle hugs and hope you not sore.
    Michele- enjoy your day at Ikea together with your crazy friend :) We usually go over once a week just for the free coffee and people watching, how sad are we :) Only this Wednesday I forgot it is halfterm and it was quite a lot of older kids running around and the queues were long.
    Sue- have a nice day with Mum and Pop and give them both big hugs from me :) I have a scan booked for this Sunday on my leg, it have been troubling me now since last August and it's not getting any better so in some ways I wish they actually found something and not just something I have to learn to live with, aarrrg ! I went to bed last night before 8pm because of pain in the whole body, thought I was coming down with something but right now I feel ok enough so will try to make the CC.
    Hope you do better too Janet, it must have been one of those days. The cafe' looks lovely every day
    Snow drops and Daffodils are coming up down the lake and the sun is shining so hope spring is on it's way but you never know, we had snow in April/ May before so wont be putting the walking sticks away yet. Lynda- hope the Dracula left you with some blood left. Do you easily bruise ? Good the exercises getting easier. Oh Terry, you lump tihi. What was he doing in your craft room !
    Val- how crazy is that. Never heard before you can't send nail varnish in parcels. He should get his postage back in full though, it can't be right just getting £14 back. Have to broken a match yet, hope Sandra is right :)
    Karen- hope you okay and the cough is not stopping you doing things. Good luck making the CC.
    Sandra - do tell how the Apron die working out. I'm thinking of getting it but not sure. Love to see what you make first.
    Hope our missing friends are alright and you be back soon. Have a good day everyone, love and warm hugs Xxox

    1. Hi Maria
      I do hope they manage to find out what's wrong with your leg. Hopefully a scan will do that. Sorry to hear you were in a lot of pain yesterday as well. Gentle hugs on the way to you my friend. I also what to see what Sandra makes with her Apron Die.

  7. Hi Sandra
    Lovely lovely card today. I love the colours you've used. Hopefully Paul will have a restful day before he needs to start work again. I must say his work patterns are weird. Hullo we gave a funny yellow thing in the sky. It's just popped out.
    Crafty hugs to all who need one today.

  8. Hi Lilian
    I read last night about your experience with your car. It seems as if your seat belt saved you from any permanent damage. I do hope the Drs find out what caused your blackout.
    Take care my lovely friend. Gentle hugs on the way.

  9. Hello All, thank you for all my good wishes, yes it was very scary, not sure I'll drive again, always disliked it.

    I think going to the craft show was a bit ambitious yesterday, aching joints today, still I'm pleased I went and went to the actual show on my own ( R goes to the nearby garden centre and has a full cooked breakfast, real treat for him ) I do admit to feeling a bit nervous when I go out alone in case it happens again, still have to carry on.

    Sandra your card is lovely, as you say I have this set but haven't used them yet.

    Janet know just what you mean, my Mum used to say she " fiddled faddled " the day away, I have them quite often.

    Maria do hope they can do something to help with the pain in your leg.

    Lynda hope blood letting went OK, glad you are coping with the exercises, walking is about my limit of exercise these days.

    Have a good rest of the day, hugs to all Lilian

  10. Sandra think I broke the march too late. Just after I wrote my answer to you above I heard running water and the pipe going from the boiler into the wall had rusted and snapped. The utility room where the washing machine and new fridge freezer are were flooded. I turned off the electric but couldn't move the stopcock.Fortunately at that moment Lynn and Paul walked in having been for a meal on their day off and Paul came to the rescue.That was 2 hours ago and a new pipe has been attached, we're all mopped up and the electric is back on. What a relief. So hoping that counts as the third appliance.

    Glad you felt up to and brave enough to go to the Craft Show. Hope you not in too much pain.
    Bye for now.
    Love Valxxx

  11. Hi Sandra. And friends.

    Beautiful card as always. Sorry I've not been in I've been pretty lazy but have been making cards whilst I've had a few days off. Seems as tho I've missed what's been going on. I'll have to go back n catch up.

    I see In sues blog it's all kicked off again. It's so sad really. I think it's been a certain person stirring the poo again. I'm pretty sure u know I mean without mentioning a name.

    Will look in again soon. Sometimes I just forget lol sorry. Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & Everyone
    Love your card Sandra beautiful stamps & gorgeous colour.& your layout stunning. I love your tassel your so clever.making it out of card.Lillian I did comment you last night but if you didn't see it. When reading what happened it must have been so scary for you being upside down in your car. So very pleased your ok with just a few bruises it could have been so much worse. Sorry the craft show wasn't as good as usual.take care Sending some healing Hug's 🤗🤗🤗🤗
    Sue hope you have had a good day with mum & Pops did you do some crafting with mum. Sending some Hug's 🤗🤗
    O M G Val you have had some bad luck with your appliances lucky Lyn & Paul poped in & he was able too help you.with your leaking pipe.😳
    MARIA yes I still have some blood left but got another test next month. Terry went in craft room to empty dishwasher & knocked it off my table. I have to share with fridge freezer washing machine & dishwasher. I did make another CC today. So sorry your leg is still hurting hope the scan gets to the bottom of why your still in pain. Take care my lovely friend.
    Sending you many Hug's 🤗🤗🤗🤗 xx
    Just got a cupper so see you tomorrow xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I thought I'd left a comment to earlier but can't see it. It must be in cyber space !
    Scratching my brain now, what did I say? Sandra your card is beautiful, I really thought when I first looked in today that it was lace, I can't believe the stamps are so clear and the quality is fantastic. Love the colours you have used. xxx
    LILLIAN, what a scary experience you have had. Thank god you had your seat belt on. It could have been so much worse, it just doesn't bear thinking about. Do take things steady and don't push yourself too hard sending very gentle and caring ((((hugs )))) xx
    LYNDA, please you still have some left, don't go pushing yourself to hard, remember - one day at a time. xx
    VAL, OMG what a day you have had, so pleased Lynn and Paul came in when they did. xx
    MICHELE, hope you had a good day with your crazy friend. She obviously thinks a lot of you to make an early start. Enjoy the rest of your time off xx
    I'm off to bed now my dear friends, tomorrow we are going to Essex to celebrate grandsons 15th birthday.
    MARIA, hope the scan goes well on Sunday and that you get some answers as to why you have pains in your legs. Sending love and prayers. xx

    Sleep well my friends, Love and hugs,Brenda xxx
