
Thursday 16 February 2017

Pootles Design Team Challenge Week 1

Good Morning,

This is the first of three projects that I have made as part of the 'Pootles Design Team'
For February.  I was given the 'Bookcase Builder' stamp set to create my three projects with : 
Now I will say that I panicked a little when I first saw this stamp set, as it isn' the sort of thing I would normally choose to work with, but I have to say that sometimes it is good to step outside of your comfort Zone and challenge yourself.  
With this set the possibilities are endless, I think it would work really well for Scrapbooking as well as card making, invitations and announcements. 

For my first project I used all of the 'New Baby' themed stamps to create a 'pop up block' style card.  This card folds totally flat to go in an envelope, the dimensions are 
11.5 cm X 11.5cm.  
The instructions for this card are much easier to show than they are to explain, so I will do a tutorial explaining how to create it.

I used: 

Mint Macaron card 
Mint Macaron Classic Ink Pad
Stampin' Up Dainty 1/8 inch Whisper White Grosgrain ribbon (dyed with Mint Macaron Ink Pad)

I hope you like my first Pootles Design Team Project.

Love & Hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous project you have made. I can see why you panicked looking st the stamp set-its certainly different! Looking forward to seeing the other projects you made.

    Shopping was fine last night, still no challenge card started. Hubby went to a meeting at the Golf Club so I watched the Piers Morgan interview with Barry Gibb last night(recorded from a couple of weeks ago) which was brilliant. I LOVE the BeeGees.

    A busy day ahead but then I'm off for 5 whole days so I don't mind how busy it is.


    1. Hi Michele
      How lovely that your off for 5 whole days. You'll be able to recharge your batteries. I also love the BeeGees. We're off to see the Story of the BeeGees on the 1st March in Oxford. Saw Mercury last week which is a Queen Tribute band. Wasn't to keen on the singer when he was singing on his own in the first half. He was great when the other members were singing, but his singing in the second half was fabulous. It might have been because they're equipment broke down on the M25 and it was all a bit of a rush, so they started late.

  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA- love your baby bookcase card.
    I have to say that I would have more than panicked if I were given those stamps and told to make something with them. You definitely rose to the occasion. Cannot wait to see the other projects.

    We had a lovely surprise visit from Pippa and Lily-Mae yesterday afternoon. She -Lily-Mae- insisted on coming when Pippa said she was popping over to see us. She is still a little wheezy and has to have her inhaler every four hours but is much much better. The Drs will not definitely say that it was an Asthma attack until it happens again so we just have to wait and see.

    Nothing energetic planned for today. The CAFE is open and looking very inviting with clean linen and little pots of snowdrops on the tables.
    Hugs for you all with a few extras for Dear Friends not too well. xxxx

  3. Replies
    1. Hi Jaz
      Thank you for popping in to see us. Hope you helped yourself to some tea/coffee and cake.

  4. Morning Sandra and all visiting us today.
    Fantastic card Sandra, they look like real little building blocks to play with so looking forward to your tutorial.
    Thank you all for your kind words reg. my cards Sandra showed you yesterday. I can see a lot wrong with them and one especially is I need colour lessons and Capital letters as you can see. Joan is no longer with us but yes she had a full life being on the stage as a young girl and bringing up her two boys on her own. She was a very colourful woman with perfect makeup to the end :). The background for her card is just me playing with Distress Inks and the Sponge fingers(not for eating) or the Mini eggs(mind,still not for eating tihi).
    Dentist and shopping to do so best get on but I hope you all have a good day as possible. Love and many hugs, Maria xxxx

    1. Pity they weren't proper mini eggs Maria they wouldn't have lasted long in the house. They're getting smaller and dearer. Soon we'll be paying money just for the wrapper. Take care.

  5. Hi Sandra
    I hope your feeling a bit better today and managed to get some sleep yesterday. Hopefully the girls didn't keep you awake.
    Loved this card when I saw it last week. The green card is a fantastic colour of green isn't it. I'm warming to green. Michele made me a birthday card using green card and that was a lovely colour as well. I even made a green card yesterday would you believe.
    Hugs to all who need one today. Brenda I hope your not wearing yourself out children sitting. Can't say babysitting as they're not babies are they. Enjoy playing with your craft goodies with Caira.

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.

    Fantastic project with what looks to me a difficult set of stamps. It looks very complicated and lam dying to see the tutorial. Looking forward to seeing the other two makes. Do hope your feeling a lot better today.

    Cheryl hope the Panto went without a hitch last night.

    Janet so pleased Lily-Mae was feeling well enough to visit. Children are so resilient aren't they.

    Maria good luck at the dentist. Hope all goes well.

    Just got back from a happy two hours having coffee with a friend. Can't believe how much we have to say to each other every week. We could have stayed all day and still not run out of conversation I'm sure.

    Off up to the craft room now to get my bag ready for tomorrow's craft Club. Still not started my cc - sorry Sandra I will get in done. It's a great sketch and I do have a few ideas.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Love Valxxx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra you have worked marvels with those stamps, please can we have a tutorial, look forward to seeing what you produce with the others. Hope you feel better
    Sorry I am late been busy, food shopping this morning & then embroidery this afternoon, now it's time to get tea.
    Cheryl hope all went well last
    Hugs on way to all who need them love

  8. Hi Jaz, nice to meet you. Hope you have time to come back again and can tell us a bit about yourself.
    Karen- hope you cough is not one that will linger for weeks on end, wish you better.
    Janet- sending cuddles to Lily-Mae and hopefully it won't be asthma. So sweet of her to visit you yesterday.
    I hope if you have the grand children around this week that you have a few fun days together.
    Lynda- hope you are ok, sending hugs to you and Terry.
    Pat- mini eggs would not last long here either if we bought any.tihi Hope to see your shadow boxes one day.
    Dentist done for the next six months and all good ,yay.
    Have a nice evening xx

  9. Hi Sandra, loving your Pootle's card, fantastic work .
    Elaine H X

  10. Hello Sandra, you certainly rose to the challenge with these dies, and made a fantastic card (YES PLEASE to a tutorial) I would still be looking at them thinking where do I start. Love the colour you used, I have just added it to my wish list. Is it Stampin' Up ink Pad?

    Maria, hope the dentist went well. LOL

    Cheryl, hope the panto is going well. After all your hard work I'm sure everyone looks fantastic. You are a real trooper, I hope the company appreciates you. xx

    Janet, how lovely to get a visit from Lily-Mae. I'm sure you are as much of a tonic to her as she is to you. xx

    Lynda, Ciara and I 'tried' having a go painting a small canvas. Ciara ended up just brushing the colours in one direction it's now a bluish all over. But at some time she could add to it because as a background it will look good. Mine the least said the better. It looked a real mess, ended up putting paint in a pooter and dropped small amounts onto the mess. Will see when I'm back home if it recoverable. But then it didn't cost the earth and we had a lot of fun making our mess. 😄

    It has taken me since just after 2pm to get here, so think I will say goodbye for now.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and all in the Café tonight. Sandra, you have made a wonderful card for your design team debut. I love this card, the colour is a lovely shade of green and perfect for either boy or girl. What a great card base, I am looking forward to seeing your tutorial for it as it will be great for many occasions, something a bit different for a change.
    As you said, it is good to work outside our comfort zone sometimes as you have with this stamp set and you should be really proud of the fantastic projects you have come up with xx

    Maria, I'm glad you got on well at the dentist 😊 How is the leg feeling? I hope you are resting it! I love sponge fingers straight out of the packet, and Mini eggs don't last long in our house either. You were good at only using the crafting type and you made a gorgeous background 😊 Hugs for you on the way x

    Brenda, I hope we can get to see how you and Ciara got on with your crafting, please. I'm sure John is making sure you don't overdo it with the grandchildren, I hope the cough is getting better. Hugs are on the way x

    Janet, what a lovely surprise seeing Lily-Mae yesterday. Fingers crossed she doesn't have Asthma. GPs around here seem very quick to diagnose it. Gem had a nasty cough that lasted about 6 weeks a while ago and the GP prescribed an inhaler as "it must be asthma". Gem didn't feel it was needed so didn't use it but she did see the Asthma nurse as requested by her GP and the nurse asked why she was there after getting her to run through a couple of breathing related tests as she was not showing the slightest sign of Asthma! Of course it needs to be checked but it sounds like Lily-Mae's doctor is being sensible. It is lovely to see the snowdrops on the tables in the Café, they always cheer me up as it means that Spring is not too far away now. Thank you hugs are on the way x

    Mum, see you in the morning. Love you xx

    We've had a lovely time with the little ones, glad to put my feet up now though. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for all in need. Take care xx

  12. Hello All, it's been a lovely day here, after the fog lifted, we seem to have had more fog this winter than ever before.

    Sandra loved your card , very clever design, can't think how you made it.

    We went to the craft show at Exeter today, so I'm feeling rather shattered, a bit disappointing as some of the regular traders were not there, I always get my blank cards from Anna Maria Cards, 5 packs for £10, although the 6x6 cards are much thinner this year and not so good of quality as previous, I bought some lovely yellow spot card, very Spring like.

    I not sure if Sandra has said anything about my accident, which happened last week, I apparently I hit a hedge and the car rolled over, when I came too I was hanging upside held in by my seat belt, apparently they think I must of had a black out of some sort, although they can't find anything wrong with me, I only remember turning into the side road and then nothing more, very scary. The car is a write off, and very luckily no one else was involved, can only now took about it without shaking, no permanant damage, but some lovely colour bruises.

    Karen hope the cough doesn't get any worse.
    Janet glad Lily-Mae is getting better.

    Have a good night all, hugs Lilian.

    Hi Jaz lovely to see you.

    1. OMG Lilian what an awful thing to happen. Thank goodness you weren't seriouslyhurt, it could have been so nasty. I bet you were so shaken. I can imagine your bruises. Are you to have any tests to see what caused your blackout?
      You take care.
      Lots of hugs Valxxx

    2. Lilian thank goodness you are alright, what a terrible experience. Sending you some healing hugs love

    3. Oh Lilian
      What an awful thing to happen. What a terrible experience for you. Hope your not to shaken up still. Extra special hugs on the way.

  13. Hi Sandra & everyone
    Sandra your DT card is great love it well done you.look forward to seeing your next two cards x
    Hi JAZ nice to see you hope you will pop back soon.
    Lillian OMG how frightening for you finding yourself upside down in the car. You are so lucky. It could have been much worse. Sorry the craft show wasn't very good this time. You take care Sending you some Hug's xx🤗🤗
    Busy sort of day I had too visit Dracula 💉For blood test then had Excercise class went well Terry had appointment for doctors. So I went in craft room & I made my Challenge card again ( the one I made yesterday OH knocked it on the floor & he trod on it so that went in the bin) so had late dinner.& then My pad was flat. So here I am shattered this im off to bed.xx

    Love , Lynda xxxxx
